100% completed the main game and the DLC and I still kill time just swinging around fighting randomly appearing crimes.
100% completed the main game and the DLC and I still kill time just swinging around fighting randomly appearing crimes
Good for you, now fuck off
>Want to complete the database
>Missing a JJ podcast episode
>Episode only comes on after you ignore crimes
>Crippling guilt/intense Spidey-tism makes me physically unable to stop myself from stopping crimes
Nice, I haven't played it yet, but been meaning to ever since Yea Forums recommended it as the definitive spidey game.
Go fuck yourself
Already have
How the fuck do I move around faster?
fast travel via science stations
You think slower
Tried that, still cannot beat some of the bomb missions.
Web zips and mastering that slow-mo aiming thing to point jump. Also don't dive; just do the ground pound move, you can cancel it midair and swing without losing momentum.
>slow-mo aiming thing to point jump
Did not even know about that. I am retarded. Pro tips user.
You're no retard, True Believer. Also be sure you're max level, because you get sporadic swing speed increases!
It is a fun game. Just got it and just unlocked research stations. Already know the story beats, but I'm excited to keep playing. Wish i got Kaine's suit sooner.
You start New Game+ with every suit and gadget you've unlocked.
So i guess I'll have to beat it all and then do new game plus eh?
This game was basically the Spider-Man movie I always wanted
Not Yea Forums go back to/v/
It most certainly is Yea Forums, faggot user
jesus fuck the Last Stand suit is so goddamned cool looking
I liked how this game remembered that Spider-man can use his spider sense to locate things nearby. I don't think anyone remembered that since Stan Lee wrote him, despite it being the basis for how the spider tracker works
I wish there was a way to play Jonah's show like a podcast while swinging around rather than just sitting through the recording in the archive menu.
That was my favorite alternate.The dark pants and leather gave it a cool gritty look without being stupidly over the top edgy about it.
I hope MJ becomes Spinneret next game so we don't have to go through more stealth sections and hear her bitch about feeling inadequate
I feel like Spider Gwen showing up to hang out with Miles is more likely, considering that Gwen Stacey hasn't been mentioned in any form yet.
That makes no sense. Furthermore, lets stay the fuck away from Multiverse shenanigans
Miles is already here despite originally being an alternate universe character. No reason Gwen couldn't pop up somewhere as well.
Which I get that this is it's own canon and whatnot but why the hell would they add Gwen now? How? They already went through the hoops to get Miles bitten in this canon. MJ thematically works better anyway, and fits for character progression.
I would have been all for MJ getting bitten honestly considering how desperate she was to throw herself onto the front lines. But they already blanked on that idea when they had a spider crawling around on her shoulder for like an hour and didn't do anything with it just biting her.
Yeah but Spinneret MJ isn't even bitten. She just uses a suit that leeches off Peter's power. The reason I say Gwen wouldn't work for this universe is not just for the original Gwen never happening, but her primarily being a Miles character at this point. If Miles were to get his own spinoff game in this universe, sure. But I don't find her appearing likely. Furthermore, the spider-verse/multiverse stuff is a HUGE can of worms I don't think they should open for this game. There's plenty to cover already, like Norman and The Symbiote
I could see a cameo as DLC
Always potential for more games if the sequel sells anywhere near as well as the first did.
Yea Forums
OP's talking about a video game, this board should be about the mediums of comics & cartoons. I can accept a general or single thread about a Yea Forums related movie or TV show, but OP doesn't want to talk about the mediums Yea Forums is designed for, therefore it is not Yea Forums.
What do you guys want in the next game? A larger combat system and pic related for me.
Yes but they have to put him in because he’s being pushed desperately by marvel as being peters successor Gwen literally has no purpose beyond being another girlfriend
Spider-Man deserves a break once in awhile.
Don't tell me that you've got banned on Yea Forums so you dicided post your microblog here.
The swinging mechanics are average and the combat is not very fluid or responsive, also the story is atrocious. It's a very average game
Honestly, as much as I liked the Spinneret costume, she looked way better when she got the Venom Symbiote and took control over it.
That, and it took away that retarded power-drain gimmick that created pointless drama because the power-drain either occurred just as Peter gets himself in a sticky situation, or he gets himself into a sticky situation BECAUSE of the power-drain.
Peter gets to fight at full strength, MJ has the same powerset thanks to the symbiote, and there could even have been potential for MJ to play therapist to said symbiote because there's a fuck-ton of history to work through.
But nope, it all goes to shit because the writer and editors got into a pissing contest and the run ends prematurely, except it doesn't, and a new writer's brought on board.
Thinking of all the implied kinky costumed sex between Peter, MJ and the symbiote that will never be makes my boner sad.
>Yea Forums Vidya isn't/co/ related
God, this board is terrible now. I blame women.
I recently started this game and have been enjoying it for the most part, but holy shit I hate Mary Jane.
>I blame women.
haha love this
ugh totally agree. She does unreasonably dangerous things and gets angry when Peter tries to keep her alive. Worse still, her stealth missions fucking suck.
t. Woman
I was able to do this but still permamissed one in the second DLC for not ignoring a crime before finishing the episode
I;m pretty sure you can just reload the dlc in the menu.
So it's good. Cool. Cool. The real question is does it beat Spider-Man 2?
In terms of combat, I'd like to make a webline that can be used to make a perch for stealth missions and to hang thugs off from. It'd be cool to make them anywhere, so if they're low enough you can use them like the ends of a wrestling arena, bouncing thugs off it and back into your fists. I'd also like to be able to run down a building just because it's the one thing you can't do.
In terms of vilains, I want Mysterio and to fight Green Goblin as he's flying his glider across the city.
The developers said Gwen Stacy never died. Think about it, Green Goblin isn't a thing yet in the game.
Since MJ went to Symkaria at the end of the dlc, I think they're going to give her a gun and become a great fighter (maybe even better than Peter, for totally legit reasons). While still overextending her actual abilities and getting mad when Peter saves her.
how hype are you to fight her
Even the web-swinging? I ain't about that "webs connect to mid air shit" in all the other Spider-Man games. 2 had it down with the pretty much every surface can be webbed too but the web has to actually connect with an anchor point and it doesn't have infinite range. Swinging through the city has never been anywhere near as good as in 2 IMO, but I ain't played this one yet so I'm still hopeful it'll be solid.
I really hope they just keep all the costumes for the sequel and keep adding more. I don't want to get separated from Last Stand suit.
I want an actual ng+ mode. I want to be able to use xp to increase stats, swingspeed, time I can slow down time etc. Not just a "lol heres 1 point extra damage and +1 hp"
Being able to adjust your dodge distance. Like a quick push is equal to a step backwards but if you hold it, spidey would dodge a couple of meters or something.
The combat system as a whole could stand to be overhauled so that it actually feels as dynamic as it looks. Otherwise the oddly magnetized design of punches and dodges probably isn't going to change.
but I hate those big dudes who go "imma gonna punch ya" and then I press the dodge button but then those big dudes are all "I SAID IMMA GONNA PUNCH YA. MAGNETFISTS ACTIVATE!"
With a long dodge it would be infinitely better
You have to wait for the spider-sense to appear. I play a good number of games with very deliberate dodging mechanics, so that shit in Spider-Man irks me fuckin' good. Regardless of how far you make from the enemy, they'll just jolt right up to you. I know when I want to dodge early or go for the close shave. It just comes off as jarring to me to have to stop myself from playing as well as I could all because they wanted that Arkham-like design to the combat.
sage this shit. this isnt Yea Forums. go back to Yea Forums retard.
Yeah I'd be cool with that.
That doesn't make any sense either. Why the fuck would you do Peter's first girlfriend now?
Not at all. They already have three of Peter's allies turning on him, and I always thought Wraith was lame in the comics, too. I was hoping they would just ignore that nonsense.
Better stealth missions
What's the flc like? Have they added more after that Black Cat one?
First two DLCs are great, but the final one starring Silver Sable is a pretty medicore end to the DLC pack.
Is there gonna be more?
I used to like that one when I was younger but now it just reminds me of CW costumes
Doubt it. The DLC pretty much set things up for the next game in the franchise.
>First two DLCs are great
I love this game, but stop lying.
Hammerhead was a lame choice to be the focus of all 3 DLCs.
LMAO we cant show tits
The DLC outside of the costumes was an unfocused shitshow that puts a black mark on an otherwise fantastic Spider-Man game experience
>First chapter is basically irrelevant and has next to no importance the overall plot. Could have been added to the main game, or cut entirely
>Hammerhead, though nice to see in this game, sucks as a main baddie. Feels like the game really wanted Silvermane but for whatever reason cut him out and gave Hammerhead the makeover.
>Artificial difficulty for challenges with annoying shield and gattling gun heavy enemies crowding the arena.
>Dropping a HUGE plot point in our lap for next game with Yuri.
>Every chapter feels disconnected and unfocused. Story doesn't flow well. Partly because each focuses on a different character (Felicia, Yuri, Silver Sable).
As a nitpick, fuck whatever lazy asshole dropped the ball with The Bar With No Name. Way to miss the opportunity to have a bunch of C-D listers hanging out at the bar like Boomerang or White Rabbit.
>Peter's first girlfriend
That's Betty Brant, you movie watching faggot
Sorry, first girlfriend that actually fucking matters. I admittedly forgot about Betty Brant.