ITT: Yea Forums in the 80s

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Geez I wonder what repercussions it will have on the DC universe
I'm sure they'll just backpedal, the status quo is too important

Just read it today. Is it based or cringe?

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Cringe for Batman.

Do you think Earth 2 Superman, Lois, Luthor Jr. and Superboy will live a happy life after this?

My favorite part was when the entire universe died for a joyless Marvel-lite setting where people don't believe a man can fly.

CRINGE. FUCK Frank Miller and his dark edgy shit. This is NOT MUH BATMAN

This is a mistake. Superheroes shouldn't be getting married/having kids. It ages them and the universe, and it stunts potential storytelling options. Hopefully something is done about this in the future

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Right? I don’t want Spider-Man to end up another old-ass hero

What year?

the 80s

Yeah, we’ve just been through the darkest hour. All sunny times from here

I got into Spider-Man and the X-Men as a result.

Is there an easy way to search shit like rec.arts.comics and the various usenet groups like that? It'd be interesting to see some posts from the late '80s or '90s.

This is what Yea Forums may have looked like in the nineties.
I think I have something about Cartoo NEtwork back then.

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I get a kick out of thinking about people in 1000 years studying the early Internet by looking at stuff like this.

The anime ones are always great. Western weebs back in the early '90s were lambasting Sailor Moon as being too cute and the death of anime.

removing the multiverse? this will never stick

Wolfman is an idiot.

So are you guys going to vote for the new robin to live or die? He's an annoying fuck, and if we kill him off (and if dc actually follows through, yeah right!) that means we never have to hear from his annoying ass again.

Actually Barman was always edgy, I mean look at Adam West, he had to get rid of a ticking time bomb

I've set up a machine that will call in and vote many times. The brat's as good as dead

I heard that they are dialing down Supes' powerlevels. Hopefully in the future, Superboy comes back with his pre-crisis levels of power and we can get all the heroes + superboy fight some high end cosmic shit again.

Bros, i heard Moore and Gibbons are upto something. Anybody has info on what it is?

they gotta do something to shake up green lantern. it's getting stale

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Hal sucks.

Speaking of which, I heard that Wonder Woman can fly now and she no longer has the invisible plane.