is it just me or was the message here not so wholesome? Woody gets so much flack for being loyal to Bonnie and he learns his "lesson" at the end by abandoning Bonnie to be with as many kids as he wants. Pretty gross desu.
Is it just me or was the message here not so wholesome...
>What the fuck are you saying, bitch? You just lost it?
>A prostitute is someone who would love you, no matter who you are, or what you look like!
Lotso was right.
series really should have just stopped at 3
It's like making another sequel after The Dark Knight Trilogy. No matter how good was the actual movie is, it leaves only bitter taste to the series.
>Caring about ‘morals’ in a Movie meant for entertainment and merchandise first and foremost.
What are you, 8?
>never question
Why would you not care about the morals and messages your younger relatives are being sent?
what the fuck did he expect, she's just a retarded toddler
Woody did his best to take care of Bonnie, but she didn't want him anymore.
He helped Forky become her new favorite toy, and after that his job was done. He could finally think about what HE wanted instead, and he had always regretted not going with Bo the first time.
I see where you're going with it, but I think it also works as a metaphor for parents. You spend so much time taking care of your kids and helping them grow up, but eventually, they won't need you the same way anymore. For a lot of parents, kids growing up and moving out gives them a chance to live for themselves again.
I feel like Pixar took a read through of that Pixar Theory and decided to make a movie that led into it. Now, even lowly machines realize they don't need a single human, and instead a mass of them, to stay alive.
Fuck off back to Yea Forums with your "I hate Disney" contrarianism.
sounds like it shits all over the third movie
So the villain from 2 was right all along
He should have just gone to the museum
>not loving everything Disney is being a contrarian
You're just proving his point
All over the first three. Changing up the lessons and values that Wood lived by.
And disfiguring himself for the whim of another.
All so he could get that porcelain pussy.
>Giving toys to one of those spastics that wears a leotard "because they want to"
Yea not even once
>never question
sounds like WiR2 all over again
>Get rid of the kids so you can do whatever you want
This is literal boomer speak.
Why Disney is so obsessed with 'Leaving everything you cherished behind to find oneself' thing? I bet Elsa is gonna give up his throne so she can find out who she is in the sequel.
Again, people should NOT obtain their ‘messages’ from entertainment. This movie is at most a commercial for merchandise as well as an amusing way to spend 2 hours. After seeing this movie, it should fizzle out of your head in a few days
Or even like making a third Dark Knight movie.
>Wreck it Ralph 2
>Toy Story 4
the people making these movies don't give a shit about the earlier movies
it feels like they're going out of they way to ignore the previous movies and what they stand for
The moral was Woody learning, like a parent that their child has grown up and is an adult now. Woody wanted those times to go on forever, but realizes they couldn't, and that he was no longer a favorite toy that was needed by a child, which was why he was also left to collect dust in a closet.
He had wanted to go with Bo 9 years before, but didn't because he had an obligation to be there for Andy, and now he had a second chance to run off with her now that he was done taking care of Andy and helped Bonnie's new favorite Forky and to a lesser extent, Jessie. He also gives away parts of himself to help other toys, making Jessie the new Sheriff and giving his pull string to Gabby.
>I bet Elsa is gonna give up his throne so she can find out who she is in the sequel.
To be fair Elsa didn't even deserve the throne in the first place after abandoning the whole kingdom to die frozen.
Would you rather have parents who move in with you and try to continue to dictate the course of your life?
It wasn't what Woody wanted, he had obligations to his kid to be there for him, the same for Bonnie. He wanted to be played with, and that's why he becomes a lost toy.
except Bonnie is a toddler, he left a toddler
just admit you think that Stinky Pete was right all along
>fuck responsibility I gotta focus on myself
Don't forget Disney totally fucked up whole PoTC with 5th one. Not to mention the Star Wars.
He saw Andy when he looked at Bonnie. Bonnie was just a surrogate for Andy to him. That's why he could never be her favorite toy. He is ANDY'S toy.
>if i'm not the kids favorite then fuck him
so the entire ending of 3 means shit
>people should NOT obtain their ‘messages’ from entertainment
Okay, but they do, especially kids. Letting a two hour toy commercial send whatever message it wants and just hoping each and every individual parent sets their kids straight is a bad move.
and yet almost all movies and shows do push messages
Andy should have kept the toys in the attic. TS4 could have been perfect when Andy has a kid. Get to explore millennials (aka the ones who grew up on TS) having kids, as well as the toys somewhat being grandparents.
And what now, when they inevitably make TS5 are they just not going to have Buzz and Jessie in it?
Interesting thought. They will want to milk the franchise further. I guess they will go out to look for woody or he will conveniently fall from the sky onto the plot.
Is this the designated Toy Story 4 thread?
ironically the plan is to continue the story with woody and bo peep and be about saving lost toys but the way they did it made NO ONE want to watch woody because he is old fasioned
doubt it
Tim Allen is a conservative
Maybe they would bring out Woody's son and toys might be reunited as he becomes owner of them. It would be nice element for pseudo-heartwarming story
But Buzz sells toys and politics
how can people defend this movie after it shit all over the morals and messages the earlier movies stood for
it's wreck it ralph all over again
Which morals and messages?
PLEASE tell me someone has screencaps of Harmony’s Mom
I guess 'to infinity and beyond' meant under 20 years after all. Makes the ending of TS2 feel bittersweet as fuck now.
Reminds me of the SNL star wars toys
He wasn't Bonnie's favorite toy, he was trash to her. That's why he was in the closet, and that's why he took care of a literal piece of trash for her, because it was her favorite. He was also never going to be her favorite, and he knew and accepted it, because he wasn't girls toy, he was also instrumental in her making her favorite toy.
There was nothing more left for him to do. He was hanging on to something that wasn't there, emphasized by the scene where he has a dust bunny attached to him. He was an old toy that had outlived his usefulness to two different kids, it was just that his time was over much quicker with Bonnie.
He was literally emotionally blackmailed (save Forky + wouldn't you want to be lovef by a kid) and the 'villain' get away with a happy ending too.
I wish they left Gabby after she gets tossed in that bin
Toy Story ended at Toy Story 3. Toy Story 4 is a dream that Andy has about his former toys and their adventure. Bonnie is reintroduce because he regretted hit gluing her and throwing her away in shame.
The moral is that there's nothing wrong with someone wanting to live for their own happiness, somewhat a continuation to the moral of 3 which was moving on. Woody has spent the last few decades being nothing but selfless, to the point that he lost his girl out of loyalty to his friends and owner. Buzz is even the one that tells him to run off with Bo, because for once, he's telling Woody to think about what HE wants, not what others want out of him.
What morals? That toys with sentience should only live by the whims of their masters? The morals were be there for your friends, love what you've got while it's there, and don't cling to the past when it's evenutally gone. Nothing gold can stay. 4 didn't shit on these morals because Woody didn't choose misery over being happy. And besides, Buzz, being a loyal friend, gave Woody the final push to move on from Bonnie.
>Post Credit scene of Andy stumbling upon Woody and Bo Peep and he hands them off to his child
Would it have fixed everything?
>Bonnie pouts because she wants Woody so fucking bad
>Andy decides not to hold on this family heirloom and passes it on to her
'B-b-but that's how kids are like!" bullshit aside, this is a fucking fictional story where they could've written Bonnie not to be a little cunt for the sake of keeping the emotions of TS3's finale.
Woody sure as shit cared about Bonnie for all the shorts they had up until TS4.
I wouldn’t accept an ending in which Woody doesn’t get back with Buzz. You can’t split these two apart.
Is it so fucking hard for you guys to relate to Woody at all? You keep bitching that he left Bonnie but if you watched the film, actually saw how torn he was leaving Bo behind a second time judt to rot in a closet, you'd understand his motivation. Fuck the moral that's supposed to be there, fuck the whole "Andy gave him so leaving is a betrayal to Andy's wishes", Woody spent his whole life after the 1st film sacrificing his happiness and safety for the happiness and safety of everyone he cared for. He was even about to leave Bo behind before Buzz told him to wake the fuck up and finally live his life. There's nothing wrong with the ending.
Actually multi-generational households can actually be really useful for the rearing of young so long as there aren’t any particularly big emotional issues at play. After I get married to my gf I’m probably gonna have her mother move close to us as she doesn’t have anybody to talk to since her husband left.
If kids can grow up, why can't toys (the theme behind the last 3 movies)
Even children can understand the message
You don't have to like the message, but please stop questioning what's going on or why they did it
Sounds oddly similar to End Game's ending
at least he's not Vanellope.
Yes indeed. I actually hated how the Lost Toys treated having a kid, like ANY kid would do for them. So the toys felt like "whores" and this is something that I noticed since Toy Story 3 where even Woody's group wanted to be at daycare as they were fed up with Andy not playing with them unwilling to understand that Andy is now a young adult. But that willingness to just go "Meh we're going to daycare" is something that is now represented with the lost toys and their philosophy that any given child will do for play time. Also I hated Gabby's sense of entitlement to a human kid. The toys in this movie were manipulative whore sociopaths.
I mean Jessie had a previous owner before Andy, but here's the thing there's a special endearing sense of acceptance when the human chooses the toy. I thought it was pleasant that Andy accepted Jessie among his toys. But now it's "Meh who gives a shit, human kids are interchangeable."
Exactly, it's as if the writers (and Toy Story 4 had 8 main head writers) didn't understand that in a franchise called Toy Story we sympathize with the toy characters much more as they're the driving force of the franchise. So to see the toys abused or thrown out simply hurts to watch. I mean Wheezy in Toy Story 2 was a minor character, but that look of despair knowing he's going to be sold away as something cheap really stung. Needless to say seeing Woody the face of the franchise just being discarded hurts a fuck ton more.
What does it say about Bonnie that that random Harmony human girl actually liked and choose Woody (until Woody ran away on his own to continue his quest to save Forky)? That Bonnie is a brat. And really she is because she mostly obsessed over a stupid Non-Toy neglecting the majority of her own toys.
Honestly yes. Gabby described the experience of having a kid as a total privileged as if it's some "rare" treat a toy can enjoy. But that's bullshit. It's a common experience for a toy. Fuck man, it's NOT Woody's fault that she has a warped perspective because she came out defective from the beginning. Much less is it Woody's responsibility to help her when the first thing she did was to freaking mutilate him to rip out his voice box. Typical female villain bullshit where she gets her way just because, female.
Also fuck the bad writing involving Gabby and she ordering the puppets around. Why do they even listen to this cunt? She has no power over them the way Lotso commanded Big Baby to intimidate everyone at Daycare.
It's not Bonnie who bothers me, cunt doesn't deserve Woody. She can rot. It's Woody leaving Buzz, Bullseye, Ham, Rex, etc. These other toys were his family. His closest friends who are there to keep his spirit up even during hard times. He abandoning them just feels lousy. Especially since in Toy Story 3 Woody returns to the daycare the instant he learned Lotso was an abusive tyrant who was going to hurt his friends.
The worst part is Disney insists that cunt is likable. Sarah Silverman destroyed Wreck It Ralph as soon as she appeared in the first film.
Whoa, you're telling me the jews are using media to promote poly relationships in an attempt to destroy white families? Damn....
This. Woody is an old-fashioned family man.
its weird how all the villains were right in Toy Story.
Sid was the normal kid, being creative with his mutations, Andy probably had no real friends hence why his toys were with him forever. (Sid now has a nice paying job as a garbage man and seems perfectly happy with it.)
Stinky Pete was right about Andy not playing with him as he got older, and could've been admired by thousands of people, even behind glass.
and now Lotso with this.
to be honest it never set right with me that toys in toy story were so vigorously fixed on devotion toward their kid and I'm glad we saw toys who don't really have owners but still find ways to be played with and enjoy their lives
I mean, it's a whole world of sentient toys, so of course I'd be curious about the lives of literally any other kind of toy
Anyone else find it weird how the other toys were all accepting of Woody leaving even though hes been in their lives for 4 movies?
Plot magic
who the hell would stop him
Literally any toy that wasn't there for Woodys lost toy development?
Still wish I had the screenshot to every user's reaction to the story of Bonnie getting raped while the toys watch in horror
They're toys, they honestly shouldn't be capable of feeling romantic love in the first fucking place.
Did you forget this is Pixar who gives feelings to everything from cars to Mexicans?
Got a chuckle out of me
>Mexicans don’t have feelings
I don't get it. I keep hearing Lotso and Pete were right? What were their points again?
Just turn your brain off, bro.
>ITs A mOvIE fOr KiDs!
Disney gave Tim Allen his career in the first place and gave him a second chance with Home Improvement after he hit rock bottom with being a drug addict ex-con. Allen's politics hasn't changed, but Pixar never knew what to do with Buzz after the first movie. He didn't do much in 2 and in 3 they gave him a gimmick and he also wasn't relevant. Disney more than likely would give Buzz and Jessie a spin-off short or 45 minute movie made for Disney+
I wanna know what happened too
>we'll always be together, for infinity and beyond
Or why Woody even chose to go with the other toys and not stay with Andy at the end of TS3 if he always wanted to yolo off anyways in the flashback in TS4
Should have just sold them on eBay. Woody, Jessie, Bullseye and Buzz might have fetched him a decent price, used or no.
t. Mexican (Possibly Female. Must Investigate Further)
Kids will forget about you was Lotso's belief and they proved him wrong with a locket, or some shit.
Bonnie DID forget Woody, like, he was fucking invisible to her.
>All those scenes where Woody and Forky get found together and she only acknowledges Forky
It was a thread where one guy asked if the toys would try to prevent a thief from breaking in, then one user wrote a story about Bonnie being raped. I had a screenshot but deleted it for reasons I can't remember.
Don't shift goalposts. Given that they can feel romantic attachment in their universe it is a totally understandable and human issue Woddy is dealing with and it's infuriating how people genuinely tgink he should've broken his heart a second time for some dumb kid who doesn't even love him anymore. I get that Pixar wrote Woddy into that corner but people saying he did a total 180 in the ending scene either haven't seen the film or are just trying to justify why they disliked the ending by screaming "not my Woody."
what was bo wearing? looks like something elsa would wear
Kids fucking suck
>woody son
The toys in the closet are proof that Bonnie will keep forgetting,
Hamm isn't even a toy, he should have been just as ignored as Woody.
She will forget again and again and again.
Where was Chuckles? Huh? Where was he?
That was the worst part. What kid is so obsessive of their literal trash arts and crafts anyway? They get over that shit in a day or two.
Wasn't Chuckles more of a window ornament in the kitchen than one of Bonnie's toys?
No, this is literal parent speak. Every parent is fired up when the kids move out. Time for vacations and drunken 50-year old sex
s-seconding?? Harmony was the little redhead girl who ignored Gabby Gabby, right? What did her mom look like again?
>drunken 50-year old sex
Not only that but kids who treat trash utensils as toys? The other kids would bully and make fun of them. In fact anyone remember Lilo and Stich the intro where Lilo introduces her "made up doll" to the other girls? She was ridiculed. But I supposed showing reality was not going to happen to Bonnie even though she was obsessed with a disposable utensil that is NOT a toy. It's just dumb, very dumb to show this element and no one telling Bonnie that her toy is NOT a toy. And even Woody insisting to Forky "You're a toy now bitch" just felt annoying. All this for a piece of trash that Bonnie WILL throw away even quicker than an actual toy. And this piece of trash is what Woody sacrificed his voice box for.....everything about this bad movie just leaves me angry.
Which means they'll have both Anna and Elsa leave the kingdom.
Exactly how much time was supposed to have passed between 3 and 4? Bonnie was only just starting Kindergarten but the shorts show Halloween and Christmas.
But it falls completely flat on its face when it straight up ignores everything he's been through. Andy gave him to Bonnie in the first place because he thought that he would never abandon her no matter what.
probably about a year or so.
>ignores everything he's been through
>literally spends the whole film being loyal to Bonnie
>to the point he gives up his voicebox and almost lets Bo slip away from him a second time
>it takes Buzz to tell Woody to go live his life and not let this new chance with Bo slip
Woody was totally in fucking character all the way till the end and was still even at the climax. Fucking christ, he's been nothing but loyal to his owners for all this time and Bo points this out to him because he clings onto Bonnie because he has nothing else to live for. Even though Bo was right in front of him again after ten years. Things change. People grow up. Woody finally grew up. That's the point of the film. He never abandoned his character progression.
This scene in Toy Story 2 and the scene where Woody snaps Buzz out of depression in TS1 have been spat all over.
All that build up and they don't even kiss
Fucking lame
>toys are meant to please kids for all eternity
>one childhood is not enough
Nigger if Woody hadn't already seen his kid grow up you'd have a point. He was loved by Andy, he served his purpose.
>B-but Bonnie
Will never notice he was gone. He was literally in a now purposeless life and he found himself new meaning.
Why is this deleted. This user is right.
>and he had always regretted not going with Bo the first time
This is something never addressed until this film. I don't take issue with the concept of the free of kids toys or Woody's decision to leave the gang in favor of having more adventures/help more kids but all these concepts come out of left field in this movie.
The driving force in every toy story film is the toys' relationship with people. Woody is jellymad that Buzz is the new favorite, Stinky Fuck wants attention/Jessie is jaded after losing her kid, Lotso is jaded because also that, etc. Even Forky who craves the sweet release of death is hounded the entire film to accept the fact his life has meaning because he can make a kid happy. Then through Bo and Woody we now have toys making a conscious decision to go "I shall go out and do things besides being a toy" and while those things are still helping toys find kids its still not being a playtime companion. Which to have a movie have a character more or less be told "don't kill yourself because your value is more or less solely to be played with" and then allowing other characters to fuck off from that arrangement (regardless of the fact Woody is not longer a toy Bonnie cares about) is a weird 180 thing.
Woody should have went to Japan with Pete. I'm sure the other museum toys were pretty chill after hours. Can you imagine Godzilla or robot toys hanging out with Woody?
Its the Jewish psychology taking root at Disney. Because the Jews have historically never laid roots anywhere, they always moved from place to place without assimilating into one culture besides their own.
Really, I wanted Woody to move on from his love for Bo and realise Buzz was his true love, but whatever
I wonder whose behind this post?
>we stick together, me and you
*Sips beer
theyve known woody forever, they know his endless self sacrificial behavior. they aren't going to stop him acting selfishly for once in his life.
>for Infinity and Beyond
starco is canon
Hi Pan
Arby n the Chief is Toy Story but better
>Worst kid in the movie is a jew
What did Pixar mean by this?
These movies never got to me emotionally but I have to admit that I teared up at Gabby's story line
Gabby was literally an incel.
I still have my buzz lightyead from 1997, it's worthless.
Incels have nothing going for them, Gabby was more so representing people who try their hardest to be loved but is never enough for those that they seek out
I really wanted to see more of the relationship between Woody and Dolly.
Fuck shareholders and corporate suits. This relationship was wholesome and they didn’t need to be split up.
if anything Lotso or Stinky Pete are the true incels of the franchise.
You know I thought they were going to go somewhere with that "Inner voice" == "Conscious" sort of deal with Woody's voice box but I guess not.
Bo Peep is thicc
Probably because the school was godawful with piece of shit students and a teacher who let Bonnie sit alone all class. Of course she'd end up bonding with the trash art she made when no one became her friend.
Who is the bad guy in this film
The inability to accept change.
I think the most amusing thing I find about this entire shitpost, is how people honestly believe that Andy. 18+, year old adult Andy, after visiting home from College would walk down the street and inquire a little girl about the whereabouts of his old toys he donated to her of his own freewill when she was a literal preschooler and NOT look like a total weirdo/psycho doing so.
Don't ask questions. Just consume product and get excited for next product.
good one user
It would be funny though
My bitch of a mother gave away a bunch of figures i wanted to keep to these rednecks down the block, a few years later when i was giving them some old furniture i saw alot of my old stuff their and offered to buy up alot of it. The kids were so pissed, it was worth it.
No one ever suspects a hot guy.
You don't live in the Toy Story universe.
Woody, Buzz, and Jessie are worth a fortune according to the second movie.
>No one ever suspects a hot guy.
Typically because the girls dont mind being diddled by who they think is prince charming so they never tattle on them.
Not exactly.
First movie was accepting everyone as equal and deserving of friendship, and that people care about you even though it feels like at times you're being replaced (a feeling kids get when they have an upcoming brother/sister)
Second movie was learning to enjoy the time you have with friends and family, and that adoration doesn't replace the bonds of friendship and love you forged, so pretty much what you deal while being a teen.
Third movie is accepting to let go, move on and grow up, but also about how you shouldn't let some burden corrupt you and make you despise everything you were meant to do.
This movie seems to be an eventual progression about growing up, but I think maybe the problem is how every other toy would react to Woody's decision. Still, it feels like there's a indeed a progress on how the toys grow as well as us.
This movie is just genuinely shit. None of the new characters were funny or likable except Forky at the start when he just kept saying "trash" and trying to kill himself and they Luke Skywalker'd Woody, and to a lesser degree, Buzz. Pixar has completely lost their soul and frankly only Coco has been up to par for them this entire decade since Toy Story 3.
I enjoyed it and hated it at the same time, while i liked some of the characters like forky and giggles (she was hot), i cluldnt stand the nigger easter crew. I actually liked bo peep interactions with woody though i fundamentally disagree with the ending and theme of the movie which i feel contradicts all the older toy story films.
Also, coco was shit
>stopped watching pixar at toystory3 because i had a feeling
>vindicated reading all of the non-shill posts
I liked Woody and Bo Peep's romance, simply because it was fantasy fulfillment for me on a personal level since there's a Bo Peep in my life that I miss and have long wanted to see again someday. But everything else just fundamentally didn't feel like Toy Story and/or flat out didn't work. I really had hoped for better with this movie and expected at least Key and Peele and Keanu Reeves characters to be funnier than they were. Duke Caboom basically played out like a far less funny version of Ken from 3 and just fell flat despite the premise.
If you think Coco was shit, I feel like you just didn't watch it. It has far more heart and quality than Toy Story 4, Incredibles 2, Cars 3, Finding Dory, The Good Dinosaur, Inside Out, Monsters University, Brave, or Cars 2. Not to mention Toy Story 4's animation is a massive downgrade from 3.
TS4 was still shit user, i just thought coco was fucking boring and trying too hard to pull on the heartstrings, a cliche im sick and tired of pixar doing trying to recapture the up reaction.
I hope onward is good, the thicc elf mom is doing things to my pants.
I feel bad for Forky. Being that he is essentially made up of junk, his ass is going to get tossed in the trash sooner than later.
>Created and played scenarios with all his toys not excluding one of them and getting an emotional attachment to all of them even the "girly" ones.
>Remembered and gave personalities to each and everyone of them, even thanking them for every time they had together.
>Understood that they were getting neglected on his care and passed them so they can be used properly by someone else
>Didn't lost many toys in between Toy Story 1 and 2.
>Lost the Aliens, the clown and like 3 other toys from Toy Story 3 already.
>Neglects a ton of the toys that weren't lucky enough to be sold or lost
>Will change favorites and preferences on a whim, will not even notice a toy was lost other than her "favorite"
So was the message of the movie that Molly is really shitty owner from the toys' perspective and everyone should have ran away whilst they could before they get thrown out or forgotten?
>The moral is that there's nothing wrong with someone wanting to live for their own happiness,
Shit moral.
Boycott this film please.
OMG! He admit it! He loves his mother in law!
>Cuckco better than Inside Out
Mexican here, Coco was bait with an excuse plot and underdeveloped side characters. Sure, it looks and feels authentic but the actual story is fucking nothing.
Inside Out is shit too.
i really doubt andy would be that much of a sperg
He's a toy. His purpose is to be a toy. That IS his life. What he wants from it is about as relevant as what I want from mine and what you want from yours.
i wonder what the gunplas would be like in the toy story universe
i wont lie they defiently got me with the lost crying girl
Toy Story 5 will be a prequel all about Woody.
There will be no Toy Story 6, instead Disney will release a 'Logan' esque movie called Woody and Buzz where the two reunite and find themselves in a world where technology has taken over children's playtime and they are obsolete.
Actual mexican, or chicano mexican?
You're just one word away from being thrown to the bus, so be careful with what you say.
The vore scene with Giggle McDimples seemed unnecessary
also endgame with cap
Pretty sure the ones holding Mexicans in "concentration camps" are the ones that lack any feelings.
Nice, first
But pre-Toy Story 1 Woody was an asshole.
Yea Forums is always Yea Forumsntrarian towards nu-Disney you newfag
How would you know?
>underdeveloped side characters
Who the fuck needed any more development than they already got? The fucking twins?
It got me thinking though. I bet she could fit in a lot of places.
She better find Woody or she is getting Andy's Woody
We see him being an asshole in the first half of Toy Story 1.
>and find themselves in a world where technology has taken over children's playtime and they are obsolete.
Isn't that where they already should be?
Gabby could swallow her just as easily
Bonnie. And yes. Andy's toys were stupid AF not to bail.
>The male villains are incels because men aren't sympathetic when they're emotionally damaged
>The female villain isn't an incel because she deserves sympathy for being a female.
Really makes you think
Actual mexican. If I were a chicano would I call it shit?
Not quite what I was thinking.
makes me think it's time for another woman beating thread
uh... i haven't seen this movie... what happens?
That's what part 4 should have been about. They hinted around with it in the Dino short and could have still fit it around the Bo Peep narrative.
Inside Out was way more oscarbait-y than Coco
No Gabby is the incel who stays at home and thinks once they start working out the person they obsessed over will notice and love them.
She breaks out of that when she sees the lost girl and takes a chance...
Fuck I should get a dating app or something.
Heh, there was a Gigan sufobi inside the club.
This. Woody was originally intended to be the bad guy til they changed it to make him redeemed and learn a lesson.
she gets swallowed whole by a cat
Gabby had nothing going for her. She literally had to take Woody's voicebox and even then she had nothing.
It's a kind of tragic world with toys no longer being made and played with. Pretty sure phones aren't alive, since video game consoles weren't.
With an extremely detailed throat, an audible gulp and is later spit back up covered in saliva
A team of animators spent days on this
Now I can’t rewatch the movie without thinking of sizeplay scenarios, I hate this board so much
I'll be seeing this movie later this week then.
THen why the fuck do they fucking exist? I hate that Pixar does it. Worst offender is Inside Out, the other emotions get so shafted.
It’s ok, Andy is old enough to have these kinds of thoughts too.
They'll never do it I don't think but it would be neat if they played into the Pixar Theory. In Toy Story That Time Forgot the dino toys had their own society and pretty much had free reign given that their kid was glued to the gaming system. It could be interesting to see a film set a few years down the line where people's fascination with escapism and technology leads to the toys being able to not be bound to hide and they begin to start their own societies.
>Kids will forget about you
Andy didn't forget so that proved him wrong
You're missing an important point here.
We learned in movie one that not all toys know they are toys. We have at least 2 instances where a toy thinks their character and environment is based on their lore. And the fact that Mr. Potatohead and Mrs. Potatohead effectively adopt the aliens means there's more to the toys lives than simply being toys. This movie was still about the relationship between toys and children.
>>I want to relive my relationship with Andy.
>>I want to be Bonnie's trash.
>>I want to enjoy being played with.
>>I want my shot at being someone's special toy.
>>I want to finally be won and be someone's toy.
>from the toy's perspective
She sounds like a shitty owner in general.
Yeah, it's a shame that the movies partially exist to sell toys, it'd be an interesting finale to have them having to learn to adapt without humans loving them. With the Pixar Theory, I wonder what the last toys (metal toys could likely last a long time) would think when the descendants of the people who played with them leave the planet entirely.
Apparently subvert expectatives is the new aesop.
I just finished watching it, after going in with the expectation that I was going to hate, yet I was surprised.
A few gripes:
>everything felt rushed. Having an to-the-decimal 90 minute runtime, the entire movie felt like it had whiplash between scenes, and much of the cast from the previous 3 films sat off screen desperately wanting more to do.
>Buzz felt almost completely out-of-character, and his bizarre inner voice microplot was obnoxious at times.
Otherwise, I liked it. It wasn't a great movie, but the message was obvious: wasting time in a situation that is ultimately unfulfilling and isn't working for you is pointless, and you shouldn't be afraid to head in a direction that seems uncertain if it looks like it could potentially be a new opportunity. Also, you should try to be resilient in the face of failure.
It actually felt like a really wholesome message. The "hos before bros" camp can fuck right off. Anyone bitching about how Bonnie "had one job" are absolutely retarded. She's a child whose attention is in constant flux. Woody obviously wasn't being played with and he was miserable, regardless of his "responsibility" he had towards Bonnie and the rest of the toys. Also part of the reason why I accepted the stuff previously mentioned about Buzz was because the movie was setting him up to be a leader, which was the whole point of his (admittedly underdeveloped) side conflict.
As always, I will never listen to Yea Forums. You guys will find a way to politicize everything.
That's sick user
Good to see I am not the only one who thought that movie was shit.
Stinky Pete was a great villain because he was mostly right.
You may post that one tier list now.
Buddy, as soon as Andy gets his first whiff of pussy (or dick, I ain't judging) he'll forget.
How does Toy Story handle Buddi?
By making 10x more at the box office?
Badoom tiss
I'd love to see a flick where toys exist that are bound by Toy Story rules and are faced with an evil cybernetic half robot half toy that wants to kill their owner.
Could play similar to the final segment of the movie CATS EYES where they have to stealthily keep the demonic toybot from snuffing out the child in the middle of the night.
Yeah I know, just making an observation that my Buzz from when the franchise started didn't gain any value from 23 years i've had it unlike the ones in the movie. wether it gained value or not makes no diffirence to me, I'll always keep it for nostalgic purposes.
>They seperated these two
Woody has literally broken rules and risked his life for Buzz.
Buzz had a rescue squad made to save woody when he was stolen.
Hell both of them were ready to fucking die together with Andy's other toys when they thought they were gonna be incinerated
>Lost the Aliens, the clown and like 3 other toys from Toy Story 3 already.
Was this really mentioned, or implied in 4 or are you just saying this because they didn't appear in the movie?
Write it and call Netflix. I hear they throw money at every stupid idea these days.
When does life begin for a toy?
I think it's when the eyes are put on.
Which, movies, Comics, Cartoon series, live action series, ETC video games would you recommend for someone who hates, rejects and wants to be totally away from everything Disney, Marvel, Star Wars, Fox. Lucas film and Pixar?
It's when the toy is loved for the first time
going outside
I'm pretty sure I've heard it was after he was played with
>Lost the Aliens
>Nice paying job as a garbage man
>Andy has his own car and is going to college
Here's your (you)
Are we sure about that?
I remember toys in packaging in a toy store scene or something similar reacting to the hero toys...maybe in movie 2?
Now that you mention it, in 2 there was that aisle of Buzz Lightyears still in their boxes, and they were totally alive
The one also acted like Buzz when he first came to Andy's room, which raises more questions
That sounds like it makes a lot of sense but the store scene in TS2 contradicts it
unless you want to assume that some of those toys still in the packaging (and the barbies) on the shelves were played with by kids whose parents just didn't end up buying them
>I remember toys in packaging in a toy store scene or something similar reacting to the hero toys...maybe in movie 2?
It turns out that some kid picked up that package and really wanted it but his poor mom couldnt afford it
Toy Story of Terror short has an entire tribe of dinos who don’t realize they’re toys explicitly because they’ve never been played with, yet they’re alive...
You're not exactly disproving
So if it doesn't depend on the child....
Can toys make more toys?
All the Barbies in the store were also alive and were having a party in their aisle which is how Potato Head, Rex, and Ham got the car they drive around the store in.
At my old warehouse job we “played” with the forklift and put eyeball decals on the front, did we create a monster?
Garbage men average $16 an hour, but it can go higher. I think Sid was also 18 in that movie so that's a pretty good wage for him.
>give life to an abomination whose life is unending pain
No, user. The monster here is you.
Warner Bros. stuff which ironically feels less commercial while being more open about being a product.
No, you made a friend
It's not really a job that has a lot of upwards mobility, and unless he's also paying for school, he may just be stuck in that role for the next 10 years or so
Maybe it's being built with the intention of being a toy? Like all those Buzz Lightyears and Barbies were manufactured with the intent of a child owning it and playing with it. When Bonne crafts Forky, she is doing so with the intention of him being a toy.
Still doesn't explain why said Buzz Lightyears don't just break out of their packaging and act out the lives hardwired in their brains.
v ghvgh gvkhg
nn hnj mn
that sounds pretty close
LUL @ that Eldritch abomination Forky.
How could Forky Lifty like someone like me?
And books would you recommend?
and please be a book that disney or Fox, never adapted in movies or other things
>but NO
So long, partner.
>Maybe it's being built with the intention of being a toy?
I'd meet you there if it wasn't for the fact that we see "lifeless" toys in the series. In this movie Woody uses a toy dump truck to stealth-roll his way across an area. That toy truck was made with the intention of being a toy and being played with, no?
And there are a bunch of lifeless plastic things stuck to the carnival game's wall but it only seems like the plushies are alive.
>But RC is alive and he's a car
He also has eyes.
There is a scene where all her toys are stored away in the closet where her mother puts them even when she is done cleaning, and there was no aliens, no clown and i am sure some others are also missing. So yeah she either lost them or sold them away
My nephew even hated the ending
A child hated the ending
That's a stretch. They could have been left somewhere else in the house, in their car, at grandma's house, etc.
There is a scene where all of Bonnie's toys are stored on the closet because her mom was cleaning her room (even the ones she neglects and doesn't use anymore) and the aliens, the clown and i am sure a few others that i am forgetting are not there, also in all the scenes where all the toys (except the ones that are neglected on her closet) are together to talk about how she did at school today the aliens and etc are still not present, so she either sold em or lost em.
The real kick in the nuts about that is they were Mrs Potato Heads children
Garbage men are such an unwanted job that can be more complicated in areas where waste management is specialized (separating paper from plastic, limited bag pickup). In the San Francisco Bay Area metro, garbage are likely going to be well-paid as the area is certainly progressive in its waste removal policies. Even in a moderate town, garbage men may make over 100k a year.
Sid's probably making bank. Probably went the wiser route too considering college is increasing in cost but decreasing in value.
>women: not even once
Objection, there is at least a sentient toy truck when sid gets attacked by the mutant toys.
I'm pretty sure I saw the aliens, the three of them.
>Would you rather have close knit clans that can support each other, and pass on the wisdom and lessons of multiple generations to the youth or atomized families that barely see each other, and care as much for one another as you would a TV dinner tray
Tough call
I fucking loathed the first three toy story movies and 4 is one of my top ten movies of all time now. Most of you are idiots with bad taste. Everything Pixar did during the Lasseter years was garbage, and that has nothing to do with him being a pussy grabber. He's just a fucking hack. His repetitive formula has circulated the internet for years as if it qualifies as "storytelling advice."
Kissing is gross user.
Handholding and hugs only.
Nu Pixar doesn't have the balls
Exact opposite sentiment to the OP. I think the lesson of 1, 2 and 3 was defeatist, conformist commie shit about fulfilling your born purpose and nothing else. 4 is about the American dream, going for what you yourself fucking want out of life. Nobody should be the thought slave to a child who doesn't even know they exist.
You just agreed with what he said
Maybe they shouldn't have made Forky the new favorite toy, he is a craft project, not a toy. He is going to break or end up in the trash in less than a month.
Toy Story 4 is not canon
Toy Story 4 doesn't exist
You just saw an add of new toys, that wasn't Toy Story 4
Do they have merchandise of him? I was more surprised they made a toy that's something you can make yourself as the star.
Abandon your morals when it's convenient.
Put your own selfish whims over your duty.
Anyone committed to their duty has a mental hangup dependency.
If someone likes someone else more for a while it means they no longer care about you and will never care again.
Sounds like good lessons for kids today.
Most stories have a moral, user. Novels, comics, shows, movies, most fiction-- has a moral. It's affected you too, whether you admit it or not.
>Abandon your morals when it's convenient.
not when it's convenient, but rather when it makes sense and when your morals are no longer congruent with the way you would like to live. there's no reason for woody to be slavish to andy's wishes when andy is gone and bonnie doesn't care about him.
>Put your own selfish whims over your duty.
woody's duty has been completed. he saw andy grow up from childhood to college and is now passed on to a new child who doesn't care for him. his friends are okay with him leaving because he has done nothing but sacrifice and be slavish to andy since the series' inception. he has earned a break.
>Anyone committed to their duty has a mental hangup dependency.
no, the movie explicitly frames the lost toy choice as just that, a choice. it is not the superior way to live. that's why gabby gabby's character exists, to show that despite woody's final choice, being there for a child is still something desirable and self actualizing to some people.
>If someone likes someone else more for a while it means they no longer care about you and will never care again.
i think the movie goes to great lengths to show that bonnie doesn't even think of woody. i don't think she even mentions woody's name even once in the film. he is literally absent her brain, probably because jessie has replaced him in bonnie's brain as the sheriff character.
Yeah they made a toy of him, But what do you expect from Disney? Not make a $40 toy of something you can make yourself with a dollar fifty?
>Forky's life has meaning because he can make a kid happy
>Woody goes off to give toys to kids and make all kids happy
By your own definition this is an upgrade.
Andy stated that Woody would NEVER give up on you. No matter what. Sometimes you fall low on someones priorities and it's important to still be there for them when they need you because life can be like that sometimes, people can come back to you. She didn't seem to have aged much while she owned Woody, so how long was he really "absent" from her mind. A couple weeks? A month or two?
There are also loads of abominations that are mixes of other toys and some that are attachments to other things that would otherwise be inanimate objects.
Perhaps the truck has some other toy (or toys) parts in it in some way that makes it "alive".
i frankly agree that bonnie shouldn't forget about woody after andy made certain to tell her how important he is and how dependable of a character he is. it's the one aspect of the film that feels a little bit off. at the beginning of the film someone says to woody it's the second time he hasn't been selected for play time that week, so we get the impression that it is a rather short amount of time.
this aspect of the film is there so that woody's personal philosophy of being there for a kid feels unnecessary because he's not needed by bonnie.
The narrative of the story doesn't work if Woody leaves a kid that loves him. So they made Bonnie gravitate more towards Jessie. I'm not saying they should have, but I see why they did.
I hope Woody finds his way back to Andy. Bonnie never deserved him, or any of them really.
>Abandon your morals when its convenient
Woody abandoned no one. Every toy of Bonnie's knew Woody was miserable because he wasn't being played with and he was using Forky as a reason to cling to her, even though everything wasn't working
>Put your own selfish whims over your duty.
His duty was contrived. Andy left his toys with Bonnie to handle the "duty", but Bonnie is a child. Toy Story wears its absurdity on its sleeve by basically saying "the world is exactly like ours, but TOYS COME TO LIFE, WOW". Bonnie acts like a real child who has constantly shifting interests and mood swings. The toys are more mature than her in every single way, which is what makes their conflicts and struggles more interesting. The only duty that anyone could possibly say Woody had was to help protect his fellow toys, and he did that up until he passed the torch off to Buzz. Buzz knew that Woody was forgotten and needed to move on before he got sold, or worse - thrown out. It's why Buzz let Woody leave. Buzz's shitty subplot through the entire movie was him learning to rely on himself more instead of Woody for guidance, because - wouldn't you fucking know - Woody leaves at the end.
>Anyone committed to their duty has a mental hangup dependency.
No. Anyone committed to obtaining a goal (eg "getting Bonnie to play with me") should readjust if shit isn't working. Again, the only duty he has was to the toys.
>If someone likes someone else more for a while it means they no longer care about you and will never care again.
I'm not even going to respond to this. It has no basis in anything I saw on screen. I think you're just retarded and took your politics to a children's movie.
This is the core of what's wrong with the movie. Instead of having a story that develops naturally they have a narrative they want to push within an existing story with no respect to how it affects other aspects of it.
The last point is that Bonnie forgets about him for a brief time, she looks around the same age as she was when Andy passed the toys to her. She prefers to play with other toys for a while forgetting about Woody. Oh well she'll never want/need me again time to leave. It's encouraging a disposable quality to human relationships.
youll note that the ending of 3 literally informs woody's philosophy for the first 2/3rds of toy story 4. during the entire plot he's trying to respect andy's choice and stay with bonnie and do what is best for her despite not being played with her. it is out of his respect for andy that woody stays clinging to an unreciprocated relationship. woody is exposed for this by several characters including bo peep, stating that andy is gone and that woody doesn't actually know what andy would want for him if he had the full context.
if andy came to bonnie's house and realized he wasn't loved there, he'd probably just take woody back and put him in his room.
You can tell that they wrote it based on what they wanted the ending to be, then worked their way backwards and shoehorned motivations and little foreshadowing details in order to reinforce that ending.
I agree. It's not like you can write an ending where Woody goes to find Andy in college and just shows up out of nowhere. None of it would make sense.
imagine if Andy took Woody to college and had him in like a glass case on his desk. Woody would be ashamed of andy just jerking it and would put plans into action to get his boy some puss
>that's why gabby gabby's character exists
Because women are lacking a voice, and after hounding him for having toy privilege, Woody literally gives that voice to her?
>Andy stated that Woody would NEVER give up on you. No matter what.
Right. And the movie is creating a scenario where that behavior isn't always healthy. It's a critique on codependency.
it's interesting, because if andy could have the full context of woody's feelings and the context of the film, i feel he would almost certainly support woody's decision. andy would feel it's only fair to allow woody his own life after woody had always been there for andy since childhood. of course this can't be done without breaking the veil, but the ending of toy story 4 feels better to me when i think about it that way.
you're bringing your politics to the movie when the movie doesn't explicitly support or mention any of the politics you're mentioning.
I kinda appreciated how it almost felt like Woody and Dolly were stepping on one another's toes in trying to be the shot-caller of all the other toys.
REALLY wish the supporting toys from the previous movies got more to do.
He's a toy. Again, you have to consider the movie and how it frames its damn premise. The movie takes the relationships between toys and humans as literally as it possibly can (toys get sad when they aren't played with, toys constantly desire attention from kids, etc)
Bonnie's relationship to Woody is purely a kid and a toy. The relationships between the toys are far more nuanced and complicated. If anything, Bonnie is just an abstraction. She's an unattainable ideal, or an impossible goal. The relationships the toys have among themselves map far better to actual relationships humans have. Like, for fuck sake, the plot of the first movie was about a toy coming to grips with the fact that he was just a toy. Pixar doesn't want anyone to think that the interactions between toys and humans are an analog to human relationships. Otherwise, it would ruin the 4th wall that the movie's constantly build up, with that wall being "toys are just toys", that gets destroyed from scene to scene.
>If someone likes someone else more for a while it means they no longer care about you and will never care again.
Woody didn't even care about this.
He didn't mind that Dolly was the leader, and kept apologizing when he was outspoken because of old habits.
When he was put in the closet he was more concerned with Bonnie needing a toy for kinder orientation rather than his own ego-- juxtapose that with TS1 where that's ALL he cares about when Andy likes Buzz more.
its interesting because i thought this movie really tried to paint the toy-kid relationship as analogous to a parent-child relationship in real life. though not strictly the same as one another, woody speaks as though he were andy's dad and got to watch him grow up and eventually grow out of needing his support.
>Forky doesn't identify as a toy
>trash to toy transition
>wears a rainbow on his leg
>implying it's not a metaphor for the trans community
>Dolly doesn't appreciate Woody's mansplaining and put him in his place any chance she gets
>Bonnie takes away Woody's sheriff star and gives it to the girl version of him
>Women are taking the power back from the patriarchy
>>Bonnie takes away Woody's sheriff star and gives it to the girl version of him
>>Women are taking the power back from the patriarchy
She's a child. Are you retarded? Jessie even gives Woody his badge back right after.
>these same people likely bitch about how girls don't play with girl toys and boys don't play with boy toys these days
Make up your fucking mind.
Ignoring the bullshit, it makes sense contextually for a 5 year old girl to gravitate towards a cowgirl toy the same way a 5 year old boy would gravitate towards a cowboy toy.
This whole movie was all about Woody learning some final lessons.
Most movies would have maybe a few characters learn a lesson each. This one has Woody learning multiple lessons and other characters learning a lesson for themselves along the way.
The main thrust, though, is that Woody finally learns to let go of the past. We can see him struggling to cling to the past and being reminded through several situations that he simply can not return home, as it were.
He's not being picked for playtime and being left in the closet.
His accessories are being taken to give to other toys.
The play room he and his crew are in has its own boss and while his crew will listen to him it's clear that the button eyed doll runs that place and his actions are criticized and questioned harshly rather than enabled.
Forky further replaces him to the point where he's damn near invisible to Bonnie and even with that Forky just keeps trying to leave and it seems like nobody appreciates his efforts to try to keep Bonnie happy by keeping Forky in line.
It's apparent that he wants to go back to Andy as he slips up about the name several times.
He half realizes his lot in toy life as he talks about Andy to Forky and Andy growing up.
When Woody finally meets up with Bo Peep after so many years of being separated he's not greeted by the toy he once knew to be a bedrock of the past but someone who has moved on and evolved without him. Bo Peep doesn't NEED Woody to be the leader of the toy crew like she once did and in fact she is a leader of her own crew.
Woody didn't betray anything or anybody. He is a toy. A child's plaything. His original child stopped playing with him and his new child stopped playing with him. Trying to cling to that new child in some way, even by proxy, was damaging. Woody learns that his purpose in this regard is over and that it's time to move on. Pass the torch to another toy and start a true new chapter in his life as all the other toys around him have already done.
>learning some final lessons
Until the next movie, of course.
based sensible and intelligent poster
>The relationships between the toys are far more nuanced and complicated. If anything, Bonnie is just an abstraction. She's an unattainable ideal, or an impossible goal.
Yes. Kids are the gods of the toys.
To be favored by a kid is a very desirable outcome for a toy and it nets status and power among other toys.
Some kids can be very cruel to their toys, though. This is either outright destructive ways or shifting favoritism on a whim.
Some kids create new toys on a whim.
Some toys can only be happy if they have a kid to play with them, a kid to make happy.
Some toys outright despise kids and hate them.
Some toys just find that chasing any one kid or even desiring to be favored by a kid to be a foolish thing with no real benefit.
Woody becomes the toy equivalent to an atheist when he becomes a "lost toy" with Bo Peep. The kids being that unobtainable ideal because kids grow up and so it's a bit pointless just to spend your life chasing after any kid.
I liked that Dolly stepped up her game since she was the one in charge first. It wasn't obnoxious either!
The only idea I can see for the next movie is the toys having to deal with or compete with kid's attention to video games.
It's the one avenue not exactly explored in any of the movies, at least not as any central plot point/theme.
I can see it being centered around a Buzz Lightyear video game and Buzz having to deal with it somehow.
What about AI robot toys maybe? Though not sure how that would be dealt with.
If they absolutely must make more (and they really, really shouldn't since this was shit) the only story left to tell is Woody finding his way back to Andy.
You sure? They aren't even on the post credit scene nor anywhere that i remember unless they were at the van and never spoke/moved on screen. Pretty sure bonnie just lost em
They probably act like normal toys except when the AI feature is in use. Like how the remote control works on RC.
I think I saw them at the home. Though now I have my doubts.
>Will never notice he was gone
What about when she finds out Woody is a rare toy worth $$$ and she is a young adult who is ready to party?
Don't you think she'll remember him then?
She'll be bummed out.
she wont even remember owning him
Don't underestimate the power of money.
It made Toy Story 4 happen.
>next movie, kid finds woody
>scratches off boot paint where bonnies name was
>says andy instead
>"dad look what i found!" kid shows his dad
>dad is andy
>next movie, kid finds woody
>scratches off boot paint where bonnies name was
>says andy instead
>"dad look what i found!" kid shows his dad
>dad is buzz
This took me out of it...
If I ever liked a toy I created using arts and crafts material as a kid, it would end up worn out and destroyed pretty quick... you know, cause they are made of disposable supplies.
You should hate Disney. Disney is cyberpunk levels of evil megacorp.
You’re an asshole
Wasn't that the norm in human history anyway?
Sid is a federal employee so he gets some pretty sweet benefits.
>"dads, look what I found!"
>dads are Andy and Sid
>Woody turns around, he is the dad
Andy smiles widely and leers at Woody with a knowing look.
"Well, I'll be a son of a bitch."
*end credits* You Got a Friend In Me techno dungeon remix plays.
*shoves Woody up his ass*
"Guess I really DO have a friend in me"
Finally a sex toy story as God intended.
I could've sworn that Toy Story 3 came out like 2 years ago
I hate it when companies do stuff like that to mirror exactly what's going on in their audience's lives. It's cringey and creepy all at once.
Millenials are anyone born in a certain time period, not some political alignment. How is the natural passing of time anti-conservative?
Wow, they didn't even have to ACT in that sketch huh...
What’s with the red line
I wish I could post bait as abhorrent as this
I was afraid there was going to be a litter box scene
Then why the fuck was the point of Andy giving them up to Bonnie if she was just going to get tired of them in less than a year?
It's fucking bullshit, you're talking bullshit. They wanted the story to go in a different direction so they threw out everything they built in the previous movies to do it.
Your nephew sounds like a faggot who can't handle change.
have sex.
Nigga, its call having fun. Of course Andy wouldn't act like that, we are making up silly scenarios.
then some THOT comes in and fucks it up
How is being eternally passed down to a different kid from that family line (assuming the new generations will even give a fuck about him) more interesting than realizing the golden years are over, that you fulfilled your purpose as a toy, and is time to take control of your own destiny? How is gathering dust in a box or a museum a better fate than being every childless toy wingman?
Seriously you lot are just made they did the inevitable. If anything this is the least commercial move they could pull. It's so easy to think of endless sequels when they are all happy together under the same roof sharing a common goal. TS4 feels final. It doesn't betray the previous movies, it just refuses to be constricted by the past. It's alright to adjust to circumstances, to adapt.
Do you think Pete gets to enjoy Barbie-booty on the reg now?
Yep having fun on the "Artist Couch"
Having a little girl doodle on you isn't so bad when kids like Sid exist.
>giant corporation pushes radical individualism on its next generation of eager consumers to ensure they'll always prioritise spending their money on said corporation's products
Imagine my shock.
Toy story should’ve ended with Andy. All this bullshit of passing the toys to another kid and making them “lost toys” is just to pull them out again for the inevitable sequel or direct to tv short. The only conclusive ending would’ve been the loop - Andy passes the toys down to his kid. It’s satisfying, we could see the kid play with them and the series could be put to rest. How much more meaningful would it be to see father Andy talking to his son or daughter about how much these toys meant to him (knowing how much they meant to us) and playing with them with his child on Christmas or a birthday?
The two big existential questions “You are a toy” and “You will eventually not be loved by a child anymore” have already been dealt with in ts1 and ts2, with 3 being a rehash of 2 and 4 just building on the child question with the answer being “you can be more than a toy”. 4 is mildly more interesting in that aspect but completely unnecessary. The only worthy 4th film (which shouldn’t happen anyways) would be about traditional playing with toys vs electronic entertainment.
Do you think Sid's little sister grew up hot? Asking for a friend.
I saw a Gabby Gabby thread a few days ago that had some 34, does anyone have it?
Just finished watching this, funniest part was Bunny and Ducky's plot to follow the old woman home. Almost pissed my pants laughing.
>The movie takes the relationships between toys and humans as literally as it possibly can (toys get sad when they aren't played with, toys constantly desire attention from kids, etc)
It makes me wonder if the plushes on my shelves want me to hold them and fly them around in the air even though I'm an adult.
Are they content with watching me play games and fap, or do they want me to pretend I'm 10?
Their existence is agony. Finish it.
Give them the sweet release of death.
This movie had some fantastic asses
Bonnie’s mom
Bo Peep
Am I missing someone
Given Disney’s recent trend of having protagonists leave their friends for the sake of the good of their own happiness and fulfilment, I predict Elsa is going to abdicate the throne and leave Anna as queen at the end of Frozen 2, going instead to live wherever all that magic in the trailers is coming from.
>Bonnie plays with Woody for a few years, he start getting damaged since he is a pretty old toy.
>She gets scared of breaking him
>Stop playing with him and put him on a shelf, corner, etc.
You know damn well that's not what happened.
By recent trend you mean just Wreck It Ralph 2?
>Are they content with watching me play games and fap, or do they want me to pretend I'm 10?
Based on 3, they'd want you to play like ol times.
What the fuck
Imagine being a toy left on the couch that she sits on by mistake
>Implying attractive people are held to the same standards
There's evidence both anecdotal evidence and ones actually backed up by research that report attractive people are treated with more leniency, are able to convince people they're innocent, and even have people actually help them assist in their crimes, if they're caught red handed. There's a Youtube video involving a young blonde openly admitting she's stealing a bike from a stranger, and you have people not just ignoring it, but supporting her. It's outright baffling.
>so long as there aren’t any particularly big emotional issues at play.
That's a huge, huge 'if', user. You sound like a real-life Everyone Loves Raymond in the making.
Toy Story 5 should be about Sid's toys prove me wrong.
that was Toy Story That Time forgot, actually
but its true we dont, if youre fat the community disses you, if youre skinny, same, mexicans are a pit and the country is better off being bombed
What did you guys think of the Key and Peele stuffies?
Boy I cant remember half the toys I owned at fucking 4. Bitch can't even notice when toys are in different locations after exiting and reentering a room.
No, because they want to be lost Toys now, so they'll just run away.
I'm suprised Gabby got such a happy ending, almost getting away scott free for what she did. I suppose you could say she became good but not really, she stood by "the ends justify the means" and was never properly called out for it.
You know who didn't get a happy ending? 5 characters, the dad and the Slappy quartet. If I were the dad I would have been fuming mad by the end of the day, if I didn't have a wife and daughter, probably would have gone postal.
The dummies were never given much exposition at all. I dont think every character needs a backstory, but it never delves into why the were just so devout to Gabby, the outcast of the shop. Do they actually lack intelligence, a pun on the word "dummie" perhaps?
Imagine drowning her in one shot
Hey man that carnival set was great, lighting has come such a long way in animation
>Forky doesn't identify as a toy
>trash to toy transition
>wears a rainbow on his leg
>implying it's not a metaphor for the trans community
Everything you said is fucking retarded but this takes the special ed cake
Dude, that's literature's objective as a whole. It's human nature since caveman days. Stupid.
>couldnt look at Woody getting to sleep with Bonnie without thinking of a Chris Hansen-esque joke
Is there something wrong with me?
You guys remember when Buzz was Woody's best friend? Remember when Bullseye was a character?
why didnt Woody grab RC or Bullseye like he would have back in the day to catch back up with the RV when he jumped out to save Forky?
I can't believe he cast aside everything he has ever stood for for some ass.
Did you SEE her climbing the rope up like fucking Sly Cooper? It's almost like Pixar WANTED you to stare at her ass.
It's realistic
But he wasn't. He may have looked like he was but those Andy slips weren't included accidentally. He was being a good soldier because it's what Andy chose. Andy was who he was still being loyal to, and in his efforts to try to transpose his relationship with Andy onto Bonnie, he was being unfair to everyone, including himself. Andy had been able to grow and no longer needed Woody in his life. But Woody hadn't. That isn't to say that Andy didn't cherish the times he played with Woody, but he knew that if he kept him, at best Bonnie might have enjoyed Woody like Andy had been able to. At worst that might not be the case, but Woody might get played with more often than he would have had Andy kept him.
4 was clearly the story about Woody coming to accept that he was no longer Andy's toy, wasn't Bonnie's either, and that those two statements didn't have to be bad things for him.
You clearly missed the message of the film then. As a continuation of the theme of moving on from the third film, the entire point of this movie is that sometimes you have to think for yourself and live your life your way instead of living it everyone else's way. By your logic Woody and Buzz were wrong in trying to return to Andy in the first film because they're just toys so they should have willingly let Sid mutilate them. Newsflash, they're fucking sentient in this franchise. Arbitrarily saying "that's not right because they're fucking toys and toys are for their kid masters" is moot if they're humanized the way they have been for the last three films. Woody did nothing wrong in leaving with Bo, you sperg.
the skunk car was just bizarre, I can’t believe that’s a real toy
It was a regular RC car but the toys murdered a real skunk and skinned it to disguise their car
Was Bo Peep so jaded because she was raped and left to die out in a room?
I assumed they follow orders and can’t talk because they’re specifically ventriloquist dummies who need someone to speak and act through them.
fucked up if true
This was a message... intended for Boomers. Bonnie represents the ungrateful child and Woody and Bo Peep, the parents who retire to see the world using the money from the mortgage instead of leaving an inheritance.
This movie is a reflection of the sickness of American society
>imagine if Forky had broke after accepting his fate as a toy. Bonnie get upset, her mother tells her they'll put him back together. She throw him in the trash and make her a new forky.
It isnt. It didnt have sentience or free will despite the movie going great lengths to prove even an arts n crafts creature can become a toy equipped with awareness upon creation.
Shut up faggot
but I mean, I can’t imagine something like that would ever be sold in stores, the rest are all believable
I half expected her to not actually care about Forky as much as Woody thought, because how many kids would?
After seeing what the cat did to that toy...aren’t there tons of toys made specifically for cats to hunt, literally stuffed with catnip?
Or what about toys made for dogs to chew on? What a hellish existence
Figured the romantic tension 2 and 3 built up Buzz with Jesse would clue you in, but then again you aren't the only one who seemed to forget about that, Pixar did the same thing in this movie.
Dolls are happy to be drawn on by little girls. I wouldn't be surprised if pet toys or Stretch Armstrong-like abusable toys were all wired to be masochists.
>catnip toys have to be exiled and left to their fate or else they’ll lead the beast to everyone
To be fair, that's a pretty fat ass.
Kids are weird, they make slime, they dab. Happens every generation, kids like weird shit their parents don’t always get
Not very funny or likable. Really disappointing actually. Didn't add much to the movie.
I know that, idiot. But if it had went that way, we wouldn't be hating so much on Bonnie.
>either skinned a real shunk
>skinned another toy plush
That second option is more horrific
I was hoping it would be revealed that it was RC in disguise, but I guess he's just gone forever.
There'd also be no movie, retard. Your "solution" does nothing.
Yes there'd be. Bonnie still move on to new toys and Woody isn't being played with.
Except she would still have an emotional attachment to Woody and it would be present since she's clearly putting him in the closet so he doesn't break. As opposed to the way Woody feels now where Bonnie wouldn't even notice if he was gone. You know, the crux of the movie.
My buddy cracked a joke that more than anything, Forky was a metaphor for friends trying to keep friends from killing themselves.
Its just Pixar trying to indoctrinate kids to be depressed hipster loners who care about selfish impulses over a stronger family structure.
I havent seen it yet, is it actually a good movie or is it a last jedi situation where people will start hating it in the next few months?
It may not be the best in the world, but it's soo much better a sequel than Last Jedi.
why did they go to the trouble of not only making an underwear mold but painting it also
Surely you didn't think all the post-TS3 Lewd Woody posting didn't go unnoticed did you?
It didn't take months for people to hate The Last Jedi, people hated it from the get to and rightfully so. Same thing here, it isn't good.
>I fucking loathed the first three toy story movies
Then nothing you say matters, you fucking oaf.
So how would you guys feel if in Toy Story 5, they show that Bonnie does actually somewhat miss Woody once she gets a bit older and remembers him?
>becomes jealous the moment Andy wants to play with Buzz instead of him
>jealously drives him to push Buzz out the window
>is totally ok with leaving him outside until the other toys guilt him into saving Buzz
Woody has always been a bit of an asshole
do you mean first draft 3d Woody? They say test audiances hated his dick-like nature so much that they had to soften him to become more likable.
The writers hated Bonnie, so leaving her entitled ass was made to be a good ending for Woody.
>The writers hated Bonnie
I noticed a bunch of vocal fans seem to hate Bonnie, but I never understood why. Now THIS however is the first I'm hearing of the staff feeling that way.
I'm absolutely blown away by how many people I know hate the ending of this. I'm hearing people discuss it at work and even my sister & mother who normally never complains about anything won't shut up about it.
Surprise - when you create a multigenerational beloved franchise with a clear internal story logic and wholesome moral centre, and then try to subvert that core in your latest instalment, audiences react badly to it. See also: Disney Star Wars.
It's not bait. If you have a single goddamned brain cell you can see that almost every Pixar movie has the same set of story beats they've even posted all over social media like it's a good thing. They're absolute garbage. Garbage writing, garbage directing. By breaking from that formula, 4 was finally watchable.
>By your logic Woody and Buzz were wrong in trying to return to Andy in the first film because they're just toys so they should have willingly let Sid mutilate them
Did Andy give them to Sid? No. They're not his toys. Andy gave him to Bonnie in the hopes that he'd take care of her, is that too hard to understand?
Woody adventuring freely in the world instead of inevitably ending up in storage somewhere waiting for a child is the best possible ending they could have given him.
No, not making this shit movie would've been the best possible ending for him.
How about when Andy's mom was going to sell Wheezy then? Should Woody have let him get sold?
I completely agree with you user. Literature can make you see another perspectives, and then, in real life experience, after some conflict, you will learn a lesson. Literature leads you to experiences... you can't take what movies or books say in a literal way.
I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in college, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Toys R Us, and I have over 300 confirmed stolen toys.
I believe it was only 12 months. Toy story 3 took place in middle of 2010. hence the lack of smartphones. Toy Story 4 take place right in the middle August of 2011. Smartphones have made it's appearance slowly. Bonnie wont start kindergarten until September 2011. Toy Story 3 and 4 was fortunate to taken place during pre-reddit era and medieval Netflix
No, because Andy wasn't the one that gave him away you moron. How many times do you need this drilled into your head? ANDY WAS THE ONE THAT GAVE HIM TO BONNIE. By leaving her, he explicitly went against Andy's wishes to watch over her and keep her safe. That is wildly OOC no matter how you spin it.
>Don't forget Disney totally fucked up whole PoTC with 5th one
that franchise was fucked from the second one forward and I actually somewhat enjoyed 2 and 3.
>The only idea I can see for the next movie is the toys having to deal with or compete with kid's attention to video games.
They already did this in Toy Story That Time Forgot. Bonnie goes on a playdate to her cousin Mason's house, who is a rich spoiled brat living in a fancy house. He's found to be playing some VR + PS4 hybrid looking console thing and initially ropes Bonnie into playing with him instead of the mounds of toys he has opened for Christmas in the room next over, which is just an opportunity to give the TV special runtime with the new dinosaur battle toys unimpeded by human interruptions. Its not until one of them distracts Bonnie that her autism for playing with inanimate objects supersedes her gaming with Mason and manages to pry him away from the console too to play with her.
I guess the message here was that even if electronics encroach upon kids' playtime, there will always be a kid out there thats more autistic and prefers to play pretend with real physical toys. Games are immersive but are also limited in what they portray.
No faggot, it is not. If someone takes their lessons by literature, movies or media, I can assume he/she is lazy as fuck (look at Hamlet and Don Quijote). Life is more complex than the theme of a piece of media. Literature leads you to consider new points of view, and then, in real life experience, after a conflict, you will compare all those points of view (including yours) and, in the end, you will learn a real lesson.
"Lessons" in literature are morals. Morals aren't objective truth. As humans, we can't reach the objective truth, we can only intuit it"
>pre-reddit era
zoomer, pls
the internet didn't magically start in 2013
>pre-reddit means pre-internet
>Literal psychopath
Except he spent the whole movie trying to abide by Andy's wishes and cling to them because he was in turn clinging to Andy. The whole point of the movie is that everyone else tells him to let go and live his own life. That's not out of character if the film built up to that decision. Your whole point was "he is a toy he lives to only live by his owner's wishes and to go against them is out of character and somehow wrong". My point is that he did fulfill the purpose of serving Andy but his life was over and did everything he could outside of the last thing, which was staying with Bonnie because Andy said to. But guess what, he was miserable and his best friend told him to be happy. How is that out of character if he spends the whole film alone and when he gets a second chance with his old flame he takes it?
>Loyal to Andy and Andy said stay!
Life moves on. Things change. That's the whole point of the fucking film. Woody was not out of character. The film made his decision make sense. Fuck off
Bonnie betrayed Andy and the promise she made to him.
>Gabby Gabby didn't deserve redemption
Disney is currently programming nihilism in to children.
Would Bonnie have even wanted Gabby Gabby, Duckie and Bunny, Bo Peep, or Duke Caboom?
Notice how the carnival critters and the unicorn both used joke centered around "lol radical crazy shit"? Ironic that 2 (technically 3 but the carnival critters were pretty much 1 person with 2 voices) characters were written borderline same lazy jokes.
They want to help you play fap time.
>it's a film of their trials and tribulations conveyed all through body language and the odd soundbite
>while other toys look upon them with disgust Sid's toys have immense pride of their creative owner and use their new forms to creative uses
I'd watch it.
Fucking based. I lost my favorite police truck to a cleaning lady who brought her retard baby. Wish I could do the same.
Go visit /toy/, you might find the joy of spending time with plush frens.
So is Woody just fine with leaving Buzz?
Everyone is acting like it was inevitable that the toys are going to be forgotten and saying that this justifies the movie. But I thought the whole point of Toy Story 1, 2 and 3 was that it isn't inevitable at all, and that it's best to stay together? That even if you're forgotten by your owner, you have a strong bond that can't be erased, not just with your owner, but with all of the toys alongside you? Wasn't the entire crux of Toy Story 2 in opposition to this movie's message? Did they really make Woody's fate out to wander the world until he breaks down bad enough to be unable to move, and simply live on as a broken, abandoned toy once forgotten?
Yes. This movie's message is a cancer that sought to kill the heart of the actual Toy Story films. Disney is a full blown Marxist propaganda machine from top to bottom. Traditional values, nostalgia, sentimentality, and history bad. Destroying western civilization good. This movie is absolutely Pixar's The Last Jedi and they are as dead as Lucasfilm.
>Ralph Breaks The Internet ends with Vanellope going Turbo and getting away with it because she's a girl.
>Though it's more due to Tetsuya Nomura having his head all the way up his ass when it comes to writing, the end of Kingdom Hearts 3 features Xehanort happily getting away with countless atrocities like "murdering" Kairi with all the shitty side-game characters who should've stayed dead coming back to get forced happy endings despite doing absolutely nothing while Sora sacrifices himself to save Kairi again, leaving them alone and miserable.
>TS3 ends with Bonnie forgetting about Woody, the villain getting off scott-free, and Woody then proceeds to leave his friends forever.
Remember when Disney taught wholesome morals?
How is it marxist when the movie is promoting consumerism?
Andy will never forget those toys, so in effect they can never be forgotten. Every other kid shown in the Toy Story series however loses or gives away or sells their toys at fairly young ages and these act as catalysts to the way many other characters act such as Jessie, Pete, Lotso, etc. Yet Andy held onto all of the toys he could except those that broke well beyond the time at which he was even using them. They still sat there, not in the attic but his room, even as a teenager, meanwhile his little sister gets rid of toys willy nilly much younger the same way Jessie's original owner did. The same way Bonnie seems to just stop caring about Woody at all. Female children don't care about their toys and just throw them out the instant they start caring about makeup and boys, never to think of them again. But boys like Andy? Hold onto them forever. This is really just an allegory for the differences between how males and females have relationships by the way and how it takes many, many years longer for men to move from someone as opposed to women moving on after weeks or a couple months at most as they immediately have infinitely more expendable distractions at their disposal.
Consumerism and capitalism are actually the perfect vessel and host for the Marxist virus to spread. That is the conclusion they came to after failing in the 50's and 60's to fight against it.
>Marxist virus
nigger do you know what words mean you can't just call everything marxist you fucking retard
Seems the movie is a lesson on how women treat the things they "love".
Was Bonnie an autist? Forky looks like something a true autistic retard could come up with.
toys reflect their owner. Bonnie is crazy and sadistic, that's why she locks Woody and the other toys in the attic while making Forky the center of attention and giving Jessie his Sheriff's badge. Bonnie knows exactly what she's doing in her sadistic cuckoldry of Woody.
Buzz turned in to an idiot in this movie out of nowhere and was clearly losing it mentally.
i liked this movie because it reminded me of how my first ever toy story toy wasn't even a fucking toy but something my dad picked from a random gas station
Someone give me the short story for this.
I don't care how fucking much they built it up within the film, if it goes against literally everything the entire franchise is built off of then it's a fundamentally flawed movie that should have never been made in the first place.
>But guess what, he was miserable and his best friend told him to be happy
And he was miserable when Buzz originally took his place, does that make him right to try and throw him away when he had the chance? His happiness after 1 was always related to his owners happiness. If Andy's happy, he's happy, if Bonny's happy, he's happy, except when he isn't despite how every fucking short and 3 he was happy with her.
Woody realizing he is unwanted as the toy should have been the crux for him sacrificing the voice modulator, instead of Gabby guilt-tripping him into it.
That wasn't Bo's ideal. The message she was trying to sell Woody was "There are many other kids in the world that'd be happy to play with us, we don't need to concentrate on pleasing just one child".
He's a firm believer of Bros Before Bos
Fuck off mouseshill.
>nobody appreciates his efforts to try to keep Bonnie happy by keeping Forky in line.
This was the weirdest part. They demanded that he should save Buzz in TS1, but nobody cared about Forky except for Woody in the whole film.
A threesome was really the only way to go
Wouldn't Woody be happy just by being with the friends he's made over 2 decades? The same friends he was willing to die with in 3?
He knew he was unwanted and deep down didn't want another owner. Being defective was fine to him and he gave up his voicebox to a toy who did want to be played with.
They saw him as walking garbage and even then Buzz eventually started helping which led to the others doing the same. I guess had he been left to rot Forky would've lost his spark of life in time.
Because he's a sub-toy.
>When the movie promotes individualism over collectivism in the end
Dumbasses like you is the reason communism will stay a pipe dream.
>He knew he was unwanted and deep down didn't want another owner. Being defective was fine to him and he gave up his voicebox to a toy who did want to be played with.
...yes, that is what I meant. They even set it up with Forky telling Gabby about Woody being unplayable nowadays. THAT's what she should have said to convince him, instead of just "but I want to be happy too!"
That's the problem with this movie; virtually EVERYONE was OOC just to make the premise work.
The little brat has enough toys
I always wondered if Sid’s toys ever came alive for him again or did they just leave him to slowly go insane. I think it would be awesome to have toy friends as long as they don’t want to kill anyone.
I don’t approve of the idea that a toy can remove their actual voice box and still be able to talk and move without being retarded. It feels wrong, like a human ripping out their own throat and singing opera.
Whatever did end up happening, Sid became a happy person from what we saw in 3, so it probably went well. Maybe he started using his creativity to make new toys from broken ones while he was young instead?
He doesn’t even have a dick. What’s she gonna do, lick his pull string?
>never question
based and obnoxious-pilled
Wait, that makes me wonder.
What the fuck do Mr. and Mrs. Potato Head do? Put each other's parts inside each other? Swap potatoes? Would anybody even be able to tell if they did?
Is that some kind of public exhibition kink, swapping potatoes and not telling anyone?
>gabby abandons all of the dummies
>only one was even shown leaving the antique store
I liked them as villains. Would've been great seeing them meet up with Big Baby or at the least shown to live it up in the antique party room.
I want Gabby Gabby.
The skull shirt could have just been an Easter Egg and the real Sid is a NEET jerking off on Barbies who love it and will egg him on with cupped hands and actually say dirty things to him.
>Swapping potatoes
Is that what they call it now?
nah it was confirmed that he was the same guy by the director
Sid will probably take Woody to his home in TS 5 and reveal that he now fixes toys as a hobby with parts that he finds in the garbage. And then he will be delivered to Andy so he can hand him down to his husband's son.
>I don't form my own critical opinions, and everyone who doesn't vindicate me is a shill.
Why not just form your own opinions on these things?
I like user’s idea better.
How long until Robot Chicken makes an edgy parody with some NEET finding Bo Peep to add her to his hotglue babes collection?
>Sid will probably take Woody
I bet woody would be terrified to be back in Sid's home without buzz to save him
And Bonnie will be happy now that he got Forky back, dipshit. His motives in the 1st film were selfish, so no. Look, Bo coming back into the picture is what ultimately threw a wrench into his worldview. He was not happy with getting sidestepped by Dolly as the leader nor with being relegated to the closet, but he was still fine. It's not like he ran off because Bonnie forgot about him. He was still loyal. I'm sure if Bo never surfaced he wouldn't leave Bonnie. He was literally stammering in confusion at the end because he was about to leave Bo again, but Buzz, having been the only motherfucker throughout the entire movie to acknowledge the lengths Woody was going to for Forky and Bonnie, told his best bud he was better off taking the second chance with Bo. Woody is so loyal he doesn't even think of himself at all until Buzz tells him to go. The whole point is that he carved the path of sticking to his kid when Bo was sold and taken from him. He gave love up over dedication to his owner. Bo coming back is what ultimately shook his foundation and saying it was an inorganic character growth or that it shits on the previous films is bullshit. He got a second chance with Bo and he already knows the path he chose before ends with eventual desertion. He was fine with that at first but with her back and her being much happier as a lost toy than he was as Bonnie's opened a new point of view he never had to consider before. The notion that trying a new life with Bo after everything he's done is out of character or against the morals of the previous films is just bull. Things change, time moves on, your loved ones are always with you even if you're apart, and sometimes, life gives you second chances. Woody chose a second chance. Get over it.
woody's new life of helping lost toys find owners is so great too
I thought it ended.
Exactly. He also sees that being a lost toy is way more purposeful thanks to Bo and how they help Gabby Gabby.
People don't fucking care about how the story justifies it in itself, you absolute retard. People don't like the conclusions this story comes to because it goes against the ideas of the other films, especially Toy Story 2.
TS2 made the point that even though kids may end up growing out of you, or moving on and leaving you behind (exactly what happened to Woody), as long as you had friends with you and an emotional bond was born, you can live that life without regrets. Both 2 and 3 went to great lengths to show that, even without the love of an owner, the toys were all connected to each other, both from their own bonds and the bonds they shared with Andy. But 4 breaks those lessons, ESPECIALLY the one from 3, which can be boiled down to "even without the owner who brought us together, we can be happy together. The bonds we made with our friends can sustain us, and as long as we help each other, we may even find a new owner to help bring happiness along the way." 4 sacrificed the old messages by contriving the idea that Woody never moved past the version of himself he was in 1, a doll slavishly devoted to being the star. Woody's conflict in 4 is very similar, but instead of feeling jealousy for not being the star, he feels emptiness for the lack of bond with his owner. The fact that he feels this emptiness, despite the messaging of 2 and 3 that made it clear he valued his friendships just as much, has no narrative through line from film to film, and only works if you disregard the other films and their messages.
When Woody was offered the chance to make thousands of kids happy in 2, he refused it, not just because he was Andy's toy, but because he didn't want to abandon his friends, either. When faced with a similar proposition from Bo, but working for toys instead of children, he accepts it, leaving his friends behind. To see that from the same character, it's something many people have found distasteful.
It's nowhere near as egregious as The Last Jedi.
Does a lot of excellent things (particularly the antagonist and animation), but feels unsatisfying when it tries to do the "hey it's a toy story movie time for everyone to cry now please" thing, especially compared to 2 and 3.
Nope it just got renewed for Season 10.
Good, Communism is inherently flawed and morally bankrupt
My kid didn't like it.
I was kinda expecting Pete to have a short scene in 3 or 4 with his face painted and his hair all styled up and him having a hippie personality that tells them that all that shit in 2 is water under the bridge and he's happy now with his kid.
Sid probably had a side hobby of making trash sculptures with some of the stuff he finds.
>abandoning Bonnie to be with as many kids as he wants.
It's okay to be a slut. That's the lesson
>caring about morals in a movie intended for the nations youth
Yeah what a retard, hehe...
>Trixie and Woody keep in touch with each other via. online chat rooms.
Technically if anything happens to any of the toys, there's a chance they can just star traveling with Woody wherever he is.
>Trixie and Woody keep in touch with each other via. online chat rooms.
Did they show that during a credits scene or are you just suggesting that as an idea?
>today I learned I was male.
Time to go tranny, I guess
Maybe the premise of toys being alive was silly since the beginning and with each new film it shows more and more its problems
What happens with the toys when the humans die? What are the mechanisms of consciousness? Etc etc
Bo was one of his friends and he already spent a lifetime with the others. This is the biggest flaw in your argument. Bo WAS part of the gang until she got taken from them, and out of everyone except maybe Buzz, she had the strongest relationship with Woody. So if one friend leaves you and comes back you should say no, fuck you, I already have these other guys? Sometimes we lose friends and we can't help that fact. Sometimes we have a second chance with them. Woody being locked in a museum before his first kid ever grew up and abandoning his friends for some new crew is totally different than Woody rekindling a friendship he thought he'd never have again. And he makes new kids and toys happy along the way in choosing this path. And again. BUZZ TOLD HIM TO. Sometimes you do eventually cut ties with your friends but just because you're not living in the same fucking house as them doesn't mean you aren't still in their hearts. Like Andy. Like the premise of 3. Jesus christ I refuse to believe you're actually this dense and can't see the stark differences between 4's scenerio with 2's or how 4's message ties into the previous films instead of contradicting them.
It's never too late, I guess.
Did it get spooky like Goosebumps?
Bo could've always went with Woody to Bonnie you know. She's a girls toy, Bonnie would've loved her and she could've spent time with all the other friends she left behind and make up for lost time. But no, that could never even be up for consideration, because she values being a lost toy more than she does her friends.
>So if one friend leaves you and comes back you should say no, fuck you, I already have these other guys?
Well it sure seems tacky to abandon the countless friends you made over the years just for one girl. Bros before Bo's and all that.
This is your mind on /pol/
Did Pete have plastic hair like Woody? then again I guess his new kid could have just stuck a wig on him.
Not exactly "morally good" lessons for kids, but they're sure as hell accurate to real life once you actually grow up.
And let's be real, most of the people who went to the movie the first night were probably nostalgic adults who of course, finally realized and experienced the world for how shitty indifferent it really is. Like the 3rd movie, I don't really think this one was exactly intended for kids or younger, newer audiences either. You support and stick with the people who are there for you and care for you; not the ones who don't.
bruh that isn't a leotard
In the last 2 years they've re-wrote 75% of the script and fired the director of the first 2 films (who is one of the main creators). It's no surprise its a rushed piece of trash. And I think Pixar knew this, so they sugar-coated it by adding emotion and amazing visuals to cover up the shit film. People are gonna turn on this film once the 'honeymoon phase' is over, if it hasn't started already.
So I haven’t seen the movie and probably won’t for a while. How long does Bonnie keep Forky before Woody gets the fuck out of dodge? Like sure he’s her favorite toy NOW, but like what about in a year?
Also how is an ending like THAT gonna get people to want to buy tickets to Disney’s new Toy Story land?
Bo had no right having an ass this fat.
Like a week, during which he spends the entire time trying to keep the dumb ingrate from killing himself. Then when he finally manages to convince him he's a toy and returns him to safety, he finally just decides fuck it, Bonnie doesn't want me but Bo Peep sure wants the snake in my boot, hugs Buzz goodbye, and leaves.