Why didn't wood jus ask buzz to hide from Andy so he could be picked to go to pizza planet

Why didn't wood jus ask buzz to hide from Andy so he could be picked to go to pizza planet
It's not like buzz cared about going anyway

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Whatever happened to sids toys after they skared him for life
I cant imagine that he would want to keep them or even bother looking for them after slinking into the bushes

He throw them away

how do you think toys behave when they get hot glued

So they probably got incinerated?

When I was a little kid I couldn't build my Lego sets so I had my mom do it and she would super glue them together even the parts that were supposed to move

He probably smashed them and put them in the trash. That's why he's a garbage man.

lmao summer strikes again

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The user means “hot glue” as in cum on. Like someone masturbating and cumming on a slave Leia figure.

I know that I just felt like talking about that to someone
I wonder how anime girl figures work in the toy story universe
"Toys" not meant to move like bopeep who is part of a lamp move perfectly fine but barbies have stiff arms and legs

I like to think after Sid stopped being freaked out, he reached some kind of an understanding with his toys. He seems happy in Toy Story 3, so I'd like to hope he and the toys are good now.

IIRC, Buzz was aware he was Andy's favorite and was pretty proud of it, since Andy was the highest ranking being on the planet.

Hes happy cause he know that the toys in the trash end up being completely destroyed and unable to ever get to him in his sleep
You know sids the kinda guy to sleep with a gun under his pillow

Why did Buzz freeze when Andy showed up?

I figured its cause the other toys were doing it and he didn't want to disrupt there traditions

I remember seeing a thumbnail for a "theory" video on "why does woody have a holster?"
Of course he would have a holster hes a cowboy, he either had a toy gun at sum point or didnt

Don't know if you noticed but Woody in the first movie has pride issues.

I'm guessing at this point they'd probably be running some tight-knit 'thrown away/busted toys' gang at the dump.

>1995: Leave no toy behind
>2019: Fuck them
How did society fuck up so badly?

Attached: woody.png (363x425, 166K)

Because then he's have to admit it.

I would love to see this

>Sid's old toys are the ones who save Woody and the gang from getting incinerated at the end of 3.
>"You helped us once, now its our turn."

dont blame society blame the parents
i mean just look at you
embarrassment incarnate

Why are the toys alive

Because he was irrational and jealous.

>giant comes right at you and starts reaching for you

He was playing dead.

Because otherwise there would be no story.

Pfft coward

Honestly, and I know this will sound super gay, but love, user... love

I wonder if there are toys that dont live because they are unloved
What about the prospecter