Where Mera pulls a Wally
Aquaman #49 Storytime
Spoiler Alert; It’s really fucking stupid, and further proves this writer isn’t interested in Aquaman at all.
They still don't know he's alive?
Nevermind, misread
Why is Aquaman the new Ghost Rider?
Took you long enough to get to the point
How would dating a Atlantean women be like?
And done! If you liked it, buy it at your LCS or something
So are we finally done with the stupid amnesia plot?
o fugg
And would you believe it only took 7 issues
Manta is going to be real happy when he hears about this.
Manta is ready
This is the face of true fear.
No it's the "I'm not paying for child support lmao bye"-face
All things considered, this current run could've started with this issue.
Damn Mera looking sexy!!!
Kelly Sue's Aquaman has been really good
great issue.
>>Manta returns
Just in time.
Are Mera and Aquaman finally going to get married soon? What the fuck is taking them so long?
I haven't been reading aquaman, please don't tell me he got cucked. Is it his or was she having an affair?
Manta's son. She got BLACKED.
I think you're just trolling but I'm worried, I wouldn't put it past any of these cuck writers to do that. If it is Aquaman's then why is he acting like a such a little bitch?
Holy fuck user, are you really that stupid?
Read the story next time instead of sperging out you brainwahsed retard
His Aquaman is having a kid senses are tingling.
Nah. I hope KSD drowns herself for wasting a year on this book after derailing a perfectly good run.
Fuck DC. Fuck KSD. Fuck Didio. Fuck Lee. Fuck Bendis. I hope they all kill themselves.
No it fucking hasn't faggot
Stop samefagging
>Kelly Sue's Aquaman has been really good
>great issue.
What the fuck is wrong with you people?
This Mera portrayal is fucking cancer and the polar opposite of what made her so loved in John's run.
Nah. I liked his run but abnetts was derailed by this cunt.
Read the word bubbles instead of just looking at the pretty pictures.
He's worried that his double life both on land and in secret with Mera, combined with his duties as a hero and the JL will put his life in danger.
If that happens, then his child is going to grow up without a father; much like how he grew up without his mother because of what she did in the past.
Stop assuming every bit of drama is related to extramarital affairs and cheating.
This isn't a Fantastic Four book.
No that's the face of a man who has an atrocious writer on his book.
Kelly Sue's Aquaman has run for 7 issues and so far has accomplished synergy tattoos that the character already had and aren't even synergy anymore considering Mamoa wears the outfit
A trident powered by old magic of qhich he has several
And a new aquababy that probably won't even make it to term because we already know Manta is on his way soon
They could have kept fucking Abnett on this book and he probably would have had more happen in these 7 issues
>They could have kept fucking Abnett on this book and he probably would have had more happen in these 7 issues
You know that's not true. Abnett never changed his writing pace after the book went monthly. He spent issues 25-37 writing one story, and had a Mera six issue miniseries that ended up being more of the same long arc he was writing.
Aquaman was one of the MOST decompressed Rebirth books. Hell, that first story he wrote took six issues to cut through, and the plot was identical to TWO issues of the 1990 Robert Loren Fleming series.
He had 43 + 6 issues to fulfill the Rebirth special promise of a marriage, and never did that.
You don't seem to understand how comics work.
When it goes monthly the stuff he has written is still already written and in production. Especially with someone as slow as seijic. It would have taken entire arcs to catch up to his readjusted pace and the book was moving fine for anyone that was reading it.
The only people who claim it was slow are those who seem to have been really excited for this amnesia garbage with KSD (aka shills). This cunt has added nothing to the book and took a year to derail it just to go right back to where they should have fucking been. She's useless and wasted a perfectly good opportunity to have this book sailing as the movie did a billion.
Only issue worth picking up. Do it.
Drown yourself cunt
If she wanted to go for synergy, she could've literally opened the book with Arthur getting the tattoos just because he wanted to. The old sea gods stuff was boring.
Water gods dont belong in this book. When I read Aquaman, I want
>Chimera and Charbodys
And that's it. No need to deal with gods. That's Wonder-bitch terrirory, and only shills with disagree
>don’t add new elements, ONLY use the old stuff
As much as I dislike the execution, what the fuck is this kind of mentality?
I disagree. Aquaman should meet with gods more often. Namely Poseidon. It's baffling to me that the two rarely ever meet considering DC's Poseidon is an asshole and hates Aquaman.
What we don't need is any of KSD's made up bullshit that was completely pointless, added nothing of note to Aquaman and his mythos and will likely never be referenced again.
Last time he met Poseidon we got Bunn's terrible little arc.
Is this some Capullo wannabe ?
I don't want any dumb bitches OC's
Your post literally said you’ll reject anything other than the five. You are everything wrong with the current capeshit fanbase if you weren’t exaggerating