Which of these characters do you think is going to get the most Hickman wanking? My vote's on Magneto, Xavier...

Which of these characters do you think is going to get the most Hickman wanking? My vote's on Magneto, Xavier, and Sinister.

Attached: hix-men.jpg (2100x1830, 977K)

Definitely Sinister its one of his favorite characters he mentioned in a interview. He also said Magneto and Emma.

Ugh, X-Men died when the 90s ended, probably even a little before that.


I feel like Hickman is pulling a lot from Morrison's run too. He's talked about being a fan of that.
the best x-writers are Emma fans imo so I think that'll be fine

Not a fan of Morrison, he second mutantions stuff and turning the X-Men into Doom Patrol meets the FoX-Men (weirdos in black leather) irked me.

redpill me on sinister? what's worth liking about him?

He was supposed to have a grad scheme that rivals Apocalypse grand scheme.

Fuck outta here, this the hypest time for an X fan since Morrison

Ruined the X-Men with Quesada and Bendis.

Quesada undid everything Morrison did!

To each their own I guess but yeah you might have some problems with Hickman's run as it seems to be shooting for something like that too.

a rumor is is that Xavier is using the krakoa seeds to make mutants immortal. There's been some talk about how what Hickman is planning is irreversible.

Glam smug mother fucker who has a hard of for Scotts semen.

I love when Hickman does smug - pic related

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Is the Externals all over again, Cannonball was supposed be a immortal High-Lord like Apocalypse, Gideon, Saul, Krule, and who know what else but entire storyline was nuked by either a threat from the Highlander IP owners or because Jeph Loeb simply didn’t like day them.

Hmm..knowing Hickman he will probably bring them into this. He seems to like those faceless mob groups that are unimportant but at least visually good.

Externals and a bunch of X-Men 90s storylines got abrupt ends or underwhelming conclusions, the indentity of Stryfe, Tolliver, what was Mr. Sinister grand plan beyond getting Scott and Jean to fuck? The awful Apocalypse The Twelve arc that was supposed be his great end of the millennium story, Magneto ruling Genosha as a mutant rogue state, the Legacy Virus,....

>He also said Magneto and Emma.

who is that he's making out with? Kitty? What's the Egyptian equivalent of the name Peter?

That's Moira. She's sitting beside Xavier in the OP pic.

Sinister is only good in the original Claremont stories.

He's basically a walking mystery box that never got opened because Claremont got fired from the book and Gambit (who was supposed to be Sinister's new form) became a unique character instead of his upgraded form.

based Joey Q

Sinister, for sure. Its his Doom of the X-franchise.

So since everything is wrong in Rosenburg run...does that mean Rightclop will be bsck in Hickman?

Hickman already said his top 5 mutants are as followed:

1. Magneto
2. White Queen
3. Mister Sinister
4. Monet
5. (tie) Sunspot
5. (tie) Cannonball

GEN X taste is high. I love this list

why 2 storms? why 2 wolverines? why is havok a 8 year old child in his older suit? is that magik with the sword? if so whats with the red arm and colossus skin?
now this gets me like nothing has in a long time. apocalypse isnt a guy to kiss people, he destroys them, this is so out of character im actually angry

>child storm and 80s storm
>weapon x and best suit wolverine
>swashbuckling nightcrawler
>marvel girl and phoenix
>havok but hes 5 years old
at least we got warlock here to save the day

We're about due for a revival of Age Of Apocalypse. Somewhere where there is a prolonged conspiracy behind the scenes on the part of villains. We've been dealing with good guy Mystique and Good Guy Emma Frost alongside bad guy Scott and Had guy Jean Grey and it has been just so tiresome.

so where the fuck is Colossus?

in my ass. want to see?

Nice try Hickman

fuuuuck, not again

Doom and Reed Richards

Mr Sinister kinda looks like him, doesn't he?

I can see that. BTW Mark Brooks's cover is probably going to be the winner between all the variants for HoX/PoX #1.

What the fuck is going on with that Collusus/Magick crossover on the right?
Do they have a kid now?

so is the big event where kid cable killed old cable, then jesus cable made the x-men dissaper into his own world bascially not matter? i stopped reading xmen when wolverine died, and wanted to jump back in, but i like to wait until events are over then binge read, but if that dumb sounding event wont matter once this comes out, should i just wait?

This is kind a another call back to Age of Apocalypse with the Legion X-men connection. Hm. Do you think we'll ever get a good X-men reassurance like She's in had or Ultimate X-men almost started out as?

Loeb has admitted he killed the Externals because he didn't like them, there was no legal threat.

>implying the origin mini Sinister got wasn't better than Claremont's plan
user, stop this.

The other covers seem to show that Hickman's big plan is X-Men incest children. Colossus/Magik, Magneto/Polaris and Nightcrawler/Azazel. Maybe Sinister created them, maybe they're from the future.

That's so sad I'm not sure it isn't ironic bait.

What always bugged me is that Morrison's New X-Men focused on only 6 established X-Men characters, everyone else that mattered was one of his precious OCs, like Beak or Quentin Quire.

Why is Firestar here?

Attached: 1970744-firestar_16.jpg (321x459, 34K)

Because whether you like it or not, she's a mutant and will thus be forever forced to appear in X-Men stories whenever a writer feels like it.

hating Hickman? you vile beast, leave my husbando alone

And That's A Good Thing!

Is Whirlwind the only mutant who has never gotten sucked up into the X-Men's bullshit?

Yes. Literally, which is funny, because he is a proud mutant and one would think that he would be a good material for some Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. It's a shame he never was, though

>proud mutant
I mean, he's proud of his powers, but I don't think he has ever expressed any pride in being a mutant. He mostly focuses on robbing banks and stalking Janet.

Only if you're a moron.

he did. I'm too lazy for showing you a page but it did happen in either Thunderbolts, Avengers, or Daughters of Dragon. But yes, he is a proud mutant


Toro never got involved in any X-Men stories back before he was retconned into being an Inhuman. Probably why they did the retcon in the first place and why nobody cared.

>He hasn't read the current Apocalypse in Age of X-Man

and people still don't care, albeit it was infuriating that the moment he became inhuman, he joined the cult "4 lyfe" and became a zealous inhuman faggot. I wouldn't be surprised if he was retconned back to being mutant for lolz

it's not even that. people forget that Apoca-fucking-lips boned Famine and had a child with her. I mean, can you imagine, Apocalypse fucking an anorectic woman and impregnating her?

What was a more promising/exciting development since then?


X-men died when Claremont left dummy

no user, it's a trap!

Is that Exodus or Red Nightcrawler on the left?

Red Nightcrawler.

It's actualy Hickman. He self-inserted himself into the comic

Is this Sinister even the original one or just a clone?

I don't like it though.

I like it. A lot

You like the reduction of an entire franchise and it's characters into the most basic one note superficial aspect of it?

No, I like things that you hate, because I enjoy pissing people off

Well I guess it's good you like yourself.

I know, right?

It's not even just about your husbando.

First off
>since then
Morrison's X-Men was no reason for hype whatsoever. Even he would admit it sucked.
Second, since then there's been the Messiah Trilogy days and Peter David's X-Factor. Arguably Necrosha, too.

that wasnt a romance thing, that was merely to produce an offspring. the act probably disgusted him
what happens in this? apocalypse was always my favorite badguy

apocalypse becomes the ultimate contrarian

>can you imagine, Apocalypse fucking an anorectic woman and impregnating her?
Yes, I can. I have a boner now.

How many more issues does he have before Hickman takes over?

Mission accomplished then. Survival of the dickest then

He's not even a real mutant.

>Which of these characters do you think is going to get the most Hickman wanking?

Children of the Vault.

Hickman is next month. So like one or two