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Is this kino like Avatar or SJW nonsense like Korra?
Does the mere presence of lesbians bother you?
It doesn’t have the lows of Korra nor the Highs of Avatar.
It’s disappointing
Pretty SJW (black royalty in a European-style medieval fantasy land, lesbian queens with a daughter, badass deaf warrior woman communicating with sign language) but also pretty kino if you can accept that stuff.
No, but if there's constant mention of SJW stuff, like "men bad", women kick ass, whites vs black or humans = bad. elves = good, then it would be annoying
As if Avatar wouldn't be labelled SJW if it came out now.
Explain yourself.
Wait how did the Lesbian queens get a daughter? Why is their relationship accepted? Is she adopted? Wouldn't that be defeating the purpose of royal lineage?
Would you say that Yea Forums has become the new Yea Forums?
Well, for one thing, there's no white characters.
starts off pretty rocky, but so was S1 of Avatar. Does pretty good early S2.... untill a 2-3 episode arc that takes a shit over everything.
Humans can only do dark magic
>JK, humans just never tried hard enough to do the other magic!
Being the ruler some times means making difficult choices, like turning away the visiting monarchs begging for food because you barely have enough for your own kingdom.
>but actually just donate half your food and ALSO starve. It's the right thing to do!
Some times you must sacrifice others.
>Unless it's a single giant rock creature, which can be used to solve the aforementioned starvation problem. It's better to let thousands die than kill one of those
At this point the only thing the show has going for it is Sauron Elf.
It wouldn't. because the main point is to tell a story and not to politicize an issue.
I would argue kora is not SJW as a show but i tries to pander too hard and has mediocre writing making it a very bad show.
WHile shit like the marvel girl movie is SJW.
Yea Forums is more a mix of /pol/ and open pedos
Dark magic, except it's not dark because you're a homophobe.
One of them got cuckqueaned by the other one's brother to produce an heir.
>that entire arc focused on Katara and here dialogue with the first few episodes
yep it would get constantly bitched about how it's a wamen power fantasy and her being brown.
Name one show that does this?
It’s just kind of apparent that gays probably aren’t seen as a big deal in this world, and nobody outwardly seems to have a problem with the queens being gay.
The details of their daughter’s birth isn’t really explored, probably because nobody in that family is a major character in the show right now. But the fact magic exists in this world and the daughter looks like she has traits from both parents has some people speculating there may have been a magic futa cock involved.
Dragon Prince might be more SJW than Korra, but it's still a much better show overall.
I'd put them: Avatar>>>>>>Dragon Prince>>>my morning feces>>>>>>>>>>>Korra
What's with all the BLACKEDposting and defending Harvey Weinstein then?
Its superman tas, compared to batman tas
Doesn't have very low lows or super high highs and remains consistent?
It's also written better than korra and not hamfisted, even if it contains sjws themes. Not as good as atla imo but certainly better than korra. However I think korras aesthetics are better than tdp.
I would argue that most of Korra isn't anything that's "SJW". The only thing that really sticks out was the gay ending out of nowhere.
Yes. Exactly.
Other than the aforementioned Lesbian Queens and their Daughter Princess (seriously the fuck?)
It's pretty good. Way the show is going it seems like the classic humans = bad, elves = good dynamic is getting turned on its head.
Like, humans = human and elves = 85% assholes, 15% waifus.
We'll see how it goes. The show is at the point whether it'll be absolutely kino and depict things in a better light...
Or it'll be Voltron again.
you have your answer, you faggot
I mean
>women kick ass
Avatar has several GURLPOWER episodes and the entire cast is non-white people.
But mostly anything short of MeinKampf get's labelled SJW these days.
It's kino so far
Korra wasn't really SJW besides the last couple scenes. I mean, the entire first season was about suppressing a popular uprising from a (sort of) underclass.
Korra was only SJW towards the end.
Everything else about Korra was absolute dog shit.
>Katara is literally a strong womyn that changes the sexist views of her culture.
>Toph breaks free from her overbearing parents to be herself.
>Many of the best benders are women.
>Aang is vegetarian überpacifist hero who belongs to a culture that fuctions as a massive communitary family.
>Patriotism is depicted as the state manipulating the masses.
It may be in good taste and not as extreme and on the nose as todays left leaning media, but now there are enough polarized retards that there would be both cries of outrage and shout outs from "allies"
/pol/ has a complicated and fucked up relationship with interracial porn
>Harvey Weinstein
Liberals hate him so therefore they must defend him
Pretty much this.
Name ONE (1) white character in ATLA
The real problem with Dragon Prince is that it has been pretty light on worldbuilding and feels very generic. It'd be better if they had a map of all the kingdoms and elf tribes.
This thread is full of liars. Aside sjw shit, there are absolutely atrocious animation and every single character is talking like some cosplayer hispter larping as fantasy character. Kino my ass.
user my reaction was more towards you was more towards you being disingenuous.
>elves = good
SJWs defend elves?
None. They're all asian/inuits.
You got the Tibetans, the Inuits, the Japanese, and the Chinese.
And one Indian dude.
They also didn't have any black characters. No mexican characters. And no Pacific Islanders.
You know for a fact it's SJW nonsense.
The story is alright, the animation is fucking choppy.
Eh, it might have a moment or two, but it's extremely rare and the show genuinely makes up for the rest if the genre and setting are your thing.
I am unfortunately aware of all the inserted progressive culture war inserts into content and I can't recall enough being in this series to even be worth mentioning.
I mean, the king is (sorta?) black with a white wife, and therefore the song is mixed. But there's not a word said about it so...
>Does the mere presence of lesbians bother you?
You mean 'highlighted' presence of lesbians. Give credit or blame where it's do, your call.
The King was a moron
Water Tribes owe their boat and cloth designs to Polynesians and boomerangs to Abos, so you can say they're Pacific Islanders alright.
Not really. There's definite pandering to that crowd, but it never really goes into obnoxious SJW territory.
The main litmus test it passes is the fact that everyone of each race, gender and species has been shown to have the capacity to fuck up, and it's so far dodged any hackneyed contemporary political allegory.
Callum's mom is supposed to look japanese.
Funny the word "Political" always used here when people clearly don't know what it means or is trying to change the meaning to suit their shitty sperg arguments
Partially agree. The lows for Korra were so bad they dimmed all the highs, with the possible exception of Bolin. Avatar Last Airbender had some pretty good high though, to be sure.
I wouldn't say it's disappointing. It's still got at least one more season, possibly two. Give it time. And I personally liked the setting (compared to Airbender) enough to make it satisfying so far. The setting in Korra was pretty awful, so can't really say Dragon Prince is disappointing in that regard.
I see exactly what you mean/imply by that being unrealistic or unhistoric, but what made it seem more palatable was that it clearly sets itself up as a completley different world, and therefore doesn't need to be historically accurate.
At least that's my thoughts.
>It's still got at least one more season, possibly two.
With how short and fast paced these past two seasons have been, I think I’d be really disappointed if we only got two more. The worldbuilding has barely scratched the surface.
According to the creators they're planning on having seven.
It might get cancelled early because Netflix are up to their eyes in debt, but it seems fairly cheap to animate and there's no retarded stunt casts so I can't see it being particularly costly.
I'm tired of this. Why people hate everything if it had something even remotely related to SJW, Calling Avatar: the last Air Bender SJW is ludicrous. Just because it had strong female characters a gay couple doesn't make it automatically bad and definitely not SJW Propaganda
There's probably some interesting articles and research being done on anonymity and Dunning–Kruger like cognitive bias.
>Calling Avatar: the last Air Bender SJW is ludicrous
I've never seen this happen outside obvious bait.
I've seen people reee about how it would be labeled such if it released today, but those people mysteriously fail to show up except to shitpost.
The center doesn't exist anymore, now is just a tug of war between the extremes.
Everyone is a buncha snowflakes.
As per TDP, it’s good if you like a show that doesn’t really have a “main antagonist” that is morally corrupt: the show is cast in such a way that the real villain is the recursive cycle of vengeance that leads people to perpetuate a futile conflict.
Overall, if you just enjoy the characters and how they play out/evolve and can stomach the idealistic themes of the story (which I find to be just fine), then you shouldn’t have a problem. Watch it, it’s real short.
I think you’re more likely to be put off by the animation rather than the general themes.
You're right, he should have kept Viren in a locked cage instead of ever listening to him
Yes. It's a fight to the death between the far right and the far wrong.
How did they sell seven seasons to Netflix?
because it would get the standard issue /pol/tard bombardments if it was released today, just like every single show/video game/movie etc, that involves women and minorities in any way, the only reason some shows are safe from this on Yea Forums is because shitposters don't watch cartoons and are more interested in epic (you)'s that don't require you to spend hours watching childrens entertainment.
Well so far they’ve only sold three.
Maybe Women and minorities should be less preachy nowadays and people would bitch less.
I mean fuck me, Women live life in easy mode.
depends of how much they weight and what they are wearing
>5 months between release of season 1 and 2
>season 2 released in February
>It's been almost 5 months
>season 3 mid-August?
Yea Forums is probably the most liberal board of Yea Forums. It leads me to wonder what cartoons would be like, if the industry was mostly right wing.
>humans = bad. elves = good
Isn't that usually reversed?
I meant July, not August
It’s SJW kino.
You mean Left right?
/tg/ is the most liberal.
50 years ago a nigger literally preached his way to civil rights, try going outside
What civil rights and what issues do women and minorities actually face?
>Waaah my life choices are not as profitable as I think they should be!
ya 50 years ago, they need to shut the fuck up now that they have the same rights
And yet somehow the mere presence or Wang Fire counter balances all of that to make the show pure manliness incarnate.
In risk of starting bullshit, didn't Alabama ban abortions? They even banned them for rape victims. I don't like abortion, but even I think that's bullshit.
Like I said, you can go outside, I'm willing to be 99% of what you aren't complaining about is shit you heard on /pol/, I live in DC, nigger central, and I pretty much never hear anything like what you are bitching about
funny how so many politicians make it a core part of their platform
maybe spend less time outside and look into current events
Ahhh hahaha.
The world has this... artificial feel to it. Kind of like a generic jRPG.
Politicians are slime, what do you expect?
You have an entire party in America determined to ignore border problems with the south.
I live in Atlanta and fuck off DC faggot. You don't have near enough niggers to be nigger central.
Dispute it properly then, It's not like Abortions are not a questionable legal situation anyway.
Yea Forums constantly freaks out about nonwhite characters.
When it comes to Netflix efforts, I think Trollhunters is better, honestly.
Black hair and mole on your cheek does not make you Asian. Those eyes and that long-ass head, dear lord.
honestly /tg/'s saving grace is that there's a vocabulary bar, where if you go in spouting random shit with no idea what your talking about it becomes fairly obvious that your not native or interested in the material and people tell you to fuck off appropriately, opposite of that is Yea Forums which knelled to suck shitposter cock at the very second it was made an option and has only become more shit and normalfag filled for it. not too mention there's a very obvious gap between the number of people who watch anime and cartoons, more people isn't always a good thing.
>there may have been a magic futa cock involved.
No half measures, they have to explore that now THOROUGHLY.
/tg/ is also a healthy mix of sexual deviants and people who love traditons.
So it naturally forms a centre-left situation.
The greatest irony of /pol/, I think, is that when reddit had its purges, we were overwhelmed with refugees who refused to be assimilated, and refused to adopt our values.
At that point, why not have three, four or five queens? The sky's the limit when you don't give a shit.
They should have simply had a Sire-Consort to donate dickjuice for them.
But then again they seem to be benign-dictator style queens so they can do whatever they want.
Usually when there's no explanation for them. It seems pretty lazy to have every single fictional world to be like the United States melting pot.
It's better to come up with proper exotic countries with names, maps and some lore. It shows you're not a hack.
See: The Elder Scrolls. Where Redguard make tons of sense.
Sort of.
>They should have simply had a Sire-Consort to donate dickjuice for them.
The problem with that is the royal lineage. Already having two rulers of a single nation as equals is kinda wonky (that very rarely happened in real life) but now you're adding the fact that their child is not even a biological child of one of the two queens. It's such a mess.
There's a pretty good reason for the border counties being mixed race, though.
They all got pushed out of their ancestral homes and forced across the continent. It makes sense that most of them would just settle in the first place they could.
Even Tolkiens Elves weren't above cuntery.
>Elrond: You can't marry my daughter till you are King of two Kingdoms, one of which doesn't even exist anymore.
It's not SJW at all unless you consider the mere presence of minority characters to be SJW, there isn't anything resembling modern politics.
It's not however as good as Avatar, it's not terrible but so far it's been okay at best to mediocre at worst.
> is either kino or trash because it has some sjw stuff
you guys are retards
the show is pretty good, has some lesbian queens so fuck off
Biological lineage isn't really mandatory over just a general point of lineage; The Roman Emperor's adopted heirs constantly.
Fuck off
SJW retardism with an elf waifu
>The Roman Emperor's adopted heirs constantly.
Tiberius got adopted by Augustus when he was fucking 46.
The deaf sign language lesbo general and other minority box ticking characters are the reason I label Dragon Cuck as an SJW show.
Hope the new Elder Scrolls has Redguards and Akivir both. Just places we haven't seen.
I don't want to see Elswhywre or whatever, too much sand and too many drug-addled furries.
They don't face any issues. Women are in fact not a minority at all. Considering the fact they are 51% of the planet's population, women actually form the world's majority and are the ruling gender. Women are responsible for 70% of all financial decisions in the world.
Is there a MEGA for this show? I don't wanna log into Netflix when I can just waste hard drive space.
At this point, token box-tickers are a dime a dozen in cartoons.
But at least for now, they're background dressing. Calling it SJW because of fag queens and a deaf general is jumping the gun, I think. I don't even remember them saying the general was a lesbian, either.
A lot of Roman adoptions were more like what we would consider marriages, except without any love and inter-generational. The adopted person wouldn't have to pretend they were the child of their adopter, or cut ties with their birth family. It's not really what you think of when you think of adoption.
they didn't and she isn't
>Is a character already a lesbian and don't change the story
>is a lesbian cuz the fandom force it and makes no sense in the story
>I don't even remember them saying the general was a lesbian, either.
Wait, I thought that everybody thought that the deaf general was fucking the interpreter guy who Viren chained up?
Deaf general is just a non-complaint. It's unique and not a problem for a high ranking military officer, who was the sister of the fucking queen (nepotism anyone?) to be deaf. Most orders back then would be given through flags, screamed by her subordinates, in the front, etc. Having interpreters is just fine. It's fucking odd she's even on the front lines.
The word SJW means nothing anymore.
I watched the first season and it was... okay. Personally, I think the writing is shit and the tonal whiplash got annoying fast. The thing wasn't for me.
It's actually halfway clever that she's deaf, since her foremost opponent before Viren went full retard is a monster that uses thunder as a weapon.
An explanation is one thing, but if that explanation has no bearing on the plot beyond informing the world the story occurs in, then there's no reason for it to exist in the show. Granted, I would prefer if more properties considered the ramifications of diverse populations within their plots, but the lack of exposition on why a diverse population exists doesn't imply there isn't an explanation behind the scenes.
And really, I guess the whole "the ancient world was largely segregated" thing feels flimsy. Even in our history where conflicts between diverse communities continues, we've seen numerous continent spanning empires. Surely these empires were diverse and any intermixing would have been visible for generations after any empire fell. And that's not even touching on how a writer might conceive of a fictional world and history where intermixing was extensive, continuous, and ultimately normalized (never mind the worlds where no recognizably white people exist, such as Avatar or Earthsea).
So much of this debate seems to boil down to "Speculative fiction is for white people, reeeeeee!"
The First Age of Middle Earth is basically Feanor, his sons, and the rest of the Noldor being complete cocks all the time.
>Already having two rulers of a single nation as equals
I’m not sure if there’s any evidence that supports or contradicts this, but maybe one of the queens was the true ruler and the other was only their spouse. I mean, King Harrow had his wife accompany him on missions and shit even though she clearly did not have as much power as him, as evidenced in the fact that her son Callum is not the heir to the thrown but that the son she had with Harrow is, among other things.
The two queens seemed pretty equal but it’s possible they actually weren’t.
>Usually when there's no explanation for them. It seems pretty lazy to have every single fictional world to be like the United States melting pot.
We've reached the point where there are anons here saying Wakanda was forced diversity. Even if it's in jest that's past the point of no return.
The greater point being patrilineal descent for rules wasn't the only way things got done.
Most of its minority stuff seems to be just box ticking to keep SJWs/netflix happy, personally I like it, although its not nearly as good as Avatar
Harrow was a fucking idiot.
This.Internet and especially Yea Forums ruin everything it touch
SJWs are anti-men tree huggers, just like elves
The whole show hinges on a a mass migration event that happened in the past. The setting being multi racial makes sense anyways
Neither really. There is some SJW stuff (those two lesbian queens that appeared for a couple of minutes before dying), but it doesn't feature too strongly.
It's okay but not great. Viren and his kids are by fat the most interesting part of the show. Overall, it has potential, but it hasn't really tapped into it yet.
don't forget the shipping
The deaf warrior woman is the only bit that annoys me. You can bullshit the rest, but that is just a fucking moronic.
The Fire Nation are honorary whites.
>Overall, it has potential, but it hasn't really tapped into it yet.
seeing it's two seasons in, that's a really bad thing. The show is so fucking bland. Some aspects of its story don't even make sense. Like, why is it so bad to kill animals for magic when you kill them for food all the time? Why would the king's advisor become the regent king when the princes have an living aunt? Why would giving a fucking egg back stop the war? It's like the writers have the knowledge of a child when it comes to politics.
It made a lot more sense to me when I finally put together that she’s from a family of nobility. She probably does whatever she wants because her sister was queen.
>seeing it's two seasons in, that's a really bad thing.
At least the seasons are each only less than 10 episodes long.
>Why would giving a fucking egg back stop the war? It's like the writers have the knowledge of a child when it comes to politics.
I want to give them the benefit of the doubt and say that when Callum and Rayla do return the egg/hatchling it's not going to do anything, think on it, so far there have been only two very short seasons and they are already in Xadia, at this rate they will have returned the dragon by the end of the third season, so it seems that they intend for the plot to continue for awhile after that.
It's probably going to be something else that stops the conflict.
I guess, and there are examples in history of stuff like that, but it still annoys me because of how lazily done it is. Fantasy is fantasy and everything is possible and can be justified. But they don't.
She is all these things, and deaf with nothing more to her. Not magical or preternatural. Just deaf to show deaf people they can do everything except hear someone creep up on them.
Nu Twilight Zone
Star Trek TNG took until season 3 to get good.
>Like, why is it so bad to kill animals for magic when you kill them for food all the time?
It's not the killing, it's the soul stealing. It's probably very likely it taints the user, drives them mad in some way, hence the black eyes/veins or the permanent white streaking in hair.
>it doesn't make sense they exist
>No mexican characters
You forgot about the Sun Warriors
Dodged a bullet there.
They are queens. If someone powerful had something against them, they wouldn't be queens.
The powerless can raise a rabble or two, but else they can get crushed and suck it.
Korra would be totally be the best show ever existed, if it was not for the last ten seconds.
>two seasons
its actually one season with two cours, but Netflix decided to tag it as a season
>The setting being multi racial makes sense anyways
Not that user but yes, you’re right, it does and I’m largely satisfied that there’s an explanation at all.
I’m generally in the “people should make their own diverse story, instead of criticizing existing fiction” camp, and the Dragon Prince has come straight out the gate with racially/sexually diverse characters. It is what it is, take it or leave it, it’s being honest about its intentions and that’s fine.
The mass migration thing though, I find it pretty unsatisfying on a worldbuilding level. Migrations are messy, complex things. A recent example in fiction would be Game of Thrones, with the Wildings migrating South for Winter. It was a really good source of tension and conflict with sympathetic characters on both sides.
As worldbuilders, the creators should be looking at their migration setting and asking Who were the original inhabitants? Who moved in? What were the differences between the groups? Did the differences cause conflict? Did any natives resist their settlement? Did the newcomers get their own land or become subjects? If they got their own land, did they fight for it? What effect did the migration have on the balance of power in the region? Did they assimilate or did cultures merge? What effect did it have on resources? Did it cause any outbreaks in disease?
I’m not saying the show has to answer all that shit, but I’d have more confidence in the show if I felt the creators had considered those as part of the process.
And then when I hear one of the human kingdoms has a name like Neolandia... Neo-fucking-landia, I’m not so confident.
If you were seriously asking Yea Forums for advice, you'll probably get triggered by token minor characters if the black kang doesn't shoo shoo you off first.
It's closer to TLA than Korra, but it's not nearly as good and I seriously doubt it ever will be.
>Why would the king's advisor become the regent king when the princes have an living aunt?
To be fair Viren does offer her the throne but she refuses.
Honestly though, Harrow was kind of a jerk to just get himself murdered to appease his guilt without doing anything to protect or support his 10 year old son whom he's just thrust on the throne.
>Harrow was kind of a jerk to just get himself murdered
You don't really believe he's dead, right? It's so fucking obvious he changed places with the bird
To be fair harrow didn't realize his most trusted advisor was a traitorous nigger until it was too late, if Viren had just supported them as an advisor as he did harrow they would have been fine, well, not really because he's a warmongering shitstain but you know
It has the potential to be a lot better, if only because the avatar finale was shit and poorly handled
I think you’re writing a fantasy in your head to make yourself a victim.
>It's not the killing, it's the soul stealing
1 - You're essentially trying to come up with an excuse for the writers. It's they who should explain shit, not you
2 - Bullshit. It's been shown you can extract magic not only from dead creatures but also from body parts of creatures
That'd be super ironic if you visited Yea Forums/v/ or /pol/ for a week before making this post.
Different spells need different things, though. That is shown in the show, and it's likely the more powerful magic requires ingredients that come from magical, sentient beings.
It's not the same as killing a cow to make burgers.
>The mere presence
You can't put two lesbo queens together without being sjw bullshit. In reality, this just kills your entire bloodline.
Meh, just get a guy version of the Madame d'Pompadour to impregnate one or more of Her Royal Highness. EZ.
>with nothing more to her.
She's superhumanly strong, too. bashing apart wooden beams with her notkite shield.
seems a little bit of both so far to be honest my dawg
I don't know if you know this but
Twilight Zone was always like that.
The video game will probably end up being better than the show. I want to explore the neat world, but the storytelling isn't that great.
Nothing suggests that a fantasy kingdom can't have a system to select its rulers based on something other than blood. Perhaps there's a queen candidate temple where young girls are educated and the best is selected, and one of the queens shown in the flashback is simply the spouse of the selected one. And just happens to be a woman, since maybe the queen can choose whoever they fuck because KWEEN.
It was still his intention, and if he's birded it was against his will, so any criticism of his intention is valid.
no it wasn't
>still browsing Yea Forums
Whew, lad
Will the silly siblings back their dad or Ezran when they're all back at the castle?
I dont think you watched the original or the late 90's/early 2000 reboot... aka, you're talking out of your ass.
No. It has a Black King in a predominantly white kingdom. A mute general. Lesbian Queens with a daughter that is way "better" than other royalties. Black prince who is super fucking annoying and can do no wrong. Have humans be presented as the bad guy and the magical beings as the good guy. Also Blacked. Like literally. The MC who is white male don't even remember about his original father anymore. Just the Black father king.
If so, the girl shouldn't even be Queen right now but she is.
Why not? If she was selected to be, she is.
(Under the hypothetical scenario of the previous post; which isn't necessarily what happens in the Dragon Prince)
I wonder how Harrow fits within this place's Chad/Cuck scale. He "blacked" his wife, but is also raising another man's son.
>Black prince who is super fucking annoying
He'd have to talk and whine a whole not more to rate that badly
>and can do no wrong.
Didn't he run away for a good chunk of the last couple episodes at the same time serious shit was going down?
Because why would a Queen be selected even before the other Queen is removed? By the other poster scenario, there must be other Queen candidates that is much closer to the previous Queen's age to take her place in case some horrendous happens. If the girl is Queen now, there must be only one reason for it. Corruption/favouritism or an incompetent system and government.
Oh but he did something more annoying. By being always right and being the voice of reason for everyone. He didn't know his father died. Now he's going back because he is so better.
Alright, not a TZ fan but I'm gonna need some sources since I saw quite a few of the episodes and never encountered anything "SJW" or whatever.
Didn't the two previous queens die during the expedition with the fire golem thingy? I can't really remember but if the little girl is queen I assume is because the other two were dead.
50/50 id say
>Avatar has several GURLPOWER episodes and the entire cast is non-white people.
true but it's done well and not just shoved in there
I mean IRL you'd get foreign kings all the time. Or have you forgotten the Windsors changed their name from Saxebourg-Gotha because it didn't scan so well to have a Hun kind while at war with them. The Spanish empire also had kings who didn't even speak the fucking language, and the Prince of Wales was an epic troll from Edward the Ist
>the king had promised the Welsh that he would name "a prince born in Wales, who did not speak a word of English" and then produced his infant son, who had been born at Caernarfon
the pacing is shit. at the end of season 2 i feel like narratively we're in the middle of a delayed season 1. aang and the gang are still heading to the north pole at this rate.
It's fucking garbage. Watch it like it was background noise.
kek you beat me to it
None of what you wrote is remotely SJW.
Yes it does
That daughter was an idiot though.
Just because Viren wasn’t on the level doesn’t mean that everyone should sit on their ass and let the elves run a train on his home.
Different user, honestly in theory the idea could work but they didn’t pull it off right. They cured full body paralysis with a deer, maybe if the cure for paralysis was another able bodied human and Claudia uses a prisoner or something it would be more layered, just spitballing here.
Also the golem wasn’t really shown to be an intelligent being, it was as smart as an animal or maybe a Pokémon if you look at Bait and the dragon prince. Maybe they should of showed the golem as an innocent creature trying to run at first but then lashed out like a cornered animal or something. On top of that the queen objects to the plan cos she says it’s a violent solution but she’s a soldier, every life she took had value lol I really hate that queen, and the alternative is thousands of her subjects dying. So yea it kind of is like killing a cow for a burger.
Whats an example of 'girl power' being shoved into a show?
What are you talking about? At episode nineteen, Aang and the gang reached the north pole.
The Dragon Prince concluded its eighteenth episode by reaching Xadia.
nonsense but fun, with likeable characters
Avatar was actually more political than The Dragon Prince is. The fire nation and earth kingdom are stand-ins for the Japanese occupation of China during World War 2.
remember, it's only political if you disagree with the message
Yes it is, you apologist.
The characters and atmosphere is exceptionally immature.
The characters aren't charming and intelligent enough to warrant 80-200 minutes worth of filler with them just sitting around and talking to each other. I've seen better character chemistry out of The Weekenders and Lauren Faust's MLP.
Also the actual adventure and action is incredibly lukewarm and SCARCE. The flashback with the prince and viren going on the border to kill that golem to extract its heart is the best the show has to offer in terms of action and adventure.
This show just barely has any content to even warrant 10 episodes, more like compilations of shorts.
The Last Airbender by comparison had an insane amount of adventure and action.
I was hoping for Storm Hawks level of world building and action-adventure storytelling.
Might as well play Diablo and Dungeon Siege if you want what The Dragon Prince is lacking.
Simply mediocre.
Unfortunately, these posts nail it.
I enjoyed the Dragon Prince only because of my fantasies of this show flipping everything upside down on this upcoming season and actually being mature. The humans are clearly good, the elves are clearly retarded, the main characters are also being retarded, and the plot has made many large flaws.
Even when you put aside the strange stuff like the mixed race prince that can do no wrong/talk to animals just cus, the deaf general, etc there are still major flaws I cannot excuse. Harrow has 2 different goddamn personalities, his original personality where he was a moronic but 'kind' person, and the personality that demands control and throws all compassion out the window despite compassion being his defining feature. The small bout he had with Viren in the beginning of the story was so forced it was disgusting. He kills his own people so that they can die along a nation that ultimately never helps them in return due to that childish bitch(who's forcibly portrayed to be the mature one in that meeting). Truly the worst character.
Next major flaw is Callum suddenly learning how to do magic without a source? What the actual fuck? WHY is this allowed, he has no fucking experience other than a small roadtrip and you're telling me HE learned something no other sorcerer in fucking history has ever learned how to do? Incredibly horrible writing.
Finally, there is no threat. No characters have lost anything of value yet. If they're hurt, they gain something of equal value or greater value in return, or have that dilemma erased. Even those monsters were just illusions the whole time. Friendship and compassion beats EVERYTHING. It is frustrating and boring to watch.
I'm seriously just praying that this 3rd season ruins absolutely everything about this show. I want my husbando Viren and his bishie Aaravos to destroy all these elves and make dark magic important, not just "i-it's bad cus it hurts things!"
Mate... next you are doing to tell me the original age of empires is political. Retelling of human history is not necessarily political in nature.
Like the other user said the original avatar was nor trying to jam a political message down your throat. And the focus was telling a compelling story.
Stop trying to make everything about politics for fucks sake.
Sorry user, trying to shoehorn politics where it doesn’t belong is too tempting for (you) addicts.
>Next major flaw is Callum suddenly learning how to do magic without a source? What the actual fuck? WHY is this allowed
>Callum has a vision with a shitton of KEYS in it
>he does elemental magic while in the vicinity of the KEY of Aaravos
>Aaravos is later shown to channel elemental magic through Viren
The animation looked kinda weird in the trailers.
Yes well everyone thinks it's the key, but since it's not confirmed I don't want to push the concept. It wouldn't be the first time they did something incredibly stupid.
I'm still pissed at how dark magic is treated like the worst thing as well. Dark magic is for chads
Propa orky
>dark magic is for chads
How's hot topic these days?
The other two are dead yes - fighting the golem.
From a succession point of view, having an heir away from the front lines ensures continuity of power - regardless of parentage.
>Katara is literally a strong womyn that changes the sexist views of her culture.
No, she's a competent fighter that faces discrimination and manages to prove herself in the face of it, earning the people respect in the process. Shes not a bulldike coochi crusader.
>Toph breaks free from her overbearing parents to be herself.
That's not a gendered thing.
>Many of the best benders are women.
We see like what 5? 1 is an almost Inhuaman natural suvant and the others are either mystically powerful or useing a special manipulative technique they discovered.
>Aang is vegetarian überpacifist hero who belongs to a culture that fuctions as a massive communitary family.
user he's a bloody budist what the fuck did you want?
>Patriotism is depicted as the state manipulating the masses.
How? In the fire nation? That was ministry of truth stuff. Ba Sing Say? They were a litteral fucking shadow government.
Wakanda wasn't diverse, it was the definition of an ethnostate
Name one white character in Asia
0/10 user, way to spin so many points so badly to try and save face.
>Corruption/favouritism or an incompetent system and government.
So a monarchy?
Most of the "incredibly stupid" things people complain about have nothing to do with how the plot is handled, rather with politics they find disagreeable. For those I can only say: what did you expect from the head writer of Avatar? I love that show, but it's the most three-hugging liberal save the whales hippy shit this side of Captain Planet.
As for the characters not facing lasting consequences: come on, they've barely been established. They're barely out of the gate. Does anyone seriously think that, say, having Soren be permanently crippled this early on would have been a good move? Keep in mind you can't keep extended focus on this character alone while keeping all the others moving too, so don't come with any ideas about how this could have led to a deep character study or whatnot.
Farm outrage from the hyper sensitive elsewhere, faggot.
>>Katara is literally a strong womyn that changes the sexist views of her culture.
No she doesn't, and it wasn't even her culture. She lost to the master, and the only reason he trained her is because she was the grandaughter of the love of his life.
>>Toph breaks free from her overbearing parents to be herself.
That's not inherently sjw or woke or anything.
>>Many of the best benders are women.
Just remember the White Lotus. No women.
It was mostly balanced, but there were more men.
>>Aang is vegetarian überpacifist hero who belongs to a culture that fuctions as a massive communitary family.
It's based on a religion that respects all forms of life, and in no moment it's implied that he's morally superior. In fact, it presents Aang with a moral dilema at the end of the series wich he completely dodges. Also them being pacifists goes along with their element, wich is agile and evasive.
>>Patriotism is depicted as the state manipulating the masses.
That was a representation of fascism and extreme nationalism, patriotism is represented in several ocasions as a feeling of protecting your people and fighting for them.
>the characters’ve barely been established. They're barely out of the gate.
Maybe they shouldn’t still be this way 20 episodes in, though.
When there are this many in a story that has a grand scope with multiple locations to zig-zag about, it's acceptable.I just hope they won't clutter up the story by introducing more and more and dedicate serious screen time to them. I think getting rid of the wolf loli is a good sign regarding this.
user there are hworld places (and big and important ones at that) with FAR more stupid names
Also its unclear how long ago was the migration event so baseline war/social tension ight have died since then. Bear in mind that humanity is made up of 5 separate kingdoms, not a single unit
There's a number of different ethnic groups in wakanda, all blacks aren't the same