Just read the first issue of this and I'm kind of confused, is there something I should have read before this?
Flex Mentallo
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It's a stand alone series. You van read his appearances on Morrison's Doom Patrol run but it's not needed to understand the mini
It's a weird comic that never even fully explains his powers.
i read an interview where he said "Flex Mentallo was going to be for Boomers what Nietzsche was for my generation"
You'll stay confused. Nothing you read before this will help. But, keep going, it's awesome (and feeling confused is part of it).
Completely misunderstood, and quoted at random ? I'd bet a dollar on that.
Isn't it explained in his previous doom patrol appearances
Flex Mentallo isn't really something you understand after just the first issue. Or reading for that matter.
Also it makes a lot more sense if you A)Have read Morrison's earlier works or B)are on the cusp of suicide.
Before Flex Mentallo
Road to Flex Mentallo
Don't forget Mentallo Clock
C'mon OP, gamble a stamp. Keep reading and it'll show you how to be a real man.
This. Morrison's works are way easier to understand if you've dealt with depression.
How to read Flex Mentallo-
Read Flex Mentallo.
Read it again.
Wait a few days and read it one more time.
Read Animal Man and Doom Patrol.
Re-read Flex Mentallo.
... A pompous faggot who tried to fuck his sister? Cause Flex doesn't seem like that.
I thought Nietzsche loathed his sister for being an anti-Semite and a German nationalist.
Doesn't the first issue explaining it pretty well? He has the power of muscle mystery. If he flexes hard enough, he can summon his Hero Halo which alters reality.
Do you need to read The Invisibles to understand The Filth?
It's all happening inside Wally Sage's head. This doesn't make it easier to understand but it does make it easier to accept the strange things that constant happen.
His power is that he can alter local reality by flexing his muscles. He just has to be careful he doesn't accidentally give everybody in the neighborhood an orgasm because he flexed the wrong muscle.
Is Mentalloversity still delayed?
Nope. Invisibles is better though.
>Never understood why Morrison's works resonated with me so much
Here OP try this
Reading Supergods before Flex Mentallo might or might not be a mistake, since Morrison basically lays it all out in his book. There's a lot of him inside Sage and understanding his childhood anxieties makes you understand what's going on in Flex Mentallo. The whole fucking deal with the bomb and superheroes being a better idea than the bomb for instance.
Don't mean to be a douche OP but the entire comic is less than a 100 pages long. Just read it all, because up until the very last pages nothing really makes sense until Flex and Wally simply tie it all up.
If it helps, read each edition having a "comic age" in mind (the first is gold, second is silver, third is the "dark" age and the last one was Morrison trying to do away with grimdark 90s books and start a super-hero renaissance).
based nietzshe working her bluepilled brother into a seethe