So... the real She-Hulk will return soon?

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Other urls found in this thread:

oh i like the homage to jen's classic savage she-hulk look on the left in this middle pannel

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I sure hope so...
Really tired of this Jekyll and Hyde bullshit over and over again

Maybe. She looks back to normal on upcoming covers.

Why doesn't the muscular She-Hulk just mating press the smarter one with her dick?

I didn't realize how much i missed The real She-Hulk until I saw this page

what you don't love her current look?
thor sure does, he's been fucking she-hulk ever since she started looking like this. when before he has never shown any interest in her

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Oh yes, all the hints point out that this is a DC pig's post. Gross.

I mean that says it all

If it is it won't be sensational :(

Source? I've been waiting for the real Jen to come back since Aaron fucked her up.

Avengers #20 previews...

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In almost 40 years
>Not She-Hulk Gray
Or any other variation of She-Hulk
One that could fly or have another power
She-Hulk has the biggest villains
Marvel's cowardice and the wuss writers

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So do writers really trying to bring real Shulkie back but can't because plot, continuation and other stuff?
Or at the end it just all going to turn into reverse of expectations and big spit to face of fans of Sensational She-hulk?

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>that first panel

nu-shulkie is just going to kill all the fun old shulkies to provide some sort of hacky meta-commentary about how fun is for incels and cement the fact that nu-shulkie is here to stay.

Wouldn't it be Ironic then? The Angry man-like hulk destroying the proud feminine She-Hulk.

Based and Green pilled.

It would be, but SJWs and white knights don't think about things like irony and hypocrisy.

i like beefcake she hulk :(

Angry buff and stupid is Hulks thing

She-hulk should be sassy fit and smart.

This... in fact, right now there isn't a Hulk like classic She-Hulk, unless you count Cho.

I like women with oversized muscles as much as a next guy but keep this shit on deviantart
Or better make a different character for that

Well yeah, she was never going to stay like this forever, she's had different personalities in the past. I mean she started out Savage, not like this is anything new. Never got what all the hate for this came from.

Me too user, my dick loves her but my brain tells me she is boring

God I hope so. This is by far one of the dumbest things to happen to Jen. I'm not saying this because of sex appeal (which is nice), I'm saying it because in their infinite wisdom the dumb fuck writers over at Marvel made her more of a Banner ripoff than ever.

What makes Jen different than Bruce, and cool, is how she embraced her change

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Same desu

Change is what people hate and fear. But there can be good change and there can bad change. Regarding this, a certain point of view can see it either way.

I wish Grey She-Hulk stuck around as her savage form instead of turning into Bruce with long hair and tits glued on.

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It was bad because it was essentially just a step back for the character.

I wonder why the One Below All hasn't gotten its fingers into She Hulk yet?
Yes. We are even getting an annual

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What's this from?


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I'll take that lusty hulk second from the right.

Tell me when they'll put out some pin-up art and after that I will be 100% sure that our girl is back

don't hold your breath

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What if they went even further back and we got meta She-Hulk

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Huh, so they took that stupid blue chest pieces off bullseye, good.

Just give me big hair Shulkie back.

>One Below All
God, Ewing doesn't know when to stop flooding the universe with all these fucking oc's of his.

based Man-Thing

She can still be buff without being an ugly raging roid monster. She even WAS buff for a time when she decided to work out as Jen so her She-Hulk form would get a proportional power boost. But everyone forgot about that.

This already is kind of meta She-Hulk, given how she's addressing this whole thing. Though it's not quite in your face as the original. She's scraping the fourth wall not outright breaking it.

Because there's one thing more powerful than the Devil himself... AARON

Reminder they're just doing this so they can shit on the original designs and all the "fanboy" complaining with strawman bullshit. This is Marvel we're talking about after all.

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She had already returned before Aaron got his mitts on her.

I wonder if you ever liked this publisher and its characters or if you simply pretend you ever did just so you can bitch about it

Same. I wouldn't even hate it if the mental impairment didn't come along with it.

Same. I wouldn't even hate it if the mental impairment didn't come along with it. Hell, even Jen devolving into Hulk speak could've had potential for interesting character work, but Aaron didn't go that route.

I honestly love her being huge, but she needs to have the Sensational Shulkie personality and intellect. That and stop calling her Hulk.

Right now she's just a shallow female counterpart with nothing to make her stand out from her cousin.

The only thing that bothered me was calling herself Hulk. Even at her beastliest she still referred to herself as She-Hulk in the past. This is like if Bruce got a femme form and went around calling himself She-Hulk. It's a little weird.

It's probably Aaron trying to be progressive since there was that whole "I bet you hate it. I'd hate being called 'She-Thor'" he did a while back.

What is funny is that every character call her Hulk when they don't even know she's calling herself Hulk and not She-Hulk.

>usual hulk powers
>in control of her thoughts and emotions
Was she just a superior version of the original Hulk? Did she have any weaknesses?

Yeah, that bothered me too. Nobody even really questioned why she was acting that way beyond the initial surprise.

>Was she just a superior version of the original Hulk?
Sort of. She didn't have the same child-like demeanor, but she was still prone to angry outbursts when provoked.

>Did she have any weaknesses?
She was generally weaker and less durable than Bruce's Hulk, but not by much.

Refute it then rofl

Serious talk. Is this her cannon look or did something happen to make her look like this for this specific issue? I know she has been crazy ultra buff but never this ugly.

It's her current "modern" look. She was 'evolved' by a Celestial, which apparently means turning her into a big dumb brute.

>not by much
Hulk has had a lot of crazy feets. Shulky is about as strong as Thing

>TFW they are fixing her in order to rev up for a movie announcement

It's just Joe Bennett's style, normally she looks like I meant in terms of durability at least. Though to my knowledge she's never taken the kind of punishment the Hulk has.

If Shulky got a movie how would they do the fourth wall breaking? Deadpool's wall breaking skills are like little baby compared to her.

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>Did she have any weaknesses?

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Funny that even PTSD Grey She-Hulk from post-Civil War II solo is in the jury

The only redeemable thing about Grey Shulk 2 would be the potential flood of porn featuring her on a rape rampage. But we never got that.

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I actually like She-Hulk when she's slightly more on the Hulkish side than just being a tall green woman.
Like this is perfect, grey skin aside.

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Late reply but I used to like early she hulk a lot yes. Her stories were unironically fun. To be perfectly honest I haven't read a Marvel book since like 2004 though.

Aaron's right if you look at superheroes through the lens of real life. No guy would want to be called He-Tigra or Widowman. But a lot of other things would be stupid too. Nobody would wear colored tights, everyone would wear body armor, the heroes that use swords and arrows against kevlar and bullets would be laughingstocks and/or dead. Which is why all this weird progressiveness just comes across as so out of place in these books.

69 nice!

i like it too, but she just isn't shulkie

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>Aaron's right if you look at superheroes through the lens of real life.
Even looking at it that way, it's not like someone as public as Jennifer couldn't put it out there that she was changing her name if she hated it that much.

Even so, I miss the days when writers remembered this was a different universe with it's own internal logic and had fun with silliness instead of cynically and lazily picking at it in a lame attempt to be witty.

it's always a treat for me to see asians getting into comic stuff

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They do comics far more justice than the west does for anime/manga.

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This is best

You know all the weird anachronisms of superheroes made perfect sense in the time they were invented. People would've actually dressed in tights and used silly names because kevlar didn't exist and propaganda culture was real. That all those qualities stuck around while the culture that created them vanished is a bit of a curiosity.

there really is a lot more respect on their end.

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So many missed opportunities.

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To be fair normies wouldn't be able to handle sassy bodybuilder Jen

She was more fun as a witty lawyer. Hell, they should have given her a badass armor if they wanted to tone down the sexualization.

>they should have given her a badass armor if they wanted to tone down the sexualization
You know damn well Yea Forums would be bitching just as hard

Just leave her alone

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but she could have kept the sexy suit for non-fight scenes.

>Hell, they should have given her a badass armor if they wanted to tone down the sexualization.

That makes even less sense than the last time you tried that, Waid.

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It's been done, and it didn't work then either.

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I think that's Gamora

yeah, prepare for Titania and Absorbing-Man vs Best Thor Evah level of cringeness

I was making a cheap joke.

I bet he's never read Marvel at all.

Now only we thing we need now is based Byrne to come back to write She-Hulk.

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Nah, i don't see that happening.

With all those one-shots from past creative teams coming out for the 80th anniversary, it would've been the perfect time. I hope him leaking pages for an X-Men story doesn't exclude him from joining in.

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That's because Japan isn't bogged down by politics. If they decide to draw or write about a western character, they do it purely out of love for the character with no ulterior motive

Looks like from when she was on the F4.

>Well I haven't had enough dick today, guess you'll do as a warm up.

Why do the Japanese fan artists get Marvel's characters better than Marvel and Disney does?

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Genuine talent and passion.

Original meta girl is best meta girl.

>he's been fucking she-hulk ever since she started looking like this
He has some rather ... interesting tastes, user.

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God I miss Attourney She-Hulk and her dumb court-talk in midfight. Thats such a fun gimmick which makes her stand out from the rest of Hulks and they threw it away for some insanely stupid "feminism"-reason.

Don't think it's even a character in the traditional sense.

Anyone else feel like Immortal Hulk is starting to stick it's head a little too far up its own ass?

The current Muscle-Girl-Fetish-Fuel-Hulk reminds of that one line in Marvel vs Capcom 3 where She-Hulk would grunt like Hulk and then say "Could you imagine" while giggling... THEY KNEW!

They like sex, and thus are willing to indulge in characters distinctly designed to please your dick.

They realize superhero stories are supposed to be entertaining action adventures, not miserable dramas about who just died for the 5th time, who raped who and who changed himself to zher this time.

If she kept the look but stopped the Hulk speak and trying to be like Bruce's Hulk, that would be fine.

This is good to know.

It'd never happen, but leaning heavily into film gags would be the best way to do it if you want to emulate Byrne's run. Taking advantage of scene transitions, calling out the script writers and director, commenting on the polycount of her presumable CGI model. Basically, do a superhero version of Hot Shots!

I liked the slight redesign of Gamora's classic outfit in that game

>I like hypermuscle she hulk
ftfy because She-hulk has been drawn muscular without being hulk in a wig

>thor sure does, he's been fucking she-hulk ever since she started looking like
A man of fine taste

He has had many years to sample women of many kinds and discover that musclepussy is indeed the best.

So has savage she-hulk been a thing before the current SSH?
Wait a minute I recognizance that art

>That's because Japan isn't bogged down by politics
Yeah try drawing a Japanese character standing in the way of the Japanese army in Nanking, or have someone like Aquaman stopping Japanese sailors hunting dolphins. See how that goes down

>try to make these apolitical characters into political soapboxes and see how that goes down
Fucking idiot.

Shulk's feets are pretty crazy.

Okay I might have to read this issue because I like the kind of shenanigans I'm seeing.

>What makes Jen different than Bruce, and cool, is how she embraced her change
>embraced her change
Spotted the skrull.

Based on the full preview, that might be the end of the shenanigans since in the next page we end this mental courtroom scene

That's why I said "read" and not "buy".

I'm fine with this or just after she started weight lifting for that interstellar boxing match

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Lmao, no one gave that post from 3 hours ago a (you). Congrats Yea Forums, you're learning.

>interstellar boxing match
That sounds fun.

yeah to fight The Champion.
who after having lost, gave the power stone to titania so she could beat up she-hulk in his stead. as he per the contract he had signed with she-hulk was not allowed to use the power stone anymore

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Isn't this just ripped off directly from a porn comic featuring these two characters?

Also Jen should have just called Spider-Man, which would send Tits into an instant panic attack.

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she did turn big and ugly one time when she got super angry and even ripped vision in half.
pic related she rips vision half. then she becomes even more buff and starts rampaging

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Didn't the staff that introduced NuLobo do the same thing? Still got the Main Man back eventually.

Oh of course its the ROBOT that gets ripped in half to show how serious things are.

Goddamn Fleshie racists.

it basicly means he has Always wanted to fuck the hulk.
because when she-hulk had the normal look, he never showed any interest in her.
but now that she looks just like the male hulk. he suddenly lusts for her.

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well he's made of adamantium or vibranium right?

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Ugh. Extremely problematic.
She's not *for* you anymore shitlords.

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You slept with everyone, Jen. No matter how much they begged you took them.

I didn't realize Logan was so low test

The whole juggernaut shitfit between writers was so stupid.

Is it weird that I ship her with Jugs?

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... And that's the IMMORTAL HULK.

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You need to go back to R*ddit.

Niggas head looks like a ballsack lmao

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>tfw i recognised the redhead from that one Tracy Scops comic

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.....That's the whole fucking point of being a Hulk. It brings out and empowers your dark side.

Avengers 20. It's a preview, the issue isn't out yet.

What character has been screwed over more than the Juggernaut?

Notice his extreme power-up by Cytorakk was completely ignored by everybody and he jobbed to fucking ICEMAN.

juggy has Always been a jobber though.
sure he has his moments of power, but then he quickly jobs again

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That's a funny way to say gem.

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Funny ole world, init?

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I mostly liked She-Hulk for the humour. If they keep that, I don't really care much about her appearance or powers that much.

I'm not really opposed to her Hulk form losing intelligence a bit since Jen can still handle the more intellectual comedy, but am concerned that it could make her too similar to Bruce.

They'd probably have to tone down her sleeping around too (a good thing) since otherwise it could get a little rapey...

Not until Ewing is done with Banner, probably.

Only reason we have retard-Jen right now is because Aaron couldn't use Hulk. Gotta wait for Banner's arc to finish first. Then they'll dump Jen and go back to using him.

Why not just bring Ross back then, there has to be something interesting about him being stuck as the monster after years of hunting hulk

So when girls say no they mean yes?

Great taste user.

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Because he's dead... Where have you been?
Anyway there isn't a shortage of characters they could use, General Maverick is out there too (the new Red Hulk, even if he uses a timer), it's simply that Aaron doesn't like her for who she is so he comes up with that shit. You're coming at it from the wrong angle.

>dark side
Isn't it more about empowering your deepest desires?

Shulky isn't as strong as the Hulk himself, but yeah she's essentially just an improved Hulk.

She's not angry, so she's not as strong or durable.

Wait, do alternate universe stories work as evidence in Marvel Comics law?

Because there isnt a guy in a suit hanging over them telling them to tone down the tits, make it less sexy, and they are running late.

He's playing the long game so he can bed the maiden when she looks less like a wench-troll.

well there is that time the Sentry ripped Ares in half, no censorship at all.

Thor hasn't really been himself either, ever since Original Sin back in 2014. That's when the real Thor died. After that there were only one weird self-loathing hobo and some Chris Hemsworth look-alike trying out different props of Mjolnir.

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is this from her book or the current avengers run?

What I hate about big she-hulk is that its a completely unfeminine figure. It literally is Hulk with slightly bigger tits.

Its not like there is a natural shape for buff females or anything!

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Which version of Shulk is that second to the right with the pouty lips?

The best version. John Byrne version.

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I fucking love business uniform cuties.

God i hope so


Too bad the refused to give her a feminine face she wouldve stuck around longer

I thought I liked the purple and white gymsuit design the best, somehow I completely forgot about 80's disco queen She-Hulk.
Muh fuckin dick

Sure there's a shape, but it ain't natural.

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>Sure there's a shape, but it ain't natural.

There's a loaded statement for ya.

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Again this shitty page? he was defeated by the X-Men, not Hulk! Juggernaut was kicking his ass before this page.


Where should I start if I wanna get into Shulkie?

Hulk didn't beat him here. It was Professor X, Jean and Cyclops that did it. Even Green Scar can't overpower Juggernaut.

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Meh, it was just your run of the mill flamboyant boastful asshole who is the best of the best challenging the protag, a workout montage, and victory. From that point on She-Hulk went from really tall supermodel to PEAK FITNESS.


Never EVER EVER EVER. Fuckin cucks and muh muhsogyknees.

Beefcake doesn't mean muscle. It means MAN. You just admit you like She-hulk looking like a man. You dumb faggot.

>.....That's the whole fucking point of being a Hulk. It brings out and empowers your dark side.
That's the whole point of being THE Hulk. The unstable personality is a quirk of Banner, not of gamma radiation.

He will be back soon. Red Hulk won't let him die.

Knowing Aaron, the latter. Old school She-Hulknis not feminist or empowering enough for people like Aaron she has to be a carbon copy of Hulk to be accepted.

The funny thing is that Ewing made a better version of a savage female Hulk than Aaron did when he made Betty into Harpy without making her a carbon copy of Hulk.

Same, it made it less ridiculous while keeping it sexy.

I'm not seeing it

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I meant to say that he made an angry muscle monster girl with a Hulk gimmick but yeah Savage She-Hulk wasn't the best comparison.

Buff females are shaped like small framed buff males. Turns out human sexual dimorphism isn't all that extreme, and bigass hypertrophied muscles will still attach to your skeleton in much the same way

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That design is pretty cool

That waist is ridiculous.

These girls are on male anabolic hormones, those bowling ball delts are the most obvious indicator of many in that pic. Females that lift without using them look a lot more feminine, while being muscular, ironically much more like She-Hulk did before the recent change.

It's nice to see some culture in these threads.

Women would call her previous looks "unrealistic" and " unobtainable " despite the fact that it just requires hard work, so they make her a man with tits so that she now has an impossible figure no woman would want. To be fair, Hulk's physique is impossible without steroids too, but men don't complain about body image issues in comic books the way women do.

I need another artist’s rendition to be sure of how good it looks especially since everything in that book seem to be exaggerated to look more monstrous. Just look at . She doesn’t look anything close to that anywhere else

Gamma irradiation isn't particularly natural

It's an old list, but it's a good starter. Optional is Tamaki's run (Hulk vol. 4 1-11 and She-Hulk vol. 1 #159-163) if you want to see how Jen got to this point, but it's practically ignored by Aaron's Avengers run (vol. 8) so it's not a big deal.

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No, it fucking isn’t but grats on watching the movies and “getting it.”

>There are people they don't know of her time with the Fantastic Four

I weep for you.

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Maybe but the audience has already left.

What are some essential Shulk reads?

Recent or updated I mean

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Posting 80's She-Hulk, just to remind people who the real muscle-fetish fans are.

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Who should play She-Hulk in live action

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Is that disgusting fetish art your example of “getting it”? If so please neck yourself

>Like sex

Lets not get too carried away.

>He doesn't know what a fetish is

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Does anyone read threads before they start posting anymore?

Where's this from?
Some War of The Realms tie-in?

How'd she become this?

t. small dick

Yes, Avengers #20, out this Wednesday.

Bullet to the brain triggering the latent gamma radiation still in her body.

Thank you famm.

>"Even Green Scar can't overpower Juggernaut"
We never found out, since the fight never actually happened, but...
>went toe to toe with the Sentry until Bob gassed out
I don't think so.

I forgot to specifically ask for more recent recommendations in the initial comment but tried to fix by posting this

Low test would've taken her offer. Only a Chad can turn down THE Stacy

>Betty Ross turns into a screeching harpy
pretty on the nose

Jenny's a beloved, enduring character as she was made. Let them have their fun, don't fix what isn't broken

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That’s still the same artist with concept art vs the book appearance. I’m talking about how other artists would draw her

>To be fair, Hulk's physique is impossible without steroids too, but men don't complain about body image issues in comic books the way women do.
When men look at a good looking man, they think "I wish I looked like that". When women see a good looking woman, they think "I wish that bitch died". A lot of the differences in social dynamics between man and woman stem from that.

I like Xbox huge She-Hulk, but what I don't like is that they've given her the "ME HULK, ME SMASH THINGS" personality to go with it. I'd be fine with it if she was still intelligent.

>Hulk's physique is impossible without steroids too,

Trchnically its impossible as well. There are no drugs that make make your fists bigger than your head.

No but you could just wear hulk fists

you know nothing about humans.


have sex

This is the first time Betty has been a red version of her Harpy persona. In past appearances she's been green

He isn't wrong, evidence is all around us.
Obviously there are exceptions, but generally speaking he got it right.

No, in fact they should be a canon couple, now that Juggernaut is a hero again maybe he can fuck her again.

In this series, yes. They called their comic library, "The Stacks"

Drawing a character sexy versus beefy isn't political either. I wasn't reading comics when this happened, but I doubt people complained about that as much as they complained about this. The look isn't so much the problem as the characterization, which they may or may not be fixing based on these previews. Personally, I don't see why they didn't just let her keep both forms, just depower her regular She Hulk form a bit to make the bigger form useful.

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>One day! I want to go one day without people telling me to rampage with a pair of hulk fists!

Caitlyn Jenner looks like that!?


>Backpeddling this hard
What happened to "beautiful at any size", Aaron?

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>but it ain't natural
Well damn, guess we gotta keep all the depictions of Gamma Radiation powered super humans to NATURAL proportions.

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>Drawing a character sexy versus beefy isn't political either
I don't think there needs to be a contradiction.

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Tamaki's run retconned their one night stand as cannon and it hinted it lasted more than one night.
I never understood all the fuss about it, superheroes are always dicking supervillsinesses like there's no tomorrow and Rogue often bangs Magneto.

Juggernaught can't be beaten by brute force man, this is a basic rule.

It's why he flattens Thor and Hulk but not Spider-man.

Juggernaught has been a willing hero more often than a willing villain.

That is possible, although I'm not sure. Most of the gamma-empowered people turn into monsters.

And was the deepest desire of Sam Sterns to be super-intelligent?

Rick, too. And Sam Sterns wasn't a villain either. And Abomination was a lot worse in his monster form.

Of course this is pointless as each writer probably has their own idea on the subject.

Doc Green drained the Red out of him. Same as he did out of everybody.

....I don't think I can believe that.

This, but unironically.

It's a major plot point in Immortal that anyone whose had a significant exposure to Gamma Rays has a good chance of returning from the dead.

Maverick isn't dead and is barely a character.

>What happened to "beautiful at any size", Aaron?


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back in the 80s a she-hulk movie was planned. with brigitte nielson playing the role. but it got canceled. and only a single photo of nielson exists (not even green skin, only green hair and lips)

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rogue goes on fuck spree's every time she loses her power.

that really doesn´t look much like the old sexy she hulk.
sjws still censoring her

the whole thing sounds like set up to lecture "incels" about how problematic it is for you to want the old she-hulk back.

well it´s a female monster that is powered by gamma rays.
so pretty much the "all new she-hulk" but more original and without insult fans of the sensational she-hulk

that pose weirdly looks like hercules was originally supposed to be in bondage

Well she's a woman so...

>that dialouge
this is going to be such a huge feminist crap shoot at the end.
it´s going to be some metaphor for women using make-up or plastic surgery to look more attractive.
they will say that women only do this to appease the "patriarchy" and not because some women actually like to look pretty.
the "judge" is probably going to be a standin for the "racist, sexist, incle fanbase" who wants the old she-hulk back.
the final statement is going to be that the savage she-hulk is the true she-hulk all along. it´s the version with which she feels the most comfortable and that all the other she-hulk versions are sexist, outdated concepts created by the "patriarchy" to appease the male gase.

she was weaker then him but other then that she got far the better deal.
that was kinda the whole point as well i think

i'm afraid this will be the case sadly.

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nope. avengers issue 24 cover has the old ugly version.
it´s a ruse
it´s going to play out like this user said

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I'm thinking she'l end up with ugly version as a power up form. She's normal on the annual, the summer special and the cover with them berat up by Ghost rider.

>She's normal on the annual, the summer special
because those take place in the past and she is still censored on those covers as well to be less sexy like her traditional version.
>berat up by Ghost rider.
you mean the cover for #24? Because she is ugly on that one

#22. The cover to #24 does have me bothered. This Jen thing is just stupid and pointless. She was back to normal at the end of Tamakis run. Marvel just should have told Aaron no and hopefully they grew some balls amnd are making him turn her back to normal.

And do you got proof the annual and special are flashbacks?

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>And do you got proof the annual and special are flashbacks?
no that have proof but annuals and specials usually look to the past.
especially the 1001 special is most like going to be a "best of" or something like that.
as for the cover my guess is that this is either just normal jen (as in not in her hulk form) or she is going to be turned into her old sensational hulk form for one issue but then realize that her new form is much better and stronger.

>Marvel just should have told Aaron no and hopefully they grew some balls amnd are making him turn her back to normal.
the thing is I think that modern marvel and Aaron pretty much share the same opinion that old she-hulk is sexist and outdated. sjws/liberals only hire other sjws/liberals who share the same opinion on everything afterall. that is where the "safe space" and "hugbox" stereotype comes from originally

that´s most likely just she-hulk turning into her human from because she is knocked out

She-Hulk has always been different though. Did you never read the original series?

Juggernaut is like Avatar of Khaine at this point. This imposing and seemingly powerful entity who then becomes a bitch to whatever new character or creature has to be established as badass or superpowerful.

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Well... not always. Initially she was just a slightly toned-down female version.

This is going to happen 100%. And the irony of the story is going to be that She-Hulk feels most comfortable being an inferior, more boring clone of Hulk instead of doing her own thing and having her own clear and distinct identity. And this gets advertised as a feminist story, that women should be like men but inferior.

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even if you are super sjw and pro feminist. it is pretty telling that things have gotten repetive one sided sjw that anons can predict a story beat for beat.
why buy something if you already know everything that is going to happen?
people want surprises and variety

What? No. Compare her arms to any other past cover. That's regular She-Hulk.

if that´s supposed to be the old sexy she-hulk what´s even the point?

Virtue signaling doesnt have surprises or variety. Which is all these Marvel writers do these days. They don't write stories to be entertaining. They write stories so they could masturbate each other in their Twitter circle-jerks.

part of me wants you to be wrong but god damn it I know you're right.

i wouldn't mind, if they gave her back her lawyer personality instead of the unga bunga one

Give her a new gimmick of being a defence attourney and her clients would be the same mooks she beat up. And her goal would be to get them sentences that would help the bad guys reform their lives somehow. There, now you have a strong crimefighter who also has a fun and bit insane gimmick which still makes her not only bright but more morally upright than many other Marvel superheroes.

50/50 stories where half is action- and crime solving and rest is court drama. A perfect setup for entertaining stories. Only thing Marvel would need to do is to fire their entire staff and replace them with competent writers.

>sjws still censoring her
Yeah she should be showing cameltoe and nipples through the clothes. Fucking retard.

That's Mirka Andolfo, art doesn't come sexier then hers.

I know some of her works but if she get told by editors to censor her up then she is gonna do it

How the fuck is she censored, imbecile?

Oh yeah, she's from 'Unnatural'.

She Hulk makes that very point when talking to Tony about his fuck fests.

she looks like ugly version in summer special
also that comic was cancelled apparently

Maybe in the 90s.

But since then Juggy gets smashed in by everyone that needs to show how much they can kick a jobber in. And war hulk has flat out smashed him in before.

>People only hire who they know and share values with. Like some sorta boys club...

Truly we have come full circle...

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Cape comics have been repetitive shit for decades that people can predict blow for blow. Its why now they try so hard to push deconstructions like Watchmen, the extreme ultimate, or the content infighting shit like Civil War because its the last time any of them had an original idea. You can only do so many stories with legacy properties before it all becomes see through ho hum.

i disagree. comic might have all played out the same since the late 2000s but at least they still bothered coming up with new premises to start with from back then.
nowadays the literally just repeat older premises form the 90s and 2000s and have them all play out the same

Well I guess if you want to rape crisis or Phoenix goes crazy then sure.Otherwise the big two always circle around to the same shit over and over again. The coating may change like spider-man but now he's a girl or everyone looks like bad anime. (Will give marvel credit for riding the zombie trend the best though).

When next gen comes posting about comics. They'll say the same thing about how all the comics pre 2020s at least bothered with new premises and puttered around with fresh ideas.

She has green skin

I think Sensational Jen is going to be her default form with Brute Jen as a beserker power up, so both are "around" as a compromise. Aaron gets to keep his FTM hulk with boobs and everybody else can just use classic Jen like for the annual.

It amazes me that no one was able to make she-hulk popular.
I mean c'mon, just throw all of her previous issues into a dumpster fire, turn her into a space cop and then just pair her with a grumpy Star Lord.
Though you'll need a little bit of talent to create something like that, oh wait...

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TOBA and Fortean seem to have other plans for him though.

Holy shit, modern Marvel really is no fun allowed, isn't it?

>I mean c'mon, just throw all of her previous issues into a dumpster fire, turn her into a space cop and then just pair her with a grumpy Star Lord.

No child, that's a terrible idea.

How about a DA for crimes committed across the multiverse? Make her stage a little bigger

>I mean c'mon, just throw all of her previous issues into a dumpster fire, turn her into a space cop and then just pair her with a grumpy Star Lord.
Is the joke that they tried doing this with Carol and it failed?

>I think Sensational Jen is going to be her default form with Brute Jen as a beserker power up, so both are "around" as a compromise. Aaron gets to keep his FTM hulk with boobs and everybody else can just use classic Jen like for the annual.
This is something I can dig.

I think you were describing Gamora but the only person that came to mind was Nova.

That's Hulk war... with a Celestial power-up! (they even mention it) and did you really read the comic? Hulk won but Juggernaut defended himself quite well, it wasn't a one-side battle!

But hey! enjoy that a Hulk with a celestial power up is barely superior to classic Juggernaut... meanwhile Juggernaut "8th day" or "Trion" or "once and future" are like several times stronger than any other Hulk.

Now you're talking.

Also, in answer to:
>It amazes me that no one was able to make she-hulk popular.

No matter how well written she is, her idealized physique and derivative name keep her from catching on with the casual audience. It's a variation of the same problem Power Girl has.

That was because Wanda's mind was fucked up by Krona during the Avenger JLA crossover

I hope!

I like the current one.

Tamaki made this one night stand canon again.
That was actually based.

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Was this also written by Jason Aaron? Because it would explain some things

It's like she's kissing a barely pubescent boy. Wait a minute...

>watching those big green jubblies wobble around in that tight shirt with every heavy step

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