'Transparent' Creator Jill Soloway Writing & Directing RED SONJA

>It's been revealed today that Transparent creator Jill Soloway has been hired to write and direct Red Sonja. The movie had been put on hold following the backlash that led to X-Men helmer Bryan Singer being fired...


DOA. At least we still have the comics.

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I love how you can literally see the thought process here

>Shit, just get some progressive fuck to do it so they'll leave us alone.

flop incoming

Why do lesbians dress like clowns?

lmao this is gonna be a megaflop

Most LGBTQs base their whole identity around subverting what heterosexual normies do.

i look forward to the shitposting


>uh oh, the LGBTQ pervert we hired for the Red Sonja movie got accused of pedophilia
>better hire some other LGBTQ pervert
>who better than progressive LGBTQ tumblristas to do a violent T&A chainmail bikini Conan spinoff whose main appeal is to straight men?

>It's been revealed today that Transparent creator Jill Soloway has been hired to write and direct Red Sonja. The movie had been put on hold following the backlash that led to X-Men helmer Bryan Singer being fired...
Were doomed

Silly user. Straight men aren't allowed to have things for them anymore.


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The only hope is that this bulldyke has a fetish for bimbos! Let’s hope she loves big floppy titties as much as men do.

Casting suggestions anyone? Pic related.

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She seems to have some common ground with Singer. I'm sure it's a coincidence.

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Remember when Rose McGowan was gonna be Red Sonja?
Honestly we're better off with no film than some gross abortion

Well this is going to be a shit show. I wonder how much they'll change Sonja's costume

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Chainmail Hijab.

Here is your Red Sonja bro

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>a Jewish lesbian to direct a movie about a mostly naked violent chick
I don't even know what to expect.

>there will never be a Red Sonja show starring Christina Hendricks

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will never happen.
even if she would want the role
no way the sjw's will allow it.
hell i bet no matter who gets the role that sonja will not be wearing the chain mail bikini

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But I can see them.

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There will be an obvious political message, there will be sex-negative girl power nonsense, it will be terrible but get middling press.

Oh and the protagonist will look like a man.

It's not just a lesbian:
It's non-binary and gender non-conforming and it uses gender neutral pronouns. It's movie is gonna be shit.

Feel free to completely ignore it, I know I will.

Will based Dou Haguro ever return to us one day?

Oh man. If they blackwashed Red fucking Sonja, that would be the last fucking straw.

The "non-binary" thing was just a PR move to try and make that show about Jeffrey Tambor (who was long known in the industry to be a total skeeze; him getting #MeToo'd surprised no one)more legitimate in the eyes of people who'd otherwise screech about it.

Why are Lesbians such bad cooks?

because they always eat out!

>It's non-binary and gender non-conforming and it uses gender neutral pronouns. It's movie is gonna be shit.
It's a she. Please don't enable her mental illness.

If it wants me to dehumanize it I'm happy to oblige.

>my life is so empty I feel the need to promote transgender people as ill, even though the only people that condition hurts is themselves and my line of action just hurts them more
Go back to /pol/, you cancerous shit.

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Transgender people are ill though. They require therapy and/or surgery. And if they're not transitioning then they are their current gender, if they're transitioning they are whatever their new gender is. No person is an "it".

She's not transgender anyway, she's non-binary, which is the latest way for people to be a transtrender without outing themselves as just normal.

>if your condition only hurts yourself it means you can't be ill

Fuck the west. Let it burn

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If you support the trans community, you support the sexual exploitation of children.

Why do you support the sexual exploitation of children?

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a man will ALWAYS remain a man
a woman will ALWAYS remain a woman

no amount of surgery or photoshop will change this.
people should stop glorifying the mentally ill

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Hate to admit it...but /pol/ was right yet again.

>This could have been an Onion article

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Don't be dishonest. I don't see you fuckers shitpost about people who smoke, drink or eat fast food.

reply to your bait

California needs to go.

Do you really think this director and these producers will choose an actress with these curves and the comics suit?

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Would they keep the rape origin?

So will it be called Jed/Sonja?

wouldn't doubt it for one second. there goes all T&A.

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The fuck are you on? Tambor has been known to be a loose cannon, and fly off in bale level rage fits.
His metoo shit came from trannies that worked on his show directly after a big stink in the trans community decided that non-trans people shouldnt play trans characters. He denies all accusations and is fighting it in court.
This is why #metoo turned to cancer, accusations = guilt now.

>Comparing hormone treatment, irreversible surgery, and body dysphoria all caused by an unstable mental state to indulging in mild transgressions like smoking, drinking, and eating bad food.
>TFW Thinks this is a legit comparison

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well thats seems like an exaggerated response...

With the jealousy that led to being “non-binary”?
Pic very related

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>Stan's Previously Good Characters

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Why are you all throwing a shitfit? It's not like Singer was going to do any better. The guy is a washed-up hack anyway.

This thread is just depressing. Seems the only way to get what you want is to do it yourself, and that's IF "The man" doesn't catch you doing it and force you to like the media THEY shit out instead.

This really IS A Cyberpunk Dystopia, isn't it, only less cool and more depressingly lame and boring. Like being ruled by corporations listening to your boring school marm instead of some Super Mega Hitler.

Might have been better to get the director of the Solomon Kane movie that already has experience making a decent movie that would probably be similar to what people would want from a Red Sonja movie.

Curse is the best one. Looks like a god damn cartoon.

Grim Fandango surpasses every Monkey Island game.

>turning a redhead into a black
you are absolutely right...fuck this

>lung cancer, liver cirrhosis and heart attacks are totally reversible though
If anything, those are MORE dangerous.

All part of the uniform.

Just watch the old one. It's rubbish, but we all know it'll be Citizen Kane compared to this one.

Any other mental health disorders where people demand body parts be removed are acknowledged as mental health disorders. Want a dick cut off/added you're perfectly normal.

Stsy away from comics before you ruin fandom

Cancer isn't a disease since it only hurt you. Or something. I swear these LGBTQP+ allies are as mental as the LGBTQPs.

Keep your mental health disorders away from comics and our movies!

"We don't want to force our life style on you, we just want equality!"
>singles out christian bakeries to bake the fucking cake
"We're not going to indoctrinate your kids"
>force kids to be trans
"There's no correlation with gays and pedophilia"
>drag kids preforming at strip clubs

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can someone shoop that into a chainmail bustier?

Not even Corporations. We're being told by wannabe authoritarians with no real power but we do what they say because we want them to shut up or we thought they actually had good ideas.

That's right. We've become SO WEAK, we LET these idiots walk all over us.

Why do you care though? Did a tranny rape you or something? It's their body, let them do what they want.

The current Cyberpunk debacle.

That is all.

>Left: waah, stop feteshizing transexuals
>Righ: waah, stop inserting trannies into things
>Both: waah, stop putting thing into privately funded game with appropriate age restriction that I have option to buy or not
They should work together, seems like they have a lot in common, the fascist fucks.

its the corporations who decide which wannabe authoritarians get a voice and which ones get shut down for not preaching the kind of authoritarians the corporations want for themself

Oh no doubt /pol/tards are raging about the game, but they're not the ones getting a voice in mainstream media. And the media's choosing the left's voice, and that voice is wanting Cyberpunk to be censored on their terms.

Good to see Jonah Hill still getting work.

If you get rid of California, two states become like California. You should've known this by now, brainlet.