So, what allegory is he supposed to be?

so, what allegory is he supposed to be?

Attached: halfman-halfbearpig.png (412x486, 207K)

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I'm pretty sure he was meant to be literal. It was half man half bear-pig

No, no. He's half man, half pig, half bear

The idea was that human-instigated climate change was unscientific. Turns out it actually happened, and now we don't actually know what to do about it, so we just accept it.

In the same sense, the idea was that a manbearpig was not real, but it turned out to be real.

I liked that they didn't defeated him and that grandpa (boomers) kind of knew about him but he didn't gave a shit because he thought he wouldn't live enough to deal with him because that's literally how boomers are facing global warning now.

that's 1 and a half combined though. It's more likely that he's just some sort of half pigman half bear

What will life be like when the actual boomers die off?

half bear = 33.3
half pig = 33.3
half man = 33.3
manbearpig = 99.9
0.01 error range

The 0.01%... is climate change

Not that different in my country. My generation is already behaving like boomers,

Manbearpig is a satire of global warming. The joke is that he is an imaginary scare being pushed by the politician Al Gore. In the South Park universe, Randy Marsh is based on Trey Parker's father who is also a geologist in real-life, which I assume is where South Park has the idea to use this subject. There's also an earlier episode called 'Terrance and Phillip: Behind the Blow' which has criticism of climate change, etc being pushed, in case you haven't seen it, or don't remember.

Wrong! It's half man, half bear, and half pig! I'm cereal!

too bad matt and trey cucked out in the last season and not only made it seem like the end of the world was imminent due to climate change (it isn't), but they also had a 'joke' in there where a guy talks about how its pointless to do anything about manbearpig because of china, and then he gets killed by it
that guy was actually entirely correct. even if the entire first world reduced its emissions to nothing, the third world is going to compensate for it and then some in the coming decades as it undergoes its own industrial revolution.

There must always be a Boomer. Zoomers will just take their place.


Attached: 1452740278166.png (500x372, 80K)

>that's 1 and a half combined though.
Yes, that's the joke.


Grandpa tried to warn us.

Attached: it-will-happen-to-you.jpg (500x375, 120K)

>even if the entire first world reduced its emissions to nothing, the third world is going to compensate for it and then some in the coming decades as it undergoes its own industrial revolution.
Pretty much. I mean, I'm not saying we shouldn't CONSIDER doing something but I mean, c'mon, India is literally creating new bacterias due their poop problem

The poop issue in India isn't very impactful to climate change.
Diseases and water potability? Absolutely.
But the global climate? I don't think street shitting in particular is as big of a threat as emissions from burning fossil fuels and coal.

Both China and India are doing more to tackle their energy and trash emissions than the US is.

Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf? That's what happened to climate change shillers. Now no one cares

The order doesn’t fucking matter when it’s the same parts! Plus, that means Manbearpig is actually two organisms, and one of them we only know what half of it is.

>The poop issue in India isn't very impactful to climate change.
Nigger, their rivers are catching fire because of all the methane leaking out.

So can I eat you?

not just methane. other contaminants as well.
But that said:
That's really not increasing or decreasing the methane that would be released if they took a shit in the loo. That methane is released here in the united states just as much from the same number of people. That methane is being released into the atmosphere no matter where you take a shit.
Atmospheric methane is an issue, but only about 10% is from animal or human waste.

Attached: Methane_Sources[1].jpg (532x354, 86K)

A thing that only the God-Emperor of Mankind can defeat

Important to note:
This is not taking into account methane sources from cows, well, burping and farting.
Believe it or not, the beef industry has grown to such a size that cow farts are contributing to global warming.
Yes. Really.

Capitalism, duh.

cow farts are only a tiny part of the issue compared to the sheer amount of deforestation and other resources that go towards maintaining the beef industry.

Life is a never ending cycle of people making the same mistakes over and over. Watch as we slowly descend into the future of blade runner.


That has more to do with using the water supply as a garbage dump

Emissions in the US were already low because we actually have standards. China and India have to make huge changes just to make a dent in the absolute nightmare that is their pollution-level. And that's assuming either country is actually telling the truth about their emissions; it recently came out that China, unlike every other country, never stopped producing CFC's and just never told anybody.

I wonder if there's is going to be an internet 2.0 after the first one is raped to death by ads and net neutrality

Well yes, because most of the methane produced by cows is actually from "burping," or out the mouth.
That said, methane is a less persistent gas than CO2, but has a higher GWP than CO2; 104 times greater in 20 years and it falls off to just 24 times greater in 100.
You're not wrong to worry about CO2 more, but the effect of methane on global warming has been unfortunately underestimated.

Who cares? As long as I get what's mine then I don't give a fuck if the world dies.

>it recently came out that China, unlike every other country, never stopped producing CFC's and just never told anybody.
Glad someone brought it up. The good news is that the ozone layer is indeed something that come back and has come back before. The bad news is that while everybody else has stopped using them, china just never gave a shit and ignored everybody else telling them what a bad idea it is.

I would say that we just should stop buying shit from them but everything is made in china these days

>"it happened"

lol fuck kids are dumb

It would have to be Internet 3.0 as 2.0 is kinda already a thing. Forgot which place have it, some backwater slum area in Taiwan, Chinese, Korea or hell maybe it was Japan but somewhere out there is a community that use a giant LANS network which can be seen as a mini Internet. Think it is China due to their anti-internet laws in some areas. But such is totally possible though you would have to live in a tight area and have wires everywhere.

Climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers should be shot into the sun

Attached: 1508365464731.jpg (1280x720, 60K)

Depends on if people that actually will live long enough to deal with the consequences of their actions get into power of not.
They literally aren't because they're the first in line to get fucked by global warming like they are already, plus if the US and China manage to get the renewable energy junk they're investing research into going, it'll be cheaper to buy some damn solar panels for those third world countries.

You're thinking of Cuba.

>Watch as we slowly descend into the future of blade runner.
We are already there user, just without the androids.

Cuba and Brazil. But I wouldn't say that it can be considered internet 2.0, its just a giant lan party

I wouldn't either. I figured user was talking about two seperate things since I'm fairly sure the software architecture for the internet has been upgraded multiple times already.

It was a figment of Gore's imagination like his crusade against global warming or his belief that he won the election. This is confirmed in the Imaginationland episodes because it existed only in imaginationland until it was brought into the real world.
Then they got poz'd and it was all retconned.

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