Has a cartoon ever truly scared you?

Has a cartoon ever truly scared you?

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That one episode of Samurai Jack

Yeah. OKKO and Steven Universe. They are so horrifying to look at.

Yes, I once saw an off-model face on Horse Show.

Too scared to leave my house since. Only my homies on TV Tropes understand. Literally shaking.

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Yeah it's called Where the Dead Go to Die

Extreme Ghostbusters scared me as a kid.
Especially the things in the outro, they fucking haunted my dreams.
I sincerely miss that chilly feeling. Horror doesn't do it anymore for me sadly

the collector episode of the lavender castle. that mummy haunted my mind all the way to puberty. motherfucker had me too scared to open my eyes at night because I thought I'd see it floating in the air

When Judge Doom dipped the squeaky shoe. I was a kid when I watched that shit happen

This episode scared the SHIT out of me. I would change the channel as soon as I saw the title card. I've seen most episodes of Dexter many times, but I'm not sure I've ever seen this one in full.

-The fucking bat asshole from Great Mouse Detective
-Beast's introduction in Beauty and The Beast
-The episode of Rugrats with Angelica's baby brother

Dexter had some really messed up episodes.

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Mon*star transformation sequence always scared me.
also that episode of fox's peter pan when you see captain hook dead mother

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This moment still haunts me.

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Courage got me good a few times back when I was a young little dipshit.

A lot of things from courage the cowardly dog. Not just the famous return the slab episode but honestly most of them. Still really enjoyed it though.

Return the slab or suffer my curse

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This one too.

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As a kid I thought Halloween is Grinch Night was pretty scary


That whats with Andy horror episode

This And some episodes of Courage the Cowardly Dog

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>nobody posted it
Fucking plebs all of you

Can i count early anime as something truly horrifying to a small kid?

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Also... Salad Fingers. After CTCD I was used to creepy atmospheres, but overall SF (at least watching it as a kid) felt like it had a more threatening feel to it and I'm not really talking about the violence.

Don't know if anybody gets what I mean... or I might just be an dumb and old already and remembering stuff wrong. I just thought I'd leave Salad Fingers as a honorable mention.

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user, OP meant episodes that scared him as a kid, not as an adult.


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This shit
Esta basura no me dejaba dormir desde el 25 de Diciembre hasta el 7 de Enero

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as an adult, no as a child Felidae traumatised me

No, neither has a comic. A videogame or a movie or two has. Dear don't translate well in Yea Forums media.

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And Jersey Devil episode too.

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That episode if Jimmy Neutron where they make living Pizza scared me shitless when I saw it for the first time.
The other times it made hungry because I always imagined eating something that was currently alive

Man, fuck this guy, the delivery is what made it so unnerving as a kid.

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This is the only one for me. I would change the channel if this episode came up.

The entire series of Nightmare Ned and a lot of episodes from the Real Adventures of Johnny Quest.

Scooby-Doo Where Are You?
Haunted House Hang-up

Almost gave me a heart attack at age 10

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I wish he were older, because Steven does have something of a nice ass

>the locusts coming to kill everyone at the end
>but the Ramses song before that

I couldn't tell whether to be scared or entertained.

>everyone talking about the blue guy from Perfect

That guy doesn't even do anything. What about this asshole? Why does no one ever bring him up?

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Return the Slab guy and violin girl scared the absolute piss out of me as a child. Even today, it unnerves me. The only other kids show that compares is the old live action goosebumps series. I just started watching season one and I find it surprising just how well it captures that eeriness I felt with courage.

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The Tree is a close tie to him imo.

came to post Salad Fingers. good stuff

Yep, this is the one. Don't think anything else came close.

Not since I was a kid
But yes.
Very much so, yes.

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I remember being terrified any time I saw a promo for Xiaolin Showdown’s “Evil Omi” episode

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Walked in on my older cousins watching the finale. Pretty scary.

Also pic related had some scary moments for a 2nd grader.

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Pinocchio. The Donkey scene

>silently stops spinning

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That Wild Thornberries episode where Eliza is haunted by a african girl.

Jus tthe moment when she mistaken her calling her name when it was actually her mother.

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A lot of stop motion animation freaked me out as a kid

Your not perfect user

FUCK that nigga. Fuck that episode. Fuck vorefags
Was gonna post this. Top spooky

I was so afraid of this as a kid. I remember wanting to watch Tales from the crypt or Are you afraid of the dark rather than this abomination.

ohhhh shit this one. Return the slab and Perfect guy never did anything for me, but this was a straight up jump scare.
Also the flantasy flan guy didn't exactly scare me, but he did give me the creeps.

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Of course

Snow White, the forest and the dungeon scenes.

Also, I think the Russian cartoon adaptation of the Wizard of Oz had some scary monsters. Not sure though, the memories are vague.

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Even the setup for this was fucking admirable in how unsettling it was
>The ominous drawing fading away from the tablet
>Hearing the ghost frighten the two (normally unfrightenable) guys in the car


Aaaaahhh no not that

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Secret of NIMH back when I was like 3 or 4

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The music is what did it for me; that shit gave me goosebumps.

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>That episode where Arnold envisions him and Gerald having a feud as old men, and it cuts to his 150+ year old grandpa laughing at him while his jaw falls off
It was played for laughs but man that picture struck an off note

This scared the everliving shit out of me as a kid. It went above and beyond the usual weirdness of this show.

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God damn it that guy still creeps me the fuck out whenever i see him.

and then they put him in the opening


It's the framing of this that's so unsettling. It happens during a nightmare Arnold has where he and Gerald are both old men, at least as old as Grampa Phil, if not older... So you KNOW Phil can't possibly still be alive. The zombie-like look his skin and eyes have, and the creepy tone of his voice, further emphasize that he shouldn't still be alive, that far in the future.

Then his jaw falls off.

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PPG episode with HER for the first time scared me as a kid

Tons of cartoons scared me as a kid. None of them were actually scary though.

This was the only episode that scared the fuck out of me

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Anytime in Batman: TAS, Superman: TAS, Mighty Max, Gargoyles, or The Real Adventures of Johnny Quest where it was really obvious that a non-villain character got straight up murdered.

Or even when someone attempts to kill somebody, like that scene where Batman is in disguise and infiltrates Scarecrow's anti-fear seminar, and gets drugged up and tricked into walking through a crocodile zoo exhibit. Like you know he's Batman and he's going to be fine, but it's like imagining how many other people got that treatment before Batman passed through.

you care about people too much user.

I was going to lecture you on how people are shit and you shouldn't care all that much about what happens to them, but I think overall you'd live a happier life with your current mindset.

I hope I can be as compassionate as you are someday.

Jonny Quest had spooky, dangerous-looking shit.

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That only happened to me in the ending of April Moon episode of Batman Beyond. My imagination drew all kinds of "fun" images.


I can't think of much. I was raised on tame stuff.

These were creepy.

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I remember there was one episode of Scooby Doo that freaked me out as a kid. The one in the theater with the puppets. When they get some evidence and then go to talk to the owner of the theater and find that he's a giant puppet, that creeped me out.

Beyond that, I remember Scooby Doo in general scared my cousin when she was young. We weren't allowed to watch it at all around her, which was annoying.

It's kinda weird i was watching the venture bro at that time, it was until i saw this episode for the first i was like "WAIT WH-WHAH THE SOVEREIGN WHAT". I thought the two shows had a connection or something.

WFRR had its share of freaky stuff but it was this scene that unnerved me the most as a kid, oddly enough. There was something about the animation that wouldn't let me sleep.

Who's this?

The entire episode was slightly unnerving but throwing this shot in the end scared the fuck out of me as a kid seeing it for the first time.

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That beard episode was pure kino tho.

I turned off the TV the first time I saw that episode. What the fuck, man?

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I don't blame you, while the scene was meant to play as a comedic moment of a rather old film, said film was rather unnerving at the time in the 1920s. I found it hilarious.

Never minded that at all.
The Coachman's devil face, though... that still unnerves me almost 30 years later.

They never come back, as... BOYS!

Lazlo camp meatman

As a kid goosebumps rarely did anything to really scare me
Except for one episode
One single episode
The fucking pool episode
Because the monster was literally a drowned rotting corpse

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There's a christmas cartoon I watched on christmas like 16 years ago who was fucking terrifying. I forgot the name but if you remember it please share.

Basically it was about the Big Bad Wolf being bullied by Little Red Hood and the Three Pigs and at the end he finally snaps as they all are in the same house in the middle of nowhere and eat them all alive (all we saw was a still image of the house with screams tho).


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This was good, simple but effective.

This right here, fucker gave me the creeps.

Stampede from the Bravestarr movie scared the shit out of me as a kid. I remember getting up and walking out of the theater.


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Do t know about that one but it doesn't sound as bad as the version they used in the tales of the crypt finale. Of course it probably doesn't count since it was from a horror/dark comedy based series.

this episode is absolute kino

Gork, no!

The Bunyip from Dot and the Kangaroo.


This whole scene freaked me the fuck out as kid (especially the last show with all the shadows). Even moreso when I was old enough to actually get the full subtext of the song.

Still the best fucking disney song though

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This terrifying thing. Also, a fair amount of stuff from the Moomins. Those glowing worm things and the hat that turns Moomintroll into a hideous goblin creature. And the Snow Queen.

Also, that one episode of Real Ghostbusters where Egon gets possessed and his face appears on the back of his head.

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I can't remember if Darkwing Duck had a supernatural character but I seem to remember that there was one. Anyone know if there was a spooky character or episode?

This was badass to me.

This plottwist scared the shit out of me as a kid. The noises were the worst.

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i was a bit crazy

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Only once when I was just a toddler, later i thought it was really cool.

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You're watching a comfy Disney princess show when suddenly:

That's such a cool design holy shit.

What is it exactly?


It's metal af but hardly what I'd call very "scary"

The queen’s transformation scene in Snow White terrified me when I was little. I had to leave the room when it came on.

Not even sure if it was real or if it was a dream to start with, but when I was around 9 I remember a cartoon about a bunch of vegetables and there was a potato eating his friends alive.

Gave me nightmare for months.

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Of sacred seal do did partake
Now your sight you must forsake

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well, there's veggietales.

I distinctly remember it being traditionally animated.

This fucking episode of GI Joe

Por pendejo.

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I recognize


these things are for children


For some reason the first Toy Story scared me a lot as a kid and I used to cry at it. My parents thought it was hilarious and would force me to watch it and would laugh hysterically as a sobbed.

That episode of zim where he takes everyones organs scared me so bad i didnt want to use public restrooms if there was a vent over the stall

I remeber bunch of creepy stuff from the halloween episode of invader zim

This scene. This fucking scene right here. I have an terrible phobia of getting crushed by anything that's massive and robotic to this very day. This song claps tho

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From the beginning of "An American Tail" where the boat they're on is caught in a storm and Don Bluth chose to visualize the crashing waves as horrifying satanic monsters.

didnt you mean HIM?

not even a halloween episode, but this part on catdog scared me

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Always had to close my eyes at this scene

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Run. I'm not even afraid of clowns, that smile is terrifying on its own.

I was like 4ish when this show aired
i was absolutely terrified for weeks
I know its stupid but shut up

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I suppose, I just repress my memories of those episodes

Most things that scared me as a kid also turned me on for some reason. Can anyone else relate?

>They had to use a different species of fly for the zoom in because a real butterfly would've been too cute

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Thomas isn't stop motion. It's closer to a puppet show.

Disney making live action remakes scared me pretty bad.


Not scary, but Plague Dogs and Watership Down will scar you for life if you see them as a child.

Holy fuck that memory must have been repressed. I totally forgot about that until now

Came here to post pretty much this.

Monstro. Scarier than Jaws.

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It was eerie as fuck

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Ah that's the ticket. The only thing that managed to scare me when I was a kid. Holy fuck, this fucker is badass.

Whales actually are something I have an intense irrational fear of yet Monstro has never bothered me in the least, he’s too stylized

>He's scared of bugs

Bugs are some of the cutest things ever, you dorks.

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The Animatrix: the second renaissance

To this day I can't watch it without getting a queasy stomach. What's interesting to me though is that when I watched it as a kid I was horrified at humanity getting btfo militarily and seeing the machines adapt but now that I watch it as an adult I understand that they had lost a long time ago when the machines had beat them economically and that war was inevitable at that point.

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I’m just so embittered and tired of robot uprising stories that I can’t feel anything but a sour odium when watching it
t. Just wants an intelligent machine waifu that doesn’t look like a human with lines painted on



When Stimpy pressed the History Eraser button.
Disintegration always freaked me out as a kid and still kinda does.

I've been looking for this cartoon forever, thanks.

Well nothing in this thread scared me when I was a kid, but this scared me as a grown ass man, so I don't know.

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The Devil and Daniel Mouse

fucked me up for years

Original Negaduck?

I never understood why people were so scared of this. Freaky Fred was much scarier

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Found it, it's Paddywhack. That guy always creeped me out as a kid.

Really now? What made you afraid of these gentle giants in the first place?

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Not a kids show but... that metalocolypse episode with the girl in the wheelchair. I couldnt sleep when they turned her around and she was a rotting corpse for the entirety of the credits. I hated that.

The show is kinda eh, imo.

No clue but everything sets me off something awful, look, sounds, all of it

Dolphins are fine, orcas and the other toothed whales aren’t the worst but give me the willies, but the baleen whales are the real spooky shit

If that is the case, I'm guessing the scene with the humpback whale in nemo probably would have gotten you good as a kid.

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>That one all grown up episode where they go on the camping trip and there's the ghost kid.
>"Interview with a Campfire"

Spooked me a bit in my younger days

Discussing odd phobias now? This scene was probably the only time a cartoon triggered my fear of heights. This dizzying perspective must have taken me by surprise because when I look at it now it doesn't scare me anymore.

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This show was truly based of all ages. I was really terrified with it but somehow loved the hell of it. I still can't figure out the exact reason for that.

Yes but my autism is also strong enough that I’m fairly certain it’s was a blue, not humpback
Also Stop posting humpbacks you fuck

This. The X Files theme scared the everloving crap out of me as a kid.

The only episode of any show I cant watch to this day is the Simpsons THOH where the teachers start eating the kids. It freaks me the everloving fuck out.

And pic related wasnt scary in the OOGA BOOGA IM A GHOST sense, but watching it live my heart was absolutely racing and I was terrified.

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Alright my apologies.

I've always thought Fantastic Planet was creepy as hell

same here.
I'm rewatching the show currently and those hilarious terrible black and white B-movies are my favorite thing about it now.


It is a very artistic film to say the least and is a small favorite of mine. This thing I thought was a nice human-eater monster design

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