I want to STICC my dick between pearls armpits and jerk off and cum all over her flat chest and face by using her lewd armpits as a cock sock.
Those eyelashes just improve the entire design by tenfold.
She's got wide hips though.
Oh yeah... that's the good shit
Is there a threshold when someone stops being sticc?
KHIII Meg's curvier, but still pretty thin.
Dick status:
post more edits
All Gems are improved with lashes.
Remove her arms
Pearl, however, benefits the most.
I mean, aside from Rose, she is the most blatantly feminine in nature.
Is Peri a sticc or is she too small/too broad in her hips?
Sick. YOU remove her arms.
You know, I really think more artists should draw Rose Quartz as beefy.
Indeed. Literally the same build as Jasper, but she gets all the chub art while Jasper is depicted as Queen Beef.
I'm inclined to say she's slightly too curvy
>using a screenshot of a show notorious for being inconsistent as an argument for anything
I didn't really mean to make a point, user.
You are correct, and the inconsistent art is an irratant to me.
Goddamn Ruby's cute as hell. Though honestly, most characters in the show are massively improved solely through subtle tweaks like this. It's weird and I can't tell if that means the designs are great or incompetent.
Rose is actually one of the only characters who IS consistent. The team had orders from the Sucrose herself that only her hand would be drawing Rose.
Aye... shortstack dorito.
I'd say they could have been great, but fell short of it.
Who's the tasty chocolate?
I can't believe I haven't seen someone use that before, but it's a good'un.
>Gobbling snek
Too thick
>Those eyelashes.
God fucking damnit.
They're just standardized across the board. The lashes look nice but I wouldn't want those in the actual show. They're too feminine for what the gems are trying to represent as a concept.
What? Plenty of people have drawn Rose in the show besides Rebecca.
So I watched a clip of a panel where some of the guys behind KP addressed the question of why Kim was pointy.
They originally wanted her to be completely flat, but the censors actually wouldn't allow them to do this. Kim's lack of endowment was supposed to contrast with the alpha bitch Bonnie's figure, who was designed to be the most buxom.
In light of this censorship, they didn't want to simply give Kim boobs that were smaller, because it's just in the nature of animation to go slightly off model here and there, and there would inevitably be portions where her bust was a different size than what they wanted. They decided to make her pointy to get around that issue and to convey to the audience that she's more modestly endowed than the rest of the female cast.
I prefer THICC
>They originally wanted her to be completely flat
> but the censors actually wouldn't allow them to do this
that's... very strange
Lapis with lashes is irresistible.
I don't get it either.
Maybe they thought it would draw extra attention to everyone's breast sizes? I don't know. Whatever reasons I'm able to think of don't seem like a sufficient enough explanation.
The improvement is mind blowing, so little yet so much changes
Only the Diamonds and Jasper have canon eyelashes for some reason
>for some reason
They are the figures of authority, the mature women the protagonists are fighting. Even if most gems are 1000s of years old, they are thematically teenagers either blindly following the regime or rebelling against it.
>censors/PR pushing for women to have prominent breasts instead of pushing for the removal of their breasts
how do we go back
Ever since I became a mortician I've learned that very minor changes to someone's faces can completely alter how you perceive them. It's really strange.
>So I watched a clip of a panel where some of the guys behind KP addressed the question of why Kim was pointy.
nice source bro
Lapis a cute, but Pearl has the greater penchant for bedroom eyes
Sticc thread? I like.
>They're too feminine for what the gems are trying to represent as a concept.
which is
genderless lesbian rocks
>it's real
well shit. You were right, user.
Can't blame me for doubting they would publicity talk about designing a teenager's breasts for a Disney cartoon.
This doesn't have many views
Nah, I don't blame you, especially with how many bait threads there are these days.
I was curious if I remembered it differently anyway, so I went and looked it up again.
meant to respond to goddammit
How'd you find it? I searched for "kim possible originally flat" and got nothing.
This seems like a really interesting fact that would get posted around yet nobody seems to know about it. Which was why I doubted you.
so the breast envy meme really was canon after all
It's been a little while, but at the time I listened to it I was really into listening to creator panels about some of the background stuff that went into shows. I wasn't searching for an answer about her boobs specifically--I'd just type in stuff like "[show] panel" as background listening while I did stuff. That bit of info about her boobs was unexpected.
What's that CGI movie about cute snakes? I wish I could give a better description, but that all I can think of.
Sahara. Saw it in theater.
Surprisingly kino movie.
> Genderless
Sure user
That's the one, thanks
Mia from Baskup
she's so perfect, cute and beautiful, perfection, Pearl is perfection, I love her
Yeah, even to me it seems a little odd.
I fucked pearl last night shitlips
that's hot
she really grew on me
Yeah, she needs more love.
Ashame she hates males.
She wants to fuck greg and an unproduced episode had her lusting over the pizza guy, pearl is canon bi
i don't think she hates men. she just prefers to date women
>Yea Forums hates the show and (rightfully) calls it horribly written garbage with horribly designed characters
>some faggot puts the slightest amount of feminine features on the garbage design and suddenly Yea Forums cant get enough of the show
you all have garbage taste.
I watched my life a teenage robot because I wanted to fuck XJ9. You underestimate the potential power of the FAP. You want your shit to succeed, invest in FAP. Get people invested and discussing it, FAP is the gateway to getting more potential readers/viewers or anyone else who's invested in your content.
People will waste years of their lives in webcomics in the off chance there maybe some fucking involved between two characters they ship.
I'mOh my God, she's so fucking cute with eyelashes!