How would you fix the finale?

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It wouldn't have ended OP.
The fun will never end.
It's Adventure Time.

Just a few lines of dialogue from Finn to spoon feed the fact that he is being saved by the people he had been saving or at least him coming to terms with his death after Simon explains that "we don't get to choose how we go". The downside is Finn finding peace through internal monologue or conversation with Simon cheapens the words which are more of a meta commentary on what's happening to the show and network TV in general: They didn't want for AT to end like this too, they wanted to do one more season to take their time with it and give it the ending it deserves but instead they were told to wrap up the Bubblegum Wars and the whole show in four episodes.

Two hour long animation of Finn murdering the show runners and proceeding to have a massive orgy on top of their corpses.

A bit more buld-up for GOLB.
Jake's moment of awesomeness not being instantly undermined.
Marceline not being defined by being Bubblegum's love interest.
Better closure for Bubblegum's family.
Have the minor villains actually do something.
Have Shermy raise the sword himself.
Uhh... MAYBE show Finn together with Huntress Wizard so that the autismos here wouldn't rage so much, even though it's really not that important.

Should have ended in mortal recoil

prove me wrong

Holly Jolly Secrets exists

Having just watched AT recently, I genuinely feel like the Simon reveal was intended to be the series finale.
It entirely changes the feel of the series, and past it, I can no longer enjoy any jokes at the ice king's expense. He becomes a strictly tragic figure.
And it that way, it feels like Holly Jolly was meant to bookend the series and make you look at it entirely differently on subsequent watchings.

Finn dies and doesn't have to exist in such a shit series anymore

Finn is the one who sacrifices himself to save Simon and Betty

Bam, Finn gets to do a thing and it’s to save Ooo. Sorry for Jake though, but he’ll move on.

>kill off Jake
>no gay shit
>kill off Jake
>no magic songs
>kill off Jake

The same but less shitty

If I had to pick the simplest fix, this is it.

On a basic level, just have Finn have any real impact on the events of the finale.

If complete overhauls are allowed, I'd have loved to see them go full Spider-Man The Animated Series and have Finns from across realities team up to save the multiverse from the threat of the Lich Hands.

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I enjoy this idea. I've always had the idea of "multiple Finn's from different timelines get stranded in mainFinn's world" and think it could be really interesting. Kinda like Sly Cooper's most recent game, but all his ancestors get stranded in current day.

Let the villains that appear in Gumbaldia do something

A final showdown between heroes and villains would be so cool, something like

Marceline vs Ash
Ice King vs Ricardio
Lemongrab vs Sir Slicer (both have horses, i guess)
Jake vs MeMow
Lady vs Samantha
Finn and Jake vs Scorcher
A better Finn vs Fern final battle
PB vs Gumbald being a real thing ffs

More deaths from side characters, a fight with GOLB in space and Jake getting killed

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Yeah, they could really go nuts with the idea. Right off the top of my head, you could have:

>Helper Finn
>Seeker Finn
>Prince Finn
>Vampire Finn
>Fionna because it's the series finale so let's fucking do this

And whatever other crazy alt-Finns you can think of.

I was thinking

Shoko (moments before she croaked. que arc of settling things with PB)
Prototype/Infamous Finn
Farmworld Ice King Finn
Early seasons AT Finn
Gunslinger Wild West Finn
You could combine the helper/seeker Finn
Magic Magician Finn

and Lich Finn

It's more of a multiversal idea and less of a time-travel idea, so that kinda rules out Shoko and early Finn. Plus Ice Finn was de-iced in Crossover. The rest are good, though.

Well I suppose those all just have inconsistencies compared to the alpha timeline

more lesbians

Just the finale? you need to fix more that just that.