I never understood

I never understood
Is that a purple space suit or his actual skin?

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Suit. He's the kind of guy to keep his work clothes under his normal clothes.

I remember this show was really fucking good

Black Carapace, a second skin fused to his flesh that allows him to interface with his power armor

The hood part, at least. He even wore it as a kid.

Attached: Buzz Lightyear of Star Command - 2x10 - Holiday Time [mbaldw].avi_snapshot_07.48_[2016.07.05_23.23.4 (640x480, 397K)

it's skin, I remember him showering with the purple stuff on

>I remember him showering with the purple stuff on
That's called a joke, user.

Huh, zero suit buzz?

They didn't want to give Buzz a hairstyle

Buzz was a strange child but it paid off when he turned out to be the most competent badass in the universe capable of training three rookies at once.

The movie and subsequent tv show was so fucking good dude.

His hijab

We all know what it would be anyway. A buzz cut.

No. That's called Pedophilia and Buzz needs to stop showing his showers scenes to the children.

Bring this up when people bitch about a lack of Muslim heros

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buzz is a fucking chad

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It's weird how disney wanted to make a sci-fi cartoon, so they make a spinoff from Toy Story that ends up being really fun, action oriented, with good universe building, good continuity, and likable/interesting characters. For bonus points, it even has plenty of strong female characters who feel feminist, but still have nothing but the upmost respect for characters like Buzz. They actually feel 3 dimensional.

HOWEVER, all of this talent goes out the window the moment they purchase Star Wars, aka one of the biggest sci-fi franchises around, with lore and likable characters already built in. They literally drive it into the ground as if they have no idea what they're doing. And what happened to their idea of a strong female character? Why, just have a pink haired bitch talk about how all men must die.


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Suit like actual astronauts wear

Attached: Astronaut-DrewFeustel-Spacewalk-NASA1-1000x667.jpg (1000x667, 99K)

You answered your own question

They need to make a live action Buzz Lightyear of Star Command movie.
R-rated, of course.

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I maintain that the holiday episode, where just about everybody went to the same planet for a break and wound up brawling, is one of the greatest episodes of any cartoon ever made.

>not a single Mira so far

Be the change you want to see.

They do have those undersuits.

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I mean... It makes sense...

>Comparing 2019 Disney to 2000 Disney
Lots of things have changed since then.

Any HDrips?

I need someone to draw this

She never said all men must die, she just said that if you’re ordered by a superior to sit around and do nothing while people are dying you should do just that. Never question authority, especially military authority. Ya know like a fascist.

I want her to flying kick right onto my dick

The difference is that you grew up with the Buzz Lightyear series, and so you don't complain that it was made by basedboy cucks. If it was made today you would.

he just wears it, like a comfy beanie

does it have a hole for the dick and the ass?

The time stop battle between Buzz and Zerg was the hypest shit

There's about 20 years and god knows how many people leaving and joining in the interim. Disney now and Disney then might as well be different companies

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He even wears it on the beach.

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But I just went back and watched the series. It still holds up while The last Baseddi barely even holds my interest.

Why R?

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