Is Sonichu Yea Forums or Yea Forums?

Is Sonichu Yea Forums or Yea Forums?

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Yea Forums

it's an abomination.


>to this day, s/he's still drawing and coloring with fucking crayons and markers

How is this century's most influential work of graphic and cartoon art which probes the impact of popular culture on one's psyche NOT Yea Forums?


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Yea Forums

>CWC predicted YIIK

It always disgusted me how people get obsessed over Chris Chan
He is just an idiot having fun drawing comics and people stalk him and worship him like a fucking god

>the livestream of him raping his mother

i hope the troll who got him to do it gets arrested, that's going too far

Yeah, but it's a fascinating abomination.

You're joking right? That seems too stupid even for him.

He's a very interesting idiot though. The guy has no filter and says and does ridiculous shit on the regular. He's pitiable enough that you feel sorry for him but consistently mean and selfish enough that you don't feel THAT sorry.

The trolls went too far though, it was much funnier when he wasn't being manipulated by jackasses.

A bit of everything really except maybe /fit/

/baphomet/ because it's about the 10 year long stalking of one (1) mentally ill hick in Bumfucktown, Virginia .It's not an exageration to say that Chris have been living rent free in some friendless neckbeards head at this point
Leave him alone,find another hobby you fucktards

Dont worry,it's an obvious shitpost.That seem only believable because (and there's no point in denying it) Chris autism (the genuine kind not the meme bastardization) make him extremely guillible

This. The best of Chris-chan were his comics. The abuse he suffered due to trolls is just sad.

Giving a shit about Chris-chan has become such a cottage industry, there are people who would go broke if we all stopped caring. Kiwi Farms wouldn't be able to survive.

>He is just an idiot having fun drawing comics

That's like 1% of what makes CWC tick. His shitty comics may be what attracted the attention to him, but people became obsessed for many other things.

Plus, the reasons why CWC has gained such a notoriety are pretty clear. First, trolls have managed to hijack and control his life again and again whith him never learning. And second, he just can't help but make his own life public, most of the best material out there is stuff he has recorder himself. This makes for a pathetic spectacle that never runs out of new material, like a dolar store version of The Truman Show.

Oh please let it happen,that cunt Joshua Connor deserve to go through his own "Financhu Crisis"

What? The site used to literally only have a small LOLcow General board besides Chris, now it has entire sub-boards and off-topic forums that get more traffic in hours than the CWC board gets in weeks.



CWC is not "just an idiot", we are talking about the guy who maced a security guard because Sega put blue arms on sonic, believed that there is an incoming dimensional merge that will make all fiction real, thought a self inflicted wound on his crotch was a vagina growing out of self hypnosis, drank his own cum on video, regulary flaunts that is a welfare queen, publicly humilliated the only female that could be called his friend, etc.

>Recently learn it's pronounced Y2K, not "yeek"

I honestly prefer it, gives it a lot of charm over the MS PAINT circle tool vore deviantart drawings.

Kiwifarms is pure cancer. They're probably the vilest group I've ever seen.
How could Yea Forumstard troll mentality and SJW outrage and bullying culture even mix? Kiwis are monsters who let those they hate live inside their head 24/7.

You'd think so until you realize the only reason he sucks at drawing is that for an artist he spends very little time drawing. I mean its not the ONLY reason but I'm willing to bed it's the MAIN reason.

No one worships Chris chan friend

Who give a shit ? My dad is a landlord, he have witnessed some of his guests doing weird shit and he's not putting it on the Internet because he's not a nolife neckbeard

I remember one user describing kiwifarms as a site for making fun of lolcows run by people barely a step above them.


Maybe your dad is a dumb faggot, Mr. Son of a Dumb Faggot

"Yea Forumstard troll mentality and SJW outrage and bullying culture " were always perfect mix and that was a thing since the early 2000s
That stalking/cringe culture started with Encyclopedia Dramatica cretins getting obsesssed by litteraly whos on LiveJournal and it got worse since then

That time /pol/ celebrated the new-zeland terrorist attacks was pretty bad, though kiwi farms is a close second.

>he have witnessed some of his guests doing weird shit and he's not putting it on the Internet

Wrong comparision, in that case it would be the guests themselves putting that shit on the internet, not your dad.

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Yea Forums

>publicly humilliated the only female that could be called his friend
That shit was glorious.

Stop feeding the retard

Apparently they got BTFO'd by fucking Murrlogic.

Shut up murr

I said apparently. Seriously, fuck Murrlogic, but fuck kiwifarms slightly more.

I used to know a girl in college who constantly posted drawings on her facebook. She came from a rich family, had all the best software and Intuos tablets, and had all the time in the world to practice. She probably drew more than some professional artists. Her art was TERRIBLE. We're talking random Deviantart user tier.

Problem is, she was also the most fragile person. She would constantly post about how she was on the verge of killing herself, basic "using suicide for attention" shit. Nobody criticized her art because she would have a meltdown at the slightest suggestion. She wanted to be a professional writer/artist and took any criticism as failure. I honestly think she might have attempted suicide if someone gave her a blunt critique of her "art".

In the three years I knew this girl, her art improved about as much as you'd expect it to in a month or two. Practice alone doesn't make you better at art. You also have to acknowledge what's wrong with your previous drawings and attempt to change. Neither Chris-chan or the girl I knew wanted to change, so they didn't improve.

Yea Forums

As weird as his whole quasi religious believe in a dimensional merge is... really, that idea of reality and fiction merging doesn't seem quite as strange anymore when you consider that his life has always been a weird blend of reality and faction. Considering he had trolls gaslight him and construct elaborate narratives about fake girlfriends and evil doppelgangers and Shigeru Miyamoto wanting to meet him... You know, it's not hard to see why he wouldn't be able to distinguish between reality and fiction.

I know CWC boasts having a college degree on CADD.

Has he ever done anything with photoshop that isn't the most basic bullshit, like awkwardly lettering using comics sans?

modern day circus freakshow. People are fascinated by the exceptionally grotesque

Yea Forums

Yes he is, but I believe in a tweet Chris said he was sexually attractive to his mother

Yea Forums because Chris isn't Japanese.

Chris has drawn like less than 12 issues of a 40 page comic since 2004. Keep in mind he has no job or social life.

You have to draw a lot, and you are right that some people are like how you said and chirs refuses to learn but im willing to bet if chris actually spent 20-30 hrs a week drawing at the minimum he'd be way better off.

Why do twitter trannies get away with misgendering/bullying CWC? Like more than half of the kiwi farms is nicer to Chris than some edgy twitterinas

Do they? I've never seen anyone do it. Maybe you're just following people who get zero exposure.

Because it's much more likely that being trans is just another one of Chris' weird delusions that him actually being trans is.

Her Twitter replies. Also recently one of the planet dolan guys has been taunting her literally with "I have sex and u don't xDddd"
She mutilated her genitals. Most trannies don't go as far as to do that so I'm pretty sure it counts

What the fuck is planet dolan?

Kiwifarms follows so many other lolcows who get up to far worse and more interesting things that Chris is more of a beloved eccentric than a source of drama.

A listicle YouTube channel. Shima was the only good thing about the channel and she's gone.

The reason it's been brought up is because Chandler made some pervy remarks about one of the people who work on the channel.


We should redraw a page or two, assign people with panels and make a collage out of it.
How about it?

Yea Forums

I wonder what the transgender community thinks of Christine.

They actually accepted him at first before realizing it was a huge mistake
now only the most devoted of trannies still defend him

Probably before they knew about his long history of assault charges.
So I'm guessing they're going to kind of distance themselves from Chris and try to avoid even acknowledging him.

Please PLEASE tell me Liquid Chris made a xover?!
Nah just this one
fun fact
Liquid is now a cancer research doctor in an unhappy marriage with a woman who treats him like shit

I agree, it's Chris' signature style at this point. the tools an artist uses is just as important as his subject matter. A lot of photographers still like film even though digital is technically superior, Chis is like that, it's about the tools just as much as the subject.

I already know that. I also know that the guy who made the animated series is making fetish art. I wonder if he's still being pestered about the finale to this day?

>but during the stone age

What did he mean by this?

But most have assault charges themselves.

I really wished Chris continued making comics, sonichu was deteriorating at issue 2, what kind of shit would he make in 2019?

He doesnt hold a degeee though, he went to community college for CADD but was kicked out or dropped out


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Its been 19 years now and he has made almost no progress in his art skills. How does Chris live with himself.

Delusions, genuine autism, and years of mental abuse from the trolls keep him from truly seeing his flaws.

He already is.

No he finished but it took him 5 years to complete a two-year program. He did get suspended but I think only for a year.

I don't think it's autism, I think his parents got him diagnosed as autistic because they didn't want to face the fact that he's actually just retarded.
Pretty sure not even the biggest shit smearing turd flinging autist would fail to get better at a skill after having produced the absolute volume that Chris has

Holy shit

I remember one user having a theory that possibly it was a refference to how dinosaurs have gone extinct due to meteor blast.

Which is incorrect anyway, because by stone age there were already people but the comic was done by an autist so whatever.

Has anyone actually read the Sonichu comic?
I like to make fun of Chris but not even I could bear through 3 pages of that shite.

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I did. It's absolutely fucking hilarious and it gets better as it goes.

>Liquid is now a cancer research doctor in an unhappy marriage with a woman who treats him like shit

That makes me sad. I legit was hoping him and Kacey would be happy together.

i think he means cavemen were so stupid you'd literally have to tell them twice about something, that's the closest guess i've got

No he's not dipshit. He's an instagram model/singer

Hey user post some of your art

He finished

>long history of assault charges
You mean like one or two cases. Why do people make up so much shit when talking about Chris? Is it to hype his legacy up or something?

>pervy remarks
He was following the bitch around the internet but he never said anything perverted. She deserved the association with Chris imo since she overcharged him for a confirmed traced/referenced drawing. You autists have an entire wiki dedicated to this Chris and you still manage to make up bullshit that doesn't happen

I did, various times
And to be fair I love it, in a "so disgusting it's amazing" way of course but I still enjoy it

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Well sorry! I don't keep up with history.

His comics were at their best when they relied heavily on references to whatever was going on in Chris's life. Story arcs involving Mary Lee Walsh were peak Sonichu.

So for those who know, what's more worth my time, reading this or Let's Make a Comic?

He's Yea Forums, /vp/, /vr/ and Yea Forums, with a little dash of Yea Forums and Yea Forums.
no really
he is

that's his brother jon
chris was liquid

CWC is Solid Chris, the imposter is Liquid

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liquid's real name was chris, chris duckworth he has a twin brother named jon who is an instagram model/singer