Would he browse Yea Forums?
Would he browse Yea Forums?
i hate this dumb bitch, dear dumb diary was funnier
He'd browse /r9k/
Nah. Rowley probably would.
Greg seems more likely to browse Yea Forums and /r9k/.
He’s an incel. He exhibits all the traits of a typical one.
he's a sneed poster
>Yea Forums trash
I don't think it's possible to hate Greg more
What boards would this guy browse? Aside from /toy/, obviously.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums and possibly /pol/ where he would fall for the Becky/Stacy meme and end up becoming an incel.
Probably /loli/ or whatever the fuck it was called before it got nuked
Your such a city slicker
And he’d blame Chirag and whoever girl he crushed on in the 3rd book for making him turn out this way.
It was /l/, /loli/ is on 4+Yea Forums
combined with , /r9k/, Yea Forums, and /pol/
Meanwhile Rowley would probably browse /po/, /mlp/, and /i/, and ATTEMPT to post on Yea Forums but would get harassed for listening to nothing but "joshie" or whatever that justin beiber stand-in was called.
Why did they nuke it again? Yea Forums allows loli so I can't imagine it's because it was illegal.
Yea Forums allows anything Illegal or not
Probably /biz/. He started Al's toy barn and lives in a penthouse in a room with a view. God only knows how much he was going to sell his Woody collection to the Japs.
Greg's dad: Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /toy/, /biz/, /news/, /diy/
Greg's mom: /an/, /sci/, /his/, /out/, /po/, /ck/, Yea Forums, /adv/
Rodrick: /k/, /o/, Yea Forums, /fit/, /s/, /gif/
Greg: /m/, Yea Forums, /tg/, /ic/, /biz/, /r9k/, /pol/
Manny: Yea Forums
Try posting real loli porn and watch how fast they region block. Venezuelan user are almost extinct here after their most common IP was region blocked thanks to some fags years ago posting illegal real life loli shit in Yea Forums.
Greg's dad would probably also go on /his/ considering his interest in the civil war.
What game is he playing?
I'm not gay, Greg.
he's probably the one behind the hard candy threads on Yea Forums