Simpsons episodes where the characters are at their worst

Homer: A Tale of Two Springfields
Marge: Catch 'Em If You Can
Bart: My Sister, My Sitter (I can understand why he didn't like being babysat by his own younger sister, but did he have to be that much of an asshole about it?)
Lisa: See pic

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If I was stuck on an island with Lisa I would rape her constantly.

You choose this when there's an entire two decades of "Lisa Episodes" after it?

Homer was at his worst when he ruined his half-brother's life. It was so awful that they had to make another episode to redeem him.

Lisa: On A Clear Day and any other answer is just being silly
Homer: Co-Dependent's Day or Trash of the Titans. Framing Marge for drunk driving was just about the lowest he's ever gotten.
Marge: Wedding for Disaster or Friends and Family. It does feel like Marge just gets angry at Homer when he acts like a normal, caring person.
Bart: Love is a Many Strangled Thing. I know I said before that Zombie Simpsons was still less dysfunctional than shows like Everybody Loves Raymond, but scratch that. Bart just sat there while Homer almost died. I remember in the Raymond finale, when it seemed like Ray was going to die, Robert and Marie, who usually pick on him, were really scared that it could be the end of him and the latter was overly ecstatic to see him survive. Hard to believe it's actually gotten worse that one of the shows that spawned from it.

>Marge: Catch 'Em If You Can
this was very bad, but there is an argument for the three (3) episodes where Marges forces her religious beliefs on Homer despite him being happy as he is

people like you are why this website gets such a bad name among the normies

>this website gets such a bad name among the normies

Homer: Co-Dependent's Day or Love Is A Many Strangled Thing
Marge: It's A Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad, Marge or Love Is a Many Splintered Thing or What Animated Women Want or Wedding for Disaster or...come to think of it, nearly all the marriage crisis episodes.
Bart: Strangled Thing? I can't think of many instances where he was truly unlikable.
Lisa: Probably Lisa Goes Gaga. Dude, Where's My Ranch gets an honorable mention for making her character likeable in the first half, only to make her unlikable in the second half.

Marge: Scenes From A Class Struggle in Springfield

>Bart: Strangled Thing? I can't think of many instances where he was truly unlikable.
I agree. Somehow Bart has generally avoided being portrayed as a total asshole. Especially since the main reason I find Lisa and Homer unlikable in On a Clear Day and Homer's Phobia are because of the way they treated him. I suppose maybe Postcards from the Wedge because he blatantly admitted that he'd ruin his parents' relationship just to get out of doing homework? Even then,I feel like I'm grasping at straws. I guess compared to the rest of the family, regardless of era, despite being a troublemaker, he's always the one cleaning up everything.

Like said, there is no way the OP episode or Lisa The Vegetarian can compare with some Zombie Simpsons episodes for sheer douchebaggery on her part.

Homer: Agreed about Co-Dependents Day
Marge: All marriage crisis episodes but It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad Marge particularly sticks out
Bart: Yellow Subterfuge, he's really bad in Love is a Many Strangled Thing too.
Lisa: I would pick Clear Day but in order to be original I'll go with The Kid is Alright

the thing about Zombie Simpsons episodes having a more douchbaggy Lisa are down to the fact that they are Zombie Simpsons episodes, of course all the characters are going to go to shit when the entire show has gone to shit and all the characters are Flanderized to hell

Lisa spilling Bart's glass of milk in On A Clear Day I Can't See My Sister was one of the worst moments she's ever been in.

What about Bart vs. Thanksgiving? he was pretty douchey in that

Also what was that one episode where (IIRC) Lisa ruins Barts music career or something by damaging his hands all because she was jealous he was better than her

Keeping it limited to Seasons 1-8:

Homer: Two Bad Neighbors easily. Homer just getting angry and attacking Bush because he took attention from him is probably an early example of Jerkass Homer, and he didn't even get called out for it or punished. One could argue that it's justified because of how the real life Bushes insulted The Simpsons, but it was Barbara Bush who said that stuff, not George, but they did nothing to the former. It's just them manipulating the supposed "bad guy" to make a Dennis the Menace parody "work".
Marge: Homer's Night Out no questions asked. Throwing Homer out just for dancing next to a woman? Especially since she almost cheated on him the episode before that. To think, these bad marriage crisis episodes go as far back as Season 1. I mean, we don't want Marge to be a doormat or enabler, but this is ridiculous. It's like she went from one extreme to the other.
Bart: I guess Bart vs Thanksgiving even if he made up for it in the end.
Lisa: Homer vs Lisa vs the 8th Commandment. Early example of Lisa being too preachy and even making Marge pay for two lousy grapes she ate.

El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Jomer
Marge being a thundercunt because Homer eating ultra spicy peppers = drunk

Postcards and Strangled Thing are good choices. Bart usually redeems himself in the end or gets punished for stuff. Nevermind how terrible most of Bart's girlfriends were to him yet in Moonshine River acted like they had any right to be mad at him. Bart manages one of a few characters on the show that are made out to look evil but they get treated so poorly, I just end up feeling sorry for them... especially when the supposed 'good' guys do much worse and get away with it.
A bit tough, but maybe Secrets of a Successful Marriage? He let out a whole bunch of embarrassing personal details about Marge and didn't make up for it in the end.
Catch 'Em If You Can easily, also throwing Bart out of the house in Splintered Thing was up there. Homer's Night Out especially since it was immediately after she almost cheated on him. There's also Mommie Beerest with her bum-rushing Homer into a wall and laughing about it and raping Homer in Strong Arms of the Ma.
Too many to count, but I guess On A Clear Day was the worst along with The D'oh-Cical Network and THOH XXVII. The latter two being especially bad when they try so hard to force the 'feel sorry for Lisa' meme while showing how little she cares about people dying thanks to her. Extra points go to "why can't anyone real like me this much" despite Milhouse dying right in front of her earlier or she's lamenting how nobody else is murdering people for her. What a wonderful person. A lot of episodes try to make us feel those horrible mean kids should totally be Lisa's friends instead while those three episodes in particular show exactly why they shouldn't.

For Lisa, either pic related or the feminism episode where she humiliates Bart online and becomes a mini-terrorist at the end.

Marge's worst episode would be the most recent episode, where she stole Lisa's college fund to fund some start-up scheme of hers.

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she didn't see him eat the insanity pepper, she saw him running around slurring his words (cause of hot tongue) and pouring several glasses of beer into his mouth at once when he said he wouldn't drink

from her perspective he went against his word

>A bit tough, but maybe Secrets of a Successful Marriage? He let out a whole bunch of embarrassing personal details about Marge and didn't make up for it in the end.
That's true. A lot of people find this to be the birth of Jerkass Homer as well. Undeniably, it could also be the birth of Doormat/Enabler Marge. They blatantly spell out that Homer knows Marge will always put up with him right in this episode.
>and raping Homer in Strong Arms of the Ma
People bitch about the panda rape in Homer vs Dignity but at least it was just a mindless animal that doesn't know any better. That's probably worse than Wedding for Disaster or "t's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Marge.

I was watching Love Is A Many Strangled Thing during the 'every Simpsons ever' marathon and that scene where Homer is hanging from the tree and Bart is too occupied with his what the fuck man? Pretty easily the worst Bart moment if you ask me.

Homer: Co-Dependent's Day without a doubt. Homer's done a lot of bad things but framing his wife for a DUI and getting away with it while never showing any guilt or remorse for his actions, and having Marge completely forgive him for no reason? This episode is the lowest Homer has ever sunk, makes him look like a total sociopath, and it's also a very depressing indicator of how far Homer and Marge's relationship has fallen, where Marge will now just forgive Homer for whatever shitty thing he's done now for no reason.

Marge: Hard to choose, but I would have to go with either Sleeping With The Enemy (for trying to make you feel sorry for her, even though she got upset because Bart didn't like her really half-assed party, then immediately starts spending all her time with Nelson and completely ignoring how Nelson bullies Bart or Lisa's serious weight issues, making Marge come across as selfish), or Catch Em If You Can (for being completely out of character with her now suddenly hating her own children, lying to them, and mock a couple on how kids would ruin their lives). Other examples are Gorgeous Grandpa (for having Marge suddenly go insane with wanting Abe to be gay for no reason), Strong Arms of the Ma (for raping Homer), The Great Wife Hope (for having Marge trying to shut down an entire sport because she doesn't like it, and is portrayed as being "right") and Love Is A Many Splintered Thing (for kicking her own child out of the house, despite having no idea where he will end up living in now, all because he disagreed with her opinion).

I kinda have to agree about this episode for Lisa, sure she's a bigger cunt in other episodes, but this one she fucks over the rest of her family harder than in any other one

I don't know, I'm gonna have to sit and think a bit about it (I'm currently rewatching Season 12), but I'm having a hard time thinking of a Homer-centric episode where he WASN'T the asshole of the situation.

>Lisa: See pic
But that's a GOOD Lisa episode.

Bart: Another tough choice considering how all of Bart's negative qualities have now been exaggerated to the point where he has virtually nothing redeemable about him left (that is, when he actually does get something to do in a modern episode), but for me, it would be either Love is a Many Strangled Thing (for making Bart a complete sociopath who randomly becomes a bully and wants to see his dad die in order to "justify" the strangling), Postcards From The Wedge (for again being a complete sociopath who willingly tries to destroy his parents' marriage, then at the end you're supposed to feel sorry for him and that he did a "good" thing by letting Homer and Marge stop him, even though he only did it so they would pay attention to him and never apologizes or feels any guilt for almost killing his parent's marriage), and The Kids Are All Fight (for showing Bart at his worse, a completely useless, braindead, loser who can only get along with his sister because Lisa decides to let him win all their arguments because she fells sorry for him, and is a such a pathetic dumbass that even Ralph makes fun of him).

LIsa: Another no-brainer, On A Clear Day I Can't See My Sister. Lisa spends the entire episode acting like a vindictive asshole and begins to ruin Bart's life over a couple of pranks that aren't even the worse thing he's ever done, has to be talked into trying to forgive him by Marge (despite Bart now living in the woods and acting like a feral animal), barely even gives a weak apology at the end, and no one ever really calls her out on this and she's not really treated as being in the wrong either. To make it worse, the episode tries to make you feel sorry for Lisa by pushing this whole "Bart has always been a mean bully to poor little Lisa" narrative that doesn't work and completely retcons and ignores years of Simpsons history by Lisa unable to remember anything nice Bart has done for her, and then by the end he's apparently only done one nice thing for her in his entire life, just to keep making you feel sorry for Lisa. Without a doubt, the worst Lisa episode I've ever seen.

>Postcards and Strangled Thing are good choices. Bart usually redeems himself in the end or gets punished for stuff. Nevermind how terrible most of Bart's girlfriends were to him yet in Moonshine River acted like they had any right to be mad at him. Bart manages one of a few characters on the show that are made out to look evil but they get treated so poorly, I just end up feeling sorry for them... especially when the supposed 'good' guys do much worse and get away with it.
How about Peeping Mom?

>But that's a GOOD Lisa episode.
it would have been if she hadn't torn up the check

>Lisa the Vegetarian
Yeah, I don't get all the hate against Lisa in that episode. I understand that yes, trying to force people to stop eating meat is bad because that's none of her business or decision what so ever. However, all the others wanted her to eat meat as well. By the end of the episode before she discovers that she's eating a veggie hot dog, she was actually giving in to the pressure and doing something she didn't believe was right just so she could please the others. That's pretty rough on a kid who just made a personal choice to be turned down by the majority. No, she shouldn't try and force others into her believes as none of us should but she wasn't the only one who did mistakes in that episode.


Homer: Co-Dependents Day. Can't find much worse than that. Catch 'Em If You Can is also the worst he's ever done. Bart and Lisa were ultra-douchey too but I wanted to punch Homer in the face so badly.
Marge: Catch 'Em If You Can. Need I even say more? She was as punchable as Homer. Love Is A Many Splintered Thing for kicking her own son out of the house, which is super OOC for her and just makes the episode even more depressing and unfunny than it is. Every Man's Dream. Wow, that was bad.

Bart has a _lot_ of terrible moments, including:

Love Is A Many Strangled Thing: Need I say more? He's literally laughing at his own father about to die.

What To Expect When Bart's Expecting: He tries to make his art teacher pregnant by voodoo magic or something and actually gets mad at and punishes her for getting a chance to have better grades. I don't think it's possible for him to get worse than this outside Strangled Thing.

Lisa: Come on, LTV wasn't even close to her worst. If anything, most of the other characters in that episode were bigger jerks than her.

On A Clear Day I Can't See My Sister: Has already been discussed by many others.
Lisa Goes Gaga: Simply because this is the most inconsistent and boring portrayal of her ever. And that song. Cover your ears!
The Kid Is All Right: Because another kid has different views than her, she starts a war against her even though she's a good friend before she finds that out. Also, is she even 8 years old this time? She has always been smarter than the average kid, but even so this is really, really stupid. And why does an elementary school have dead serious political debate? This is my least favorite version of Lisa ever.

Yeah that definitely wasn't one of Marge's better moments either. Speaking of Barthood, whiny and unthankful, that can be another one for Lisa too. Oh sure she overshadows Bart in every part of life, gets several honors, awards and even her name chanted on a regular basis and often the only person in Springfield not to be regarded as a total failure and whom Marge and Homer gave up on Bart immediately in favor of when she was born but she has it so much harder because she's...only going to a prestigious university. Did she just expect to become president of the United States straight out of high school or something? Poor baby, she's only handed everything on a silver platter and not a gold one studded with diamonds.

I guess if I'm going to balance this out, I will concur with Lisa the Vegetarian isn't bad. At least there she's mocked by her schoolmates (even Ralph getting a shot in), having a talk with Apu and apologising for her behaviour. She was acting out of line but unlike most episodes of it's kind, it's not trying to force us to side with her. The fact that she's not meant to be the good guy does make a difference.

People have posted most of the worst examples so much so that I have a hard time thinking of ones for Bart and Lisa, so here's one for Homer and Marge that aren't the worst of the worst, but still really notable to me and haven't been posted yet:

Homer: The Cartridge Family. I know this episode is popular among fans, but I rewatched it the other day and couldn't get past how borderline sociopathic Homer was in it. Picking a gun over his family? Really? Pre-Scully Homer would have never done that. He doesn't even seem to show any regret about losing his family until the NRA kicks him out. Him shooting the lights out in the house after everyone left is just the unfunny finisher. This episode has some good jokes, but this is when Homer stopped being a loveable oaf and began turning into an unlikeable monster.

Marge: That 90s Show. Homer takes a job he hates to pay for Marge's college. Her response? Cheat on him with her professor because he "embarrasses" her. This casts their entire marriage in a very questionable light--you start to get the impression that Marge puts up with Homer's faults not because she genuinely loves him, but she feels like she "owes" him for what she did to him. Compare this to when Homer feels he has no choice but to have an affair with Mindy -he breaks down crying at the idea. Just terrible. (I'm willing to forgive Life In The Fast Lane since it was an early episode and ultimately Marge does the right thing.)

>He doesn't even seem to show any regret about losing his family until the NRA kicks him out.
Dude, he doesn't even abandon the gun at the end, it's fucked up.

I think if anything the worst part of that episode was it was an early example of guest star dicksucking. Paul and Linda McCartney basically show up out of nowhere to save the day like superheroes, their recipe was promoted in the ending credits, and they made it a condition for appearing on the show that Lisa had to remain a vegetarian in perpetuity.

That doesn't make Lisa unlikable though. Even if we just limit it to seasons 1-8, I still think she was worse in Homer vs Lisa and the 8th Commandment and maybe Duffless.

For overall, I don't see how Lisa was unlikable in Lisa Goes Gaga at all. Sure, it's a terrible episode, but not because of anything Lisa did. Even with the bullshit ending with her running back to thank Gaga for letting her unleash her rage on her, that still doesn't make her unlikable. The only person she was horrible toward was Gaga herself, and she deserved it for stalking her.

I definitely don't think Bart was horrible in Barthood anyway. If anything, that was the best characterization of Bart in years. Instead of just portraying him as a brainless sociopath, it actually painted him as being ignored and overshadowed which is why he's the way he is.

I'm also going to change my Seasons 1-8 Bart moment to Itchy and Scratchy: The Movie. That was an early example of sociopathic Bart, only coming to terms with it when Homer punished him.

>and they made it a condition for appearing on the show that Lisa had to remain a vegetarian in perpetuity.
they really should have told them to fuck off for suggesting that kind of thing

The one where Marge and Ned have an emotional affair because Homer is busy with a job, the only reason it doesn't get physical is because Homer comes home and has quit his job.

>but maybe Secrets of a Successful Marriage? He let out a whole bunch of embarrassing personal details about Marge and didn't make up for it in the end.
A really funny episode but Homer is an idiotic bastard for the whole thing and then is immediately forgiven at the end essentially because he's an idiotic bastard. It's pretty much only topped for me by Co-Dependents' Day for obvious reasons. One of the worst things Homer's ever done, if not the most shockingly awful.

They should have made it a condition that Lisa has to become a nudist in perpetuity for appearing on the show.

>doesn't accept blood money
That's perfectly in line with her character.
Might as well shit on Homer for returning Bobo to Mr Burns.

I've got to say, all of you have fairly extensive knowledge and memory of 22 seasons of Zombie Simpsons. I'm not sure whether I should commend or pity you.

>That's perfectly in line with her character.
Agreed. If Mr. Burns had given the check to anyone else in the family and she had torn it up, then yeah, that would've been shitty. But it was in character specially when Marge encouraged her to do what she thought was best.

Anyway, like others have said there's a whole lot of marriage crisis episodes where Marge is a total asshole. It's something how she'll tolerate or look the other way when Homer does really insane stuff that could actually endanger people's lives, but she'll grossly overreact and lose her temper over trivial things like one crummy little photo of him with a belly dancer.

Also her raping Homer in Strong Arms 'O The Ma was truly up there in the worst. I struggle to think of what happened in the writing room that day that anyone found this to be funny. Worse even than that was the DVD commentary where they say something like "Well, we don't really consider bodybuilder women to count as actual women anymore" which makes the whole thing even more vomit-inducing.

Bart: My Sister, My Sitter is a very strong contender, though maybe it's just because personal experience makes it really easy for me to get pissed off watching it. He's also a mega douche in Bart vs. Thanksgiving and Bart to the Future.

Lisa: I dunno, for whatever reason she bothers me a lot more in Homer vs. Lisa and the 8th Commandment than in a lot of the other ones that get commonly listed.

>Dude, he doesn't even abandon the gun at the end,
yes he does, he gives it to Marge to dispose of because he trusts her more than he trusts himself and she ends up keeping it

Barts worst episode was when Bart constantly annoyed Homer and in the end, this somehow saved Homers life and he should be thankful for that.

>Anyway, like others have said there's a whole lot of marriage crisis episodes where Marge is a total asshole. It's something how she'll tolerate or look the other way when Homer does really insane stuff that could actually endanger people's lives, but she'll grossly overreact and lose her temper over trivial things like one crummy little photo of him with a belly dancer.

>Bart: My Sister, My Sitter is a very strong contender, though maybe it's just because personal experience makes it really easy for me to get pissed off watching it. He's also a mega douche in Bart vs. Thanksgiving and Bart to the Future.

These two totally slipped my mind. Definitely the worst characterizations for Homer and Bart in Seasons 1-8. My Sister, My Sitter might be the only episode from 1-8 that I outright dislike, it's just completely unpleasant and unfunny to watch. Secrets does have good gags at least, but there aren't really any memorable jokes in Sitter.

>That's perfectly in line with her character.
doesn't make it not shitty, besides all it did was leave Mr Burns with even more money and give Homer at least two heart attacks
>Might as well shit on Homer for returning Bobo to Mr Burns.
didn't like how that episode resolved either

>Agreed. If Mr. Burns had given the check to anyone else in the family and she had torn it up, then yeah, that would've been shitty. But it was in character specially when Marge encouraged her to do what she thought was best.
Marge was a fucking moron in that scene, what kind of jackass let's their 8 year old kid make a major financial decision for their family, especially when they often have major financial issues as it is

>Also her raping Homer in Strong Arms 'O The Ma was truly up there in the worst. I struggle to think of what happened in the writing room that day that anyone found this to be funny. Worse even than that was the DVD commentary where they say something like "Well, we don't really consider bodybuilder women to count as actual women anymore" which makes the whole thing even more vomit-inducing.
Really? Wow. Granted, those years weren't a ringing endorsement for positive non-gender conforming portrayals (There's Something About Marrying is pretty disturbingly transphobic).

Any money Burns gives her can be used for charity, likely something that could try and counteract Burns' damage. Any money she doesn't accept from him goes back into the villain's pocket and helps him continue hurting others.

I don't hate Lisa for this decision, since she meant well and she's a kid. But it was pretty funny in retrospect.

I forgot about it at first, but Peeping Mom is a pretty awful episode for both Marge and Bart. Marge acts like an insane person, constantly stalking Bart every moment of his life to get him to admit to the bulldozer thing, even though there was no evidence that Bart was behind it. And no, it doesn't matter that Bart was guilty, she still had no proof that he was behind it in the first place, and she was overreacting.

But Bart is even worse. He pulls of all that destruction with a bulldozer, constantly lies about it several times to his mother, tries to guilt-trip her, then when Marge gives up, he smugly brags about getting away with it to Milhouse while showing no guilt or remorse, only to magically somehow grow a conscience because of Marge's fried chicken (implying maybe he only loves and cares about his mother if she gives him things?), but still causes a bunch of destruction anyway, only to somehow be rewarded and praised by Marge for absolutely no reason at all and given an undeserved happy ending with her, until he's arrested and sent to jail and nobody cares. Probably the lowest Bart has ever sunk too, and definitely the worst case of the "Sociopath Bart" characterization since Postcards From The Wedge.

Marge: Say it with me, She Used To Be My Girl. (surprised no one has brought it up considering everyone kind of agrees that Marge was a jerk here) or She of Little Faith....hmmm I wonder why Marge is so unlikeable in most Lisa-centered episodes

BART: kind of a tough one, I'd say On a Clear Day I Can't See my Sister, but considering that I too was picked on I can kind of sympathize with her so I would probably have to say........Summer of 4'2 because of his jealousy, I should also say Love is a Many Strangled thing, I mean what Bart did isn't really new, because it seems that he's trying to doom his own father for laughs or something....dude, if your father dies, Marge will probably date Flanders.

Lisa: again a tough one because most of her episodes post-Lisa the Vegetarian (actually wasn't Homer at the Bat the first ass kissing celebrity centered episode guest appearance? oh wait wasn't that Stark Raving Dad) make her so annoying, I want to say the Monkey Suit, but that's where Flanders is at his most unlikeable. I can't really pick one. I'll come back to this

Homer: oh you are killing me here it's hard to pick one heck I can't even pick the right marriage crisis episode, because sometimes I side with him in those situations, oh wait Make Room for Lisa (it's either that or Homer Simpson in Kidney Trouble) I should say Monkey Suit because if Homer hadn't caused everyone to cut in front of Flanders they wouldn't have missed out on the weapon exhibit and wouldn't have had to look at the other exhibits in the museum. Oh wait I think I picked one for sure The Greatest Story Ever Do'hed, well until his scene in that sacred spot

>George said nothing

>Granted, those years weren't a ringing endorsement for positive non-gender conforming portrayals
Forgot about that one. I loathe Marge in it, and the fact that it was getting praised as a groundbreaking sympathetic portrayal of LGBTQ issues at the time is a lot more shocking and eyebrow-raising in hindsight even than Homer's Phobia getting the same contemporary reaction.

I feel like the Simpsons has struggled with (and flip-flopped wildly between, depending on the seasons/writers) having the main characters being deeply flawed yet sympathetic people who we're rooting for, similar to other family-centric sitcoms, and having the main characters just being unlikeable pricks who we want to see bad things happen to (ala Seinfeld). More so the former for the first few seasons and the latter for the later seasons. It's pretty jarring.

Homer's Phobia is one of my most disliked episodes for that shit. I know he doesn't need to be progressive about it, but damn he really went ham with it.

Bart is the family member I hate the most now. There are so many examples where there has been nothing redeemable or even funny about him whatsoever. And even when they try to make him likable, he's so goddamn annoying. Why does he not stand up for himself in Stealing First Base when the girl he's crushing on is a complete asshole? Such a terrible romance where you can't even sympathize with any of the people you're watching.

And yes, I understand what they tried to do with him in Barthood. But I couldn't fucking stand him. Show your character actually being sad, don't have him whine and whine and whine so much you want to throw the remote at the TV. He might not have been at his most unlikable, but it's definitely one of his most irritating appearances.

I honestly didn't mind Bart in Barthood. I thought his behavior was pretty realistic for a teenager. He's definitely had far less flattering portrayals.

Yeah I think some people are exaggerating just how bad he was. He was a bit annoying to be honest but Lisa was much more dislikable especially that bullshit about having it so much worse because the extremely prestigious school she's getting accepted into isn't the specific extremely prestigious school she wanted to go to.

>Nobody discussing the worst Maggie episodes
Is she the best character?

I don't remember the names so I will describe them

I triple tie between the one with Bart playing drums and outshining her, the one with Homer becoming a football referee for her and the one when she becomes a vegetarian. I could probably think of more as bad as these if I gave it a try.

The one where she rapes Homer. If you could put the blame on the hormones and not call her a rapist then the MMA one

That one where he blames marge fro a driving drunk and crashing the car

That one when he laughts as homer is about to die

I suppose Marge in Friends and Family. Like, the majority of the times Marge is obviously right, but the one time she actually threw a tantrum about his stupidness, she was wrong.

She barely has any episodes to begin with. We can go entire seasons without her even getting a subplot. But yes, she is the best character on the show.

It's about making the best out of a bad situation. Lisa could've spent that money on good causes.

His brother fucked himself over.

>don't know your half-brother well
>put him in charge of R&D for a new car with no approval or professional supervision
>show it oft with no knowledge of the cost or design

Controversial pick for Homer, but No Loan Again, Naturally
>Homer is a dumbass and loses his house
>Flanders buys his house and lets him live in it again
>Homer acts like a complete asshole and demands all these repairs from Ned
>He also bad mouths Ned on TV as some corrupt slumlord
>Has absolutely no gratitude for the man who saved him and his family from living in the streets
It may not be the worst example of this, but it really strikes me as Homer being a complete sociopath. Absolutely fucking heartless

>The one where she rapes Homer.

The Strong Arms of the Ma, the one where Marge takes hormones and forces Homer to have sex with him

Imagine if Homer did this to Marge

I think a lot of people view the episode with the current characterization of Lisa in mind, rather than the one she had back then where while she was very activist minded, she was also a kid. Hell, part of the point of Lisa the Vegetarian was that she was an eight year old who couldn't really comprehend the world at large disagreeing with her views, as eight year olds are want to do, and essentially getting scolded by the end for forcing her values onto other people. Personally I find the part where she makes up with Homer at the end to be very heartwarming and extremely indicative of her age, with how much she has to learn.

I liked Lisa back when she was a flawed kid.

>tfw you remember Yea Forums is a better board for television shows than Yea Forums

Attached: WySl0IX.png (268x325, 87K)

what, you don't like Sneedposting?

Worst Lisa episode: Haven't seen "The Kid Is Alright", but I would say "On A Clear Day I Can't See My Sister", though she's really awful in the sub-plot of "What Animated Women Want" too. She was pretty poorly written in "Lisa Goes Gaga", but that was more because of Lady Gaga herself.

There are a few episodes that could only be appropriate for Bart. Pranks and Greens and Postcards from the Wedge are a couple that come to mind, but yeah, they just can't write for Bart for the most part anymore.

I guess? He was a cunt aand you know it

I hate Make Room For Lisa with a vengeance.

Problems? I see at least two.

1. Homer. So insensitive. Ok, I know it can be funny at the convenient time, but this was NOT convenient.
2. Plot. It says, quite clearly, in the description, and I quote, "Lisa is forced to share a room with Bart". Sounds good, yet there is only about a minute and a half of this shown, the rest is totally off-plot.

He treats Flanders in the most mean-spirited way possible. Like the time when he was making an allegorical car and he stole Flanders' flowers, then salted the earth so nothing would grow.

Bart was always part of that 'boys will be boys' attitude when it came to raising your son. Now since people equate that with 'rapist enabler', they don't know what to do with him.

Worst part of that episode Marge was tagging along with Homer treating Ned like crap.

you sound like an uberfaggot

You're just jealous because I thought of it first, Bart.

No. It’s just stupid that you won’t admit you’d rather fuck Bart and Milhouse at the same time

Have you never seen Lisa the Vegetarian? Because the example in your pic was probably one of her most reasonable moments.


Implying that I wouldn't makes you ripe for a paddlin' boy.

Attached: 1ArAOMjTi-8yV_6FtgqLIxQ.png (900x680, 430K)

Sisters are doing it for themselves!

Attached: sisters.gif (500x354, 500K)

>The Kid Is All Right: Because another kid has different views than her, she starts a war against her even though she's a good friend before she finds that out. Also, is she even 8 years old this time? She has always been smarter than the average kid, but even so this is really, really stupid. And why does an elementary school have dead serious political debate?
I agree. This was absolutely braindead.


As they should

The episode in which Homer is at his best is definitely "Hungry, Hungry Homer", by the way (just finished watching it).