The Bluehilda short is out. Get in here if you like cartoons

The Bluehilda short is out. Get in here if you like cartoons.

Attached: bluehilda.jpg (1280x720, 153K)

Other urls found in this thread:

A character shapeshifting over every single word to show how cartoony they are is kind of a bad way to do the Genie acting effect.

She's like Genie if Genie were a hyper little girl.
She's like constantly shapeshifting.

It's a bit too gimicky. Kinda puts me off a bit how it tries to emulate the disgust style of the 90s.

isn't this the same premiss as Count Duckula

Attached: Count_duckula_titles.jpg (371x268, 11K)

I like it. Maybe a little over animated at times (which feels weird to say) but I kinda dig all the transforming and silly logic-breaking nonsense in Bluehilda's movement. Makes for fun visuals.
Maybe could've toned down the big-mouthing a little, though.

Attached: Goodwitch.png (1280x720, 999K)

What he said.

Also Superjail does transformations better, this isnt original in any way.

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that is exactly what i was thinking during the intro

Whos gonna pick this up again?
>when you overanimate your budget

She’s actually pretty cute
In a cute way not a pedo way

>implying the end goal is always a tv show.

>Maybe a little over animated at times (which feels weird to say)
Definitely but not a minus. While impressive I feel it's trying too hard? What I'm trying to say is too much effort is being put there when it's not necessary to overload us on visual stimulus constantly. Clearly more of that means less of this in general. I guess if nothing else is planned for this it's fine but if not they're making things harder on themselves.

>She’s actually pretty cute
Very cute, which makes it kind of weird. She kinda feels too cute for this kind of humor. But it's a fun contrast I guess.

This was genuinely adorable. Everything was such a cute take on something serious and it played on itself very nicely.

I genuinely hope that this generation of animation could be the norm for later on, because this is a recipe of excellence and something refreshing for once.

Attached: Okay.png (2160x1080, 1.16M)

Only pedos would like something like this and its obvious from the replies so far that its working

>everything that involves a "child" is considered pedophilic and should be banned immediately

Are there actually people who are this retarded? I'm not going to even give a (You).

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Got a few laughs out of me. The excessive, casual transformation reminds me of superjail in a good way and is a nice way for transitions. The 'wiggle the tongue for magic' is a touch too silly for my tastes especially since you can't restrict her without also removing her ability to speak. Non-boohilda stuff could stand to be a little uglier. Not quite superjail level but i think her being cute should be unique to her.

This this Titmouse's next Mao Mao?

She's cute and funny....

So uh, when does the rule 34 happen?

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>Her bare chest is almost completely exposed


Bro she's a child..

So Count Duckula but stoopid.

She's made from an evil 1000 year old witch, it's fair game!

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>He's gonna look good in my oven.

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> Calarts
Hard pass

Bluehilda sounds like a nonsense Oney word.

>Made in New York
Nice try.

i like the voice actress and i think she does a great job but some of her lines just don't match some of the more over exaggerated movements

She's a cute character and she's great but the plot just felt flat to me. I didn't like the three witch hunters at all, too annoying and goofy for me. Very unlikable. It should've just been her trying to hunt the beast.

Stop being stupid.

Attached: Screenshot (123).png (1920x1080, 1.01M)

>loli robin williams genie
Cool short and great animation (a lot of it seems to be on 1s), I dig it. Could never turn it into a longer or ongoing product and keep this level of quality but it’s just nice to see drawings this fun and hyperactive still being made. The fact that way more people will see Cans Without Labels out of curiosity due to the “trainwreck factor” is a crime

Not bad. Went on a bit too long for my taste and I wish the transformations were used more sparingly as opposed to every other word, so the well animated cuts feel rewarding and stand out more and the basic animated cuts don't come off as cheap. Bluehilda is a cute character and I would like to see more, maybe as a series of shorts or something.

>Bluehilda is voiced by a guy
what in the fuck?

I just saw this too, what the fuck. He's not even a tranny. This is messing with me

I need to lie down for a bit

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What? ah man that is like that singer of bimbobami ga all over again

>Look it up
>It's true

Sweet fucking jesus

Man, I need to lie down too.

If true I'll admit, that makes it kinda weird. But there are plenty of guy characters voiced by chicks I like. So okay, it's not a dealbreaker. Bluehilda's still cute.

>Maybe a little over animated at times
I blame the directing. With better spacing its not a problem when the story is fluid.

>isn't this the same premise of count duckula?

Yep, just in a much less interesting generic fantasy setting instead of hammer gothic.

Fun character, granted it might have gone over board with a few places with the animation but Otherwise I really enjoyed this.

Am I just an ignorant little fuck when I see an animator trying to do the "shapeshifting while talking" thing and assume they're trying to hard rip-off Eric Goldberg's animation for Aladdin's Genie?

It’s not weird to me that it’s a female character voiced by a man (Bob’s Burgers is proof it can work well), it’s that it’s a pretty well-acted and convincingly feminine little girl voice. It’s got the slight rasp and nasal quality that makes it childish while also being suitably high-pitched and cute without being an over-exaggerated caricature. It just doesn’t seem like a sound that could possibly come out of a grown man’s mouth

I think he gets the girl voice effect by talking slowly then speeding up the recording rather than doing the typical simple pitch shift.

No. Everyone's already made the comparison in thread.

Personally, the spitting out sticks to build a miniature cabin, only to walk out of it - that shit got me good. Overall, I enjoyed the hell out of it. The premise doesn't necessarily feel that creative, but the hyper-expressiveness of the characters more than made up for it.

>Every thread people will be talking about his sexy little girl voice

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no but an interesting thing to note is that BlueHilda didn't use a single celebrity reference in her transformations.

Bluehilda or Adorabat?

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reminds me a lot of the warden

Attached: warden.png (350x403, 98K)

Probably deliberate to avoid claims of being a complete rip-off, even if Genie is a clear inspiration.
Though as long as it leads to this sort of fun animation I'd rather have a new character that embodies Genie's essence than actually getting more Genie sans Robin Williams

>Transforming is inspired from Robbin William's Genie
You people are stupid.

Yeah, this board is retarded, there were transforming characters literally since the inception of animated film.

but she's also blue

Yes because there are closer comparisons like the Warden of Superjail.

she's very saccharine.
the transformation gags are pretty good and had a few laughs about it. very cartoon-y. they need to be paced out though. saw the subversion from a mile away but its fine

how did they get away with eat and fart out sequence?

>how did they get away with eat and fart out sequence?
It's a Titmouse standalone short made for fun and to play at festivals, there was no network attached so no standards & practices to adhere to and this probably could've been a full-on adult cartoon if the creator had wanted it to be that

>Personally, the spitting out sticks to build a miniature cabin, only to walk out of it - that shit got me good
That and the 3 heads bit just before made me genuinely laugh.

The creator definitely seems to think of this as his most cherished creation and is especially attached to the character as opposed to it just being another thing he did, interested to see what else comes of it even if it takes years (though I'd bet he'd drop everything if a company came to him with an offer to fund more)

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She did turn into rocky for a second

Really loved it and want more.

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I can appreciate that, I mean I will still point out the issues but I can respect his work.

Overall the short is identifiable with a strong lean on visual humor. Ironically the part that got me the most giggles was the 'furry' word play.

>Get in here if you like cartoons
Oh boy, more generic """wacky""" expressions, what a great contribution.

The cartooning and humor remind me of Bill Kopp shows like Mad Jack the Pirate, Shnookums & Meat, and Toonsylvania, shows that hit you over the head with how zany they wanted to be and forgot about actually being funny.

>US law restricts people to a single state for their entire lives

>Blue Hilda
She doesn't look like Hilda at all...
>The short is literally called bluehilda

Attached: suspisious.png (923x720, 173K)

Yeah, they even stole the whole miss one ingredient

He went to SVA in NY
Also don’t most of you CalArts memefags complain about there not being stuff like Ed Edd n’ Eddy anymore? This short is basically going for that vibe and yet you shit on it without even investigating what it is you’re criticizing
Work on the short started around the same time as the first Hilda graphic novel being published and it was finished long before the cartoon premiered, I was also wondering how likely it is that the name would have to be changed if goes to series though, at the very least to avoid confusion

I was disappointed too, she was denied a spot for so long in the anime that I was willing to see her again even if she was blue.

Attached: Pokémon Trainer Hilda.png (507x1090, 357K)

I can't look for comfy Hildas on google without using "netflix" as an input and I fucking hate it.

Come on, chilean shitposter, you used to be based. You are better than this.


It alright. It has those wacky Superjail!/Uncle Grandpa vibes with good animation but it's pretty unfunny, plot's not interesting, and the voice acting borders on horrible.

Yea Forums will love it, obviously.

I'll hate it just to spite you.

Do you know where you are?

Is anyone getting the feeling there is a shill here trying REALLY hard to push Yea Forums to like the short by praising it as a pretend fan? There just seems to be an inordinate amount of compliments from one specific poster out of nowhere for an animation short that just dropped today that had no hype build up like Long Gone Gulch or other indie work. I've also seen this BlueHilda poster in other threads posting the YT link.

I saw hype for this going back months and I am most certainly not a shill, it’s been playing at festivals for over a year... perhaps get off Yea Forums and maybe have some sex, Titmouse definitely doesn’t need our help when they have projects with all three major networks

>a board full of animation nerds has an animation nerd who found an animation online
It’s really not that shocking

You couldn't have confirmed you worked on the short any harder if you tried. Hell, I would go as far as to say you're James himself trying to push this short as some epic indie saviour of cartoony animation on Yea Forums.

Meant to reply to

You’re replying to a person (me) who lives in the midwest and is currently drunk and watching Chibi Maruko-chan, most certainly not creating animation of this caliber... perhaps think long and hard about the paranoia overtaking your life and harming your mental health

>I saw hype for this going back months
What fucking hype. There was a single person who ever mentioned BlueHilda on this board and it was a fan who did fanart of the character.

Did you not consider everyone had access to DesuArchive before you bullshitted out that lie?

Attached: Untitled.png (1582x1198, 241K)

>You can trust me, would someone shilling lie to you

Great pilot as almost all pilots I've seen suck hard compared to the actual show. Got some laughs but the animation was the star. I could definately see this getting better after the 5th episode when it figures out what it wants to be.

Could be. I just watched it cause I like shorts.

Yea Forums is not the only place where cartoon discussion occurs or even the only imageboard, if you truly believe shilling is currently happening wouldn’t it be best not to bump the thread with paranoid delusions, you conspiratorial fucknut?

>Moving goalposts because you got called out this hard

That's the search result for every non-porn board and there was still only a single result prior to this thread, by the way. Fucking faggot.

The animation looks too wavy and circular, if that makes any sense.

Regardless of how hard you push the shill meme, you only bump the thread farther up the catalog.. real galaxy brain there

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Hate the way she's animated.


Because without my posts, the thread would surely die. Get fucked faggot, you got called out and are too embarrassed to admit you're a shill who worked on the short and want to push it as some saving grace for cartoony animation. There's absolutely no reason why random anons would suddenly mention the creator's feelings towards the characters or lie about there being "tons of hype" while posting it on every Cans Without Labels thread.

Even if he is a shill, who cares? It’s not like it’s against the rules or something.
And besides, it’s a board dedicated to cartoons, and he showed you cartoons.

Because making multiple posts in the thread pretending to be different people leaving praise on a short you worked on while posting the link in other threads saying how much it is than blank is faggotry at its finest.

>come in too watch short and read discussion
>some Yea Forumsermin has ran from containment and is screaming muh shills.

I’m just finding this more hilarious than anything, because I know I’m a 22 y/o NEET in the middle of nowhere with nothing better to do than respond to your ramblings while you sperg out over every non-network project as being some kind of shilled paid promotion... btw, place where I saw this mentioned before is a loli board with people who want to fuck her, don’t think that’s the target audience here

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Get fucked, a very small percentage of people like the shitty thing you worked on. The rest either want to fuck the character or want you to fuck off.

I enjoyed the variety of transformations but the wannabe Ed Edd n' Eddy faces and the farting eskimo really drag it down.

It was trying very hard to make me laugh, but it didn't once. Eh. Kind of fell flat despite pretty animation.

You’re too fucking funny dude

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I have a couple of problems with the short:
1. It was both too fast and too slow. The pacing of the story was slow, but the animation was going a mile a minute. It felt like John K. stuff where your eyes never get to rest, but in a bad way. Like it needed to have a funny face or transformation every 15 frames or else you might fall asleep.
2. The funny faces weren't that funny. When Ed Edd n Eddy does a funny face, it's not to make you laugh, but because it's an appropriate face for the context. But here I get the feeling it was trying to make you laugh the whole time by having eyes bulge out or big wacky mouths. Maybe focus less on trying to be funny and just be sensitive to the situation and draw an expression according to that?

That's it. Two notes is pretty damn good for an indie short.

>i-if i pretend to be retarded with reaction images, i win!!!!

Nah. Not even worth the (you).

>There are people surprised the VA is a boy

Really? I can hear the very apparent digitally pitched up effect.

Just know, we’re all laughing at you, and no one will ever love you.

>Thinks Yea Forums agrees with him
>Thinks Yea Forums likes the short
Y i k e s

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Oscillates too hard between what I think is a cute enough design and bigmouth popping eyes missing tooth garbage. It was disgusting when EE&E did this, it was disgusting when Ren & Stimpy did this, and it's still a trash aesthetic now. The last five seconds of the clip--from 7:30 to 7:35--illustrate the change from pleasant design to shit I'd rather never look at again.

Not a fan.

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>yikes posting
not him, but either go back to twitter or Yea Forums i don't care which

Oh wow, that voice is annoying. This is quirky girl at its apex.

5/10. well animated and the comedy wasn't terrible, but the characters are obnoxious in design and attitude. its one of those 'everyone's and idiot' shows and those grow old fast.

>not him but

Nah, you are. You've been samefagging all over this thread, don't lie.

Cartoon characters aren't allowed to make funny faces and go off-model all of a sudden?

>continues too out self as worthless shitposter
definitely Yea Forums or Yea Forums.

>This short is basically going for that vibe and yet you shit on it without even investigating what it is you’re criticizing
Compare OP video to :
There is a very clear difference in pacing. One is trying too hard, the other does cartooning naturally.

>If I mention other boards, then I can seem better by default!

Yea Forums is right at the bottom alongside all those trash boards, don't pretend this place didn't get GR15 put into place.

Off model's fine.
Funny faces are fine.
I don't like the faces that Bluehilda makes. Draws way too much from the ugly animation pool with teeth that have holes in them and shit.

My thoughts exactly, very few people would bump the thread endlessly with this utter shit unless they were either 14 or a troll whose sole mode is outrage and stupidity

>Replying to yourself

> would bump the thread endlessly
Do you actually not know what sage is?

>don’t most of you CalArts memefags complain about there not being stuff like Ed Edd n’ Eddy anymore?
I'd rather take a thousand bean mouths than EE&E's brand of garbage being lifted without understanding what made it work in EE&E. I'm not a fan of the style at all but at least it fucking worked in context. Here, the aesthetic is just sloppily applied 'because'.

>Also don’t most of you CalArts memefags complain about there not being stuff like Ed Edd n’ Eddy anymore?
Don't ever compare this over animated wannabe-cartoon garbage to the masterful likes of Ed Edd n' Eddy.

Attached: 23423525.webm (640x480, 1.45M)

>ponies bad grrr
9 fucking years. being better than Yea Forums or Yea Forums isn't a challenge it's the bare minimum in not being a hive mind meme shit hole. stop acting like it is some lofty goal.

>stop acting like it is some lofty goal.
I'm not the one who threw around Yea Forums and Yea Forums as an insult while posting on Yea Forums, retard.

you forgot too call me a discord trannie

>Yea Forums is a horrible place with all those shills!
>Got any proof?
And yet you keep outing yourself as a tourist. Let me guess, you think comics and cartoons are for children and anyone who likes them are idiots who need to watch "high" art like Game of Thrones.
There's not enough Chadds to express how much you are driving me mad.

Attached: chadd-generation-o-9.78.jpg (210x240, 13K)

>9 fucking years
Literally what did he mean by this? What's that got to do with anything? We still can't talk about MLP here. The rule never went away. It's not even like separation of Yea Forums and /vp/ because at least the mere sight of a Pokemon image on Yea Forums doesn't get you banned. It's just a way to concentrate it, not ban it altogether like ponies.

Seriously, it's obnoxious to have to edit out ponies in images just to post it on this board.

Pagoda has already drawn lewds

>Masterful likes of Ed Edd n' Eddy
That's gonna be a yikes from me.

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>Got any proof?
I did post my proof. It was calling out your bullshit of, "N-no! I saw lots of hype on this board prior to me posting it!" and literally the only post talking about it was some person (probably you) who drew art of the character once.

>Thinking you're smart because you don't like Ed Edd n' Eddy


You forgot to call me an incel and say have sex.

Hard fucking disagree

You know that the only (You) you gave me on my end is the post that you responded to?

Sage hasn’t worked for over half a decade

Sage has always worked for me. Use it all the time, keeps shitty threads I don't want to bump on page 10.

What the fuck are you talking about? I'm talking about this:

It does absolutely nothing and hasn’t on Yea Forums for many many years, but keep telling yourself that

Love the main character's design, love the animation, but it's all wasted on Megababies-tier humor.

I just posted in that thread and it absolutely works. Where the fuck are you typing "sage" to make it not work?

Attached: what.png (536x470, 189K)


>dodging the question
You know I was talking about how you blame other posters for being one samefagging poster.

What is this shilling accusation autism here? I'm OP and I've been following the creators work since Newgrounds. I just wanted to share since it came up on my Twitter feed.

You can't seriously believe just one person is hyping these projects

sage never stopped working, they just stopped making it visible since idiots treated it like a downvote

Yea Forums and Yea Forums cancer, the same people who unironically save Wojacks in current year
Just point and laugh


You're just as pathetic as everyone else on 4channel, user. Don't pat yourself on the back for posting here.

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Apparently liking something makes you a shill.

you know you can press the number on the post to make the arrows so you reply to the post

>He's such a newfag he doesn't know what it means to make someone work for a (you)

>Long Gone Gulch
I have seen this project get talked about quite a bit on other websites and it did get funded on kickstarter so it doesn't seem out of nowhere nor the work of a few people

You sure you're not a tourist from the NSFW side of Yea Forums who decided to shit on the worksafe boards for no reason?

no one else does this are you really trying to apper special on an anonymous image board

Are you really saying "nsfw tourist" on Yea Forums, the place where people beg for lewds? This very thread has people saying they want r34 of the little blue girl?


>no one else does this

Holy shit, summer. Lurk for more than twelve minutes, newfag.

I meant from the red boards like /pol/ and /r9k/. I'm calling them that because that's what they are.

This thread sucks

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That's a very confusing term to use considering Yea Forums actually has about a dozen NSFW porn boards, you know.

I'm not proud of saving that.

it's actually good. why does Yea Forums complain about everything?

>why does every board complain about everything?

Pagoda sure is quick.

>everything is equally bad

Did you ever consider Yea Forums just might not like it? Yea Forums doesn't complain about:
>Mike Tyson Mysteries
>Courage the Cowardly Dog
>Venture Brothers
>Johnny Bravo
>Felix Colgrave
>James Baxter
>How to Train Your Dragon
>Amphibia (So far, it's been pretty tame)

For the first half of the thread reception was mostly positive until retard shillposter decided to occupy every other post with his paranoid ramblings

Doesn't capture her character design very well

...No it wasn't. Literally the very first post is someone calling the acting bad. The third post is saying it tried too hard. The fourth posts implies it's a rip-off with several people agreeing. The fifth post says it needs to tone down the over-animation.

Maybe a handful of people actually liked it that didn't also say they wanted to lewd the girl.

It's more accurate to say not everyone on Yea Forums rather than the entirety

Yea Forums is better than Yea Forums, Yea Forums or Yea Forums because...

Attached: 1552530734503.png (1280x720, 1.04M)

Well I like the animation and 90s animation style.

He seems to pride himself on always getting to new lolis first, and at the very least I’m glad there’s someone to occupy that niche - he’s still done the only passable lewds of the Costume Quest show, which I swear would have hundreds and a sizable fandom if it was on CN instead of Amazon Prime

Just going to put this here...

Attached: Mega_Babies.jpg (600x240, 88K)

Comparing Yea Forums to Yea Forums, Yea Forums just has better taste. Sure lots of bad shows and comics get discussed here, but nowhere near the rate at which Yea Forums creams itself to the worst of everything every season, year after year.

you're retarded

>because where still capable of discussing things without 29 wojack posts and resorting to buzzwords, those that do are called morons and told to leave, rightfully.
>see literally the above
>it's not hard to be better than the board that is so far up there own ass they can lick there own stomach acid

>Yea Forums just has better taste
Yea Forums typically doesn't look like this after a popular show's finale because of the sheer volume of Yea Forums content per month.

Yea Forums is a hellhole to actually browse for anything other than hate threads. Also, Yea Forums mods actually delete off-topic shit. Yea Forums seems to be the only board with "honorary" shit that ranges from live-action to fucking tweets.

Attached: 1531418758927.jpg (2242x2221, 1.77M)

i can guarantee you there's some faggots on Yea Forums that would nitpick all of those shows

I don't like the cartoon but I like the cartoon's style. With more time to let the jokes land, and with less wackiness for the sake of wackiness, it could be great.

Attached: IMG_1230.jpg (426x695, 37K)

The wacky main character reminds me of the Mighty B, but with a better budget.

Attached: 1560532894326[1].webm (640x480, 1.23M)

>because where still capable of discussing things without 29 wojack posts and resorting to buzzwords, those that do are called morons and told to leave, rightfully.
>those that do are called morons and told to leave, rightfully.
>and told to leave, rightfully.
>People believe this

Attached: 1554038929167.png (720x1916, 76K)

Never said I was smart, just that EE&E isn't masterfully animated or any good.

>uses crossboarder ebin bait threads as an example of native Yea Forums

You have to be seriously delusional to believe that good content thrives in the catalog while bait dies "rightfully so".

>That shit pacing
>Absolute lack of compelling characters
>Failure to establish setting
>Not a single worthwhile joke
>Premise that's already been done before
>Overanimated megababies sight gags
>Actually good
You're a fucking idiot

well i guess your ass not being banned yet is a testament to the moderation being slow if anything.

1. The phenomenon in your pic happens any time a seasonal show captures enough of the marketshare. It happened with TTGL, Haruhi S2, Code Geass and (the last major two I remember) Madoka+Rebellion.
2. /tg/ is arguably renowned for tangentially related materials, for pretty much all fantasy/sci-fi vidya, shows, comics, novels, manga, etc. Hence the catchphrase "You don't even need other boards."

>Moderation means banning people I don't like

>shitposters shouldn't be banned or moderated, i mean look how well that worked out for Yea Forums!

By your own definition, you would be banned too since your posts are lowering the quality of the thread.

go for it, i don't even care as long as your autistic ass goes down with me, shitposter.

Impressive animation and a cute character with a lot of fun visual gags, but I'd personally dial back on some of the big character over-reactions.

I was never a fan of the loud/ugly Ren and Stimpy style of humor and feel like it gets tiring pretty quickly if it never lets up.

Attached: labcoat.png (408x389, 176K)

Is there anything more cancerous than the tryhard "character constantly transforms into what they're talking about" style?

I personally like it, and I strongly disagree with your opinion, but it's fine as long as you don't shit on other's opinions and act like your opinion is fact.

Squidbillies is absolute trash you disgusting piece of human filth

Completely arbitrary, got it.

Pretty gross IMO, never enjoyed the humor
>>Mike Tyson Mysteries
Feels pretty gimmicky, which is the point, but it detracts from the writing
>>Courage the Cowardly Dog
ended too soon
>>Venture Brothers
not enough information on the next season
>>Johnny Bravo
Despite this show teaching kids the wonders of treating women respectfully, it didn't teach kids well enough to prevent Yea Forums
>>Felix Colgrave
Would do a lot better overall if he ever made an actual series with voice acting
>>James Baxter
One of the last greats, but is now used as an animation prop when kids these days don't give a shit about doing actual animation themselves
But of course, his process is too hard to be scaled up for the pricerange he's at, so he can't produce his own works and has to guest animate every now and then
>>How to Train Your Dragon
This series could have ended at the first movie and would have been better off
A great attempt at resuscitating a franchise that can go literally nowhere else, if only they had a GOOD movie to do this to
Not actually as great of a show as everyone claims, and people still defend skyler page despite his absence leading to the majority of the show being what it is
>>Amphibia (So far, it's been pretty tame)
It's boring, there's plot stuff they desperately want to get to, but right now it's just a slice of life isekai

No one asked for your individual opinion on that shit. The general consensus when those shows have threads is that people like them.

This is extremely well done. Not my kind of humor but the actual animation is incredible.

Better than BoyHilda.

Attached: hilda looks like a boy.jpg (1267x712, 170K)

I detected this. I'm an actual girl though so I'm not retarded about how girls sound. Or how they look, for that matter [re: trannies].

What cartoon is this?

Damn that animation is great. Sure, over animated, but It's reliving to see that in modern times imho.

>What cartoon is this?
Ballmastrz: 9009 by Christy Karacasq, another Titmouse cartoon like this one. It’s bretty good

Friendly reminder that a man does the voice of the loli you lust after you pedos.

stop I can only get so erect

I just had to draw this.

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Why was I okay with Genie and Beetlejuice but this seems extremely obnoxious? I can't figure it out. Is it the overdoing/trying to hard to be quirky?

Better writing.

This is offensive. Boycott this piece of shit!!!


You really can polish a turd.

Too many face-pulls. I can't believe I'm saying this but the show will benefit from less animation, or more accurately less reaction-animation and more character animation.

Better voice acting. Better jokes. They don't overdo the shapeshifting by having twelve transformations per second. The characters are funny without the shapeshifting.

This is just obnoxious. It's like one of those 90's cartoonists who thinks making an idiot character screaming at the top of their lungs for 11 minutes straight is comedy.

"Forget the takes. Takes are cheap shots. Anyone can do a goddamn take. [...] You don't have to be a genius to draw a take. It's emotions—the full range of emotions—that works in Clampett's cartoons."

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>please give hits to my shitty johnk rip off

wtf does this have to do with pedophilia you retard

>anything I don't like is calarts

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This and it also rips-off the Samurai Jack intro with Aku's voice-over narration

Are you stupid?

>Willy Wonka Blueberry
>muscle growth

yep, this for the "muh fetish" crowd

>any cartoon that's cartoony is a john k rip off
So I'm guessing every cartoon made after 1991 ripped you off, John?

It's reminding me of the CDI Zelda games because of that

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Based John K.

He's right. John K was always a better teacher than he was a creator.

"Could someone actually enjoy something on Yea Forums?"
"No no they must be shills"

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>One person trying really hard to tell me, "wtf Yea Forums you want cartoony and you hate this what's wrong with you"
>not a shill

I didn't even know Titmouse was involved in this, but the moment I saw her start her heavy cartoon shenanigans, I just had to check the credits to see if my guess was right.

The complaint about modern cartoons not being cartoony enough is one that's made on Yea Forums every goddamn day. I'd assume that the anons whining about the animation ITT aren't those same anons, but I can see where he's coming from.

There's also such a thing as "too much", which is the number one complaint about this short. Just because we crave something doesn't mean we'll take a shit version of that thing.

I love how I'm finding more and more Titmouse shit to get into. I just watched Ballmasterz 9009 last month and adored it.

>liking a cartoon means you want to have sex with the MC
you're an idiot

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>Friendly reminder that a man does the voice of the loli you lust after you pedos

That never stopped anyone from jacking it to Dr. Girlfriend (whilst whispering "no homo" to themselves).