What a waste of an otherwise great show. Why do they keep doing this?

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Boys are less intelligent than us
It's a fact

>power fantasies are fictional
no shit, you dumb fuck.
who are you to complain, anyway?

More like

Reverse the genders and you'd not be reeing about it that's for sure.

I want Hilda to dominate me

is that why you need lower grades to get into STEM?

t. tranny

This but the opposite.

The only place we ever see women raise the bar is fiction.

FACT: females are better at absorbing data, men are better at applying it.
Hard fact, this means that data crunching jobs are more ideal for women and engineering&creating jobs are better for men.

>men taking bait like retards
so she was right

Got to keep in we are talking about fucking David here

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David is going to ge a chad in the future.

It's just to give girls confidence. Calm down

>Primarily associates with females
Let's be honest, he never had a chance

But you are a boy. Your estrogen pills wont change that.

And women are proven to be more creative but most art jobs still go to men, so I guess hard facts doesn't really matter in the long run of certain careers.


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Sounds about right, though.

She's literally the MC. Besides, David is a fucking idiot, I want to beat the shit out of him.

>And women are proven to be more creative
Really? What do they create? When I look at the history of things being created it seems like it's mostly men doing it. If women want art jobs why don't they just create art jobs for themselves? Since they're so creative..

What the fuck did you just say about David?

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>t. jealous David hangs with Hilda

>Being so fucking stupid you can't understand what I'm saying

I'm gonna guess you're neither the smart nor creative type and the job you're best suited for is cleaning up after people who make more money than you.

kek, no.
It has been proven that men have beter spatial awareness, etc...
yes, woman can understand data&formula better then men.
But men can apply it better.

David wasn't an idiot though. He was actually the smartest out of the bunch and was usually proven right at the end of most episodes.

Basically most of the show was
>girls wanting to do something retarded,
>David saying that wasn't a good idea,
>they laugh at him and call him a pussy,
>shit gets messed up,
>David has to help fix it
>gets no credit and still gets called a pussy

>Art job is applying data

Basically already learning to be a man

SJW points

>And women are proven to be more creative but most art jobs still go to men

False. Women just have the luxury of dedicating more time to creative arts as the bulk of financial and social responsibility still falls on men.

>I'm the smart, creative type
No one is impressed, Tumblr.

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But the strongest character is a boy.

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Essentially, yeah. The show was pretty fair with applied gender roles, but most of it will go over people's heads.

copying =/= creating.


He's not only a pussy, he's a FAG

I mean, when it comes to white people it's true.
But man, could you imagine being a young boy in the western world nowadays? Every male kid's show character is a giant pussy, all the shows suck, everything is made for girls, no wonder so many of them are into anime.
Blows my mind that the fucking girly-looking boys who will literally cry in anime are more manly than any male character in any modern cartoon.
Which is probably because no one makes western action cartoons anymore.

Women are scientifically proven to be more in tune with the part of their brain that leads to artistry while men are more proven to lean towards technical. Quit being so triggered that you only want to use science when it makes you feel good.

I fucking hate summertime.

your "proven" means shit, the patriachry is gone in the west, where are the results?


Everyone is more creative than you, faggot. Fucking dog contributes more to society than you do, regardless of gender.

Is it like this every summer?

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You're one of those faggots who thinks we only use 20% of our brain or some shit too, aren't you?

I want to see citations sweetie

Summerfags have been a myth for almost a decade now user, Yea Forums is this shitty year-round.
As it turns out, most shitposters are retarded college kids, NEETs, and drop-outs.

He barely had a presence in the comics.
Should be thankful that he got a bigger role for the show.

Google "differences between man and woman's brain". I'm not doing the legwork for you because you're too busy shitposting to know common facts.

typical, attack me personally instead of trying to give a decent response.
You do realize white knights never get the girl right?

I am. Hopefully he'll get more a push, he's a good balance to Hilda rush in approach.

Not them but what percentage do we use anyway?

I gave the best response that was appropriate for a retard.

Pretty much . These twinks were never going to make it.

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>Women are scientifically proven to be more in tune with the part of their brain that leads to artistry while men are more proven to lean towards technical. Quit being so triggered that you only want to use science when it makes you feel good.
Weird, if this were true you would think women would have demonstrated some accomplishments in art over the years. I guess this is that infamous "patriarchy" conspiracy at work, lol. Too cute.

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>N-neurology studies don't count if it hurts my shitpost ;__;

I'm not the guy you're responding to, but I think we do use 100 percent of our brains. Some of it goes to thinking and intellect and the rest goes to maintaining the body.

I think. Key words here are I think. Probably wrong.

I disagree. Yes, with today's phones Yea Forums has gotten shitter because faggots can come on at anytime, but shitposts do get worse both in quality and quantity when summertime roles around. It's easier to shitpost when you're in front of a computer instead on your phone.

now your just parroting.
and now i'm starting to think your just bating.

You'd have a point if kids today actually owned computers and didn't just do all their shitposting on their phones.

>When I look at the history of things being created it seems like it's mostly men doing it
Who created men? Think about it

Cool source, bro.

Wanna know how I can tell English isn't your first language.

Google it, bro.

God did, you're a fucking spare rib, bitch.


Every fucking time.
I remember when man of steel came out:

"Oh, Ursa is the typical female power fantasy!"

" opposed to the guy called superman?"

>which came first, the chicken or the egg?
is this supposed to be a serious post?

Shit. I've forgotten that phones have replaced computers nowadays. Goddamn, now I feel old.

now you are going to atack me on the fact that i can speak&understand more languages then you?
what are you trying to proof here?

>when a stupid user thinks everything is either feminist or non-feminist


Men are driven by the urge to create because of the instinctual need to one-up rivals. Women simply don't have the same competitiveness.

Why are Yea Forums males so insecure?


if that was true "Patriarchy" would have never happened ever.

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How would you define the female power fantasy?

Genuinely curious because when I think of power fantasies, like Superman and He-Man, sure they have a lot of power to play around with and public adoration, but they also have a fuckton of responsibility.

Do female power fantasies have an element of responsibility?

>How would you define the female power fantasy?
Average Film Noir villainess. Especially the slightly older ones.

Like when frida wouldn't clean her own god damn room and he pointed it out which resulted into her pinning him. Then she has the gal to ignore them and hang out with a bunch of witches and the only time he stood up to them, satan's pet was breathing down his neck.

That's been a trope for a long time. It basically means we have to lower the bar for the girls to appear smart and strong. They simply can't believably compete with a capable boy.

Female power fantasy is about being on envied&adored by all with a bit of fantasy rape on top with is confusing as fuck.

>current era


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Not a particularly fair comparison when Frida was clearly being intimidated into ignoring him so they could turn her into one of them.

That was the episode where David started to come into his own, it was Hilda who didn’t question the situation.

Not him, but that isn't really the case.

>not googling "most famous women artists"
You do realize that Google results change based on your search history, right? Also, the site mentions Frida Kahlo and Yayoi Kusama.

Source(s): Dude, trust me

Modern wifi, coordinates, chemical compounds, coding, lots. Granted, men did assist them, but it was in part of suggestions and sharing ideas.

Actually you take out all the mythical elements, and it happens a lot. Two friends get in a fight. You expect them to make up, but instead one just goes to another group of friends completely separate.

At least boy knew that rooms didn´t clean themselves?

Seething femcel who can’t deal with reality.

>"I thought you were supposed to be smart"
David is a shy and cowardly boy but he can sure as hell throw shade and do the right thing when it matters like agreeing to take the Marra dreams so Hilda doesn't have to have them.


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>David keeps shitting on her for having a messy room when Frida's been nothing but helpful to him

David is a shitty friend and deserves to get eaten by bugs.