Luan confirmed daddy's girl?

Luan confirmed daddy's girl?

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Other urls found in this thread: - Kyder Luan_Loud The_Loud_House.png

Oh yeah, she calls him daddy on multiple levels - Kyder Luan_Loud The_Loud_House.png

They all want thier parents' approval and find thier own ways to bond with thier parents, this isn't hard to know if you actually watch the show or didn't think so let with your penis

Well that escalated in a hurry.

Or if, you know, we saw more episodes like this. Instead of the episodes that are usually just recycled older episodes.

And this is why you’re relegated to trash
Fuck off


Wasn't this always implied because of their shared affinity of puns?

Instead of throwing a hissy fit. Why not just stimulate the thread with an image. You know, since this is an image based website?

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>Instead of throwing a hissy fit
the irony...

If you’d like to kill yourselves instead that’d be just fine by me

The funny thing is, they do this same shit or worse for pretty much every CN or Disney cartoon with similar aged characters. It's just ORANGE SPLAT BAD npcthink and aggressive countershilling.

To be fair, the first threads were fucking wild and never really calmed down

Less mewling, more Luan.

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No other show’s fandom has such a victim complex lmao. Not even the horsefags at the height of their dislike

Incestfags, fatfags, pedofags, your cesspit fandom is a frothing pit of it. You made the show’s name mud, lol

Luan does indeed seem like she is most similar to the dad, mainly their love for lame puns.

Attached: Raw Deal - TLH.mp4_snapshot_03.33_[2016.10.19_19.50.56].jpg (1280x720, 512K)

mailto:[email protected]

0.05 rubels have been inserted into your account, courtesy of Turner Broadcasting PR division.

I mean. Most people will probably think of Chris Savino as what made the show's name mud. Not a tiny piece of the fandom, tucked away in the corner of the internet.

I don't understand the appeal of this cartoon. It's just boring.

>shit on Steven Universe
>which at least has interesting plots, stories, and characters compared to The Lame House

This isn't the Amphibia thread.

So that's the reason you aggressively seek out and cross-fandom war these threads? Because of some funny TLH/SU ribbing pictures mostly made three seasons ago?
Funny how the truth always comes out...

Attached: SHE FUCKING WON.png (1080x1080, 1.35M)

It's a watered-down peanuts with a lot of cute characters. The first half season was good and then it slowly got worse over time. So, there's also a nostalgia element.

Yeah, that's definitely what user said.

Amphibia is a big disappointment, but this show is actually worthless. Stop fooling yourself.

Steven Universe was mentioned no where on this thread? But while you're talking about disappointment I suppose the blandness of the Loud House and the utter dropped ball of SU are good contrasts.

>interesting anything

You're the one fooling yourself. This show has had more ratings than any those cartoons combined. It has generated content creation on a near unprecedented scale. More AUs than Gravity Falls. What some autists on a dying image board long since ruined by shadow company wars and mercenary moderation matter not. You're a neanderthal screaming at the clouds.

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the whole "go to trash" is literally a prayer from the /sug/ """""people""""" at this point.

I have but one rebuttal.

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>This show has had more ratings than any those cartoons combined
You're comparing the massive viewer base of Nickelodeon to the abysmal state of CN's nonexistent one. A 22 minute segment of actual shitlogs on the floor would get higher ratings on Nickelodeon than an artistic masterpiece would on CN.

>artistic masterpiece
>on CN
Almost had me.

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>More AUs
I have no reaction image to express the level of disgust I'm feeling right now.

Feel free to leave then.
Your cross-fandom "raid" was a fail.

If it suits his highness's ego, the rabble would like more Luan and less slappy fights.

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Speaking of cancer, when did they start doing 2nd generation abominations? And why is Lemi being paired with Lupa?

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>which at least has interesting plots
no they are not
there has been more episodes about townies or the main cast doing stupid shit rather than plot related ones
>and characters
all characters by now either became caricatures of themselves or had their personalities raped

I can never tell who is falling for who's bait in these threads at times. Either way, not confirmed like lola is but given Lynn sr's love of her jokes and never groans at them you can speculate she favors him more then her mother.

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First question: Second season, I think?
Second question: The creators of Lemy and Lupa are/were friends and there were few OCs that were actually fleshed out. I suppose it just made sense to the artists who made Lemy and Lupa.

>all characters by now either became caricatures of themselves or had their personalities raped
T. Have not watched the series and only read about on reddit and tumblr

Actually, I just checked. The first abomination came not long after Space Invader.

This is a bad show and you should feel bad.

Neither of those faggots made lemy or lupa. But to answer your question the main artist associated shamelessly with lemy self inserts as him and has paired him up with lupa because he has a thing for edgy cliches.

Trips of truth, but the porn is pretty good.

Eh. You gotta be one of those over-exposed fags that can get it up to what's basically stick figures. Not really good, it just exists.

I honestly don't know what you're talking about, where Lemy's concerned. As for Lupa. Lupa didn't have a personality before the main artist associated with her. The bulk of Lupa was created by him. I'd say that counts.

Granted, unless it's SB99 drawing it.

Sb99 or captain Darko? Because it was both of them who gave her personality of an edgy devianart reject. Sb99 doesn't draw any of those oc's anymore and Darko left the fandom. Anyone else is aping on their work.

As for lemy, he was briefly draw by another cc before patanu redesigned him with that artists blessing. Darkp and Sb99 were responsible for most of the original oc's and both wiped their hands of it because they could see how autistic it was getting. Everything else after is just derivative variations on a previous oc. Not that they were all that original to begin with.

When you redesign a character and give them a new personality, they're a new character with the same name. Why do you think so many people throw a shitfit, when that happens in a legit show?
SB99 washing his hands of the OCs, because he could see how autistic it was getting, is some massive revisionism. He'd never been that attached in the first place and you're honestly having a laugh if you think that's the most autistic thing that he's been associated with.

Less Casagrandes, more Bisexual Luna.

Attached: Bisexual.png (2805x3300, 1.1M)

>When you redesign a character and give them a new personality, they're a new character with the same name
Nigger, what? This is some tumblr tier level of self entitlement and narcissism right here.

We belong on trash, but yes I will masturbate to this.

>boney, scrawny white guy butt
I don't get it.

Not at all. This is how it's always been. From the bible straight through Shakespeare and to this point. The concept of original character, please don't steal, is the self-entitled perception.

>the petite glutes of a pale complexion on a young twink.
Just say it like a gay guy, and it gets ten times hotter.

Neither do I.

I wish every episode didn't involve Lincoln being an asshole and having to apologize for it.

It’s pottery. An alleged creep makes a show and ends up with a fandom with other creeps

Wouldn't gay guys prefer bigger butts with more cushion?

Savino did nothing wrong

That's the plot of every Lincoln episode. Lincoln wants something, he does something to get it, it has an averse effect on one of his sisters, he reverses his actions and the status quo is restored. Then the writers pat themselves on the back and go home early.

The irony here is that's essentially what the oc shit part of the fandom has become. That they almost immediately became that when they started taking themselves more seriously than the actual show.

Jesus. You lack any kind of self awareness, don't you?

Are you sure about that?

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The god damn first post very likely has porn of god knows what
That this show is /trash/ isn't wrong, you built your grave now get in it

Yeah, I'll agree with that. But that's just fandom's in general. I mean, fan is just short for fanatic after all.
We're on Yea Forums, dimwit. Nobody has self-awareness here.

That's a season one thing. Now it's more someone does something wrong and they apologize.

Some are less self aware than others. Not everyone here equates inbred oc for a mediocre kids show to shakespeare like you did. Although the fact you think lazy redesigns are the height of creativity might explain some things.


The pain in this mans face

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You also just described every casagrande episode that was shown recently. Even the Bobby one.

What did Lauren Faust do?


It's almost as if the writers are lazy.
I compared Shakespeare's fandom to the Loud House fandom. Saying that I compared the writing achievements of Shakespeare to the lazy slop of Loud House is some poor reading comprehension on your part.

That's because every Cassagrande episode has been a season one episode, but with Ronnie-Ann's family instead. They even did a carbon footprint episode, and it was just as flawed as original was. If they wanna make their own show, they should just do it at this point.

fuck incest self-insert faggotry

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>Shakespeare's fandom
And you have the audacity to speak of revisionism

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Shakespeare's fandom wrote sequels to his work. I think the most prominent one, that I can think of, was The Woman's Prize (1647).

Fuck off to /trash/ and never come back

>how dare we discuss cartoons on the cartoon board

Reminder that incest fetish is cancer.

Oh no, I guess you better go sort out your booru then.

On the other hand, things could be worse.

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This is the hill you choose to die on, huh?

>Geez guys, the loud house is totally like Shakespeare so my inbred oc's aren't a complete cringe inducing embarrassment


Attached: El cringe.jpg (1280x720, 127K)

Incest is fine as long as you don't take it seriously and have them breed an abomination. Otherwise it's just good old fashioned family fun.

You keep coming back to that, despite what's actually being said, because that's where you think you got me. Really, you're just looking for an easy gotcha. So, that you'll be able to stop arguing with me. Which I get. But you can just stop arguing with me. It's really that simple.

Nigger, you're the one that brought up Shakespeare and then tried to play it off as if you were really speaking of "Shakespeare's fandom", like that's even a fucking thing, even though you never mentioned or implied it. And then brought it a second time.

Like i said, you lack self awareness and that might explain why you're so adamant about defending your sonichu tier oc's.

Shakespeare has always referred to more than just the man's work. You should have learned this in school.
I never once defended the OCs. I defended the meta-concept of a rewritten OC being a new character. Even if they share the same name.
I said earlier that you have poor reading comprehension. But I think you're really just looking to yell at people about how mad some fan-made characters make you. But won't step out of your safe space to go yell at the people responsible for making them. That might explain why you keep repeating yourself.

This show's fandom is more of a wreck than MLP ever was, and that's saying something.

Eh, MLP has groups of people that function as tabloid magazines, rapists and just as much pedo shit. The state of a fandom really just comes down to its size.

>I wasn't there when MLP took over the whole site

Motherfucker, I've called patanu and his sycophantic followers hacks and worse to their faces back when patty was afraid to step in the threads because of how mean people were to him.

I just think it's laughable how at the end of the day all you're doing defending chrischan rejects and their work by trying to make a a tenuous at best comparison to Shakespeare and Shakespearean works. But yeah, this is totally
about reading comprehension and not your silly delusions of grandeur over inbred oc's. Feel free to stay assblasted though

Heh, nothing personal kid.

>I mean, fan is just short for fanatic after all.
I feel silly for never realizing that.

Nice to see you admit i was right all along.

They still head 2nd generation with a passion, strangely. And they've started pairing the boys with other characters now.

Honestly, I couldn't take this seriously after you said delusions of grandeur. That's where you crossed the point of trying too hard.
Politicians have delusions of grandeur. I'm just some guy on a Mongolian basket weaving forum.

Actually my favorite ship in the show. The two work so well with their shared affinity of puns. I loved the April Fools episodes with them.

And yet you're the one who brought up Shakespeare in a discussion about Loud House oc's. Either you have a really funny definition of try hard or you really do lack self awareness.

I hope you mean platonic.