Damian Wayne should've been a girl

Damian Wayne should've been a girl

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yeah, so should've every Robin. what's your point?

Hell, Batgirl should've been a guy. think about it: commissioner's son, big fan of batman, dons the outfit to try to live up to his legacy and help people.. has to work on his own for a while without any direct help

>yeah, so should've every Robin. what's your point?

Wouldn't the Justice League have a raised brow over the fact Batman has a bunch of young woman as his Batharem?

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The Robin costume looks cute as hell on a girl.
I wish Stephanie's run as The Girl Wonder had been more than a dumb stunt.

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>Bruce, I saw the big painting of your mother when I visited you in the mansion
>What about it
>They all look like her...should I be worried?

Her hair seems all wrong is my only complaint.
It's some kind of fucked up bouffant that she never had anytime else.

Agreed. The shitty hairstyle seems to have been Bruce's idea for some reason.
If she'd just kept the cute ponytail we'd be golden.

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>Master Wayne, don't you think that new Robin outfit you ordered for Ms.Drake a bit too...Skimpy?

>Bratpack but with Batman and FemRobins

You should've been a girl.

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Damian Wayne should be shota bait

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Make f!Damien wear a poofy dress

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Make (You) choke on a dick

No, John should be a girl!

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I want fem!Dick to bully me.

Anyone got that Raisins pic with Batman and Wilykit

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Bruce Wayne should be a girl

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Single mother Batmam is good.

Not complaining but why is femDick and femJason wearing asian garments?

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I prefer Loli Jon

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>batwoman and her harem of young boys
Somehow more lewd than batman and fem robins

How does Lois even stand a chance?


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Damian should have been aborted.
God I wish I could be the one who rapes the cockiness out of that bratty shota prick with my throbbing prick.

He *could* be a girl. That's the magic of storytelling.

After what Tom King has done with Flashpoint Bats meeting Canon Bats, why not have a core member of the Bat-family change their gender and pronouns

Damn you. I didn't need another ship-that-cannot-be.

It's very good.

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Eat shit and die. I hate youngsters and there crazy sjw ideas. You are every thing wrong in this world

>Big Bat Milkers
I like this.

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Bat Milk?

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I like the thought of Dami inheriting Martha’s Honkers

Supes leaving Lois for bat momma milkies

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The artist made a F!Robin set with Ancient Asia setting

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Is Lois even hot anymore? I haven't kept up with Superman since N52

I preffer Damian being flat while Jason is the busty one, Dami being mean is just her way of expressing breast envy

Daimian would be a completely different character

Last I read, Lois is a MILF.

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That would be retarded and change literally nothing

>We could have Lois and Fem!Bruce fighting in the mud for Clark's dick
Where the fuck is Claremont when we need him

only good post in this thread

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>they ruined that dynamic for THIS
I love DC but also FUCK DC

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have hope user, the moment Bendis gets bored with Superman and jumps ship to another title the next writer will probably revert all that shit

Post Genderbended Batman villains

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You guys know who should have been a girl? (You). All of (you) in fact should have been girls.