Fiege is okay with Spider-Man/Venom crossover

>“I think probably it’s up to Sony. Sony has both those characters and, has Venom in their world. I don’t know what their plans are for another Venom or if they’re doing that. But it seems likely at some point.”

Leakers say Sony already is formulating plans for a Venom/Spidey crossover

Kevin himself says he sees it happening and it's down to Sony pulling the trigger on it

I think we might actually get it boys.

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Will Peter mention that Venom's a big guy? This is important.

Oh please, he is only saying that because Venom made money. He was saying Venom was non-canon to the MCU forever ago and has now done a 180.

That wouldn't work since Eddie making fun of and not believing Dr. Dora Skirth when she was telling him about Aliens (the Symbiotes) which would make no sense if it's set on the MCU because after Thor and the events of the Avengers Films, everyone in the MCU would be aware of Alien existence.

It's pretty easy to do a Venom sequel featuring Peter
>Carnage arrives in NY
>Venom follows him, hoping to stop Cletus before more die
>Spider-Man mistakes Eddie for the killer and the fight ensues
>The symbiote and Eddie start having a little tiff, and the symbiote decides he can deal with Cletus himself by hijacking Peter's body
>Black Suit Spidey
>Shenanigans up until Peter finally breaks free
>Convinces Eddie and Venom that it's going to take all 3 of them to stop Carnage
>Venom starts ripping off Peter with his own spider-logo and his own webs as a form of flattery
>Peter and Eddie part ways, with Peter asking them to please stop eating people
>Venom tells him to fuck off
Flat Earthers still exist. People believe what they want

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Basically this

Did Brock get thanosed in MCU? I dont mind the dude not being white but he should definitely be a jock/tall and built


Exactly this, he's only open to playing ball now because Venom did well financially and he's paranoid now that Sony will yank Spidey and bring Holland into their own ripoff MCU. If Sony are gonna try and force their own material in on the MCU, I guess Feige views it as allowing so he can at least control its influence.

To be fair, shit like the Battle of Manhattan is the kind of garbage that lends itself well to conspiracy theories and whatnot, which Eddie has one foot in. Just think of the kind of "ALIEN INVASION? MORE LIKE THE GOVERNMENT TRYING TO TAKE OUR GUNS" shit you'd see if something like that ever happen, so it's easily retcon-able with just a throwaway line or two.

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holy fuck you fuckin casual.

Okay SOMEHOW I was able to decrypt the stupid in this post. You're thinking of Flash Thompson, who was AGENT Venom, not the original who is Eddie Brock.

>they redo TAS intro where venom makes spider man act like a puppet on the marionette

This would be fantastic , as much as I thought venom was mediocre outside of Hardy

>>Venom tells him to fuck off


It's probably why they're hammering the ALTERNATE UNIVERSES angle so hard in Far From Home; Disney can just have the SUMC as an alternate universe and throw Sony a bone by acknowledging it's pseudo-canon but with no actual substantial bearing on the MCU,

Spoiler Alert: Leaks say the alt universe stuff was all bullshit Mysterio made up (surprise). How's it feel to be so stupid that you fell for MYSTERIO's lies?

Would this face tell a lie?

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>Beard Jake
>clean shaven Jake
I get Nightcrawler flashbacks

that was bullshit made up by Mysterio

Even if they do a Holland Spider-Man/Hardy Venom crossover, Venom probably still won't be canon. It'll just be that identical Holland Spider-Mans exists in both the MCU and the SUMC.

Are we ever getting black suit Peter in the movies again? Because I like to see douche Tom Holland

God dammit, Venom was such a sloppy film, I hate for it to be required MCU watching.

Or an identical Tom Hardy Venom in the MCU ?

>MCU drone spotted

Yeah it's doable. Let's fucking go.

>Peter asking them to please stop eating people
this is fucked up because that's exactly what Holland-man would do, but not what Spidey would actually do

You know normie audiences would love that shit though

I doubt it would be with Tom Hardy, they have to make everything in the MCU fit their 'Marvel House Style'. My guess, Sony does a trilogy with Tom Hardy and tries to conclude with one big SUMCvengers team up movie with all their SUMCheroes, and then lets the MCU do Venom from scratch with the Spidey origin.

It's not like it was explicitly denied that Venom couldn't operate in a world where off-world aliens are considered an "unknown known" threat with demonstrated terrible consequences

Beards are cool user.

Would watch.

That's exactly what Peter would dom Peter isn't fine with Venom eating people.

>mcu shills going on and on about never ever get cucked mcu is too clean
Kek. Feige should offer his advice on the movies so at least he can have some control if he wants.

>soft melody playing as sun sets
>hey can you be a bro and stop eating people?
>...fauck ouff
>cut to credits Hey hey you you I don't like your girlfriend

No, PETER would break Eddie's jaws first. Holland would nicely ask him and be surprised that doesn't work

Correct but you also have to remember Holland Peter wouldn't have the same history with Eddie. But yeah MCU has is shit at laying down the law