So let me get this straight: Andy reluctantly hands over Woody to this little 56% goblina freak on the condition that...

So let me get this straight: Andy reluctantly hands over Woody to this little 56% goblina freak on the condition that she take care of him, and she just dumps him in the closet?

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it's 2019 gramps, kids are too busy watching faggots livestream to play with some gay little cowboy

Implying kids even play with toys anymore

They're all on tablets

>T. Someone who works with kids

Toy Story 3 made it very clear that Bonnie was very interested in Woody to the point where she takes him home and was the most excited when Woody was in the box of toys Andy was giving her.
The fact that Woody dedicated his existence to look out for Andy (and later Bonnie), it seems completely out of character to abandon Bonnie. I know that the plot make it convenient for Woody to leave but it's still retarded since Woody had friends that he has been with for decades. Maybe it's because I'm on the schizo spectrum, I'm prone to believe that there is a underlying conspiracy by Disney to destroy the concept of friendship (or just set up a sequel with Woody and the new toys so they can mass produce the new toys for merchandise.)

I mean, to me, that seems like the most realistic fate of most old toys. They get donated, then some little shit that doesn't appreciate them either destroys them or throws them in a closet. It's exceptionally rare for them to be taken care of for more than a few years - the few that do end up costing $$$ on eBay for a reason.

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I was with you till that last part nigga

>I'm prone to believe that there is a underlying conspiracy by Disney to destroy the concept of friendship

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>little 56% goblina freak
Oh boy it's another stealth /pol/ thread

>I'm prone to believe that there is a underlying conspiracy by Disney to destroy the concept of friendship

Take your pills user

I agree, but the ending falls into place more like Wreck It Ralph 2, I have no idea what Disney is doing.

Al did nothing wrong

When was the last time you actually appreciated a gift you weren't expecting, user?

When my mom gave me a spare TV she wasn't using on my last visit.

>I'm prone to believe that there is a underlying conspiracy by Disney to destroy the concept of friendship
Its more like break-the-mold thing
Toy Story and Ralph 2 are almost the same. I don't need a kid or be loved for one/ I don't need to stay in my game. Still, is retarded how they contradict their firsts movies

It's a metaphor for the destruction of western civilization.

Glad im not the only one who noticed this

Woody got Luke Skywalker'd. Disney does it again, destroying the old male heroes and replacing them with soulless new female ones that no one will ever remember or care about.

Well I bought my Niece and Nephew some box of Legos and they end up playing Minecraft and Roblox instead.

">*Legos:Am I a joke to you"

based schizoposter

>works with

>"I work WITH children, not FOR them!"
>*pants fall down
>"New plan."

exactly what I thought

"Far From Home" still fits.

How are they referencing Brexit?

t. 56%ers

I've been seeing reviews of people saying this is better than Toy Story 3. Or even ones that said this was better than 2. Are you fucking kidding me?

There's a huge difference between a gift you got out of the blue and a gift you basically had to guilt trip someone into giving you. Andy didn't just dump his toys on her and bailed. She WANTED them so much he felt bad not giving them to her and he did with the condition that she takes care of them.

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Thats saving civilisation, not destroying it.

Woody is a metaphor for the USA.

>Take your pills user
Yes goy, take your blue pill. Nothing to see here

Woody represents civilisation.

He'd given those damn kids everything. Fading into irrelevance is what it took for him to achieve an enlightened self-interest

>Maybe it's because I'm on the schizo spectrum, I'm prone to believe that there is a underlying conspiracy by Disney to destroy the concept of friendship (or just set up a sequel with Woody and the new toys so they can mass produce the new toys for merchandise.)
It was right here that you lost me.
I agree with everything you said up until that point, though.
Both Toy Story 4 and Wreck It Ralph 2 pretty much do a 180 on their previous films' messages.

>I'm prone to believe that there is a underlying conspiracy by Disney to destroy the concept of friendship (or just set up a sequel with Woody and the new toys so they can mass produce the new toys for merchandise.)

Please post more theories user.

I know a kid who's hooked on tablets but she still also plays with toys.

He stole from a garage sale

>aybe it's because I'm on the schizo spectrum
Woah hold on son. You're losing me here

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Good point, children play with toys these days?

TS3 was the last gasp of the existing Pixar crew before a bunch of them left to work on other projects. TS4 is the post-mortem fart made because Iger wanted the corpse to dance.

I mean a big theme of TS4 was how much reality actually sucks. Seems accurate to me that she'd get bored and find a new favorite toy. I also
Kids interest in shit fade and shit changes, kinda why Gabby got canned instantly. I can also see how her interest would shift to Jesse over Woody. Fuck I didn't play with girl toys as a kid, I imagine the inverse is true for girls.

The shit about the movie I hated was actually more that Buzz became Sonic Boom Knuckles. Or how most of the toys just stayed in the RV the entire movie. Think I'd actually like the handoff of the sheriff badge to Jesse more if she DID things in this movie. Coulda fleshed out her 3 relationship with Buzz.

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My 3 and 5 year old nephews still do for now... But knowing their mother, i'm sure she'll end up buying them a tablet sooner or later. Her younger daughter had like 4 phones in 2 years.

>user think my Mr.Incredible plush wasn't beating up my prince charming doll while Shaggy and Scooby Doo were hanging out in the sink with my dolls.

It’s funny cause her parents are both white

She looks pretty cute there, though.


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>Toy Story 5
>Takes place 6 years after Toy Story 4
>Bonnie is now 10 and doesn't play with any toys at all but instead watches a youtube e-celebs all day
>The Andy Toys get fed up with dealing with this shit again and go try to find Woody's Traveling Amusement park
>On the way they start to notice more and more toys doing the same, as all the kids are just watching Pewdiepie play some "Fortnite" like game
>All those toys end up being ones Woody help during his carnival travels, maybe even include characters like Gabby and some characters from Sunny Side
>They all eventually find this Carnival
>Turns out it was shut down because they werent making any money scamming people for prizes.
>Toys get angry, and some want to reveal their alive and revolt against the world.

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Literally Jared from Subway, fuck off you /pol/troll

>this is white in america
*laughs in acid-attack victim*

>>Toys get angry, and some want to reveal their alive and revolt against the world.
calm down user
not every movie has to be edgy
toys are built to and absolutely love being used by children
Even Lotso, who was specifically abandoned by children, ended up working his way into a system where he could be played with by children

kys mutt

>I'm prone to believe that there is a underlying conspiracy by Disney to destroy the concept of friendship
I mean when you don't have friends your more liable to waste your money on consumerist media to fill the hole in you life. Most posters here are evidence if that.

Woody should call ICE on her

It's kind of absurd though. Bonnie literally played with Woody in every Toy Story short, and Woody seemed very happy with the gang.

Even if you want to say that she losing interest in Woody is realistic, the truth is that she is a kid. Her disinterest phase will fade as easily as it happened. So Woody giving up on her really does go against everything the other movies established for this character.