Miles morales is a ______?

miles morales is a ______?

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teenage african american who got bit by a radioactive spider
i think
his mum could have shot shit smack for all i know


Pretty cool dude, now that he's a little more chill.

A shitty character made by a hack

It was a genetically altered spider

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hm could you give e the source liek the comic where he actually gets bitten or whatever

A fantastic character that BTFO Yea Forums by spearheading the best Spider-Man movie to date

>btfo co
you mean the crossboarding poltards
gays and blacks dont care about racial characters and theres loads of them and loads of fags and niggers on co

You mean a generic character that gets shoehorned into every Spider-Man project.

I can't believe it took three posts for this.
Yea Forumsmblr is really a lost cause.

Somehow, even though you say that, I don't believe you actually think that. I imagine we'll be seeing you again.

you will
Yea Forums is like 50 people

I don’t know if we’ve seen him be bitten but he got his powers in the ultimate universe the same way ultimate peter did

I'm here for the free storytimes, mate

a bull hung and made for fucking white girls.

prove me wrong

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Maybe they just didn't want to go with the obvious response.

bbc is a myth

He wasn't in Rami's Spider-Man 1.

>the best Spider-Man movie to date

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what a fucking idiot.

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Wouldn’t that be volume three? Bendis had a second number one for peter about two years before

There was Ultimate Spider-Man, then Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol 1 (Peter's second run), then Ultimate Comics Spider-Man Vol 2 (Miles' first run).

You know contrary to your revisionist history, Yea Forums was capable of making funnier jokes than just saying nigger for "shock" value.

>You know contrary to your revisionist history
Do you want to know how I know you shave your legs?

*dolpin noises*

wearing nothin' at all.

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You’re confused son. Homecoming is the Disney-approved Spider-Man.

Yeah sure.
