New Dr. Garrison original cartoon

New Dr. Garrison original cartoon.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Where's the joke?

So whenever a private corporation like YouTube invokes their right to curate their content, it's the "deep state" censoring them?

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>he says as he condemns a bakery for not baking an explicitly faggotry cake

he's completely right. Censorship is not free speech. It is in fact, an inhibitor of free speech.

good job ben

Why do most people have no clue what the first amendment actually covers?

Dr. Garrison is never wrong.

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I kinda miss the old days when Ben Garrsion would make funny cartoons about the federal reserve and the rothschilds. Now he's a big Trumpfag with boomer tier talking points.

>he thinks free speech is just an amendment

>that nose
/pol/ really did a number on Garrison, they mindbroke him and gave him Stockholm syndrome and now he's with them all the way instead of a generic libertarian like he used to be.

At the risk of an argument:
-The OP's comic does not mention the first amendment.
-Your rights aren't limited by the bill of rights nor is it an enumeration of them, as explicitly stated in the 9th amendment.

Why are they almost all avenues?

And what does that have to do with free speech? Are we extending "any kind of service" as a form of free speech now? Because then that just makes you even more hypocritical when you whine about YouTube not extending their service to conservacucks.

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Most libertarians I know have turned into massive Trumpfags.

My idea of free speech is more of an ideal that I wish for. Essentially:

>free speech is now an absolute
>private companies are no longer allowed to moderate their forums, and must allow everything, even things they don't like
>do this at gunpoint if you have to

Using these technicalities that "oh it's their platform, they can do what they want" has made me despise the concept. I think we should be able to force them to let us say whatever we want, and if they don't like it, close their forums and businesses.

Art is free speech.
An artist has no obligation to make you art.

They haven't actually read the amendments? I mean, I'm not even a yank and even I know that the second amendment used to only apply to a well-trained militia.

It's funny watching the left defend corporate power and the right of corporations to dictate to their consumers, while the right rails against corporate monopolies and demands government action to restrict them. It really shows nobody actually has any principles and people just go with whatever benefits their side and reason backwards from that.

All I’m saying is you can’t scream “fucking bigots, bake the cake” and then go all smugly “hmmmm, private corporations sweetie”.

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so the only valid voice is that the loudest one

nice shit system

If you want to force private entities to do what you want. You'd have to first nationalise them.

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Interesting thought, but a private business is private property. Sets a dangerous precedent. Imagine mcdonalds has to let protestors put signs on their front lawn.

>If you want to force private entities to do what you want.
You say that as if we don't already do that when it comes to literaly everything else.

So what is Deep state's superpower? Is he like Cyclops except his punches comes from his mouth and not his eyes?

>I'm not even a yank and even I know that the second amendment used to only apply to a well-trained militia.

There's a lot of conflation and overlooking some arguments in this post. I don't disagree with your viewpoint. But this isn't how you win arguments.

>And what does that have to do with free speech?
Freedom to practice the religion of your choosing is covered under the same amendment.
If you're a Muslim, for example and you believe homosexuality is a sin.

So, what did it say prior to 2014?

You know this image isn't actually all that bad, all the labeling actually fits the image.

It didn't change before or after 2014.

That famous clown habit, burning books

That's not what I asked.

But.. the Garrison comic was not about the First Amendment and never mentioned it? Free speech is a broader topic than just government censorship. Youtube is a platform, not a newspaper's letters section, it became popular by allowing anyone to have a voice and now that it has a monopoly it's taking that away. After Youtube contributors have made their corporation rich by uploading millions of man-hours worth of material which they monetized, they come along and cut off those revenue streams based on biased, politically motivated, selective enforcement of their terms of service. They have a duty to enforce their terms impartially, if they had advertised themselves from the beginning as a left-leaning platform and stated as such in their terms of service that would be fair, but they didn't. As such people who would have been better served building up alternate platforms helped make their corporation rich, and now that they're the only game in town they want to take those voices away.

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corporations are ultimately beholden to work for the good of the people and not just their own. if all they do is exploit both workers and state by not paying taxes and giving back, they're asking to be manhandled by the state or lose their right to do business in whatever country they're milking.

To answer your question:
The same thing it said after 2014.

Yeah. Fuck property rights! Let's implement what's basically a communist interpretation of free speech!

Found Moshe lol.

Because these tech companies use laws arguing that a public square shouldn’t be subjected to restrictions like the press.
However, given they DO monitor and censor content, that literally negates the “public square” argument used, given public squares can’t be moderated or censored.
Basically, they want all the privileges of a public square with none of the responsibilities the press has to deal with.

The more you open up a business to the public, the more you are legally beholden to the public.
And there is no business more public than social media.

isnt the fact that he is able to post this and not get censored enough to disprove him?

The same thing? Not sure what your talking about. In any case, every grown, able bodied man was considered part of the militia in colonial America. Well regulated just meant practiced.

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If they want protection from this, they're no longer allowed to lobby senators and congress for laws that benefit them. Infact, they have to be banned from every place of political commerce. All Mcdonalds and Comcast servers are hereby forever banned from Washington.

When you throw billions of dollars to lobby the government to do what you want, you no longer get rights. You are now slaves to the people.

People don't give a shit about ideals or philosophies they care about colors, red or blue pick your favorite color and yell at the bad men that have the other color.

This. Nobody here even read the regulatory statutes involving platform versus publisher. This argument will go nowhere if people choose to remain ignorant on the actual laws these companies operate on. Though it's any time like the present for bootlickers on any side to suck on corporate cock.

>the second amendment used to only apply to a well-trained militia.
The clause of the 2nd amendment explicitly names the right of the people as a separate entity from the militia; the clause mentioning the militia states the purpose of the 2nd amendment. That a well regulated militia is necessary to the security of a free state.

On top of that, the constitution explicitly also defines the militia as every able bodied male between the ages of 18 and I believe it was 48 at the time. Of course we've retroactively extended the same constitutional protections of rights and liberties to every US citizen since then.

ok but no one is forcing the conservative to drive off a cliff and kill themselves they are choosing to do that

Anyone else find it how wholeheartedly these tech companies embraced the concept of the Mark of the Beast?

Best Garrison imho

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If that's a highway, there's laws against illegal stopping.

no fuck off catholic cuck

>I know absolutely nothing about the amendments to the bill of rights of a country I'm not a part of
No one would expect you to. But why brag about it?

Three question
1. What the hell is medium in this context?
2. Who the fuck still uses yahoo? How are they even around?
3. Is New right supposed to be alt-right?

I wish the garrison pic was real tho.

take your meds

I don't get it, are corporations supposed to have human rights or not?

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so why dont they merge left no one is forcing them to drive off a cliff

>right lane must exit

Coward. You know you stepped in it.

As a 30 year old boomer, can someone help me understand this absolutely batshit insane mindset?
How the fuck can anyone rationalize "Yes, my access to information is quickly becoming completely controlled propaganda, but it's okay because it's Zuckerberg doing it and not Kim Jong Un."

Sometimes I get the felling that a lot of the Internet right wingers really wants to fuck AOC

They shouldn't have human rights. Considering how they abuse their power, it should even be legal to take their CEOs and give them chicago overcoats.

so merge left

they have more right than humans



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Banks literally prevent people from using their services for being conservative now, not making this up. We're nearing 'mark of the beast' territory.

He's more advocating for anarcho-capitalism than communism.

She literally looks like a horse.


>so why dont they merge left
Probably isn't any room.
Though they probably could stop in either case since the road simply ending to a complete drop off would probably qualify as an emergency.

Dilate and have sex.

I want to see Garrison and Shapiro fistfight over her.

>my guy did it so it's ok
Literally all there is too it. Can apply to the left and the right if you want.

>I'm not even a yank and even I know that the second amendment used to only apply to a well-trained militia.
You're incorrect, the right is for the people to keep and bear arms, the purpose for this right is so that they could form militias but it is not militias alone that have this right nor is it a requirement for one to keep and bear arms.

This isn't some kind of mysterious situation where it's open to interpretation either, the founding fathers of the bill of rights have numerous documented instances where they further expanded on the meaning behind the amendment and who it applied to, and it has only become more clear over time as it has been repeatedly interpreted by the supreme court to refer to all citizens of the united states (and in the case of the original founders they were not simply giving this right to citizens but were observing what they saw as being an inalienable right of all human beings).

Because free speech fags don't understand (or worse, refuse to understand) what free speech actually implies. They keep confusing speech with property and association.

That's not how it works, retard. It's private property. They can do whatever they want with it. No one's stopping you from making your own echo chamber like Gab, Voat or Jordan Peterson's social network. If you want to argue in terms of principles, fine. But the moment you start talking about regulating social media because they won't let you spew /pol/ bullshit, you show that you don't care about free speech or even private property. Only about forcing your shit down everybody else's throat.

So is the new bill specifically targetting select social media companies into forcing free speech on their platforms or is it for every website?

Oh so you're just all over the place with asspull excuses for what amounts to a service. Right.

I didn't even say anything about cakes. But I am saying it's a different case altogether, which you can't seem to accept because it would mean surrendering your strawman.

They're just fundamentally bad people who are looking for an excuse to exert power over others.

Well, we already know she likes being colonized by giant ginger BWC. No secret there, every left wing activist POC girl has a white boyfriend dicking her down.

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free speech means I can say whatever I want whereever I want whenever I want

>Can apply to the left and the right if you want.
But it literally doesn't, when it comes to free speech.
You can go to any sort of "right wing" platform and spout the most liberal leftist shit you can possibly come up with, and still be allowed to say it.
Left wing platforms will literally find any excuse whatsoever to censor anyone expressing non-left wing views.

>implying anyone wants to fuck a tranny axe wound

>you show that you don't care about free speech or even private property. Only about forcing your shit down everybody else's throat.
Don't care. Free speech MUST be an absolute. Nobody can be allowed to regulate it, not even on private property.

Maybe that turns them on, how many horsefuckers do you think this website alone has?

Listen I have every right to go into my local Mcdonalds and start screeching at the top of my lungs about Niggers. They legally can't kick me out! What's so hard for you LIBKEKS to understand!?

>Oh so you're just all over the place with asspull excuses for what amounts to a service
No, not at all.
The baker has the right to deny service to anyone he wants as long as it's not discriminatory.

The creepy old ones do.

>Implying Shapiro hasen't made AOC his waifu

The fact that the first thing you think of when it comes to free speech is screaming about niggers says a lot more about you than it does about free speech.

Sent to FBI.

>while the right rails against corporate monopolies and demands government action to restrict them.

Really explains how Disney was allowed to acquire Fox and AT&T and Warner Bros were allowed to merge, or how Sinclair media has slowly built up a practical monolopy on local TV stations coverage in the country

It is intended for the companies like YouTube, Google, Facebook, etc to not be able to abuse their platform regulatory and act like publishers. The corporations are actually breaking the regulatory law by mediating a political bias (acting as a publisher but with platform title to avoid regulation), but no one has currently done anything.

>no crying statue of liberty
No NPC cartoons for me please

free speech just means the government cant prosecute you for what you say it doesnt mean private companies or other people cant sue you

>People don't like the republicans or the democrats
>Tell them they are throwing their vote away voting third party
>They have more in common with republicans than democrats
>Get angry when they didn't capitulate to YOUR side.

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I get Godman but I don't understand Lucky Ducky.
Is it suppose to be a parody like Kelly about how alt right see social movements?

No way brother! I have many salient hot takes I learned from /pol/ and Stonetoss comics I'd like to share over the intercom at my local Costco without them calling the security guards!

That's never been the case.

I'm sorry user, but I think you should be able to do that. why should I care if you think it's "icky" or "mean"? You can't start nitpicking when it's okay.

They shouldn't be able to sue either.

I know. That's what I wish would change.

>Nobody can be allowed to regulate it, not even on private property.
Does that mean you can't remove someone from your own property if they're using it for free speech?

What a terrible argument you made lol.

god I fucking hate how memes have devolved into pepes or wojaks
what happened to imagination and creativeity and new oc memes now its just the same two ad infinitum

Where does the age of consent fit into this metaphor?

Why can the conservatives just make their own successful social media platforms if they're the alleged majority?

>it doesnt mean private companies or other people cant sue you
It absolutely does.

>We're nearing 'mark of the beast' territory.
jesus christ, you fucking schizo
the beast is a reference to nero not to 2019 america

>It should be my right to trample on the rights of others.
Fuck outta here.

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The Supreme Court has literally upheld artists have no obligation to make anyone art.

Shapiro? His own wife takes another man's cock.

>why should I care if you think it's "icky" or "mean"?

You probably don't but if the business starts to lose customers they probably will even if they agree with you on a philosophical level.

very good, thank you

Old memes died with old Yea Forums. Gamergate pretty much stifled the right.

>I think you should be able to do that.
And I think mcdonalds should not be required to serve you as long as it's non-discriminatory.

Technically no, but the fun is when I use my free speech to blare an ultra-loud radio to deafen them. They're welcome to stay, at their own peril.

Corporations don't deserve rights.

>Left wing platforms will literally find any excuse whatsoever to censor anyone expressing non-left wing views.

Then how are conservatives even able to operate on liberal platforms if they're literally being censored 24/7?

No idea what you're getting at here. That the right isn't fighting against monopolies hard enough? I agree. But it's funny how I notice genderqueer lefties on Tumblr gushing more over corporate pablum like Disney cartoons and MCU movies than almost anyone else. They are the ultimate consumers.

>I as a private business owner or citizen should have no recourse when someone else slanders, defames, or lies about myself or my establishment because muh free speech

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>into forcing free speech on their platforms
no, it's forcing them to either be a platform and allow everyone to speak like a phone company and not have to worry about being sued for what people post or be a publisher and censor who you like but then have to pay the price when ever someone crosses the line.As for other websites I think they'll just have to choose either to be platforms or publishers as well.

That's fine. If I don't want Mcdonalds, I won't go there. When MCD and other corps can literally control ALL communication on the internet, and sue/destroy all competing platforms, why should I respect their free speech? These filthy corporates have done nothing for me.

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Yes. And whenever any rightwinger says or does anything he can jump out of the bushes and stop them.
But he conspicuously does it only rarely and only with people in blatant violation of user agreememts. For some reason.

no it does not. it just means the government cant lock you up for shit you say you can still get sued by others

Right, a wedding cake is art instead of a service, and corporations are people. You just fuck around with terminology as convenient for you.

>as long as it's not discriminatory
And yet you celebrate the denial of "Faggot cakes" as if that's not discriminatory...? Again, you conservacucks just play around with words without meaning them. There's no honesty in you.

I'm not sure I get you on this one. Gab is still up and I think there's another Twitter clone that leans right? Peterson is starting his up soon.

>It's funny how people are excited about things made by the world's biggest media empire that has raised them since children to consume their content

Yeah, so weird. Why are people enjoying things that they've grown up enjoying theur entire lives?

>Then how are conservatives even able to operate on liberal platforms if they're literally being censored 24/7?
Literally where have you been? Why do you think this is causing such a huge backlash now?

1.Most on the right lack the collective mentality that allows left leaning groups to converge like so much bacteria to an open wound and are more prone to going alone, and failing.
2. Every widely known rightwing figure head is little more than controlled opposition, that capitulates to the left in an effort to demoralize the base if momentum begins to build.
3. All the current tech experts are currently homeless people living on the streets of LA or low IQ H1-B who just go along to stay in the country.
4.Tech companies actively collude and lobby for laws to minimize competition, no matter how small.
5.The right doesn't have mega billionaires to fund these massive websites that operate at a loss. They have the Koch Brothers, but again, controlled opposition.

>slanders, defames, or lies about myself or my establishment
Slander, or libel are very specific and usually someone saying that your food tastes like shit in a yelp review does not satisfy.

I concede the point on slander and libel. But calling someone a slur typically does not satisfy that definition.

>Why are people enjoying things that they've grown up enjoying theur entire lives?
becase they arent redpilled

That's the First Amendment you're thinking of, not free speech. Censorship extends beyond government censorship, free speech extends beyond just the idea of 'no government restrictions'.

Ben really just wants to live in a world of total anarchy, yet also doesn't want to have to give up his t.v and internet.

Right wing imaginary victimhood. It happens all the time, it happened with the IRS and now with Youtube.

>5.The right doesn't have mega billionaires to fund these massive websites that operate at a loss.

No libertarian has any idea what they actually want.

I'd love to believe that those will remain up, but when corps can literally buy out entire platforms and shut down competition, without any say or stopping from the government, I can't trust them anymore. They want the freedom to be a publisher (IE to censor) without the responsibility of being sued.

>And yet you celebrate the denial of "Faggot cakes" as if that's not discriminatory...?
The supreme court stated that. I think you may be confusing me with someone else.

>Again, you conservacucks just play around with words without meaning them. There's no honesty in you.
I'm not conservative. I'm not playing with words here. I'm explicitly telling you that you can deny someone service for any dumb reason you want as long as it isn't discriminatory.

To be fair, Garrison never promised anyone any jokes.

>Capitalism is a broken system
We're finally getting somewhere.

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This one isn't bad actually. Although the cognitive dissonance in presenting Trump, of all people, as the strong resistance to temptation guy...

Unless it's libel or slander -
No. You can't be sued for what is a lawful activity.
I.e. protected speech.


>Oh shit yes sir mr president we're about to press the button right now-!
>nvm i changed my mind
This is the president that Ben idolizes.
Does Ben even make enough money to benefit from the tax cuts ie the only thing Trump actually did that was only borderline criminal instead of outright criminal?

>It's funny watching the left defend corporate power
Are trumpanzees all out of their rockers? Have you paying attention to the entirety of this administration's policies? Did you notice who benefited from the tax cuts you've been cheering for?
Nobody can be this obtuse unless they're doing it on purpose, or to "own le libs epik style."

>I'm not sure I get you on this one. Gab is still up and I think there's another Twitter clone that leans right? Peterson is starting his up soon.
It's becoming more and more of a struggle for these competing services to just exist, which is why people are getting upset.

While I don't think this is going to play well with the Yea Forums crowed I agree. This is a problem that extends well beyond the ability to spout /pol/ shit on social media.

Sure, but that does not protect you from being shunned, ostracized, and otherwise looked down upon by others.

These treads remind me how absolutely vapid and meaningless American politics are. 90% of it is just getting mad about things you dony understand.

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Anyone who acts like a victim on the internet is automatically a faggot
No exceptions

i too like it when i, trenchcoat man, open my mouth and a big suit wearing fist comes out. helps me carry my groceries and own the conservatives

>Still backing Alex Jones
At this point he's likely a liability for your argument

It's probably because Capitalism is built on top of the foundations of Feudalism. Life will get better, the further away we move from Feudalism.

This isn't true but it should be

>that does not protect you from being shunned, ostracized, and otherwise looked down upon by others.
Or someone else pointing out and proving how you're wrong. Or explaining in detail why they disagree with what you say. Or telling other people what you said or telling your friends and family. The list goes on and on. Someone refuses to serve you because they don't like your hat? They're free to tell everyone that you were denied service for an arbitrary reason and warn other consumers of the unfair practices of the owner.

They really don't. Not in the same way that figures like Soros or the Rothschilds can just throw billions at failing ventures youtube and Netflix to keep them afloat.

You are dumb. You must not have read the post you're responding to properly. It mentions both conservatives and liberals as not properly upholding the high-faluting priciples they traditionally bandy about. It's like you read the first line and were too blinded by rage to think clearly beyond that so you just responded ranting about DRUMPF who no one mentioned or defended.

>Banks preventing anyone from using their services
Shit, they'll let people they know full well are going to get themselves into crippling debt use it anymore.

Should phone companies be allowed to cut someone's service because they didn't pay the bill?

Youtube is hypocritical to the extent that they allow tankie and kill whitey type channels to stay up. If they simply excluded the intolerant of any stripe I could somewhat understand their bias for social liberals.

lmfao @ people calling liberals lefties
america should be nuked

What kind of fucking hellhole do you want to live in, where people are prevented from surviving because they disagree with you politically?

I've heard Metokur say this too but I never bothered to look it up.

the problem is that we are currently sliding further toward feudalism as corporations control more and more aspects of our lives.

do I have rights? not at work, not online. those areas are under absolute corporate control.

what's the point of freedom if it only applies to 25% of my life? and that's a percentage that keeps getting smaller.

If you're ok with youtube forcing people off their platform because of political and ideological differences you should be OK with a bakery refusing service because of political and ideological reasons too.

The only just one.

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They allow every shithead to stay up. Because angry eyes still makes for profit.

not him, but we already live there and have been since the war on drugs.

Doesn't youtube have a "no conspiracy theories" policy now too?

Nothing on the content of the post itself, you're probably too dumb to tie your own shoelaces.

To be fair a lot of 4channers are suburban white kids whose only exposure to politics are some galaxy brained highschool dropout Youtubers.

>Youtube is hypocritical to the extent that they allow tankie and kill whitey type channels to stay up. If they simply excluded the intolerant of any stripe I could somewhat understand their bias for social liberals.
This is why, even by libertarian standards, they're being fraudulent criminals. They only go after their political enemies for allegedly violating their terms of service. If they had been upfront about their biases from the beginning that would be fine, people would have gone elsewhere instead of working to make them rich.

There's a lot of conflation going on there that purposefully misses the point of their arguments.

Their only bias is making money and preventing loses. I think youtube knows that it loses its edge, once it actually gets another competitor.

as a liberal this is a serious fucking problem because if you said that iraq didn't have WMDs during the war you were labeled a conspiracy nut.

rules like this will ALWAYS be used to enforce the establishment, regardless of the establishment being left or right.

Its pretty much just tabloids now. Everything of substance happens after the elections. And by that point no one cares.

>Boomer humor

based, thanks ben

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I was asking, not stating; they may or may not have a policy against conspiracy theories. I wanted to know for sure.

>Israel supporters denied

Your post went on an unrelated tangent, I never defended the Trump administration so I'm not obligated to debunk your criticism of it. I just was talking about this particular issue: social media censoring speech, and how the left is clamoring to make traditionally right wing arguments based on property rights, while the supposedly laissez-faire right is demanding the government step in. Both sides are being self-serving and hypocritical. Your idiotic ranting about Trump and tax cuts is completely inconsequential to the subject matter of this thread, because you're an easily-confused moron.

If you can't see the difference between Alex Jones encouraging the harassment the parents of dead children by spreading a fraudulent conspiracy theory against them, and some homophobes refusing to serve gay people, then you are dishonest and simply don't care to acknowledge it. You've ruined our country enough the past two years with your useless false equivalence bullshit where all you do is push the center to the right so that people would forget that you're insane radicals.

A lot of left leaning channels got nuked after the Crowder thing too because they had naughty words in the video title. Youtube's moderation is absolute fucking shit and they ban for completely arbitrary reasons. I wouldn't use that as a bar.

>He thinks everyone is american.

Left wing campus activists do often work to shut down Israel supporters, they view it as ''white supremacy" because Israel is an "apartheid state" and Palestinians are stereotypically browner than Jews. Garrison is just being consistent in acknowledging the different unrelated types of speech being shut down, it doesn't necessarily mean he's pro-Israel.

It's funny how they constantly try to make martyrs out of guys like Milo, Stone, and Alex Jones, when they all wound up being huge pieces of shit.

Also, is he literally defending anti-vaccination people there?

>If you can't see the difference between Alex Jones encouraging the harassment the parents of dead children by spreading a fraudulent conspiracy theory against them
You're just lying, here. Alex has never encouraged anyone to harass anyone else. He's not responsible for anyone else's actions. Everyone is responsible for their own actions. If someone harasses the parents after he told them not to it's on them.

>Also, is he literally defending anti-vaccination people there?
Looks like it. That's become a political thing, evidently.


Everyone being able to say anything is a beautiful ideal but it's given us anti-vaxxers, flat earthers and a whole load of other crazy assholes that, at this point, are pretty much breaking society. Ideals can be strived towards, but never actually reached without shit breaking the fuck down.

>Get called out after talking about an AMERICAN court case with the bakery
>"what uh im not american lmao huh??" when he has no recourse

>Also, is he literally defending anti-vaccination people there?
You still don't get the concept of free speech, huh? Yes, people should be allowed to share their opinions on any and all medical issues, including ones that the AMA and FDA declare nutty.

Wut? One of the Koch Brothers has almost 5x the net worth of George Soros.

This but unironically because Breitbart, Alex Jones, and Roger Stone and all the rest all deserve to go to Hell. Any Christian can tell you that they're horrible sinners. But that is God's judgment and not mine in the end.

Their opinions are killing people. No one with a conscience should be doing anything to platform that.

Nigga I genuinely don't give a fuck about internal politics of the US.
All I'm here for is shitposting.

How exactly are they breaking society? You're talking about a minority of people whose opinions are largely discarded instantly. You might have an argument if you stuck specifically to anti-vax, but their numbers are very low and it's not even a free speech issue at its core.

Flat earthers are funny but relatively harmless.
Anti-vax however becomes an issue of public safety when you have people literally spreading diseases that were for a time completely eradicated in the united states. There's a very fine line between, "if someone wants to let themselves become riddled with disease that's their problem" and, "It's everybody's problem when they spread that disease to everyone around them."

>Nooooo these opinions are illegal because they could harm people if people actually did do so.
And what about punching people? Dehumanizing your political opponents to nonhuman levels is dangerous. Shouldn't the entire rhetoric of the democratic party be banned then?

The way to combat bad speech is with more speech. When you give the government the power to censor, you give them the power to censor YOU, not just the people you disagree with. Who decides what is information and what is misinformation? Multinational corporations like Google? I'm sure they'll be impartial and self-serving. The government? You want Trump determining for you what fake news is? The best judge is the individual.

>And what about punching people?
That's assault and is already illegal and readily punished by law. If your point was to agree with them that anti-vaxxers are a threat to the health and welfare of the nation, then you did a good job.

>in reality the disagreement is with the sheer number of vaccines which have been declared necessary over the years, likely to inflate the couple's medical bills for profit.
You know for a fact that the reality is that the movement is full of crazies who NEVER get vaccinations for their children.

See all the lawsuits over schools requiring vaccinations for attendance and the rise of previously eradicated diseases.

if your vaccines are so great what the fuck are you worried about?

Good, let the fuckers drive off a cliff.

You don't have the right to put anything in anybody's body without their permission, sorry.

They probably have empathy for those people who have medical reasons that prohibit them from getting vaccinations, and rely on herd immunity to be protected from those illnesses, and the children who are being left unvaccinated because their parents are dumb as fuck.

>The fact anyone trusts doctors in 2019 enough to declare every vaccine 100% necessary is fucking amazing, it's like you people have been in a coma for the past several decades.
Go on then, what's the secret medical conspiracy we've all apparently missed out on?

Man, the defusement of social conflict in the US worked so well, that the right and the left have completely lost any economic meaning in favour of identity politics. "The right fights against leftist capitalists billionaires", what a shitshow. It's all just luv gays, luv blacks vs 'ate jews, 'ate sjws now.

tech companies are more or less monopolies and places like twitter, facebook and youtube have become the new public square.
it is impossible to get your voices or opinions heart if one of those multi billion social media giants doesn´t like it.
if you say that this isn´t censorship that there has never been censorship in the history of the world.
also the censorship is so unavoidable one sided where conservatives get their accounts deleted for posting statistical facts while liberals go unpunished for posting doxes or actual calls for violence

Isn't that what infecting someone with a disease they don't want ostensibly is?

You hand-waived the crazies as being a misrepresentation of the anti-vax movement when they are literally the body of the movement.

The right fights by lowering their taxes, removing regulations, and screaming “socialism”?

These threads are shit because of faggots like you who are obviously baiting, because you can't just look at the fucking opioid epidemic caused by doctors pushing pills on patients for profits to see right there the biggest fucking scam of the decade.

Kill yourselves, you fucking australian teenagers (since you're clearly the fags posting all this fucking bait).

They just make boogeymen out of a few billionaires to hide all the stuff they are handing the billionaires as a whole.

It's theater.

the founding fathers literally allowed citizens to buy fucking warships back then!
that´s todays equivalent of a stealth bomber in terms of fire power.

So what's the trumpists problem with Youtube now? Because it is still trying to recommend me to watch their culture war videos for no reason.

>because you can't just look at the fucking opioid epidemic caused by doctors pushing pills on patients for profits to see right there the biggest fucking scam of the decade.
Not him, but you are trying to claim that because big pharma was successful in pushing for more opioids that vaccines must also be a scam.

That's really bad logic.

Why don't you mind your own fucking business? "Won't someone think of the children?" said every tyrant ever.

As diseases spread and infect people, the individual cells multiply. Each time it multiplies, because of basic random mutation, there's a chance the cell may mutate and become different, genetically, because of errors in replication of DNA that occur at random during mitosis. These errors in DNA are then passed onto their daughter cells, which in turn may mutate and be further different from the original cells, ad infitum. Viruses and bacteria can reproduce new generations very quickly, causing them to change over a very short course of time. If allowed to reproduce in a host or number of hosts enough, they can become effectively so different from the original disease that a vaccine may not be effective because the original disease has mutated enough to be so different there's little immune response from memory cells because they're so different from the stored memory of the original disease.

That's not how that works. That's not how anything works.


Freedom of speech good. Freedom of association bad.
Regulating companies is socialism. Unless they censor conservatives, then regulation is a patriotic duty.
But they hate corporations. Unless it’s about lowering their taxes. Then they’re job creators.

They don't like that search algorithms are biased towards popular content and that's not content that supports them most the time.
>Not wanting children to get Polio is the same as being a tyrant

See image

Attached: You right now.png (479x485, 123K)

If some retard gets my kid sick because they don't understand medicine, that already is my fucking business.

>Not an argument.

Your post
>Anti-vaxx is characterized as being a movement of crazies like Christian Scientists, in reality the disagreement is with the sheer number of vaccines which have been declared necessary over the years, likely to inflate the couple's medical bills for profit.

>taking the pointy jew
You won't trick ME!

>Everyone being able to say anything is a beautiful ideal but it's given us anti-vaxxers, flat earthers and a whole load of other crazy assholes that, at this point, are pretty much breaking society.

Here's the thing, fuckwit.
Without free speech, crazy ideas are not able to be combated.
You're not somehow turning convincing people that the earth isn't flat by legitimizing everything they're saying by going "I have absolutely no argument, therefore I will censor to win."
Even worse, crazier shit than "flat earthers" is currently being pushed by these same corporations that are banning everything else.
And guess what, you can't combat that either, if all counter-arguments are censored.

Youtube introduced an algorithm that removes certain content. This targeted right-wing content creators, but also managed to remove videos (and channels, I think) of several left-wing content creators too.

one didnt break laws to get his info the other did.

You should probably specify that the "certain content" is essentially hate speech stuff.

You are the actual, literal, scum of the earth. That you wish for diseases nearly wiped out vaccinations to come back puts you on the same level as faggots who spread AIDS around intentionally. You would be better suited shitting in the street with Pajeet than you would with any civilized society. Donate your entire comics shelf to a local children's hospital to make up for your disgusting bahavior, because you clearly don't have the brain cells necessary to read them anymore.

Nothing hateful about being pro free speech and pro individual liberty.

hate speech is a meme invented to justify censorship anyway.

>hate speech

Attached: 78543hgf34.png (192x193, 44K)

What I find funny was that it got several anti-racist left-wingers banned too.
I guess if you're not allowed to talk about say, immigration, you're not allowed to talk about it period.

It includes clips of hitler's speeches. WW2 and history documentaries have been removed because of this.

If we don't allow people to show clips of this or even DISCUSS hitler or mention him, how can we possibly tell people what he did and why it was bad? Are people supposed to be just taught, "hitler was a bad man the end and I'm not allowed to tell you why or how just trust me."

It's youtube. They are seemingly incapable of creating any system that has any precision. Every time they've ever tried to surgically remove anything they've wound up using a cannon ball instead of a scalpel.

People probably shouldn't have to learn this stuff from youtube. This is less a problem to do with youtube and more a problem to do with the education system and people's access to information.

It was an automated algorithm. It's not like people were deliberately and intentionally trying to erase those videos. There's literally hundreds of thousands of videos up on youtube about those historical subjects right now.

You folks have no idea the scale of videos on youtube and what it takes to try and do that sort of thing.

>People probably shouldn't have to learn this stuff from youtube.
Shouldn't HAVE to but it's certainly not a bad place for people to teach it. One such instance of someone being banned was a history professor who uploaded some of his videos on history to youtube.

Should a retail store be forced to allow groups to hang fliers with "GAS THE KIKES! RACE WAR NOW 1488" in giant font on their front doors?

Youtybe could be a fantastic resource for people to learn things if the authoritarian scum didn't ban certain words because 'muh feels'.

>Even worse, crazier shit than "flat earthers" is currently being pushed by these same corporations that are banning everything else.
Such as?

Not if it's removing teachers' history lessons, genius. Also who determines what's 'hate speech'? Youtube's full of black supremacists ranting about 'Edomite' whites needing to be enslaved or destroyed, no one gives a shit about that, but offhandedly call a gay Latino a gay Latino and it's the fucking holocaust.

You'd have an extremely hard time picking any but the most extremely obscure historical subject and not finding a wealth of videos on it on youtube right now.

People really need to understand the sheer ineptitude present in how YouTube operates. There is no malice, only incompetence.

lel, how delusional are you?

The thing is, technically those videos it deleted ARE in line with youtube's written policy. The policy is being enforced as it's written. I just don't think the people who wrote the policy realized that in order to teach about bad things that happened you have to talk about those bad things.
And youtube banned bad things from being discussed period. So the algorithm is simply following its directive. The problem is the policy. Not the algorithm.

If you ban 'unacceptable' words you have more in common with the Nazis' than edgy fucks with spray paint.

It could be. But it's not and it's not because of authoritarian scum either. It all comes back to the algorithm.

>And youtube banned bad things from being discussed period.

You aren't being truthful. You can find more videos discussing hitler on youtube this minute than you could personally watch in your lifetime.

Take your pick.
Clown world isn't just a meme.

Attached: This is completely normal.png (880x768, 486K)

>just make a new internet
>just make a new broadcasting system

Attached: 1537601153365.jpg (240x210, 12K)

And what corporations are pushing that?

Governement bad
Anarchy good
(Fuck,i hate libertarians so damn much)

I have a feeling that old Doug isn't a reliable source.

Don't be such a drama queen. If you people really cared so much about wiping out diseases you'd support banning people with STDs from having sex.

Because most people, even if they don't want to, have a free speech is speech I like policy.
and you're kidding yourself if you think the first amendment is in anyway ready to deal with something like the internet.

Nice strawman.

They have their own channels on broadcasting systems we have today, and they have their own websites on the internet already.

If they really feel they are a silent majority, a conservative focused social media platform should be easy to make successful.

Except the government isn't banning words, which would be more of a accurate comparison. Instead, a company is exercising its right to its control of private property. You cannot go into a store covered only in shit and expect service. You cannot put a sign advocating for Hindu Nationalist causes on someone else's lawn without their consent. And you cannot put material on a company's website that goes against their terms of service.

So none of you actually think Flattards should be given the time of day, right?

Attached: 109.jpg (600x1484, 341K)

Do... do you think that little boy simply doesn't exist?

>You aren't being truthful.
Scott Allsop had his youtube channel banned for promoting discriminatory content. That is not a lie or a misrepresentation of truth.

>likely to inflate the couple's medical bills for profit
And here is our core problem. I live in a country where the mandatory vaccines are provided FOR FREE by public hospitals (you only pay for the siringe, though some people choose to pay for vaccination in a private clinic they trust more). I know medicine in the US is generally not cheap, but the fact that they want additional payment for mandatory life-saving vaccines will always be at the core of distrust for vaccination (whatever kooky nonsense people make up to actually justify it for themselves). Does medicine not receive enough tax money to cover mandatory vaccination? 'Cause my country is a poor shithole compared to the US, and we still get that covered.

one stole secrets the other was told secrets. One dude ran knowing what he was doing was wrong the other didnt because he was reporting.

YouTube, for starters, while we're on the subject.

Pretty much anyone I ever meet who is a flat earther, anti-vaxxer, thinks the apocalypse is coming soon etc is just disregarded as having any value.

>Free speech is absolute
Fuck this shit,the world turning into a giant Yea Forums board is my idea of hell,go fuck yourself,anarcho-tards

its left wing user. its making fun of rich people who think basic social programs are a travesty

>Alex has never encouraged anyone to harass anyone else
I'll take "Complete and utter bullshit" for 500, Alex


Attached: iran_war_cartoon-1024x710.jpg (1024x710, 219K)

I think it's trying to make fun of the idea that welfare and such is the poor stealing from the rich. But the first one doesn't involve that at all so I have no fucking clue what he's trying to communicate.

Libertarians do not support anarchy,
if you hate libertarians you are a useful idiot.

Left/right is mostly made up bullshit, freedom is the only thing that actually matters. Most of the time the government IS bad. its full of psychopaths who have to meddle in peoples lives.

I think he's omitting information, that would belittle the narrative he's trying to push, whilst also aggrandising other points of info that enables his narrative.

Interesting that in 11 years of using youtube I've never had any of that content pushed on me.

>They have their own channels on broadcasting systems we have today, and they have their own websites on the internet already

No they don't. I know you're going to cite Fox News is "a right wing channel" , but that would be completely wrong for a myriad of reasons, chief among them being Disney owns the fucking company and Fox News always tows the line when other, more """reputable""" news groups start pushing and shoving. As for right wing online content, I really don't need to start listing off guys like Alex Jones getting censored in every platform, do I?

How? What has YouTube done to specifically support it, other than presumably allowing videos about it to exist?

That's an odd requirement for caring about disease prevention. "Unless you champion this one very specific cause, you can't claim you care about anything".

>So none of you actually think Flattards should be given the time of day, right?
There is a world of difference between censoring yourself from hearing anything, and demanding it also be censored for everyone else.

People should be allowed to believe and say what they want. You should be allowed to debate them or just write them off as idiots.

I don't hate libertarians, but I do hate that for every actual libertarian I meet I meet 20 who are just republicans who don't want to be called republicans.

It's pretty fucking pathetic when Yea Forums has a better grasp on this bullshit

The mass is a bunch of easily manipulated mouth breather.It's sad but you need to be canalized at all cost less you tards follow another mustached man who speak loud

Who is this SJW faggot?

>chief among them being Disney owns the fucking company
Disney doesn't own Fox News. That wasn't part of the buyout.

It would help if you actually knew what you were talking about before trying to lecture people.

>second amendment used to only apply to a well-trained militia.
I can't tell if this is genuine ignorance or actually bait. But you pissed my inner commando off regardless so congrats you 4th generation nigger monger.

>If you are libertarian, you are an idiot

Attached: libertarians in a nutshell.png (324x280, 144K)

>haha look how wrong they are, I will kill them

Sometimes I think most of you are just psychopaths who don't truly believe in anything, you just want to be "in the right" so you have an excuse to commit atrocities. Modern day Salem witch-hunters.

Attached: 1540627307672.png (370x370, 172K)

Attached: libertarian police.png (1348x1243, 317K)

While I think alex jones is a nut and don't particularly listen to his brand of idiocy, could you perhaps avail us to when he did this and what he said?
Does me even asking what he said automatically make me a conservitard in your eyes?

>Inner commando
I think you mean arm-chair commando.

>The Fox Corporation (abbreviated Fox Corp. and informally "New Fox") is an American television broadcasting company headquartered in Midtown Manhattan, New York City. It was formed from the 2019 acquisition of 21st Century Fox (itself formed from the 2013 split of News Corporation) by the Walt Disney Company.

>How so, besides literally the exact thing we've been talking about?

I never get tired of reading this.

That's the world channers want.A giant Yea Forums boards,the Pleasure Island from Pinnochio IRL

The joke on this one is that Trump wouldn't be totally down for a war against Iran.

>corporations are ultimately beholden to work for the good of the people
Jesus Christ that's the most neolib thing I've heard all year.
Hey asshole, what if they pay off politicians instead though legal lobbying?

>2) Fox Corp still exists, independent from Disney. It’s primarily a news and sports company now, though it does still own the Fox TV network.
Rupert Murdoch isn’t going anywhere (well, beyond the fact that he’s very old and is increasingly turning control of his company over to his sons). Always a newsman at heart, he’s now almost completely out of the entertainment business.

>What’s left for Murdoch are his many, many publications (the Wall Street Journal among them) as part of the company News Corp, and then the various holdings of Fox Corp, including Fox Sports, Fox News, and the Fox TV network. (That last one is still at Fox Corp because no one corporation can own more than one broadcast network, and Disney already owned ABC.) Also — and this is neither here nor there, but I find it fascinating — former House Speaker Paul Ryan is now on the company’s board of directors.

Pretty sure he's referring to the whole Sandy Hook debacle with Alex Jones

Libertarian's supporting anarchy is always funny to me. They're usually not crazy well off to the point the own a private army, but are decently well off enough to have nice things. They don't realize that in the breakdown of society into the development of anarchy, they'd be the first to go.

Attached: libertarianism.jpg (528x640, 59K)

Attached: 1555116373233.jpg (200x200, 12K)

Yes, I knew that much.
But I meant when did he explicitly say to go and harass the family members and victims?
What did he say exactly to tell his audience or in his videos that was encouraging it?

And another one.

>that search algorithms are biased towards popular content
Alright, makes sense. What about the recommendation algorithm? Because I'm getting tired of "NotInteresting" youtube's recommendation every time I browse something.
>Watch a trailer for [X] movie
>Recommended for you: "Why SJW [X] is the cancer that is killing our society"
>Watch video that critiques "Star Wars Force Awakens" for being a shitty movie
>Recommended for you: "Soi Wars BLM SJWars are finished!"
>Watch the news
>Recommended for you: "The TRUTH about [News]"
What the hell messed up my recommendation algorithms so much? The Star Wars videos?

Attached: libertarianism in a nutshell.gif (273x537, 7K)

Shussh... Ben still can't differentiate campaign Trump from Trump in office. It's adorable, so don't let him know.

You should read your sources before using them.

>The most profitable and controversial part of the Fox empire — Fox News —would not be part of the deal.

Oldy but a goody

Attached: TEEfvgN.jpg (650x976, 277K)

I wonder how it is to have someone or something living rent free in your head...

But they don't, if they supported anarchy they would be anarcho-capitalists.

The recommendation algorithm I think is largely focused around just trying to get you to tangentially spread out in some way.

I get the same
>Hey you looked at X so here's a video that's 5% X and mostly YZ PLEASE WATCH MORE STUFF

This is it. This is the point where I have to say you newfags have gone too far. Not only are you literally as big a bunch of whiny little faggots as the tumblr hambeasts, you don't know your goddamn history. You can't handle fucking Lego Robot comics, you don't belong on Yea Forums. Grow a pair you cunts.

Oldie but goldie
It's funny but when i seached documentary about nazis and World War 2 on YT ,the algorithm recommanded MDE and PragerU videos,really make you think

They really are massive children, aren't they?

Allowing something to exist isn't the same as "pushing" it. By that logic you could say they're "pushing" antivaxx, Nazis, softcore camwhoring, and who knows what else.

I've seen this edited so many times I don't even know what the original is anymore.

Steam is a publisher, of course he's right.

Is this about white males having jungle fever?

This sorta answers the question, sorta not.
What did he say that was encouraging people to harass the victims and families?
Did he tell people to go and harass the families?

Probably are actual fucking children. Jesus fuck. I know it's goddamn Summer but still, this is too much.

Garrison should become a porn artist. I could probably rub one out to this.

How is this guy Yea Forums? Because he talks about video games? Yea Forums hates him, fuck off ResetEra.

Anarcho-capitalism is the only true form of libertarianism. The rest are just rich dudes who want less taxes on their luxury shit and the ability to buy up formally public assets on the cheap. Add in smoking weed if under 45.

That's the end of all the "muh freedom" retards,giving a voice and a platform to all the retards that ever lived so that public discourse became inaudible, so that experts voice get drowned under a lot of trash

>Anarcho-capitalism is the only true form of libertarianism

Attached: 12323456675786.jpg (220x329, 16K)

>The rest are just rich dudes who want less taxes on their luxury shit and the ability to buy up formally public assets on the cheap
Can confirm, have a "Libertarian" uncle who only pushes for deregulation and shit because he doesn't like having to hide his shady shit he does with his business, and because he doesn't want to pay taxes.

And anarcho-capitalism is really just neo-feudalism.

>No ladyboy Andrew Yang
Missed opportunity.

it's not hypocrisy, they just don't feel a woman has a tight to kill a human being because it is an inconvenience to them.

the only true form of libertarianism is left-libertarianism

An embryo doesn't even have nerves.

*endgame of all those

sure is comics and cartoons in here and not 80% offtopic political dick waving

The reason people are ignoring experts isn't because they aren't hearing their voice or opinion.

The topic is conspiracy theories. Welcome to Ben Garson threads.

A foetus sure does what does that have to do with it.

This is why My dad and his brothers now think that there's no such thing as facts, only "opinions"

Nothing is provable to them, even if you have 99% consent among experts, video evidence etc, because they've got a million idiots on media platforms telling them NUH UH.

And there go the goalposts, way over the horizon...

nice thinly veiled disease

>putting an-cap in duality-politics standards

Attached: 123678789898.gif (360x203, 801K)

Yes,it's because they convinced themself they know so much better than people who done studies because they watched some trashy YouTube videos made by another of their fellow mouth breathers that tell them exactly what they wnat to hear. Confirmation bias and shit

When it's a fetus, it's past the age of aborting. By two months, the embryo is no bigger than a large coin.

Ah fuck,you ninja'd me.That what i was trying to say here

Not even just on youtube.
>Well Tucker Carlson told me this isn't true and he's on TV! That's gotta be worth like, a whole NASA, right?

>What did he say that was encouraging people to harass the victims and families?
>Did he tell people to go and harass the families?

>This is why My dad and his brothers now think that there's no such thing as facts, only "opinions"
I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that has more to do with THE UTTER STATE of our media, than any sort of actual scientific literature.

Attached: trust_indicator_combo.jpg (473x1144, 69K)

Disease? Did you mean disguise? If so, I would say that discussing politics in art is part of Yea Forums. If you want real /pol/ thread on Yea Forums. Just wait for another stonetoss thread.

foetuses are aborted in many places and many people think its a woman's right to do so.

And listening to someone else's opinion and just believing them because they said so and they say they're an expert isn't any less silly to be honest.
If I told you that I was a herpetologist and that I knew the gestation period of an eastern diamond back rattlesnake, would you just take me for my word?

What the hell is "Deep State" at this point? I thought it was about how powerful American intelligence networks were.

When it is a living organism. The fetus is never aborted.

Him and all 3 of his brothers are hardcore conservatives.

If it doesn't come from Rush Limbaugh, Fox News (And even then it can't come from Shep Smith), Drudge Report, etc, it's fake to them.

They are the least informed adults I regularly interact with.

you know what i typed chuckle fuck

Please elaborate.

Deep state isn't self-explanatory. So, you can put whatever you don't like in there.

It's a republican conspiracy aimed at scapegoating away any of their failings as being some sort of deep state interference, and to claim that anyone who isn't a republican is part of some un american deep state conspiracy.

They play it off like a classical conspiracy theory of a shadow organization. The deep state is simultaneously all powerful, clever, insidious, but also totally incompetent.

This thread is making a more and more compelling case that this should be the way to deal with their kind. They and all who think like them.

This is besides the point.
I don't think they'd be convinced or change their mind if it was simply not allowed on youtube.

(Continued) In a way,i understand.Nothing is set in stone,after all if you go back in time,all the experts were convinced that the earth was flat.The consensus can change but i feel that with the internet,the voice of experts that have valid arguments to change the status quos/Science theories/whatever is drowned by the wailings of uneducated retards on YouTube who are high on Dunning-Krueger effects fumes and think they can change the world because they read two or threes wikipedia pages on that subject that one day.

What if I just don't support the notion of "victimless crimes" and just want the government to stay out of people's personal lives?

And when the people in power decide your opinions are flat earth tier?

>I don't think they'd be convinced or change their mind if it was simply not allowed on youtube.
Right because it's not just youtube.

It's about people becoming tribally insular in their media choices and becoming brutally inflexible.

No,because you're just some cunt on Yea Forums

It's more that there's a deeply connected group of political careerists who maintain power, regardless of whatever placeholder is in office.
This is so fucking basic I'm not even sure how you could possibly deny it.

I had to take time to figure it out. The time that you woudn't take to spell check and then write it out properly.
A fetus isn't a living being until a certain point in its development. In the same way that sperm cells aren't alive.

I can't even convince them that so and so said something if I have it on video, or that someone else DIDN'T say something if their favorite fox news talking head told them that they did.

Or I could be just some cunt on youtube. Or some cunt with a blog.
You have no reason to believe the validity of my statements or that I am an expert in them. Even if I was an expert, that wouldn't guarantee the veracity of my statements anyway.

>It's about people becoming tribally insular in their media choices and becoming brutally inflexible.
Unironically, I see more dissenting and varied opinions on whatever Fox articles allow comments, than any liberal outlet which is just
>[Comment Deleted]
>[Comment Deleted]
>[Comment Deleted]
>[Comment Deleted]
>[Comment Deleted]
>[Comment Deleted]

The deep state isn't real in any capacity anything like how republicans have been presenting it.

There is a good old boys club. That's not even close to what they describe and attribute to the deep state.

Presenting people with proof of something doesn't actually convince them of it, no matter the quantity or the quality. Much of what people believe is asked on preconceived notions and any evidence to the contrary of what they believe is seen as a personal attack.

See The only way they'll learn is through fire.

That's what i said.I dont trust any cunt on the Internet,period.It's a trashy medium invaded and rotten to the core by amateurs

>Unironically, I see more dissenting and varied opinions on whatever Fox articles allow comments, than any liberal outlet which is just
I used to archive comment sections from various news outlets. A lot.


Boy the shit I've seen on fox.

The comment sections during that new zealand shooting's articles were just hundreds of straight comments right out of a neo nazi rally.

>The deep state isn't real in any capacity

Shut up you fucking moron.

Attached: deep state exists.jpg (661x892, 269K)

>That's not even close to what they describe and attribute to the deep state.
I'm pretty sure it's actually far worse than even Ben Garrison portrays it as.

>It's about people becoming tribally insular in their media choices and becoming brutally inflexible.
Definitely, but I don't think the answer to that is to limit what can be put on youtube or delete and demonetize people for putting their opinions on youtube. Especially when some of that content is, well, for lack of a better word, harmless and simply entertainment.

Even just from your limited screencap you can see he's also saying it isn't real in
>in any capacity anything like how republicans have been presenting it.

That context you cut off from my post.

>Daily Mail

>just make your own platform bro
>*makes own platform*
geeeeeee I wonder whyyyyy

That's a complete non-sequitur.

Youtube's removal was way way way way way way way way overblown and people explained how in this thread. Repeatedly.

Saw that one coming. You're a parrot for status quo and will dismiss literally anything if it doesn't abide by your biases. You're brainwashed worse than your dipshit father and siblings, only worse because you're a hypocrite too.

Attached: 43 trillion.jpg (1724x1500, 618K)

that's just biological ignorance or malicious sophistry.

>The comment sections during that new zealand shooting's articles were just hundreds of straight comments right out of a neo nazi rally.
Okay, show us then.
Ohhhhh, you can't. Well that's too bad. The liar loses again.

No need to do that.Retards on Gab self-destruct themselves.Turns out leaving a website without moderation just attract the worst people that cause you trouble

so mewe? you know that social media site that was specifically built on fuck censorship and data mining.

It's an anecdote about what people see in terms of comment variety on various news publication sites in response to an anecdote about what people see in terms of comment variety on various news publication sites.

Daily Mail is one step away from being a tabloid magazine. You don't need to have the same opinion as me. Just get a source that isn't such a drama whore.

Not him, what am I looking at?

Sounds a lot like when an alphabet agency doesn't like a person, group or archive they densely pack it with cheese pizza, then investigate it, find the cheese pizza they planted themselves and take it down. I'm sure you don't think that's ever happened however.

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A small price to pay for freedom.

You seem reasonable enough to let me ask how you might feel about the demonetizing of videos that aren't in violation of their stated policy. I can think of several examples right now as a matter of fact.

Pick a number

Attached: pick a number.png (1247x424, 163K)

News outlet runs a badthink story, people die

I think it's stupid, but at the same time I understand the need for algorithms that can trigger false positives because the sheer volume of content is impossible to moderate manually.

Literally none of what you saved (pathetic that you did lol) will actually have a Nazi comment.

Not him, but 4.

>water is wet
More news in 10.

>pick your cherry

I'm sure a majority of these comments are largely innocuous, but because you see nazis in everything you'll call them supremacist or bigoted.

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Yeah you retard,it's always someone else fault.It's always a cosnpiracy.Places with no rules attract criminals .It's as simple as that

Those are two polarised positions for me to be arguing from. It's safe to say that they're too different for my point to be labelled either/or.

Let's see we've got comments pushing replacement theory, which is a popular subject of neo nazi and far right radicals today...

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The thing is, even with the algorithm, you can ask for a manual/personal appeal for demonetization. So even if your content is removed automatically, you SHOULD be able to have it restored and remonitized, yes? The thing is, again a lot of channels are having their videos demonitized left and right and their appeals denied, consistently.

Places with no rules attract glowniggers, who plant evidence to the point where it can't be moderated anymore. Then they give the owners an ultimatum: sell your service to us or spend the rest of your life in prison. This shit dates back to the 1970's.

"Yeah you retard"
-the guy who literally can't put a space between sentences

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Wow look at this neo-nazi, defending Jews and insisting we avoid a race war.

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Putting spaces between sentences just gets you accused of being from reddit, because this site is full of retards.

To be fair user, you can hate muslims and nazis. They're not mutually exclusive.

Again, the sheer volume of content is astronomical.

Asking for a personal appeal doesn't mean you'll get one.

We don't have a sophisticated enough system to handle anything like this yet, and a reasonable person should understand that as a result things will get caught up when they shouldn't.

I've seen more "racist" comments on this board you utter clown

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Just post them all. Not like this thread is board relevant anyway.

Not a neo-Nazi comment in sight. Jesus Christ you're pathetic.

OR its just that there are so many forums with varying amounts of moderation available that the only people left in the market for a forum with no moderation are those who could not stay in any of the other options, which as a group self select into the most heinous, unlikeable people around.

But no, it's definitely just a conspiracy, we dindu nutting.

I like how people parroting actual talking points from common white supremacy groups and calling for ethnic cleansing is going to be played off as not counting.

>this is what jobless NEETs running damage control at 10:30am call nazis

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One image has a replacement theory comment, which is a major white supremacy group talking point of recent years, another has people calling for a mass extermination.

But hey, if you feel personally attacked, that's okay.

>Whether it happens in a mosque, church or synagogue, it is always despicable

Point out the exact comments you think are "white supremacist talking points" and maybe hide your IP while pretending to be a different poster, retard

>one image
Where was this "neo-Nazi rally" you promised the comment section would be, you fucking crybaby?

>Asking for a personal appeal doesn't mean you'll get one.
Usually you can escalate and get one if you want to press the issue. In one channel's instance, the majority of their videos have been demonitized, and they've escalated and got a personal review on all of them. Not a single video demonitized has been reinstated.

>and a reasonable person should understand that as a result things will get caught up when they shouldn't.
it should be rare, not consistently the majority of a channel's videos.
At this point, I'm not ready to call it malice, just incompetence.
I don't have evidence to support this theory but I believe that the people handling these appeals just simply hit deny to get through as many a day as they can or they simply don't care enough to give them due consideration.

Yea Forums is not a good barometer for average political positions.

Do come back crying to us once you devolve into unlawful chaos.

Yep, definitely doesn't sound like radical white supremacist shit here.

Attached: fox news audience 17.png (929x1216, 166K)

Or maybe people have complex opinions and aren't beholden to some monolithic idea.

>it should be rare, not consistently the majority of a channel's videos.
I really am trying to make you understand how much content there is to sift through on youtube but you don't seem willing to consider it.

However much content you think it is, it's more. A lot more.

Yes, 100% of people who want to exterminate Muslims are white. It's not like south-east Asia don't exist you know.

yeah... "theory"

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You're right, it doesn't.
Your evidence is pathetically weak lmao try again next time.

Sounds like people with differing views having a conversation. Why cant it be like every other news comment sections, where everyone agrees or is a robot ran by the network?

I get it user. There's a ton of youtube videos out there.
But that really isn't answering the question. Why are most of (and I'll just say the channel's name outright) Taofledermaus' videos being demonitized and not remonitized when they ask for appeals?
I'm not seeing a good answer. Even if the algorithm sucks, then being reviewed by a human being should rectify the issue, right?

One of two images posted. Did you try reading the whole sentence?

My god you're fucking stupid.

You're so drunk on Kool-aid you dont even know what an actual white supremacist sounds like anymore. And I say this as someone who is immensely racist.

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He has for awhile. He had a comic a few months ago comparing modern medicine to leeches during the 15th century, with both doctors saying "The science is settled". Basically, don't trust doctors, because they used to use leeches.

Wait, that's it?
I've seen worse said to the smirking high school kid and those people were verified Twitter users.

Because he fell through the cracks of a system largely relying on algorithmic handling of a flow of data and content unlike the world has had to ever deal with before.

It's DIRECTLY related to what you are asking, but you're fishing for a different answer because you don't personally like this one.

The algorithm promotes channels that engender engagement, so ones with regular updates of at least 10 minutes with lots of views and likes/dislikes (for the algorithm these are the same).

This makes short outrage videos about what the SJWs just did very popular.

>one broadcasting network out of dozens can be called "right-wing"

We did it bros, we defeated bias in the media

thanks 4 letting us know that you're retarded

You posted your two biggest "gotcha!"s and they failed to deliver. Therefore, it is one in 31.
Go back to /news/ or reddit or whatever incel community you hang out on.

He posted a source to back himself up that actually even directly stated the opposite of what he was saying. It was funny.

Garrison is /mlp's guy/ no doubt

I posted two, one I picked at random, then one someone asked for by number, but okay whatever makes you feel better tonight.

I really don't see what your image is supposed to prove. Regardless, the great replacement theory is hilarious, especially for Americans. The motive given is usually the voting habits of minorities; more minorities, more votes. Yet most minorities should have been dead locked into conservative voting blocks. Strong emphasis on religion and traditional values. But conservatives wanted nothing to do with them.

>Grabs goal posts and ships them from Seattle to Miami.
The right has platforms whether you want to be an oppressed little faggot or not.

>he thinks vaccines are safe to give to children

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"Discriminatory" is a spook.

This certainly explains why they're being demonitized user. That's not what I'm confused about.
But not why the appeals are being denied after being reviewed by an actual person.

Minorities vote for whoever gives them welfare. People on the right aren't stupid enough to solve everything with socialist policy and tax hikes, which coincidentally means very few people who vote right are minorities. Meanwhile, the Democrats have over 90% of every single minority group in America.

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honestly the world would be such a better place if all conservatives/right-wingers died

It's just nutter shit he got off somewhere like stormfront.

Like, the UN article they capped and cut up to make their scary graphic is just an article talking about how countries like Japan with declining birthrates and a larger elderly population vs their younger population may have to supplement their younger population with immigration to support a retired elderly population successfully.

Which is something that is even discussed in economic fields in regards to Japan and even the US with Baby Boomers retiring and there being less young workers paying in to systems to support the elderly than in prior decades and that causing budgetary concerns.

>An embryo doesn't even have nerves.
not that I care for abortions, but I like how ignorant people like to bend facts in order to support their position. nerve system (neural plate - the foundation of the brain and spinal cord) starts developing on the ~16th day. long before things like heart, lungs, limbs, etc.

No, the right has platform; 1 platform
The left has dozens

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Do white supremacists know what other white supremacists sound like anymore? So much emphasis is placed on low effort memes that their conversations are often indistinguishable from a thirteen years old's Facebook comments.

>But not why the appeals are being denied after being reviewed by an actual person.
Because the appeals aren't always actually reviewed by an actual person because they get millions of appeals a week.

You are making me drag you in circles.

Worth noting that the post right before yours is a guy with a graphic of how the jews control the media.

>that "graph"

>Conservative websites don't exist!
>Conservative radio doesn't exist!
>Conservative press doesn't exist!
Please fuck off, you limp-wristed faggot. Go cry in a corner and jerk yourself off while pretending you're so put upon by DA JOOOZ.

>Like, the UN article they capped and cut up to make their scary graphic is just an article talking about how countries like Japan with declining birthrates and a larger elderly population vs their younger population may have to supplement their younger population with immigration to support a retired elderly population successfully.

Yeah how innocuous, just import people from low-IQ war-torn nations who will live off welfare, not work and increase crime rate, just like Germany, Sweden and Britain. Fucking Stormfags, what's wrong with that?

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You didn't even read what you replied to.

>get proven wrong
>lash out

The media is overwhelmingly left-wing. The only example of right-wing media anyone can name is Fox News, and the right-wing stuff online is overwhelmingly censored, stuffed into corners, taken off search results, etc.

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You still say that after Pepe became a hot button issue in the last election and /pol/ got Trump elected? Yea Forums is mainstream now.

>Because the appeals aren't always actually reviewed by an actual person because they get millions of appeals a week.
The manual reviews however are. And you can request manual reviews even after an automated review denies them.

Youre right, those on the right just think they can solve things with other socialist policies and tax cuts, drastically increasing our debt.

Wait sorry, we don't call subsidies for farmers socialism, we call them patriot fun bucks.

>winnie the pooh on the chinese PM

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I read exactly what it said. Japan's birthrate is apparently too low (it's not) and people want to use that as an excuse to stuff the place with refugees. You can fuck off with that.

You have all the websites that end in chan
Real question:there must be something that right-winger do better than liberals,what is it?. A side cant be 100 % bad shit,i refuse to believe that even tho i'm a center left fag

>subsidies and welfare are the same thing

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Yeah, truth is that many of those probably aren't as manual as they think, because, again, there isn't enough manpower and time to handle them because of , I'm sick of typing this, the sheer volume of content.

There's no REAL purely human touch involved when dealing with a system that has 300 hours of video uploaded every 60 seconds.

>"Proven wrong"
>Point is that multiple platforms exist and there's nothing stopping people from making more conservative platforms in addition to the ones they already have.
Fuck off, you little faggot.

>want to use that as an excuse to stuff the place with refugees
I didn't say anything about refugees.

You didn't read it.

Starts developing around the sixteenth day. It's not fully developed for a long time after then.

Dont forget people commit terrorist attack while quoting 4chin memes

Attached: Chanboardsofpeace.jpg (636x382, 77K)

Jews got into positions of power because European Christian rulers in the middle ages were economically illiterate retards and denied their own people the ability to charge interest on loans.

Zyklon Ben is unironically based.

>there's nothing stopping people from making more conservative platforms

It feels like every five seconds some right-wing nobody gets forcibly taken off Youtube, Twitter, Facebook, etc. and faggots like you drop it down the memory hole, then insist it never happens. Meanwhile I can go on Youtube right now and find a myriad of left-wing lunatics like Destiny who openly say shit like "we should start shooting right-wingers" without even a warning of getting his shit suspended.

>in addition to the ones they already have.

Like what? Fox News and what? Name three big broadcasting stations on television that are undeniably right-wing.

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>imagine being this faggot who live in perpetual fear

sure sure, and clearly there's so much on topic discussion in this thread and not worthless dick waving and spamming "red pill" graphs.

Neo nazis are the one perpetrating those mass shooting,retarded channer

Jews got power because they pioneered loan sharking, counterfeiting and the concept of interest rates

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Fox News
Sinclair Media Group
Blaze Media.

>Make your own platform, you already have plenty in every sphere that's not TV.
>Then make your own fucking platform, it's not hard, you have plenty, there's tons of rich conservatives anyway, if their political ideals are being trampled upon there's definitely money in making a platform that speaks to them.
>Make your own fucking platform you fucking faggot

Then google/youtube is lying about its review process, namely here:
"A video will be marked "Not suitable for most advertisers" in Video Manager if:

- Our automated systems think your content is not suitable for all brands.
Note: If you think our systems made a mistake, then you can request human review. Your review gets sent to an expert and their decisions help our systems get smarter over time. Deleting the video and re-uploading won't help. Videos can only be submitted for review one time and the review decision cannot be overturned.
- Our human experts confirmed that your video does not meet our advertiser-friendly content guidelines.
So either you're wrong, or google simply is lying to its users.
Neither sound out of the realm of possibility, however.

Hot button issue is overselling it and Trump'supporters biggest reason for being elected is that the Midwest wants impossible things with little effort and switches between parties every 4 to 8 years when they don't get what they want.

>- Our human experts confirmed that your video does not meet our advertiser-friendly content guidelines.
They can still claim this is true if someone is just massively flying through the review process.

I'm not sure what you want from this anymore other than for us to have technological means far beyond current capabilities to manage the system so you'd feel better about it.

>just compete with the media monolith we totally dont have complete control over

You're such a kike.

Why doesnt trump just pardon him then?

If we eliminated every thread that went off topic and had worthless dick waving, /trash/ would be the only board left.

because republicans dont want him too and it would look like he is protecting this guy.


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why thank you Captain Obvious. nothing is fully developed when it starts developing, duh. still "not fully developed" !== "not present"

They exactly are. Can't get a good enough rate for your labor? The government covers the rest. This applies to food stamps and farm subsidies equally.

But i thought you were the "superior race",clearly you can make a media monolith with the power of your superior genes,are you making excuses by any chance ?

The monolith only exists because you never fought back, you god damned faggot. Mainstream news used to have no major conservative voice, and then Fox News came into being. Do you think they cried and pissed themselves over "muh media monolith"? No, they fucking did the work and made their own empire.

Stop being a fucking bitch.
Put the work in.
Stop blaming everyone else for your fucking problems and actually put some effort in for once in your fucking life.

Imagine using white supremacist talking points as a gotcha against "white supremacists." At least you aren't denying the media is overwhelmingly left-wing anymore.

Newsweek probably meant mass shootings with human victims

desu I meant to quote the first guy, hoping since
>because republicans dont want him too
is the correct answer and kinda breaks down the narrative

>Suddenly no replies
It's almost like user just wants (You)s.

>The monolith only exists because you never fought back, you god damned faggot

Be careful what you wish for

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that's not how that works shitposter. but grats you hit 500, now get the fuck out.

>They can still claim this is true if someone is just massively flying through the review process.

From what I understand, (and again, this is like second hand knowledge at best) this is how most of the reviews go. The manual reviewers are paid per video they watch, like .10 cents a video or something where they have to watch a LOT. If they waste time watching 20 minute videos, there's only so many hours in a day, so it's not too unreasonable to assume from that they'd just want to fly through the process.

I mean. Yeah, you're right, there isn't a good solution here. I've got other opinions on the subject but that would be a segue into what I see as youtube effectively giving control of moderation on what is 'best' for the site to advertisers.

Thanks for at least bearing with me in this conversation though.

Yeah, they applied interest rates on loans, i.e. the only reason anyone would provide a professional loan in the first place. It isn't their fault that Christian rulers spelled out about usury. Of course a great way to wipe out your debts was to expell the debt owners a large fight club.

Imagine calling Dan Rather right-wing

>implying political comic need jokes
It's mean to illutrate a point, not provide a punchline. Well, I guess it does have a punchline.

Funny. I agree with it. Not really a conservative, but I am tired how leftists who claim to be liberal cheer when conservative voices are silenced. I was raised believing liberalism was for the free expression of ideas, even ones you disagree with.

Are you calling William Tecumseh Sherman a fucking confederate?

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>leftists who claim to be liberal

He understands that subtlety, irony, and wit would be lost on his readership, and wisely avoids them.

>read the article
>the study was based on a survey where they asked the mother
> "Mothers’ reports could not be validated by clinical records because the survey was designed to be anonymous."
>at the end "Nevertheless, the study findings should be interpreted with caution. First, additional research is needed to replicate the findings in studies with larger samples and stronger research designs."
I know reading is hard.

They're saying that anytime white supremacists tried to sound tough and start shit, they got their shit pushed in.

fascinating, now make up an excuse for this one

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>white supremacist
American education

>polio vaccines have been free of sv40 since 1963

>Germany loses to Britain and the U.S.

I know all of those countries are mongrelized nowadays but in 1940 they were overwhelmingly white.

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>Founded explicitly on the idea of black inferiority as a justification for slavery
>not white supremacist

It's okay, I know you all good boys who did u nuthin.

The civil war started, because the confederacy would rather betray America than give up their slaves.

yes good little redditor, and this one?

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>the US civil war was about slavery
American education

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Britain had Indians, Pakistanis, Arabs, Gurkhas, Blacks and people from the West Indies. Germany had Germans.

You're right, it was about state's rights

Germany had Africans, Japanese, Indians and Middle Easterners

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The senators of each state wrote letters explaining why they were rebelling against America. Those letters all stated that they were rebelling to protect their right to own slaves.

Yes, but they were in their own historical homelands. I don't recall a single Indian-British soldier joining the normandy or any other fight in the European theater.
The world wasn't a multicultural utopia during that time no matter how much you try to make it so.

Germans thought of Africans as sub-human and tolerated the Japanese, Indians and Middle Easterners. The second world war was very much a war of white nationalists versus everybody else.

They also had africans and a whole shitload of muslims.
The Nazis were a lot more accepting of muslims than they were of catholics, for instance, because the catholic church started shit with them over control over youth (pre-WW2) and the muslims didn't care so long as they could pray

It was about the southern states putting all of their eggs in one basket and realizing losing slavery would leave them the bitches of the northern states.

>Germany had Germans

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Flattards and their ilk deserve public humiliation. This thread is proof enough of it.

I'm calling right winger "revolutionary" loosers that are all talk but get their ass handed in war

Well, you wouldn't recall that. Because you weren't there. The world wasn't a multi-cultural utopia. But, multi-culturalism didn't just pop into existence some time in the 1960's.
I'm sure that's how the southern states justified becoming traitors.

>The second world war was very much a war of white nationalists versus everybody else

Maybe in your deep dark fantasies. Japan, parts of Africa and the Middle East supported Nazi Germany.

>use slur
>wtf why did I get banned?!
Stupid victim complexes

>The second world war was very much a war of white nationalists versus everybody else.
not even that

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AKA, it was about slavery.
They could have just adapted, dealt with being bitches for a few years because they were complacent morons, but nah. Gotta go try and UNGA BUNGA the north to death.

Police, active servicemen and veterans largely vote right-wing, my simple friend

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Can't prove someone wrong without the ability to even discuss the topic.

>unironically supporting taxation without representation

>active servicemen and veterans largely vote right-wing
Not him. But do you have any way to substantiate this?
Are you going to label me a lefty because I asked?