Are Canadian girls as cute as Yea Forums material led me to believe ?
Are Canadian girls as cute as Yea Forums material led me to believe ?
Sharron from Braceface is cute but she has a pleb-tier personality.
very true
Betty a besto.
I guess canadanons are asleep
Je savais pas qu'il y'avait autant de francophones sur Yea Forums
No 3dpd girl is as cute as cartoons lead you to believe, user.
But yeah, we Leafs are pretty awesome in most ways. One of our chief advantages is 'not being American '.
I'm from Vancouver, and the answer is yes and no.
I don't go outside so I wouldn't know but most of the girls my age in my home town were junkies. And most of the people I see in the city I live in now are swarms of Asian girls
basically it goes like this
quebcois women = beautiful but french
ontario women = the same thing as east coast north american women
bc women = budget seattle women
alberta = wannabe cowgirls
northern areas = fuck all
east coast = irish/scottish types
You forgot
Saskatchewan women = There's people?
Nah, with Saskatchewan, they'll only fuck their tractors or their sisters.
Has to be awkward to fuck a tractor and everyone can see. Because it's so flat.
She is incredibly naive, I wish to abuse that.
They're not into surprise anal.
Never met Quebcois woman, have you user? Beware though, surprise them and you'll get surprised pegging one day.
>alberta = wannabe cowgirls
Im moving to alberta, how easy it is to bang the wannabe cowgirls?
the girls are meh but the men are really hot if you swing that way
(there's a reason why the guy who made ram ranch came up with the idea when working in alberta)
I want sharon spitz to spit on me
there aren't
>but the men are really hot if you swing that way
I wish I was gay. Guess Ill have to do with meh girls.
No arguments there.
Sharon is adorable.
so which ones are the best ?
we're all fat and drunk
I’m really glad I missed this cartoon growing up because she would have running bed me for real girls even more than anime already had.
>running bed
Meant ruined. Fuck phoneposting.
It aired for a month, probably at 6 am. Nobody grew up with it.
>she would have running bed me for real girls
what did he mean by this
I did
I think I did
I have an extremely vague memory of having watched maybe 3 or 4 episodes
Exactly. Nobody grew up with it.
Quebecois if you can get past the accent
I think it's cute
When will more cartoons learn that red headed lolis sell? AB is still getting fanart.
Vancouver and all other large Canadian cities like Toronto and Edmonton need to be nuked.
why are ameriburgers so hateful
Reminder that Quebec and all french canadians and their cheese seak can fuck off.
I live in BC. Vancouver is in dire need of a nuking. Cleanse the whole area with atomic fire and start over.
I agree with what you're saying, except for Toronto. Nuclear fire is too good for them.
Ottawa's pretty nice, though.
I wish Simon had not deleted his old pixiv, even though there are lots of places that have his old art, it's still not everything.
if they looks like this one, i'll learn how to build a plane to live on Canada
Keep going user. We need more Betty.
I fucking hated how she wanted everyone to become vegetarian in the episode "The Meat of the Matter"
on the subject matter of Braceface, does anyone know how to contact the show's character designer, Kris Pearn? His BlogSpot which could've had his email is invite only. I want to contact him to see if he still has old production art from the show
Those are selling points to me, desu.
Canadian women are ugly. Luckily, all the brown girls that are immigrating here are hot
hell yea
yes, we're very cute if i don't say so myself :3
The redheads are best.
She looks like something out of Rick & Morty
what about this one?
or this one?
or this one?
what about manitoba women
That episode was very strange. It appears to be heading directly for a (rather reasonable) moral that other people have no obligation to support your beliefs, no matter how important they are to you, only to veer off into simplistic cheerleading for vegetarianism right at the end.
Maria, the best-friend voice-of-reason character, gets uncharacteristically annoyed with Sharon, asking her if she's no good because she isn't a vegetarian. Sharron quite lamely says maybe Maria hasn't had enough time...only to repeat this straight regarding the boyfriend character at the end of the episode.
It's similar to the frog-dissection episode where after spending the whole episode showing that no one but Sharon gave a damn, she simply steals the frogs and is applauded for it by her mother.
but i love her!!!
>manitoban here
Meh? They're just there. Nothing different or special about 'em.
Are people actually nostalgic for this show? It was terrible.
Out of every cartoon I’ve ever watched, Fred’s Head did the the best job relating to an older teen audience. I remember there was an episode where the whole cast goes to a party and underage drinking happens throughout the episode without derailing everything and becoming the focus of the plot. Shit like that really demonstrates that the writers wanted to get a point across without preaching to the audience.
Can’t remember if the show was any good beyond that, but still, nice job.
Same as any other native women. Can. be stunningly hot, but there’s almost always generations of broken homes and emotional baggage to deal with.
I wouldn't be foolish enough to argue that it is on par with the MTV generation of teen/adult animated sitcoms like Daria or even Undergrads, but from the wave of shows that came out of Canada in the mid-to-late 2000s the only one that comes close would be 6Teen, and only because it lasted for almost a hundred episode and a broken clock is still right twice a day.
I'm just saying the animation style looks like the same style as Rick & Morty, but yes, she is cute
I think we all know that canadian cartoon girls are popular. The biggest problem is finding them in the netflix clutter.
Christ sake, man. Get better taste.
I like Talia's chubbyness
need show name
It's the best mystery series ever made desu
Lily is cute.
that's plenty to watch. thank you.
>ugly designs
>obnoxious colours
>ear-bleeding theme song
You people can't be serious.
TD girls are pratically a waifu universe.
this show aged really well
Freds head was cool. I remember they had a whole episode devoted to wether or not Fred's crush was a lesbian without actually asking her.
Vancouver has this weird culture where everyone is expected to be fit and outdoorsy but theres no emphasis on team sports or group activities.
So yeah evereryone is hot and fit and flexible but damn if you think they'll start or carry a conversation. Thats to say nothing of their weird racial segregation hangups, drug crisis, or all the vapid film industry wannabes.
No doot aboot it, eh.
Canadian girls are total hogs, man.
not to mention at the very end of the series she is still vegetarian and the 2nd to last episode has her try to give up and she fails.
I liked this show
Kim is best girl.
Knives is also best girl.
Lisa too.
Maybe Stacy.
Maybe Envy.
Maaaaaaaybe Ramona.
who else
Why do Canadians like redheads?
We don't have any of our own.
In that case, you should try the book.
I really wish someone still had the email address
It's clearly not about the money seeing as how they enjoy replacing every red head for every "re-imagining" a series has.
If Atomic Betty ever gets a reboot, they'll make her half black half Philippine with two dads, but still have a mom for some reason.
You will find that there are a lot of artists who have some of their work scrubbed from the internet. Despite Conoghi keeping most of his work up, a lot of his uncensored pieces from from the threads are lost and many are in a low quality size.
>2 provinces named for Scots and Irish
>Anne O'Green Gables with an "E"
>No gingers
IOW, download what you can while it's available.
>living in the maritimes
Why would you?