We wuz romans

We wuz romans

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Something something Italians aren't white

Its a comic

Featuring the Fantastic 4

why are they black

Are Irish white?

The Irish aren't even people.

Yes we are, the Celtic race is the only pure white blood remaining

Explains why me and my friends get sunburnt so easily.

Romans claim that the Celts were like Ethiopians and swarthy.

Only black people are immune to sunburns

They were jealous so they spread racial propaganda to easily colonize us

Yes and so are jews

Black people aren't immune to sunburns you tard.

But they claimed that the Scythians were white. Romans weren't racist, just xenophobic.

I mean, there were black legionnaries, and Rome's African provinces were among its oldest and most prosperous, and the emperor Septimius Severus was a native African. But I understand that facts get in the way of being a racist ding dong.

>evolution is rea-

didn't rome hold territory in africa at one point ?

God, this shit is just pathetic.

None of that shit mean the romans were niggers.

The actual african emperor was a north african arab, and the same for the Roman province.

Niggers be hating cuz they don't own the African brand.

Who is white, anyway,?

before this thread gets any further I wanna get this out of the way
Their were many "African" legionaries and Roman "African" Philosophers and Christians but African=black
Roman North Africans were not blonde haired or blue eyed and especially were not sub-Saharan African
the people of Carthage were mix of Arabs,Berbers and other North African Mediterranean peoples

they would look most similar to the guys in pic related

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Nobody cuz europeans can't have a racial identity nigga.

Haha. Good one. Everyone knows Celts are just pale niggers

listen I'm the guy who posted this this
the people of west Africa have an incredible and amazing history that should be told especially for African American

Fucking 'ell people, do your research before screeching about blacked history. There's a reason they are all black, and I'm not telling you.

Nigger that makes no fucking sense.

I wonder why the actual arab american cannot be called african american.

Because the definition of "Africa" changed as much as the definition of "Asia" since Roman times. From "What Rome ones of it" to "the entire continental landmass".
Also Arabia is not on Africa.