What would you want from season 3 anyway?

What would you want from season 3 anyway?
a Dominator redemption arc?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Space adventures

More Hater, obviously

>Season 3
It's gonna be fucking shipping war shit

Negaverse episode

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>a Dominator redemption arc?
Nooo, that's fucking lame.

Okay, I desperately NEED more art of Lord Dominator in a fabulous evening dress. Gotdamn!

Also, is a redemption arc for her even possible? This is isn't the same as the Diamonds, who were doing it because -THAT IS THE WAY THINGS ARE-. Dominator sang a whole song about how she's a sadistic cunt.

>is a redemption arc for her even possible?
Depends on how much her defeat breaks her, I would suppose. It might take bringing her to her absolute lowest point before her ego deflates enough for her to start listening to Wander. Because he's certainly not going to give up on her.

Also, yes to more fabulous Dominator.

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>It might take bringing her to her absolute lowest point
So mind break?

Dominator raping Wander to raise his chil for evil but ends up developing a crush on him

Hater's origin

Not that far. I was thinking more like the DomiNEET comic.

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Do you have a source for this?

You know, not every busty bitch that you want to put your dick in needs a redemption arc.

This guy on Pixiv:

Though it looks like he moved to Twitter.

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>What would you want from season 3 anyway?
Hater being great and being best villain.

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To be dominated

>What would you want from season 3 anyway?

What about more Dominator ?
And less of the Spongebob wanabe....

Dominator mindbreak arc.

I liked one user's idea they posted about how she starts out being a depressed NEET loser and Wonder tries to cheer her up and show her the good side, with the season ending with Wonder annoying her so much to the point that her new goal in life is to destroy him and reinvigorate her passion of sadism.

>Washed up Dominator is taken "prisoner" aboard the Skullship by Hater so she doesn't wreck everything again and they end up becoming moderately dysfunctional buddies even though neither of them admit it
>More side characters
>New villain that's basically to Wander what Dom was to Hater
>Peepers arc where he gets tempted by the dark side and only barely manages to pull back

Dominator getting redeemed is stupid, letting the two Haters infight and shoot the shit with each other is much more fun.

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From the producer and supervising director's AMA

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Not exactly what I expected, but I guess this'll do

You mean this

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>write this on all her shirts

I want Dominator without her stuff bumped down to below Hater tier. She's constantly trying to convince people she's a big deal to no avail and nobody takes her seriously anymore. Even Hater teases her for being ineffective much to her chagrin. Eventually resulting in her having the same disdain for Wander that Hater does with the two often fighting over who gets to destroy him.

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Emperor Zurg to be the new villain, who emerged from Dominator's old technology.

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aaaaaaand thread potential ruined. aight boys pack it up, we'll start this again tomorrow

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Just ignore it

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Oh boo hoo I don’t like the fatty crap either but fatfags don’t take over threads unless you let them and these anons aren’t even really spamming it

Who’s the dad?

Who else?

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They already set up the redemption arc with the ending so continuing it would be the obvious choice.

>Wander goes around the universe getting powerful villains pregnant
>Every legendary hero universe get his kindness and sense of justice from Wander’s DNA

>with a body that small

The sex must be awful unless he's good at finger and tongue stuff

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I remember when I first watched this show after seeing Dominator's song and dance. Then I realized that Hater was superior and the best part of the show. I just want to see Hater be the greatest in the galaxy.

dominator to get dominated

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Oh, ain't it great though
To be a hero
I help all those folks and then I wave goodbye
'Cause I'm the good guy

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I want Sylvia's nudes to be leaked

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Sylvia is honestly so goddamn hot. I want her to beat me up and dom me with her huge zbornak ass


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isn't she typically butt naked

New reaction image found.

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But I want to see her without her saddle on

I love this ship

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Pretty sure either Angones or the producer said this was most likely to be a canon ship on an AMA

Make her a washed up villain and have a team up with this loser villain guy. Not really a redemption arc just getting her just desserts and more Hater and Dominator but it kinda works now and Wander continues Wandering

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That scene of them nearly hugging over their bond of having to corral their idiot best friends sealed the deal for me

Post more Dominator, damn it.

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What the point of talking about it? The show is dead forever.

Eva's been dead for 25 years and Yea Forums has threads about it daily, it's not a very alien concept for people to talk about shit they enjoy.

I just miss it, that's all. :_;

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>found the greatest Dom character sheet of all time posted once years ago with no (You)s

It was criminal

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Just drop Dominator entirely and let the lesson stick: some people just don't want to be better.

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>drop Dominator when she hasn't gotten the development she deserves

Let me have my sociopathic, shittier Hater for another season goddamnit

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I think Dominator being redeemed would be unnecessary since that's supposed to be Hater's arc. Hate's great, best villain.

By golly that is cute.

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Man I love Domineet. There's just something about the concept that works so well.

>bottom most right
Fucking CUTE

>What would you want from season 3 anyway?
for it to exist

Dominator ruined this show

Okay, run along now

She's a sadistic, nihilistic psychopath. There is nothing there to redeem.

t. Dominatorfag

I didn't expect to love Hater as much as I did, I'd basically resigned myself to him being an unfunny retard, but boy he sure showed me.
I miss 'em lads.

I know, right? It's a brutal but ultimately uplifting tale of sadness and compassion, self-loathing and love, failure and redemption.

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link to twitter?

It's in the Pixiv link, but here:

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i like domineet as well just wish she wasen't fat no offensive if that your thing

That's part of it, though. She's fallen physically as well as emotionally.

The worst part of Domineet has always been the redesign, all you'd have to do to show her fall from grace is keep the goofy chipped tooth in.

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Nah, the redesign makes much more sense. Dominator's an extreme person in everything she does, even when she's trying to be normal like in her "bonding" episode with Sylvia. So when she falls from grace she falls HARD, letting herself go completely is a better way of showing it than just having her slightly altered.

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>scruff up her hair, make it look unkempt and dirty; add some stubble marks to the other side of her head to show lack of proper shaving
>add rings under her eyes like pic related
>keep chipped tooth
>turn tank top into a scuffed version with tears and food marks littering it; at home swap the skirt for tacky lounge pants and slippers
>when she's losing her shit add little lines circling her pupils

There, took me five minutes and it's better than the fatshit design. You can let yourself go without suddenly gaining massive amounts of weight.

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You just made her appear crazy, not depressed. It may be fatshit, but it's fatshit with a purpose, that being a shorthand to elicit a specific mood from Dominator.

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Yeah, but cartoony plump doesn't have to end in morbid obesity for the sake of character's disgrace.

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>Wander over Yonder x Buzz Lightyear of Star command cross over
I don't know if they could make it work, but I'd love to see them try.

The issue is that the only mood you get from Dominator like this is a depressing one. That works initially, maybe if you want to start her out sad and have her improve shortly after, but it's so overbearing that it doesn't pan out for the long game because literally everything she did would be with an undercurrent of being sad and washed up. You need something that gets the point across but still lets you elicit different moods. So when Dominator gets pissed off, it's not getting pissed off with a depressing undertone, and when she's planning something out I can take her seriously.

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That's the entire point though, it's meant to be part of an arc where she ends up improving herself eventually. Sure it's depressing, maybe even overwhelmingly so, but it also humanizes this former genocidal psychopath and gives you reason to want to see her feel better about herself. Even the pic you posted has an air of insincerity to it that you wouldn't get with Domineet.

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what kind of tears

It's also blatant fatty porn

>So when Dominator gets pissed off, it's not getting pissed off with a depressing undertone, and when she's planning something out I can take her seriously.
Why does this matter exactly? She's hit rock bottom, of course things are going to be sad and pathetic. She has no power or drive left.

>Dominator redemption plot

I want to watch Dominator (and watch her get better) because she's an overtly sadistic, egotistical asshole with all of Hater's negative qualities pushed up and basically none of the positive ones. Give him a redemption arc, at least there's something to work with in his case.

You can humanize Dominator in ways that aren't just adding some hackneyed bullshit to her character to garner sympathy points. Have Wander show her how to act properly around people and it takes her visible effort to act in a composed manner. Have an episode where she's doing speed dating and initially being charismatic and charming before realizing she doesn't care about any of her would-be suitors and gradually devolving into talking about sick shit she finds interesting with complete disregard for them. Have her get drunk and tell Wander that he can't just magically give her the ability to feel any sense of remorse or empathy towards others.

Do I want her to be a depressed, insecure wreck of her former self, realize she has a problem and make some (minute) improvement? Yes, that would be extremely entertaining to watch, but you don't have to turn her into a walking punchline to do so. Let her actions speak for themselves.

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Wander's origin and real name.
I bet his people are a bunch of xenophobes that never leave thier planet.

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It's not really her being fat itself what makes it depressing, it's her just giving up entirely and that's a quick way to show it. Losing weight isn't even part of the end goal here, it's just boosting up her confidence and making her a better person.

>Yes, that would be extremely entertaining to watch, but you don't have to turn her into a walking punchline to do so.
That's kind of a moot point when everyone in this show is a walking punchline in one way or another. Even Dominator herself was one when she destroying entire planets.

>because she's an overtly sadistic, egotistical asshole with all of Hater's negative qualities pushed up and basically none of the positive ones.
And Hater himself went through bouts of a similar arc himself throughout the entire show. The difference is Hater had a friend in Commander Peepers to help him get out of that funk fairly quickly. Dominator would go off the deep end way faster in a more extreme manner, because like you said yourself, she's all of Hater's negative qualities pushed up to 11.

>You can humanize Dominator in ways that aren't just adding some hackneyed bullshit to her character to garner sympathy points
And turning her into a crazy hobo isn't hackneyed?

>Have Wander show her how to act properly around people and it takes her visible effort to act in a composed manner.
>Have an episode where she's doing speed dating and initially being charismatic and charming before realizing she doesn't care about any of her would-be suitors and gradually devolving into talking about sick shit she finds interesting with complete disregard for them.
>Have her get drunk and tell Wander that he can't just magically give her the ability to feel any sense of remorse or empathy towards others
And you can have all of that with Domineet as well. Except the second one, that one wouldn't work at all since everyone knows her as the monster that destroyed their homes.

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Look man you really don't need to defend it, fatfaggotry is far from the worst or most outlandish fetish out there, but just be honest about it.

Considering the other guy in this argument seems to think "fat" and "good character design" are mutually exclusive, I'd say it does need defending.

>Except the second one, that one wouldn't work at all since everyone knows her as the monster that destroyed their homes.
On the contrary, It would work with Domineet because she's so drastically different from how she normally looks that nobody would even recognize her until pointed out like what happened here .

>Dominator would go off the deep end way faster in a more extreme manner

Yes she would, still doesn't mean she'd just double her BMI in under a month.

>And turning her into a crazy hobo isn't hackneyed?

This is not a very common development that characters go through. She's already mentally unstable enough as is, the only part that would change is her living situation. She'd probably end up squatting in some abandoned house anyway and rely on Wander for sustenance.

>And you can have all of that with Domineet as well.

Yeah, and it undercuts any attempt at being able to take Dominator seriously by having her look like overly pathetic fetish bait. It's barely different from dressing her up in clown getup. Unkempt is a far more effective look.

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This but I want her to be forced to turn to prostitution to get by and theres a two part episode long rape scene where she is fucked by horny dudes over and over for a pittance.

>Yes she would, still doesn't mean she'd just double her BMI in under a month.
Why wouldn't it? She has nowhere to go, nothing to do, with zero support from anyone else in the universe and her only hobby being taken away from her. She'd have to find comfort from all of that somehow.

>This is not a very common development that characters go through
Is this a joke? That is an extremely common trope for rich and/or tyrannical dictators. Even fucking Fire Emblem had at least one of those.

>Yeah, and it undercuts any attempt at being able to take Dominator seriously by having her look like overly pathetic fetish bait. It's barely different from dressing her up in clown getup.
See, this is where your argument falls apart for several reasons. First off, WoY is not a serious show, to pretend otherwise is foolish. Even Hater at his lowest had some level of comedic overtones to it. Second, how does that undercut it? If anything it displays the severity of just how far she's fallen, because at this point she IS overly pathetic.

Third, even clown makeup probably would be a better fit than what you're trying to go for, when you can spin it as a job she has no choice in accepting and being mocked for it.

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Well, this is all she's worth really.>Gotta love R34

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>she'd have to find comfort from that somehow

Assuming she finds a house to squat in, television and alcohol. She uses the garage to work on mechanical shit occasionally, to various degrees of success. All of these are more plausible, even the drinking.

>That is an extremely common trope for rich and/or tyrannical dictators

Usually they just get flat-out killed. Even if this occurs in fiction to some extent, it's not nearly used enough to be considered trite.

>WoY is not a serious show, to pretend otherwise is foolish. Even Hater at his lowest had some level of comedic overtones to it.

Pic related. I can take Hater (and really any of the characters) seriously in SOME episodes at SOME moments when they wanted you to. You could never, ever do a moment like this with fat Dominator, because she'd look like a fucking fetish drawing while it was happening.

It doesn't display the severity of the situation. Her having a pathetic moment displays the severity of the situation. Her being obese while it happens overloads it and turns it into cringe comedy. It's like having a character crying vs. having a character cry while they shit and piss their pants, snot runs down their nose and their eyes swell up. If you want Dominator to be a stupid fucking joke character 24/7, then good for you, go for the fetish bait design, but it doesn't work for general use. Honestly, it's not even a good joke.

>what you're trying to go for

I'm not going for anything, it's barely even changing the design. You make her look more ratty to reflect her fall from grace. It's not rocket science.

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>Her being obese while it happens overloads it and turns it into cringe comedy. It's like having a character crying vs. having a character cry while they shit and piss their pants, snot runs down their nose and their eyes swell up.
The two aren't even remotely the same thing. Look at Thor in Endgame or Peter in Into The Spider-Verse. This is the same thing, but with a villain. It's not hard to understand.

>implying Thor in Endgame wasn't played as a joke character

Peter B. Parker doesn't count when the only fat part to him is a gut that isn't visible for any of the film save one or two scenes.

Also, make Thor twice as fat and that's what we're talking about here.

i thought it was refreshing not to giver her a redemption arc. imagine if she took Wanders offer to be friends in the last episode. it wouldn't have been a good writing choice.

Dominator really didn't deserve redemption after breaking haters heart. I would like her to become the punching bag to a new big bad.

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It's just one guy posting them while arguing, chill.

>that will never EVER work!
>But here are some examples where it does work

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>doesn't look fat = not a fat character

Did you get that one? I hope it wasn't too hard to understand.

>Thor doesn't look like a fat character
Dude, even when he was covered up he looked like a goddman mall santa. Besides, the point is the archetype he represents that can work for Dominator as well.

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Fat Thor was fucking retarded

Good thing this show has an actually balanced view on pacifism and redemtion and doesn't think people are redeemed immediately. Would've been fucking stupid.

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To be fair, they are family trying to accommodate the little sister who they thought were dead. No real indication they will stop being space Hitler.

>not liking bro Thor

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>No real indication they will stop being space Hitler.
Well yeah, that's one of main issues people have with it. At least Dominator was thoroughly defeated and stripped of her power, the Diamonds are exactly the same except now they won't attack Steven's home so it's all good now. It's downright insulting.

Because I actually like Thor and not Hemsworth thinking he's funnier than he is. Spider-Man worked a little more because he's perpetually down on his luck and in a cartoon but even that was still dumb

Fat Dominator might be a funny idea in the context of the show but most people here like it for fetish reasons. That's fine if they admit it. But Fat Thor was irredeemably fucking stupid.

I was talking about Peter B. Parker


>"My cunt is all slimey, you can slide right in big boy."

Heck even healing the gems of their infection seems like common sense because as yellow says "they were good gems who we lost in your silly little tantrum".

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I mean, it's still the same kind of archetype, even it's a bit more subdued.

Yeah, that's what I want S3 Dominator to be like.


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>tfw I started saving LD pics in 2015
>tfw the folder's 2080 images now
>tfw I don't even give a fuck about LD anymore
say my name and I'll dump the folder to a mega

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Basically just what they said they wanted to do. It would have probably included everything people want anyway, some sort of Dominator redemption, more screentime with her and the backgrounds for characters like Hater as well as this new threat that even Wander is afraid of whatever it would have been.

I want Domineet to get sponge baths by Wander


She's not THAT fat, but Wander would probably give her one to help her feel better.

Anyone have a torrent or mega link for this?

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>implying wander doesnt have a thundercock

Attached: wander.jpg (850x708, 189K)

Hi Paul

You could just say that you have absolutely zero standards, and will save pretty much anything featuring a specific character.

This is unironically Canon.


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Ca..can you post that ? In here.


Alrightm uploading it

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Alright come on

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I gotta reupload the entire thing since I deleted the old one before last time I sperged out

also I'm pretty sure my firefox is dying uploading 2k images

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I'm just gonna put this thing in here.

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why the FUCK are there no lewds of dom plowing sylvia's fat mare pussy
they even had a cute episode together where they went on a not-date

Is there anything more based than a hot villainess together with a naive, young hero?

A hot villainess fucking with a naive young hero

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>Not gif

>Redeemed by /ss/
This sounds good.

Attached: bca.png (1200x1600, 482K)

Take a look at the filename

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>Woman becomes good person by /ss/ dicking
Good file name

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>implying i meant physically and not emotionally
>implying a complete beta like Finn has a chance if Wander or Hater couldn't do shit

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okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay okay

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Wander’s barely the size of one of DomiNEET’s asscheeks

Not sure why I like this

Finn is not the only cute boi.

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Yo Grievous my nigga what's good

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best love

bar guy?

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What if Sylvia tied Dominator up and had Wander eat her out for hours and hours as part of her redemption

>black dress
Requesting Dom like in pic related, please.

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