Why was Peter such a homophobe? What did Watts means by this

Why was Peter such a homophobe? What did Watts means by this

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Sam rami doing MCU?

>He doesn’t remember When the Human Holocaust injected Bonesaw with radioactive AIDS

Phoneniggers get the rope first.

>This shit after Netflix censored Homoeroticism from evangelion

This got a chuckle. What is wrong with me?

How much have you slept today?

Wow, terrible. A real hero would have stood up and protected his city instead of running away. What would Superman do in this scenario? Blow them away with his super breath?

Stay mad fag, phonechads are too busy on the move fucking women and loving lavish lives while you computer nerds are stuck in your mom's basement sniffing the scent of your own sweat and cum all day


*slaps malware ads that redirect you to shady websites*
*rangebans you and forces you to buy a pass*
nothing personeru


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Cope c*mputer n*rd

>that scene where Pete and Tony team up to sink a gay party barge and Peter webs the limbs of the survivors together so they can't swim and drown in the Hudson
Don't get me wrong, I'm glad to have Raimi back, but I thought that this was too much.

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That's why.

>That one scene in FFH where Peter let's the burglar go after he attacked a gay guy, and joins in on the beating

>the part in Endgame where Cap asks Tony to make a cure for homosexuality after the therapy scene and Tony laughs and gives him a gun

Fuck off back to R3ddit you stupid niggerfaggot poltard.

>when cap laughs and says "you think I need a gun?" and it cuts to him and tony beating the gay guy to death with their fists in a dark alleyway

>the scene in Far From Home where Peter is stuck in Reddit and the only way to get out is to dab on the shills


>that scene in Endgame where Thor spends five minutes harassing a gay player on Fortnite and eventually segues into a neo-Nazi rant about the supremacy of the Nordic race while Bruce watches in awe

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