Toy Story & Incredibles are PIXAR's BEST Films. Prove Me wrong
PROTIP: You can't.
Toy Story & Incredibles are PIXAR's BEST Films. Prove Me wrong
Toy Story 2 is a bit better than 1.
How am I supposed to prove you wrong if I can't?
No, it isn't but it's pretty damn close.
Nope. Ratatouille.
Pixar's best are Wall.E, Incredibles, TS2 and Ratatouille.
Wall E really loses all its momentum in the second half and goes full ham-fisted with its environmental message, and loses a lot of focus on its main plot. Wall E was at its best when it focused solely on Wall E and EVE's relationship.
Brave is so much better.
I can't.
Why was 2 so bad bros.
Swap Wall-E with TS1.
It's got the same problem as Up only the good parts longer.
I think you are objectively right, but personally, I prefer Incredibles and Ratatouille. Brad Bird did a great job with both of those films.
Both were good
Incredibles 2 not Toy Story 2
But best Pixar's film is Shrek.
Objective top 5:
>Toy Story
>The Incredibles
Personal Top 3
>Toy Story 2
>Inside Out
You're joking... right?
Objective TOP 5:
>Toy Story
>Toy Story 2
>Monsters, INC.
Fuck me, I completely forgot Monster's Inc. I'd probably replace Wall-E with that.
Um sweetie it's Toy Story 4
It only made sense that Pixar would win the first oscar for best animated feature! Shrek is a modern masterpiece!
It's a meme, you dip