>Event Leviathan selling out
>Naomi hype building, finally a poc to look up to
>Wonder Comics expanded to 12 issues
>YJ is back!

muh Bendis speak. admit it, he is saving DC

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Other urls found in this thread:

Number 1s are inflated sales by autistic collectors
Nobody cares about Naomi
Bendis deserves ZERO credit for WT getting expanded
YJ is currently shit

>Bendis deserves ZERO credit for WT getting expanded
I mean it wouldn't exist without Bendis...

I truly, unironically agree. His line of comics are pretty much the best most promising "family" of books in DC right now. Along with Deathstroke.

>Nobody cares about Naomi

I care and do not call me Mr Nobody!

>>Event Leviathan selling out
sells like shit.
>>Naomi hype building, finally a poc to look up
sells like shit
>>YJ is back!
sells like shit

>finally a poc to look up to

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>muh Bendis speak. admit it, he is saving DC
DC is Dead.

Naomi is great, an original character with a solid setup. And also not connected to Batman in any way so that's a plus, even Sideways was set in Gotham.

Don't you dare fucking compare Naomi to Sideways you fuckwit.
>Solid setup
Bullshit. Also doesn't help that she's pushing Jon aside either.

Bendis fucks his black kid...

>>YJ is back!
Bendis young justice " sounds like an intestinal parasite that you get from eating undercooked seafood.

No, he's doing the opposite.

he's going to ruin batman too, once king's run is done

god i can't wait for the reactions to the first joke page bendis does that is just WORDS WORDS WORDS

Naomi has hype? Every review I read says it’s shit, I’ve read it via here and I have to agree it’s hot garbage

>Don't you dare fucking compare Naomi to Sideways you fuckwit.
I'm gonna because even though I liked Sideways, the series was nothing but wasted potential.
>Killspeed was kill
>The mom was needlessly killed
>Dominus literally didn't matter to the plot
>not enough ernie and Emeline
>set in Gotham
Naomi is sideways done right. Reboot Sideways and give it to bendis and it would be a much better series.

Bendis Black daughter,DC has fallen low ever since your dad came long.
And Naomi is shit.

>Every review I read says it’s shit
Bullshit they did.

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Every time I see this hack and Superman news about him my chest gets tight. I can’t believe DC did this.

Not dead
Practically not dead thanks to the last reveal
Yes she did
We got plenty of Ernie
That literally doesn't matter because thankfully he never had to deal with fucking Batman, which you just said was a good thing.

Stop being a (You) hungry whore you attention starved pathetic faggot. Because this is the last one you're getting from me

you sound pretty far up bendis' ass in all honesty

Keep acting like a retard, you know I'm right about this.
Sideways was a disappointment to what we could've have if Rocafort was in charge instead of Didio.

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And next you’re going to tell me that Ragle Zaos (or whatever the fuck his name is) is a great villain.

You Bendisfags are so predictably contrarian it’s hilarious.

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Nobody cars Bendis. . Bendis wants to be a black man and have anal sex with Tim Drake and Naomi?

Timfag sucks Bneids cock,

Very normal and cool user

I will never understand why people go to such great lengths on this site for attention like this. OP is a prime example of the most pathetic type of poster on here, and probably a tourist who just loves to larp as a faggot.

i thought the entire schtick was bendis self inserting as Jessica to get fucked my luke cage.

I hope bendis gets let go soon. I don't believe he's pulling in the numbers that DC expecting and his creator owned books are not selling well either. His imprint will be a dumpster fire.

>not dead
She was terminally ill amd we never saw her again and the cancer patient was another bad idea from didio.
>Practically not dead thanks to the last reveal
It's a needless death, nothing came of it and it was copying too much from Spider-man. Sideways didn't need a forced uncle ben moment.
>Yes she did
No she didn't, her plans for sideways was like totally uninvolved plot point.
>That literally doesn't matter because
It does because it lacks originality. The location lacks character because it's his own setting.

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Superman got beaten by Tec and Catwoman in sales...

What's with these form of posts in every Bendis thread? They read like they were written by some 7 year old or someone with some mental retardation?

Jesus Christ, Here's your (you), you Bendis attention whore.

10/10 shit post
here's your (you) you glorious piece of shit

>7 year old or someone with some mental retardation?
>Posts on a capeshit board are written by the target audience for capeshit.

We all deserve better than Bendis.
Bendis' Man of Steel Flopped Sales Wise

>Event Leviathan is selling out
Remember when you told us the same thing about Civil War 2? Yeah.
>Naomi hype building
> 47. NAOMI #5 (DC) - 36,953 [49]
Even redditards and tumblrinas hate it so where is that hype coming from other than your rancid ass?
>YJ is back!
> 64. HARLEY QUINN #61 (DC) - 30,708 [64]
> 65. YOUNG JUSTICE #5 (DC) - 29,821 [68]
Now with another black marysue and selling like shit! Fuck yeah!

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Why they thought it was a good idea to dumpster dive to pick up Bendis from Marvel is beyond me.

Everyone give OP a big round of applause. He's worked so hard trying to farm for (You)s and piss everyone off.

>Posting comicbook reviews unironically
That’s a yikes for me lad. These are the same fucktards that praised America Chavez.

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You are really not great at false flagging here Bendis

Dan Didio.

Event Leviathan is so good!

love wonder comics. I only buy Bendis

That's not what false flagging is...

I posted those because user said every review he read said it was shit.

Every genuine review of calls it shit. Not those pieces you picked out for your rhetoric, where braindead cockmonglers take whatever turd is served to them.

Bendis pls.,

>Every genuine review of calls it shit
What's genuine about them?

Boring. This large scale galactic drama shit for the the purpose of ham fisting a over powered generic looking 90's bad guy reject is fucking boring. And on top of it all it'll be covered in a hundred word balloons of pointless Bendis speak.

You fucked up DC. Hopefully the tanking sales will make you realize this.

user pls, an ellipse is ... not .,

>This large scale galactic drama shit for the the purpose of ham fisting a over powered generic looking 90's bad guy reject is fucking boring
But enough about Scott Snyder, let's talk about Bendis.

They don't have DC's cock in their mouths.

This is so bad I almost can't even believe it. Even for Bendis this sucks.

I really dont even get the point of slightly aging up Jon.
like who cared that much? if you didn't like the character just don't write him (same with lois)
just say they aren't around when the story is happening.
>oh good thing jon and lois are visiting her parents today when Space Jerk attacked

And Leviathan wouldn't exist without Morrison, but I don't see anyone crediting him for this piece of shit selling.

i truly feel sorry for whoever takes over the Superman stories after Bendis sodomizes it.

Bendis have raped Supes harder than Doomsday ever could. >>. This is the same man that ruined Scarlet Witch, Sentry, Moon Knight, Frogman, the Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, She-Hulk, Kitty Pryde, Ice Man, and Carol Danvers.
He even ruined his own Ultimate Spider-Man comic with Miles. And don’t get me started on Riri.

Bendis I going to rape Superman harder than Batman did the Joker.

Now I want to see Bendis ruin Tim Drake.

Timfags that think Bendis book is "good" or "nice" are seriously deluding themselves.

This isn't a surprise for anyone who knew Bendis' MO already.
That's the reason i always laugh at his apologists

I wish Disney would buy out DC already and fire everyone.

I guess nobody felt the need too but sure, Grant Morrison did create a great shadowy evil spy ring with Levithan.

You guys are overreacting. Superman survived Chuck austen and Scott Lobdell, he can survive bendis.

No way he is getting Batman. Unless he is dropping something, by the time King leaves later this, he will be writing Legion, Naomi, YJ, Superman and AC. And a bunch of other stuff. And you wanna throw Bats on top of that?

It's easy; just ignore EVERYTHING Bendis did. Worked for Green Arrow when they tried mimicking the show

>>Naomi hype building, finally a poc to look up to
It disturbs me that anyone on Yea Forums would look up to a little girl. And if you mean for little colored black girls of color themselves, they don’t read comics so non of them look up to her.

>>Naomi hype building, finally a poc to look up to
This is some next level bullshit.

Leviathan is an ok story but the editorial reasoning that they need to clear out the clutter of secret organizations in the dcu is crap. Don't give a crap about Naomi one way or another. Young Justice is actually kind of good but how much of that is because his predecessors were crap with the characters new 52 versions is questionable. So a bunch of mediocre to slightly good.

On the clearly negative side, I hate what he's done and is doing to Jon with having him tortured on earth three for seven years and sending him off to the future, so I'm boycotting everything related to it until Jon is deaged.

you cant admit it!

Naomi a 10/10 comic, stellar art and she is a REAL HERO.

its obvious you are racist

Naomi is unironically a good comic though.

Bendis in Crisis Day 2: The Great One’s Twitter on Lockdown After Hacking

who did this!?

>Event Leviathan selling out
The fact that he needed Batman to save his shitty book is proof of how no one gives a shit about Bendis.
>Naomi hype building, finally a poc to look up to
Her book is boring and no one cares about her. Just because Bendis is shoving her down her everyone’s throats doesn’t mean she is good.
>Wonder Comics expanded to 12 issues
>YJ is back!
And it is shit because of Bendis.

And in the time period between the Loeb/Kelly/Casey/Schultz era and the post-Infinite Crisis era, Superman went from four books where you had practically a superbook every week to only two book. So yes absolutely the franchise has suffered badly from people screwing up the franchise.

I don't think Bendis is really screwing up per se. It's a mediocre run but it's on the bearable side of mediocrity.

Why hasn't Bendis been attacked at a con yet?

Fucking cringe!

>Event Leviathan selling
An Event, first issue with Batman on it doing good?! Wow.

>Naomi hype
Literally who.

>YJ back
It would have been better if they didn't come back.

No I'm seriously asking. There are A LOT of people online who hate his fucking guts. Given certain autists, you would think one of them would go nuts

>Superman went from four books where you had practically a superbook every week to only two book.
That's because editorial wanted to get rid of his baggage and go back to a streamline mythos.

>Ruining everything good going on with Supes
Yeah nah, fuck him.

Considering it's Bendis, you can expect it to botch the ending and Levathan being Ra's or something retarded like Brother Eye becoming Bruce's Ultron.

because you are all a bunch of anonymous cowards too afraid of even going outside.

toasting in a bait bread. bennis and kang are crashing the industry with no survivors

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his Superman his better than Tomasi and Jurgens combined

Austen and Lobdell were much better at Superman than Morrison, Johns or Tomasi

>Event Leviathan selling out
What's it about?

Some Bendis OC is doing something THAT WILL CHANGE THINGS FOREVER!! Or something like that

It's Bendis being put in charge of canon cleanup because Dan Didio thinks there are too many organizations running around in DC

Well that's retarded, I remember Leviathan being the name of Talia's assassin group to rival Ra's'. I skimmed the first issue and his OC killed everyone but Steve Trevor and there was some shit dialog between Batman and Lois

>> 47. NAOMI #5 (DC) - 36,953 [49]
Honestly not bad for a mini. Captain Marvel #5 came out the same month and it's sales are 10k lower. Before you call me Bendis I will say I think Naomi is shit but those aren't bad sales

Naomi's series is new and was being pushed hard by DC, this is Carol's fifth or sixth relaunch

The hype is manufacured and pushed by shills like Nobody cares about her and will be cancelled soon.

>Peter Tomasi had Batman and Robin a constant presence on his Superman books, to the point where Lois was gifted a Batman armor to use and Jon was going on constant adventures with Robin
>Brian Bendis have Talia al Ghul's old terrorist group being the big evil group of his Superman books
>Joshua Williamson have Batman Who Laughs as the big baddie in BATMAN/Superman
>Brian Bendis pretty much confirmed that a Batman character will be the immortal character who'll act as a protagonist to the new Legion of Super-Heroes reboot
I say this as a bigger Batman fan, but this shit is getting excessive even for me. One thing is Superman appearing in the Batman books for an arc or two as a guest-star and Batman doing the same in the Superman books, but this? This is pretty much Batman swallowing Superman's world as if he was Galactus.

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withoutadoubt bendis best around

I think Tomasi had better plots but Bendis does a better job at writing clark.
Jurgens is Blah, not bad or good but just blah.

He kinda has a point theee: DEO, S.H.A.D.E.,Spyral, A.R.G.U.S., all do the same thing. None of these organizations are going to be completely forgotten, people are going to bring them back in some capacity so a gentle forest fire can do some good.

Who the fuck is Naomi?

>Bendis does a better job at writing clark
He has a few moments here and there but he's awful at writing anyone in Superman. Tomasi had a better grasp on the character

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>Jon was going on constant adventures with Robin
That was great.
>Lois was gifted a Batman armor to use
She wasn't "gifted" it, it was just hanging around on the moon.
>Brian Bendis have Talia al Ghul's old terrorist group being the big evil group of his Superman books
Talia has a history with Superman.
>Brian Bendis pretty much confirmed that a Batman character will be the immortal character who'll act as a protagonist to the new Legion of Super-Heroes reboot
Did he or are you just jumping to conclusions?

A new character.

But they aren't the same. SHADE is about creating monsters and usually running dc creature commandos. DEO is an American bureaucracy type organization that oversees/investigates metas. Spyral is an international spy organization under the UN. Storywise they are all different. Only an incompetent like Bendis or Didio would mistake them for being all the same and think that somehow they need to be cleared off the table so that the DCU can wank off to Bendis's newest pet character.

That's like saying the CIA and the FBI are the same thing, dumbass

>Storywise they are all different
No they're not. Storywise they're the shadowy government agency that shows up to deal with weird stuff and have strong anti-cape sentiments.

>If I speak in hyperbole and ignore all the details that make them different, that makes me right.
Well then I guess we don't need the Green Lantern Corp if other space cops exist.

The details that made them different doesn't exist in a narrative sense.
There is no distinction in the jurisdiction.

Yes, there is. We literally just told you. Bendis and faggots like you just want Marvel shit where everything falls under a SHIELD organization for fuck sake

Does she have a Superhero name? What are her powers? Whats her story?

>does she have a superhero name?
Not yet, she just got her costume and powers.
>what are her powers?
Something light based and teleportation.
>Whats her story?
She comes from an alternate earth where a cosmic event gave 29 people superpowers.

>Yes, there is.
Not really. If there was supervillain fight then A.R.G.U.S., DEO, and S.H.A.D.E. would show up after it to contain the scene.

eat dicks Damifag

Most of those organizations do the same thing. We can absolve a few of them like the HSA, NSA, and FBI. Most were just made for the Cold War

They are not the same storywise. Storywise the DEO is a bureaucratic organization and not some shadey spy shit. SHADE is less spies and just a US paramilitary group that uses monsters. Spyral are the actual super spies. And Argus is more like military style organization that deals with metas.

The CIA and FBI are not the same One is domestic and the other is international and both are civilian as opposed to all the other military intelligence ones.

What does the FBI do that the NSA and HSA don't cover as well? Same with the difference between civilian and military intelligence, it doesn't stop them from being an opaque agencies

>Storywise the DEO is a bureaucratic organization and not some shadey spy shit.
It was in Batwoman and Supergirl.
>SHADE is less spies and just a US paramilitary group that uses monsters.
Not in Uncle sam and the freedom fighters.

I would unironically strangle you to death, given the chance.

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Doesn't stop me from being right.

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I want more Static and portal Spider-Man. I could care less about the rest of current DC comics.