This is your doing. apologize

this is your doing. apologize.

Attached: 1561322242030.png (473x877, 246K)

No one cares. Grow up.

We aren't Tumblr I don't know what you think "our doing" is

I dont even get it and dont care really.
they can do what ever they want with their speed runs and have their fun.

you're preaching to the choir OP


Looks cute I guess, it's like a mix between Sonic, Spyro and Kazooie

isnt the pronoun "It" suppose to be kind of demining?

>A charity event based on bringing everyone together for games creates a character that has no specific gender
>is bad
What time do you think we are in? Who cares anymore, if it caters to people. Let it. Take this shit back to Yea Forums if you want to shitpost about it.

They look cute

I will not apologize for spreading feathered dinos.

Attached: study_of_baby_velociraptor_by_psithyrus-d35cx8i.jpg (900x788, 128K)


You have to be 18+ to post here.



>Yea Forumsermin is a fucking retard meme spouter and is mad
boy howdy i do sure love reruns


any you with up to make up

go bitch on Yea Forums where you belong faggot

>character is a cross between sonic the hedgehog and spiro
What did you expect?

>Faggot OP still hasn't explained why this is "our doing"

>No eyelashes
Most other people will probably just call it 'he' and move on.

Shitty gimmick. Raptors should be bursts of speed animals, not sanic roadrunner ripoffs

>tranny Sonic OC
A perfect fit for the autistic speedrunning community.

Yea Forumsermin are calling this calarts now so we'll have to deal with spam threads from retard crossboarders being mad because meme's.

Spreading that cloaca? ;:^)

God damn that's a bad design.
And people make fun of Izzy.

Attached: Izzy.png (324x306, 63K)

So where's the porn

it's kind of misshapen

Sonic OCs are "Calarts" now?

I'll take "How Do We Make Even More Money With As Little Effort As Possible" for $1000 Alex.

everything is because it's evolved into a
>thing i don't like
tier meme.

Four pics so far.

I get what they're going for but it's way too derivative of Sonic and the original elements are too muddled and busy.

I want to fuck her feminine (male) pussy

>this is my doing
Wow! I designed a mascot for a famous organization, and they picked it up!

>tfw I know somebody agender and I have no idea what it means, but they're nice enough company and it's literally just remembering pronouns which rarely comes up anyway

I would have been fine with just "does not have a gender"
They fucked it up by implying it has preferred pronouns

The design itself is kind of cute, it's the colours that are a bit odd. That blue seems very out of place to me.

What the fuck does this have to do with us?

Attached: 1528338800056.png (565x554, 76K)

Cloaca time.

So you can refer to them

Shut it, Satan


>Just realized it’s a fucking sanic chaacter with dumb monoeyes and gofast and shoes and everything.
Nonono, do not pin this on Yea Forums when it is clearly riding on a primarily Yea Forums property.

Die early.

I don't know what's more autistic: having preferred pronouns or being genuinely angry at it.

Attached: cripple fight.gif (384x270, 308K)

There's already porn and it has been blessed with a conical penis and cloaca.

I felt you should all know.

Attached: 1252558760519.gif (210x209, 37K)

>That description

Attached: gdq.png (340x68, 7K)


it sounds like you get upset over very minor shit if thats the case