Why did they drop the Renegade arc so fast?

Why did they drop the Renegade arc so fast?

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Cause it was shit?
It was just the fallout from another arc which amounted to, once again, Hal wielding power unlike any green lantern before him. And once again being hated by the corps. The trenchcoat also look went out in the 80's.
The resolution was total shit too, just leave the thing at some space rock, where some never before seen or after villain found it.

Comicboks are terrible because they never end, stories need to reach a completion instead of the setting being forever dragged out and subjected to a random stream of different writers.

I wish you were wrong, but no...you're not wrong.

The resolution was rushed because of Rebirth, same with Sinestro's storyline that was going on at the time.

And I think the story was fine, a few issues of Hal into the seedier parts of the galaxy and working as an outlaw, almost as if he was undercover.

Why does hal have the Infinity Will Gauntlet


Did i mention rushed? It was shit all over. He was a fake outlaw carrying the biggest gun around. It wasnt a redemption arc because he didnt do anything, but the corps hated him, oh what a saint. He had to live on the run with a bad rep in bad places, but it was all a lie, he was faking being a baddie. But the truly interesting bit was the gauntlet that had the very original features of being more powerful than any GL, but, hard to control. But Hal is such a willful saint he did it. Then he left it on a rock.

Don't see the problem with him being innocent, it's a classic story. He faked a crime to clear the Corps name and is now one the run, but also being able to do what he couldn't do as a regular Lantern due to regulations and not wanting to drag the corps' good name through the mud. The gauntlet and coat were cool, my only problem was the long hair (some artists made them look goofy on him). I'll agree that there could've been a better conclusion to the gauntlet plotline, but again: rushed.

Personally, I just view GL 20 as the end.

You mean its a tired story.
Innocent man on the run who is also the most remarkable of all the law officers wielding the best weapon as well.

Eh it wasn't all that good.
It also didn't help like it, Superman, and Aquaman all decided to do Renegade plotlines at the same time. At least it was better than Aquaman's if ya wanted to be silver lining.

I found it to be fine, pity they had to rush it at the end.

Right there with you, buddy.

So is Hal still an energy being or?

It was still better than Hal n Pals and his pre-converegence GL, the former of which was getting praised due to some reason. All the man-drama references made me cringe.

Yes, he is. And his ring is still his POWER limiter.

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Been saying that for years. Even ignoring the soap box political pandering, retcons, & events. The core issue of comics never ending with no resolution or change that matters is what's been killing any enjoyment of them for decades. It's why people prefer the cartoons & movies.

>Comicboks are terrible because they never end,

Most comic books are for teens. As teens grow, they are expected to stop reading comics.

And new teens are expected to start reading them - in whatever form - continuity they are at the moment.

Comics are not for the long-lasting fans - except maybe some specific graphic novels or mini series with beginning - middle - ending.

If publishers believe the crap you wrote, they are at fault for the shitty state of the industry, because they plan with an imaginary market in mind, as opposed to with the actual one.

Cause is boring Hal and his limp wristed fans are cuckholds.

Better question, when are we getting another John Stewart arc? His stories and interactions are the best.

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That’s not Kyle Rayner

> As teens grow, they are expected to stop reading comics.
so the publisher expects their core reading base to just stop one day because reasons. that's so fucking stupid.
>Comics are not for the long-lasting fans
this retarded opinion in a FUCKING Green Lantern thread when Halfags whined and bitched to ten years for DC to retcon parallax.
of course

Kyle can be Johns sidekick/protege

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Kyle is way better than John. He’s the best Lantern ever. John, Guy and Hal are all hasbeens

they dropped all the DCYOU plots pretty fast because most of them were unpopular

Renegade wasn't a bad idea but it happened at a bad time and the pacing was really bad, it shouldn't have wasted so many issues on setup or on the Black Hand plot

This. The whole thing about changing the status quo was ditched so they could revert all the heroes back to the usual status quo.

>Halfags whined and bitched to ten years
Just so you know, I'm still bitching about Parallax to this day, only that now I whine about the retcon itself with Geoff missing a lot of cool opportunities and hand-waving any consequence or possible growth to the characters as "it actually was a space bug who did it XD".
I do get that he practically revived the corps and I was happy about that as any other GLfag, but the way to do it was so utterly stupid...

Yeah, back then I liked it but now, not so hot

You're dumb.

no u

I like most of Geoff stuff, but the emotion entities were a mistake. Ok, maybe the entities themselves weren't a mistake, but Parallax should've been just a whisper in Hal's ear, feeding on him but remaining a parasite, rather than powering him up and controlling him. Seriously, can we stop getting the stupid Parallax mouth every time we flashback to the past, and let Hal try redeeming himself for his own mistakes?

Also Kyle as Ion was cool, pity it turned out to be another entity powering him up.

We still haven't got a real resolution to his last one, man.

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Would've been cool if Templar Guardians invited a handful of most trusted Lanterns to lead the Corps along with them, creating a new council or something.

The cartoons didn't end really "end" either, they just stopped while the story could still continue, and people always kept asking for continuations. The movies definitely don't end, either, they're going to keep going until the actors are too old to play their roles, and most will probably just be recast.

I'll never understand this mentality. If you're looking at comics as one single continuous story instead of a variety of mostly self-contained stories, you're doing it wrong. It's literally the same as the cartoons and movies, in fact. It's episodes and solo movies, with some big crossovers, not one overarching plot about the character's whole life.

and we never will since the writer and most of his work will go quietly forgotten

>If you're looking at comics as one single continuous story instead of a variety of mostly self-contained stories, you're doing it wrong.

Spotted the casual GN reader.

That's what runs basically are you mongoloid idiot

That's why you stop caring about the overall universe continuity and treat every run as its own thing.

Just stopping counts as an ending over eternally being dug up forever like a corpse puppet being made to dance around after every few shows with a new layer of wax to keep it pristine.

>If you're looking at comics as one single continuous story instead of a variety of mostly self-contained stories, you're doing it wrong.
Okay mister stein.

Except that's still exactly what they do with the cartoons. How many Batman cartoons have there been? They alter the characters a little and retell the origin again, but that's the same thing they do with the Batman comics every ten years or so. There's absolutely no difference between a particular Batman cartoon and a particular Batman comic run except the comics will use the pretense that it's the same Batman as other runs.

Teen read manga. They expect consistency, as seen with literally all discussions on manga.
What a terrible excuse.

It wouldn't surprise me if the manga-reading population is proportionately a lot bigger in japan than the comics-reading population in America. That could have something to do with it.
Stuff like JoJo or Ashita no Joe seems to resonate a lot more with the general public than primary-comic properties in America. I can think of a lot of great comics existing independent from movie studios and cartoon companies but I can't think of any of them that have the same cultural impact as those two manga.

Cartoons are seperated from each other completely. The comics don't work like that. You've never picked up a big two comic in your life if you think they work like that. They both operate on big grand narratives that span years to decades through retcons, reboots, lazy events, lazy writing, & just having no progress occur so the status quo always remains. With cartoons, you have actual progress occurring in the narrative. Stuff is happening then eventually it stops & it's over. You move on. With comics, they don't expect you to do that. They expect you to keep reading forever.

Renegade Hal was kind of cute honestly

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Me too. Perfect ending.

does anyone miss venditti?

bring back Marz

Bring back Gerard Jones. He can write everything on prison toilet paper.

not even a little

>DC solicits collections of GL Vol. 3, Guy Garnder and Mosaic
>Jones is outed as a pedophile
>Those collections are dropped and nothing has been mentioned since

It's not fair.

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soulseek (yes, they have comics)

I never got this complaint. Just stop when a run ends, there is literally nothing preventing you from doing so, especially since a run 90% of the time has a conclusion. The never ending aspect of comics having different Writers try out the same character is one of the medium’s strengths. Many of the best runs of a character is not done by its creator

I've got pretty much every GL related appearance for the past 50 years digitally, but I'd like to have it in print though.

You're telling me. I'll probably just get the floppies binded instead since people have a hard time seperating the creator from their work.

Is this how casual toonfags think? Take Batman year one for example, there’s a clear arc with a beginning, middle and end with progress of all the characters. The status quo is usually reset when the next writer takes over, like in Waid’s daredevil, so progress does occur within each run. It’s up to you whether you want to continue with the next one, you can easily move on after the run is over as it does offer you a conclusion. The only way to read big2 is to treat each writer’s run as their own thing

at least the first collection with the Emerald Dawns came out just before the news broke

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