Yea Forums x Yea Forums thread

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Other urls found in this thread:

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What is this?

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One piece in a somewhat disney style

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fuck my sides

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Anything F/a/mily Guy would be appreciated.

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Attached: Goku vs Daffy.png (791x919, 709K)

I want this

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>Yea Forums means "jojo ref"
The absolute state

Post something unique then.

Attached: Ghibli Batman.png (1000x534, 292K)

Attached: 1554759644975.png (1137x468, 65K)

Oh yeah, that reminds me of this lovely creation.

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Here's a kek

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Attached: shut-off-eva-unit-oo-02-helga-are-you-ok-22786592.png (500x677, 197K)

>Skooks as Narancia

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Attached: Goku Kid.png (500x500, 94K)

>Trish is still the same

The classic that started it all

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One Piece in Disney style

Nick please bring it back with traps

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she's the guest star

have some dragon ball

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and while we're at it

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Attached: Anime cartoon.png (666x713, 78K)

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Sailor Moon DC please

Not only is Sakura not useless here, she is also OP.

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Danny on fire made me kek.

Attached: delete.jpg (642x642, 105K)

Unless if that pink-haired girl on the left is dressed up as a storebrand Ryuko Matoi, I don't recognize any of these characters.

Attached: dead.png (523x742, 412K)

FGO characters

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So we can all agree Bites the Dust was kino?

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This was an amazing show. It needed more love.

Bruh, the feels from that scene were intense

I'd love to see aragonés write some groo-esque stories for DB (the original one, not Z/super) characters like yamcha or yajirobe

Attached: __eurasian_eagle_owl_kaban_and_northern_white_faced_owl_kemono_friends_and_etc_drawn_by_drawfag__e1c (1024x768, 732K)

Looks like pathetic weebshit.

This was an amazing show. It needed more love.

This was an amazing show. It needed more love.

>Go to a Yea Forums x Yea Forums thread
>"Why do they post weeb things"

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Attached: calarts 02.jpg (800x800, 79K)

>unshameful illiteracy
The material posted here isn't what's getting called "pathetic weebshit" here, but rather the FGO series.

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Can I ask for suggestions on who to fuse with specific Yea Forums characters?

Shinji and Doug Funnie

First of all, I only know who one of those is, second, you missed the point of my question entirely, or just ignored it so you could post that.

Attached: Sailorbug_and_Lady_Moon.jpg (500x384, 73K)

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Get in the fuckin robot Doug

The pilot for MTV could have been a great show

Attached: 1540095031389.jpg (600x450, 59K)

Again, I only recognize the Eva characters.

Attached: 19231_234.png (630x630, 233K)

Attached: 21674.png (600x501, 80K)

I recognize none of this.

Fucking hell takes me back

i love this one

You weren't a 90's kid

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It bugs me how Jotaro and Shigechi get more focus here than Josuke and Okuyasu do.

But I was.
I just have no idea what that thing is.

Attached: Wholesome.png (600x800, 54K)

Like in the anime.

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>He doesn't what the Doug button do

Attached: 426404.jpg (400x338, 42K)


so does she have some sort of western cartoon fetish?

The best one

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You just Doug get it, Doug you?

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I've got a depressed Wheeler if that helps.

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I just want an answer to my original question.


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Fool of a Doug

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Is that Grim based off of something specific?

That’s not even Yea Forums
And I’m still waiting for that answer.

The only thing I can think of is Summoned Skull.

>fucking magnifying glasses instead of zippers
top kek

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This is peak 00's

Oh fuck this brings back memories

should have been johnny bravo, the fits, what a missed opportunity

Thaaaaat's fucking really cool.

>you say run works with everything.mpg

I would pay good money for a wholesome series about Superman and Kid Goku.

*the "hair" fits, what a missed opportunity* is what I meant to say

I love the trampoline gag.

Attached: AtaruBrown.jpg (1200x800, 178K)

Attached: KoTH animu.jpg (876x2863, 389K)

Attached: hyuck.jpg (1000x1000, 79K)

You fucks want some Yea Forums x Yea Forums? Then check this shit out. There was some real dedication put into these.

that would make for a great set of fanart actually

you fucking delete that immidietly

Attached: Delet this 5.jpg (452x600, 59K)

Oooooh, now I see it!

They need to take Franky's design further.

Nibba I will yeet you into the Shadow Realm.

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Do you fags watch anything but MHA, One Piss, JoJo, or Dragon Ball?

>Goodbye forever. For my best friend
>Thank you forever. For my best friend
Oh cool it's raining

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The Mystery Gangstars.


someone post the popeye vs yujiro pic, I lost mine

Attached: virgin vs chad.gif (600x431, 739K)

>not posting the best one

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based Gallant

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Ah wise guy huh?

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>Nobody's posted this yet

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the ghosts in psg always looked sick

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does this count?

I had more AoT ones than I realized

Attached: 1437801010866.jpg (991x806, 254K)

Again, can I do this?

Attached: image.png (1280x1164, 186K)

darling in the franxx bitch drawn like star from star vs evil faggots

Attached: 8e7.jpg (680x505, 93K)

Attached: CIg-9TWWIAAZTOH.jpg (960x780, 125K)

Attached: image.jpg (640x503, 69K)

Need a list.

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This was the ultimate Yea Forums homage episode in any western cartoon ever that doesn't involve uguu~ waifu shit

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Attached: image.jpg (640x850, 175K)

.......I've had dreams like this.

So she is into interracial?

>The mystery turtle
Hot damn

>Echoes Act 2 AND Act 3

Attached: 1543017970420.jpg (1200x2000, 201K)

Okay this is epic

Attached: Johnny bravo actually did get to panty mind you _9880b6e56e34dff5bcebaeb0e1c578e3.png (641x361, 133K)

It was very expensive guh-ha!

He's talking about Doug. He kinda outright said it twice.

Attached: 1500245350768.jpg (2550x1650, 762K)

Again, I don't know what that is. And that's still missing the point of my question!

>Again, I don't know what that is.
The name of the cartoon is literally Doug.
>And that's still missing the point of my question!
What was your question again? you wanted to know what the characters were here?

No, my question was

shetland ponies

Doug Funnie is a Yea Forums character from Doug (and later disney's doug after disney acquired it.)
The other point was you were asking for suggestions on who to fuse with Yea Forums characters, and I assume he wanted to see you fuse shinji ikari with doug funnie. though I guess you only asked for Yea Forums characters?

Koichi is growing stronger

I'm not drawing anything, I'm just asking for ideas, where I select Yea Forums characters, and other people suggest Yea Forums characters to swap roles.

Wanna select a Yea Forums character then and name em so people can share ideas with you?

Attached: image.jpg (1356x972, 1.19M)

I have never seen but is there fanart of king crimson with the shocker?

Yeah, that's the plan.
Was gonna list several at once.
>Jason Todd
>Marie Kanker
>Stan Lee's Batman
>Marvel Enchantress
>Poison Ivy as she appeared in The Batman
>Mandy from Totally Spies
>Miguel and Tulio from Road to El Dorado
>Power Girl

Marie Kanker swapped with Panty from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt immediately jumped to mind.

Requesting Dragon Quest II box with the Hilda characters:
Hida as the Hero
Frida as the Princess
David as the Prince
Marra as Hargon
The moster as Lindworm

Attached: DQIIMax.jpg (1176x554, 259K)

Honestly I only realized it because of Nami's tattoo.
Why is Straw Hat Luffy of the Straw Hat Pirates not wearing his straw hat?

Maybe it was stolen and they're all looking at the villain who has it?

I mean, it's understandable with Kaku and Gucci Lucci, since they're surprise villains, but if you're gonna go Disney, you have to make the bad guys look like the bad guys.

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Is Yea Forumsku Yea Forums?

Attached: co-ku mail.jpg (1272x1338, 268K)

I always thought the way they looked in the intro was very peanutsesque

This is a legitimately fantastic cover.

And this is the dumbest fucking thing in the world that I can't stop laughing at.

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I want her dead even more now.

Attached: josuke bravo.jpg (400x453, 22K)

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i love anime pulp comic parodies

Attached: prepare to die!.jpg (755x1058, 94K)


Attached: 4f570626032811.563530040e364.jpg (1200x1680, 963K)

i want nick to reboot this with modern anime

Attached: are we having a bad time chief? sans.jpg (992x1024, 233K)

So here's a question I've got that's got me really confused.
In FLCL they go off on a tangent about how people confuse androids with cyborgs; was that in reference to DBZ's android saga? Were the androids actually supposed to be more like cyborgs and there was some kind of confusion, possibly during translation? Or were they full on mechanical 100%?

>Yea Forumsco/'s
good times. also bad times once part 4 went to dogshit but drawing that pic was fun at least.

Damn, between this and the amalgams thread, it's been a pretty good day for my crossovers folder.

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These are amazing.

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Attached: 1270853607309.jpg (1000x900, 331K)

Did they ever finish this?


got a chuckle out of me

That's the only version I have, sorry.

Attached: 1558856251977.jpg (1023x661, 108K)

Generations like 19 are totally androids. But 17 and 18 are cyborgs given they're converted humans and still have biological functions.
It could just be translation error that stuck.

Their Japanese name is Jinzoningen 17 and 18 or Artificial Humans 17 and 18

Yeah, I think I may have heard that before.
They also mention in the story at some point that they used to be human at one point, yeah? Krillin finds 17 and 18's real human names too.


what does /x/ think of the hypercrisis

Attached: 1561269639948.png (1024x1412, 1.6M)

user, Yea Forums X Yea Forums, not Yea Forums /x/ Yea Forums.

/x/ would have been a better option than Yea Forums

Attached: delet this.jpg (1215x717, 273K)

>Goku being completely unable to put together that Clark is Superman

I like it

Too bad, that's not what's happening, deal with it.

Attached: beauty.jpg (640x673, 49K)

Then go hang out in Horrorverse General.

They say they are Yea Forums, but trust me, they are just trying their best to not be sent back to Yea Forums or /x/ where they belong.


Attached: PicsArt_06-23-11.14.39.jpg (1080x1173, 126K)


Where's Brook?

Nevermind, but it's so weird not having Brook with the rest of the SHs.

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Most underrated kino ever

Attached: 1510869029697.png (532x582, 514K)

Oh shit, that's fucking good.

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Attached: east-west.jpg (582x937, 109K)

Doug must be his English VA for the [as] dub

>wanting a failed janitor to voice act

I just think it'd be fucking hilarious hearing him sperg the fuck out

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>you missed the point of my question entirely
Nigger he literally posted 2 characters for you too fuse. He answered your question

That wasn't what I was asking at all!

Attached: Astro Boy & Betty Boop.jpg (736x920, 757K)

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Those Horrorverse faggots really need to go the fuck away. They shit up the board with their horror while not even talking about shit like Immortal Hulk while also saying Undertale is a horror game.

Attached: 086120394812.jpg (720x680, 100K)

Like, zoinks no. 5

What Super hero's would he be a good enemy for?

Attached: dio the world gif.gif (540x304, 1.73M)

That was an amazing show. It needs more love.

Attached: CF89D481-49E7-4DE0-B7A7-B7AC7271D8F2.jpg (727x1099, 229K)

what a stupid haircut


Jojo fags are almost as bad as mlp fags, just not as popular.


Tom Diesel

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Didn’t someone make a greentext of one of the two trying to fuck Morty?

Holy fuck now I want Disney to reanimate some scenes.

Attached: IMG_1069.jpg (640x482, 31K)

I can dig this
Now I want Slade as Lordgenome
And Brainiac as ASK

I have questions.
Namely what anime?

Thanks, I hate it.

Attached: d0fb5b3a07d22f8b904bb62f06f97736.jpg (2894x4093, 3.55M)

attack on titan
in weebspeak its shingeki no kyojin

eotena onslaught

Attached: 1545923961572.jpg (261x193, 10K)

Attached: drakken.jpg (666x666, 189K)

Thread theme?

Fuck a duck
I meant...

Act 4: Ass Ahoy. I believe the world you're looking for is spelled S-H-I-T.

Attached: Delet this in ching chong.gif (480x270, 2.16M)

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Attached: Gravity Falls + Kill La Kill.jpg (550x871, 139K)

Some people here are cool for posting Urusei Yatsura

>That fusion
So we get to see a naked mable is what you're telling me

Attached: 1474607520313.png (1084x876, 1.64M)

I love you for this.

Ora Ora Ora
Muda Muda Muda

Attached: naruto_as_the_simpsons_by_lloydvdw-d1zmaf7.jpg (1600x901, 566K)

fuck why does the frink/kisame work so well

Attached: DjSZEkvX0AEVtx7.jpg (552x830, 44K)

Is it true the guy that made this got banned for it?

I think he did, which was pretty fucking stupid and childish.

Of course, PSG is honourary Yea Forums anyway

Attached: 80D94A24-52C0-4786-AC7E-68CC3F64A927.jpg (680x529, 62K)

Yeah, I mean it's bait material, but that's it really. It's not like he's actually endorsing that style.



Hey... I appreciate you.

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Wolverine is Canadian, who made this?


more like buhlongsenthetrashiel

Smithers and Burns as Kabuto and Orochimaru work so well. Especially when Orochimaru gets sealed away Kabuto goes mad with power but the second he comes back he’s subervent again

Attached: sneedhatesnepger.jpg (895x671, 172K)

why ?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-06-17 at 3.44.57 PM.png (1468x824, 612K)

gravity falls lost legends

Attached: RCO054.jpg (1066x1600, 633K)

This gave me a good kek, my user. Gureito Daze!

Attached: 200_percent_kekness.jpg (600x600, 63K)

>anime shit
disgusting. two nukes weren't enough

Attached: 1542971867767.jpg (403x392, 40K)

>Remember Stardust Crusaders? Well that's over, have these teens!!!

You better delete this, bitch

Attached: delete_that_shit_bitch.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

Underrated Kino incarnate

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>this is real

Attached: 0tiwvc8he2u21.jpg (1263x1920, 353K)

>not pol-verine

Attached: 1560084538060.jpg (1900x2808, 1.76M)

the Flash

Attached: 6084b1679f2a613d8bf35dc1d0b3132ebb25ebfe.jpg (658x635, 66K)


Hulk Platinum: The World

Attached: 22efcd3495bc0fc0bfdedebb9d3a49cb.jpg (850x1200, 442K)

>I deliberately entered a thread full of things I don't like.
>How could this have happened to me?!

>my son is a fujoshit
>fujoshi = rottten/noble woman in Japanese

that detail alone kills the joke

This raises so many questions when you take into account the character relations from both shows.

I would say this more /h/ meets Yea Forums

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Stinkkolo, the most powerful of the Willikers from Planet Ireckon

>Sherlock Hound
Underrated kino right there.

Attached: F143D8CC-D038-42E4-B6DF-601A54481DF9.jpg (747x732, 498K)

I love westernized Usopp and Nami.

I see someone else posted the Squidward Attack on Titan so this is all I got

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Filename this

Attached: 5F333E3D-CFDD-49EA-8FA9-464BA186D95E.jpg (1738x839, 323K)

Attached: tumblr_l8iionPUbp1qzmxf2.jpg (878x1280, 405K)

Holy fuck, somebody else wtached the original VHD OVA.

Attached: 1273257897905.jpg (500x500, 43K)

>Castle of Cagliostro
My nigga

>Dio's World Part 2

"Yare yare daze, Fryman"

Attached: (Not pictured is Dr. Weird as Joseph).png (2016x1036, 80K)

Attached: IMG_3396.jpg (4250x5500, 1.42M)

Auto gives me Genos vibes.

Attached: Genos_profile_anime.png (757x741, 700K)

Why is All Might like 7 feet tall here?

Since the majority is Jojo-themed, let'go with the flow!
By the way Gyro-Howl and Pete-Porco Rosso are top kek

Attached: 「STAND NAME」King of the Klondike 「STAND MASTER」Scrooge McDuck ゴ ゴ ゴ ゴ versus ゴ ゴ (720x930, 120K)

>Can never image humanized Wall-E or EVE fucking because than I'll think about to robots fucking.
Hate my brain.

Attached: 37D63689-659E-4933-825A-D5C142C174CB.jpg (1122x631, 166K)

>Loli Valentine

Attached: blowsquarebreaths.jpg (1280x720, 35K)

why is inserting a western character into anime instant comedy gold?

Attached: 244FE0E8-FF35-4EBD-A6BF-6FE93D4E3163.jpg (750x1006, 116K)

I snorted

Wat. Yea, it's a shit drawing, but he shouldn't be banned for it.

You sure it wasn't a mod joke to fuck with people.

The goat kid was a girl?

kek i just watched it because of the fucking opening


Attached: 1527992892436.png (549x410, 408K)

The original poster of this was banned, right?

Attached: 「SPIDER FROM MARS」.jpg (784x1200, 351K)


So who's DIO?

shino doing the "you know i had to do it to em" pose

Dr weird

But the filename?

i wanna run my hands through his feathers and kiss his beak

DIO is one of the moon men

Attached: moveitbaka.png (1000x773, 220K)


No, was a male who was becoming a dancer.

stop right now

Attached: sailor_amy_by_thefightingmongooses-d4ge0kr.png (800x869, 362K)

The guys who make those "I'm sorry Jon" images can only wish to tap into this level of horror.

>sam and max proceed to shoot everyone except lupin and the gang

You retarded or something?

1-16=Full on android
19=Full Android
20=Android with a human brain
Cell and 21=Artificial creations but completely biological

Wasn't 8 also a cyborg? I remember a RR cyborg with a number designation from Dragonball.

I don't like it, I don't like it at all

Attached: Disappoint.png (287x405, 249K)

Part 4 was so comfy when you compare it to the rest. Everyone except that fat guy lives and the main villain is just some autistic serial killer instead of some world threatening evil like Dio/Original mask guys.

Attached: Ice Cream.png (1042x801, 1.62M)

oh I get it, because both of their endings sucked.

Who's Brian meant to be?

>Crocker as L

I'm conflicted, but highly amused

I know this isn't a Drawthread but I'd love to see a Johnny Bravo x Guts art

Attached: guts.jpg (676x960, 146K)

the wut?

Attached: 1545688536520.gif (381x345, 566K)

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My favorite youtube video

8 is the Frankenstein's Monster

Attached: 1552786505441.jpg (540x809, 55K)

Attached: 1518256551887.jpg (1125x1200, 284K)

Attached: 2erxl7.jpg (550x550, 20K)

American comics and an American made character. Just like how Kaliman is a Mexican character despite him not being Mexican.

>4 legged abomination is actually a sweet and chill girl that can into horrible abomination on will and for long periods of time.
>Is actually not a useless power
>Is fucking retarded looking power.

Attached: f2bc0f02bd584db76c6ed0720fbd48d68540be89_00[1].jpg (373x273, 23K)

Attached: fuck_you_and_your_mother.jpg (562x437, 36K)


Attached: bcf.png (400x360, 114K)

Fuck MHA. How that shitty fucking series got popular is beyond me. The only thing I can think of is that it's wish fulfillment for the people that read it.

Lol, in Disney and DBZ, they didn't bother redrawing the torso

This site is populated and run by hypocritical dipshits.

>oh no, somebody made something controversial of Yotsuba! Our daughterfu shall NOT be violated like this!!!!
>oh but we're fine with making pornography of other anime/cartoon children, we'll even learn how to draw just to take requests of sexualizing minors. we're hip like that B^)

Attached: DUAGwfTVMAEgVJ7.jpg (706x500, 69K)

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Attached: C6j6hCUU4AE0y1l.jpg (1200x884, 133K)

Attached: homer.jpg (713x541, 40K)

Wholesome combo~



Attached: Gun.png (720x540, 426K)

Yeah, you're right. He's supposed to be 7'2".

Attached: 24129531_533925000316245_8033064389634235661_n.jpg (900x900, 119K)

I was so disappointed when I went back to archive this story and a whole bunch of it was horribly defaced
Thanks user, I missed it

Attached: 1219012072717.png (448x335, 194K)

>Its too late
>Babidi has possesed her

>reddit frog
Of course.

This one?

Attached: Popeye vs Yujiro.jpg (2016x1379, 1.49M)

Need more answers.

That's what USB is FOR, man.

Echoes Act 3

Dio is the big moon man
Vanilla Ice is the smaller one

That's not how it works and that's obviously not what the image is about, Wolverine is a Canadian character, his owner doesn't change that, also he's created by a Canadian



He's 7'2" and like 560lb when he's in his muscle form.

Who the hell wrote this shitfest again?

Attached: (777x582, 84K)

Rip poppy

That's good.

Giorno looks 10 times better without the donuts


Havea few Yea Forums

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I'm starting to get sad.

Joe Weltjens of Antarctic Press, who loved the Stardust Crusaders OVA but couldn't secure localization rights to the manga.

Attached: 8af.png (224x414, 257K)

Attached: tumblr_nw3d9wn21q1rcb09yo1_1280.jpg (567x425, 23K)


lol I get it

>Not putting Sailor Saturn in Saturn Girl's place
For shame.

Attached: 1521938251032.jpg (922x1024, 240K)

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Attached: zetachu.jpg (739x960, 600K)

Attached: zentradi assholes.png (519x381, 167K)

>that belt buckle
Please, I'm not in a good place for an erection

Attached: D6Uu_RZV4AE2LzY.png (635x792, 30K)

"Hey baby, I'm like pretty tall"~

Little Witch Academia and... what?

Tito "Dickman" Dick

Attached: milhouse ito.jpg (382x600, 183K)

Attached: killing bites.png (760x1752, 2.18M)

I can hear it

>people are finally realizing my autism after watching the netflix NGE.

Attached: 2131231231.gif (500x417, 986K)

See ya space catboy

Attached: Spikeball2.png (1080x1080, 209K)

A combo of my favorite two medias. I fucking love this entire fan project.

>Don Bluth One Piece
I want it.

What's this based on?


I would laugh if warner gets permission from Araki to make an special edition of Part 3 with Western artists

Thanks user, now the song is stuck in my head.

Found the guy's profile on twitter, its full of cool shit!

>max image limit reached

New thread?
Is that how this works?

here it is

>Yea Forums makes an Yea Forums crossover thread
>95% of it is "lol Jojo reference" "Dragon Ball Z and power levels" "Eva ammirite" "ugu anime face"
Why do you even bother?

Babadi has possessed my keks.

>t. asshurt n/a/rutofag

Doesn't make it wrong shit face

Someone please draw mungdaal and chowder in a father and son kamehameha style

That's media in general though
You go through 95% shit to get to 5% good shit

I wonder why Nightmare Luffy is behind him.

You just activated my pic a nic basket trap, smarter than the average duelist