Why the fuck was this character so good? He single-handedly made Xiaolin Showdown worth watching

Why the fuck was this character so good? He single-handedly made Xiaolin Showdown worth watching.

Attached: Evil Boy Jack Spicer.jpg (787x1014, 123K)

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Why was he so cute?

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Everything about it made Xiaolin Showdown worth watching.

Both the show and Jack himself are solid A-tier.

He was a super smart dude who was rich and created his own robot henchman. However he was never written to be some grumpy edgelord. He was just a goofy guy who wanted to be great. It also helps he had great chemistry with the rest of the cast and won a few times. He was also my middle school crush.

>Ywn see Shaolin Kino for the first time ever again
I've been going on a full ass zoomer nostalgia trip starting with Class of 3000, Mucha Lucha and now this

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>liked Jack so much I rooted for him to win more than the Xiaolin kids

>Mucha Lucha

I wish you never said that user. The nostalgia is too heavy for me rn.

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Xiaolin showdown came out in 2003 which was part of the late millennial era

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He was just a nice comedy break for the monotony of the show; wish he had gotten a power up, after s1 he had no place in the fight

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>That time a hot chick came to his room specifically to talk to him and show interest in his hobby, so he autistically screamed until she left
Jack is /ourguy/

Remember how hype it was that one time the jackbots were useful?

I think he did that because Wuya seemed interested in her and he was jealous.

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It wasn't just him, Xiaolin Showdown overall was a pretty fantastic action adventure cartoon. That CGI sequel or whatever they did was atrocious though.

Xiaolin Chronicles?
But wasn't that actually like OG series?


Attached: xiaolin-chronicles-xiaolin-showdown-33173846-1280-864.jpg (1280x864, 263K)

Jack is honestly one of the best characters in the WB.

He's likable, funny, endearing, has a backstory, plays off the others characters, has competencies and foils, and consistently had good lines.

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I'll never understand why she didn't go back to WB for this series.

Was it even confirmed that the crew planned to make Jack join the good team as the Metal Dragon or was it just an user pretending to be a member of the staff?

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I don't like how they Flanderised him into a full on incompetent buffoon.
He was a whiny coward villain before, but I wished he would have matured up and became like Wuya, Chase, Bean instead of a second rate villain like Panda Bubba.

After s1 he was basically a good guy.

Welp, you made my brain and remaining childhood cry. So thanks for that.

Man I remember this show being great but I don't remember much from it. Maybe I should rewatch since there's nothing interesting coming up anyways

zoomer here
This show is ours now

Honestly, probably an RP, BUT, they did add a wood dragon in the reboot--so they went away from the western 4 elements and dipped back into the eastern 5 element
Meaning it's totally possible

I always hated Bean.
As a kid he disgusted and bored me to the point that I’d stop watching and leave the room if it was a bean episode.

come on guys don't be like that

No he didn't. Don't overlook all the other good parts of Xiaolin Showdown just because you're in love with a loser.
Xiaolin Showdown had funny characters, good action and compelling 30-minute stories that made it worth watching.
Spicer was only a part of that.