>has all the money in the world to make ANY animated movie they want without worrying about investors or box office
>makes a safe kiddy movie for normies that flops anyway

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Fuck you i liked it. Way better than Kubo

Why does it seem there are so many bigfoot movies recently?

As someone who didn't see it tell me why

I think we'll agree Coraline was their best showing?

Was it worth a watch anyhow? I love Laika to death but it's the only film that really didn't catch my interest.

Attached: Coraline_Mother.jpg (666x386, 49K)

It's a little more artistic then this
But you'd think with this much backing and money to blow they could do literally any film they desire, yet they really don't get out of the kid genre for films

I can't imagine why the fuck someone would see Kubo and decide they don't like it

Yeah, they have literal nike money. They should try making some adult animations, it's not like they are beholden to any proper studios.

I'll chime in that although I like it on the whole, the plot is missing some je ne sais quois. As emotion driven as it is meant to be, about the time Beetle and Monkey are killed again I just didn't get the intended full does of feels

This. Make something with fucking balls like Anomalisa, not children’s crap like nearly every other studio.

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Same issue a lot of people had with moana actually. The pacing was really chunked out. Unfortunately the best thing I could call it is "video gameish". Setpiece/enemy-setpiece/enemy/reveal-setpiece/enemy-setpiece/enemy/reveal etc etc etc . Combine that with the predictable character-archs (which I remember a lot of Yea Forums bitching about so I know it isnt just me) and story twists and you get kind of a work of art thats visually enjoyable only.

Id also ad that it didnt feel like it had much heart to it, which really bewildered me as Im constantly primed for a Wandering Musician story to grip me by the heart. I honestly feel the best part of the entire film was the credits.

I'll agree with this. Kubo and Moana both fall just short of greatness. They're missing something.

A plotline designed for the medium of film?

> I honestly feel the best part of the entire film was the credits.

Saw the movie with my kid, was unfortunately disappointed and even bored for parts of it. But yeah the credits really hit home.

Anyone who can watch this and not get shivers doesnt belong on Yea Forums

>the plot is missing some je ne sais quois
For me, that certain something was a gut punch moment, and Kubo is a story that could have used a few. On paper it did, but whether through pacing or direction, their impact dissipated.

For all of its wondrous eye candy, the movie lacked the kind of kabuki-esque dramatic flair that could have pushed it to the next level.

>my kid
Why do normalfags think it's okay to post here?

I felt his dad getting killed suddenly was pretty shocking.

Lol eat shit neet

Go back

Oh no, the normalfags are on Yea Forums, the most backroom and not normie place on the entirety of Yea Forums that definitely doesnt share the largest base with tumblr!

I think there WAS something of an emotional hit there yeah. My kinda gripe was not seeing what the Moon/his grandfather's realm was actually like. Laika had so much fun with the Otherworld in Coraline and the haunted forest in Paranorman it feels like such a missed opportunity

Getting to SEE the Moon kingdom as an unfeeling, cold, inhuman place would have given some needed weight to the adamant beliefs that Kubo didn't want to go there/that it was an improvement for his grandfather to become a mortal man on Earth

I don't know why it didn't work for me. If I did, I'd work in film. As it is, Kubo just didn't make a strong impression aside from its technical achievements and Ralph Fienne's brief performance. It's good, but it's in such a competitive field, and it didn't do enough to distinguish itself.

I think it would have helped to get rid of all of the attempts at humor and lighter situations, and focus a bit more on the shamisen playing. That's the kind of movie I would have liked, but I'm sure that would have bombed even harder.

How do we convince him to say fuck it and go whatever they want instead of this appealing to kids thing

Very true, it would have been cool if we'd been able to see the moon world.

It was visually beautiful but the plot felt a little like it was just moving from point A to point B

Bigfoots are "in" this year

>Implying he's not talking about his niece/nephew or an imaginary kid just to not sound patethic in his mind

It was the latter

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That's just plain wrong. I liked both but this is one of their lower grade movies.

Animators don't have any taste, that's why they are animators and not writers