Adapt to this

Adapt to this.

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Still weird how all the non-white characters in this movie either die or turn evil and we're then left with a team of exclusively white X-Men.

Shaw = MCU
Darwin = FOX

Hank is blue.

Bryan Singer has a type user. And it's white twinks.

since he couldn't adapt, does that mean there was no material Havok couldn't destroy, or was Darwin just weak?

Maybe he turned to dust and ran away.

It means it was shit writing.
Whenever Darwin can't adapt to survive something, he gets teleportation and just moves out of the way.

Wouldn't he just teleport away if there was nothing that he could do to survive?
I remember that happening in World War Hulk.

I think the latter is more likely. He turned to stone, so inorganic material is a-okay. Why wouldn't he just shift into whatever Cyclops glasses are made of, or even adamantium?

>shift into whatever Cyclops glasses
Ruby quartz? Why would that be particularly effective against an explosion?
Even better, so he would be stuck in place forever.

What if his power worked and save him from that terrible franchise?

>Even better, so he would be stuck in place forever.
No, he would revert back to normal after the explosion.

You can't do that to adamantium.

Why would his mutation turn him into adamantium if he would be stuck in place forever?

He did. To survive, he turned into pure energy. He eventually reformed himself some years later.

Because mutations are random and can cause irreversible damage?
His mutation isn't a sentient guardian angel ffs.

>kill the one guy who's power is to literally not die

it's not "real" adamantium, you couldn't take it off him and make stuff out of it i think

I like to point this out whenever the topic of the movie comes up in conversation.
I don't actually care all that much aside from finding it kind of hilariously offensive, but I really do think First Class is an overrated pile of shit. Not X-Men 3 or Wolverine Origins bad, but incredibly overrated regardless.

If it aint real adamantium, then it doesnt have the real properties of adamantium, which means he would not be impervious to damage.

>Make the black guy literally fucking invincible so he may have a chance to survive the black guy's curse of always dying in movies
>He still dies

Mystique was blue. At least in this movie ...

Why are we even taking this hypothetical scenario so seriously?
This character did absolutely nothing in a franchise that has died twice now.

Why didn't he? Couldn't he have turned into a jellyfish or a starfish or something?

>Why are we even taking this hypothetical scenario so seriously?
uhh, because that's like the best part of reading comics?
No lie, the best part of digging through some dusty ass bronze age issue is getting a screenshot that serves as evidence to some absurd claim.
Seriously, why else?

it essentially is. his mutation makes him adapt to survive anything at all, this includes passively increasing his environmental fitness. a human not being able to move is a disadvantageous adaptation. as soon as he found it neccesary to move or it was passively advantageous he would. matter of fact, he wouldnt even be immobile as adamantium. he would be himself just made of a different material

That would essentially make him a beyond omega level reality warper.
I think it would be a lot cooler if he just turned into a living statue trapped inside his own metal body. Very cool and very ghoulish.

Isn't this the board to take this kind of things seriously?

Fuck I loved kevin bacon in this
Guy needs to get cast more

But then he'd immediately turn into something that can move again the moment he'd get hungry or thirsty enough for it to register as a threat to his health.

>Seriously, why else?
It's not like I'm complain but Darwin has one of the more busted mutations and you could explain every scenario where he survives as "it just works", it just doesn't seem like we'll get anywhere.

I know.

>That would essentially make him a beyond omega level reality warper.
he almost is

okay but that's stupid
What would happen when Darwin was trapped on a desert island and as starving to death?

The only reason why he isn't is because his powers only afect him, it cannot do anything to others.

He'd teleport somewhere else.

He would adapt photosynthesis and the ability to process saltwater, or just teleport into a Hometown Buffet. You're not going to beat this, his entire character is a powerlevel check. He only EXISTS to be "the unkillable guy". It's literally Powerman, but for pure defense.

He adapts to be able to eat sand.

You're retarded, you can do anything to Adamantium, it's just a very durable metal, it's been melted, it's been forged, it's been turned into robots, armors and weapons, it's been stripped off of Wolverine's skeleton. If somehow Darwin would NEED to turn into Adamantium, his body could easily still have movable joints and give him enough muscle force to still move around, and there's literally nothing stopping him from ever changing back into something else. There isn't some fucking curse or something that says "Once something is Adamantium, never ever can it be anything else, nor by magic nor science nor even the Gods themselves" or whatever else. If his mutant power allows him to change his molecular structure to anything, he can change to and from Adamantium. Hell, how many time has Absorbing Man turned parts of himself into Adamantium? And yet he was always able to keep turning into other materials afterwards.

Why exactly could he not adapt to it?

Better question is
Why the fuck did he allow him to put it in his mouth?
If he really could adapt to everything, wouldn't his body adapt to make sure it couldn't enter his body?

He'd teleport out or change his fingers into infinitely replenishing fried chicken

Because the writers really, really wanted to kill a nigger on camera.


Shitty writing. They wanted to go "Look at how BADASS this guy is" so they took the most unkillable guy in the universe and killed him. It's like when any shitty anime has a new bad guy, so he swoops in and totally bodies the old bad guy who has been a major threat for X seasons, just to show off how dangerous and awesome he is.

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Attached: Thor break adamantium.jpg (624x627, 67K)

agreed. Though I'm an emmafag and what they did to her was unforgivable

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The Irishman was there

>An alloy of adamantium
So it's unpure

I agree, casting January Jones for her was awful, they really should have got someone who can actually act

Adamantium is an alloy made with vibranium you stupid faggot.

>just teleport into a Hometown Buffet.
Okay I know what my mutant power would be.

He should have just turned white

>that closeup on Darwin when Shaw says “enslaved”
What did they mean by this?

no then he would have got sunburn and lymphoma after 30 minutes in the sun

>Expand digestive tract
>shit out the blast
It was that easy ffs

Underrated post

Singer didn't direct First Class, though.

>Character introduced with my favourite power
>"Oh cool I cant wait to see all the cool forms he-"
>"Adapt to this"
God fucking dammit. He could have just expelled the energy as a fucking laser into the sky Im so mad

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>Homo superior
>They're objectively better than humans
>Often better mentally (psychic powers, etc.)
>Humans are jealous of their superior abilities
>Mutants get sent to concentration camps by humans, much as whites did in the Soviet Union, or Germans did in United States during WWII
>Mutants are exploited and have their labor and unique, exceptional abilities used to enrich the non-mutant parasites in Genosha, much as whites fund the welfare state to enrich non-whites
>Try to journey to outer space to escape the primitive apes of humanity (Asteroid M), much as Elon Musk is attempting to do
>Humans constantly chimping out about everything homo superior does
>Activists try to create a mutant ethnostate; don't want 'reparations', just want to be left alone by their inferiors
>Nightcrawler is German
>Literally looks like a demon to symbolize the demonization of the German people after WWII
>In reality he's a devout Christian much as the Germans were
>Magneto can control metal
>Obviously symbolizing the white race's mastery over steelworking and construction using metal
>Has a helmet that blocks psychic powers to indicate he doesn't fall for media brainwashing
>Every non-white mutant looks white
>Storm is "black" but has lightly tanned skin, straight white hair, and blue eyes
>Worshipped as a goddess by the primitive blacks in Africa
>Every other mutant from the first all-new all-different team is a white nationality (Canadian, Russian, German)
>O5 was all white too
>Kitty Pryde is "Jewish" but has blue eyes
>Blink is "black" but has no racial signifiers
Yup, they're white.

Regeneration or his own off brand energy projection power would have saved him.

Yeah, let's pretend they got fucked because they were black and not because they were characters created after the 80s