(John Byrne happy noises)

(John Byrne happy noises)

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Oh yeah, when's that coming out again?

I think it's beginning in August

>not kissing susan

Yup, she's becoming what she was meant to be

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Feels bad, doesn’t it Sue?

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Damn that's still a while off.

What is it with Gwenpool and cuckqueaning other women?

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It's the tits and the suit

It's just the cover, but I've alreaduy seen a gwenpoole hentai with a similar plot.

on a more serious note, glad to see her back! wonder if they'lll mantain anything from West Coast Avengers.

only men can write a good Gwenpool, this is going to suck so much dick like West Coast Avengers

But who's writing??

Leah Williams

>johnny storm continuing to be gay
Johnny will never be a Chad ever again

Leah Williams stop sucking editorial dick for more comics please

>Leah Williams
is she good?
desu if its not hastings idk if I want it

i've only seen the new Giant-men, it was varying between "meh it ok" to "huh thats pretty funny i guess", she isn't going to be on same level as Chris Hastings but on the other hand she is going to be way better than that main venom crossover or deadpool kills marvel universe 2.0


im pretty sure no one will do gwen justice but hastings

>not kissing susan
Why else do you think she's so upset?

Her Magik one shot and her short story in Domino Annual were pretty good. Good character work, compelling story.
But in Giant Man, her flaws showed: terrible pacing and scene transitioning.

well, given that Gwenpool wasn't thrown into the unused character comic purgatory so there is still a chance she will get another proper series in a year or two given she have an organic fanbase that is still talking about her on twitter/facebook/reddit/ and other normie websites as opposed to some other character pushed by editorial.
I think what really help her character is that she is designed to be a it of a looser at heart (she is pretty much a perfect isekai protagonist) that is both strong when needed to show of but than gets her shit kick in when facing the AAA list people (like the whole Dr Doom fight)

She’s about as good as Gabby Rivera was

>Gabby Rivera
so awful
okay thanks

She was okay in Spider-man and Deadpool. It was no Hastings, but it was about where I'd expect her to be when other writers use her.

That was probably more an issue of trying to write a mini with 4 main characters across 3 issues. Those things always seem to be a bitch because the writer is too used to 5 or light hearted and fast paced (like Spider-Man and the League mini)

She's very hit and miss some of her writings seem to flow nicely other times it's a bit wtf? I think she's still trying to hit her stride.

I kind of wanted to see her turn up working for M.O.D.O.K. with the gang in that Marvel Rising show. Then have her turn into a frenemy and even have Future!Gwen as a villain maybe.
It'd help give the whole project it's own identity.

no, she's just a shitty writer, stop making excuses because you like her cleavage

And he joins the hero pedo club


Superheroes who hook up with minors, joining the ranks of Hal Jordan and probably Scott Summers soon considering Kamala Khan.

She's 18

Shhh, don't engage with the American on AoC and Pedo

her Barbarella / Dejah Thoris is her best work, but her one shots at Marvel have been good too.

Those are all bad though

no they aren't user. it is a well characterized book with a classic science fiction adventure that wraps up in a nice non-violent way and a very comfy ending

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Tags: DILF, cuckquean

Her Emma Frost one-shot was excellent and from what she's said about this book on Twitter, she's going to at least be honoring Gwen's character development from her solo.

Literally impossible. Gabby is a unique treasure that no one can copy.

Weirdly into homewrecking fetish. The thought of a family destroyed turns me on.

You have zero standards

Whole book is a female power fantasy

nice deep criticism, hope you choke on it

Leah’s not gonna titty fuck you shes dating a gamergator

This better not just be on the cover

>>not kissing susan
RIGHT? It's like she was invisib ... oh.

I like her stuff.
Extremists is swell.

Sue kinda looked like she had drillhair before I realized it was Ben

Who's the artist now? Hopefully it's not the one who did the horrible side-stories.

Terry Dodson on Covery
David Baldeon on Internals

It'll be good as long as the colourist doesn't royally fuck up.

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Not so useful without any books, huh?

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Who is this guy anyways?

Ask Grant Morrison

Baldeon is a like a good Ramos but he can draw pretty restrained too.

So Gwen's just a trophy now?
I know, I know, it's the comic equivalent of a click-bait article title, but I'm still miffed about her treatment in west coast avengers

Just asking cause I'm reading the marvel comics in chronological order

Quentin Quire, a shit character under 90% of writers, a great character under the other 10%

Quentin Quire/Kid Omega, an Xavier Institute student from the early 2000's. Kelly Thomspon had him and Gwenpool hook up for no reason. He's kind of like a school shooter, in that he's exactly like a school shooter.

This is fine, it just means that Sue can finally fuck off and start having sex with Peter like she's clearly always wanted to do.

Thanks bros, like the fact that he has queer in his name

Things that are not Real the post

Doesn't matter. Williams sucks and it won't have anything that made the actual series good.

Yes, and her humor is on point. She seems to understand what makes Gwenpool work.

not really, she sucks dick at writing

nah, only 60s comics writers and Rob Liefeld can reach this level

He should go be gay with Iceman.

Will Doom seduce Valeria next?

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wow, not even hiding samefaging.

how is he being gay?

gwenpool is just steph brown with extra suger

>ten seconds later she also smooches Susan

People like her because she has big bazongas

Do you not know how to pronounce Quire

the way lady deadpool is standing on the balls of her feet annoys me.

Pronouncing it as ‘queer’ is 100 times funnier and more fitting, though.

How would you consider his appearance in West Coast Avenger?

What balls would you prefer her to be standing on?

It's a common problem of comic book artists not knowing how to draw women not wearing heels even when not wearing heels.

>Sue gets cuckqueaned

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Not him, but Kid Omega in WCA was also fucking awful


How does that woman keep getting work writing? She’s never any good

Supposedly, the book opens with Gwen apologizing for the misleading solicit and covers, insisting it was the only way they'd greenlight another book.

>Gwenpool can now alter a cover

She already kissed Thing and Torch, so Sue is obviously next after Reed.

This the first time you have seen J Scott Campbell? Like...seriously the first time ever?

He's joking, friendo.

>drillhair Sue

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Doesn't Gwenpool actually not like Deadpool because she thinks he's too randumb, and Deadpool beat the shit out of her the first time they met?

She didn't like his comic back in the real world (which would've been Wypool so understandable) but she seems to like him as a person after the Arcade tussle.

Big tiddies.

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>gets pants
>turns evil
Honestly asking, is there a canon corelation?

she respects continuity, that much I can give her.

I think they made a joke about it on one of the recap pages.

>Isekaishit : the comic
Not surprised Yea Forums laps this turd up

One of those "cute" is the only positive argument and "I like it"

This book is just crap defended by guys that really need to have sex

no she doesn't

>One of those "cute" is the only positive argument and "I like it"
at least the people who like it can form complete coherent sentences.

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People have said tons of nice things about the books. The haters just want to ignore all that and pretend fans only care about cute. Maybe join you should a storytime, or look in the archives for Gwenpool storytimes.

The only thing I liked from WCA Gwen was how Caselli drew her.