New short
DC Super Hero Girls
Other urls found in this thread:
Next week will be awesome
>mai waifu ivy
of couse it will be awesome
>you will never have a muscle girl bully you
why live
oh, it's Fluttershy.
>mai waifu Hal
of course it will be awesome
try to be more original, faggot
The show and shorts have all been great. Shame that CN is working on killing it.
Some Hal Jordan Brand Dumbassery coming up. Pure Kino.
it's their fault for not being a PC cartoon. no one of the girls us bi or have two dads? ewww
Oh hey it’s that one joke from the LEGO Movie
>that line Karen screams at Doris
Karen confirmed to be straight
Where’s her Burqa?
what does she smell like again
Why do you keep posting this shit she smells like a girl you hapless olfactophile
girls like her rarely takes bath, they believe it harms the environment
so yes she would smell bad
Why id Hal acting like Guy?
Is DC ever going to stop bullying Green Lantern?
why are they trying to turn GL into the new Aquaman
she smells like lilacs and vanilla!
Reynolds. But Hal has always been kind of a joke
>it's a karen needs to learn to stop being a pussy episode
she smells bad and you know it
Two reasons: Khal Drogo made Aquaman cool and Deadpool reminded everyone that the Green Lantern movie sucked.
Oh shit Jess is fuckin pissed
hal was always 3 IQ points from being an official retard
this isnt the main dc continuity obviously dummy this is part of the tamer sanimated multiverse
Go back to your dying board
Hal always has been kind dumb
>Bee x Giganta
Has Ryan Reynolds/Deadpool inadvertently become one of Hal Jordan's foes?
Apparently new dolls are out now
I have no problem with Hal being dumb
I do have a problem with heroes acting like they don't know him or treating him as a joke
GL is strong as fuck
>Bee screams about not wanting to be separated from the male movie star
she straight
So Giganta goes to see silly romance movies by herself and then picks on Flutterbee for no reason.
Is she gay for Karen and doesn't know how to deal with it?
Well yeah, she sees user with his clothes on. That will never do.
being gay and having a crush on a straight person must be hell
she's lonely and insecure about how guys aren't interested in masculine girls so she picks on Bee due to her being the picture of demure, approachable femininity.
fuck that makes a lot of sense
Eh you get used to it
>guys aren't interested in masculine girls
She's going to find out in a little bit that's not true and will post nude pictures of herself online on fetish boards.
Porn of Giganta dominating Karen when?
like beating her up, stripping her naked and throwing her into the boy locker room?
Really all she needs to do is notice that nerdy little asian boy in the blue and red outfit who keeps watching her in class
Molesting her.
>anti goverment teenager latina hippie
I wonder
And that's different from being straight and liking someone who doesn't like you back how?
Future Jess villain
He’s strong, but even in-universe, I can see why a lot of people might not be familiar with him, especially if he and the rest of the lantern corps has done most of their super-heroing off Earth in this timeline so far.
I remember being a little kid who didn’t know shit about comics and having no idea who Green Lantern was supposed to be back when the Justice League cartoon came out, and I imagine a lot of normies can relate or are still kinda unclear on it.
I can imagine Giganta here going to sneak into a movie theater without paying just for the fuck of it, and being too dumb to bother to read which movie she was sneaking into.
Fuck out of here with the damn fanart already
it triggered some user a fuckton last thread so i'll be posting it in every thread for now on
What? Are you sperging out about content being made for the show?
I wonder if Robert Pattinson being cast as the new Batman is gonna be referenced in the future. Hell if they haven't finalized his design yet they could make him look more like Pattison.
hello sweeters, good afternoon!
by God, Karen is too precious
Let's be honest, Fluttershy has more balls than Bumblebee and that's not a good sign.
It was a fixation on a property she really liked more than the actor himself, who acted more like a pep talking life coach than dreamboat in her mind
Anyways take whatever angle you like, obviously. I’m just a sucker for bully ships
This is not new at all. Hal was the pathetic homeless loser in the 80s, and a lot of modern writers today grew up reading that.
But we also have things like All Star Hal being made of stupid. The animated movies portraying Hal as the dumb moron that tries taking on Darkseid with a boxing glove, and not to mention each and every time a huge threat from space shows up the Green Lanterns have to be the first ones bitchslapped down so Superman and Batman can solve all the problems.
>Hal as the dumb moron that tries taking on Darkseid with a boxing glove
That was great
Okay, explain this: How can a show that's so popular with Yea Forums have such pure comments?
Where's the waifu wars? Where's the shitposting? Why is no one ruining the YouTube comments/chat?
>Where's the shitposting?
in the last thread
>Kenya Garcia
>Egypt Hammond
We looped around to naming people after places now?
TLM, Deadpool, and the horrible GL movie reminded people of his loser status
it's a meme created by and for casuals because the GL movie sucked
Why are there no jokes about the MCU yet?
because every MCU movie is pretty much the same movie over and over.
That's not what I meant, but okay.
Also Kyle Rayner was the in-universe loser throughout the 90s. So there is a long precedence of Green Lantern being some pathetic mopey loser for a while.
you do know Guy and John exist right?
Guy is kind of a loser. He got hit by a bus and fell into a coma. And John is a date rapist since Fatality was brainwashed
>Hal is just rdumg
>Guy is a retarded douche and everyone hates him
>John is a sad sack that cries every night over Xanshi
>Kyle is a pathetic beta loser
>Simon is an edgy scared weirdo that brags about owning a gun
>Jess is a PTSD psycho that is terrified of her own shadow
Might as well just end the can lantern concept at this point. Its a house of losers and pathetic weirdos that no one else in the entire hero community can even stand.
Why did Karen sting Harley? She wasn't doing anything wrong. Just laughing at what was probably a terrible movie.
you should try reading a comic once in a while
Theater decorum, you faggot
Better than you
maybe if she showered
It's Karen's husbando you are talking about
Haha she's lovely
>All Star Hal being made of stupid
that was bizarro Hal though
I'm glad the boys are getting some spotlight
Don't let the furries see this.
>batman ends up being Robert Pattinson
>turns out that actor from the twilight parody is actually batman
I'd laugh
when will they include the fridge scene?
>Another Karen short
>Superdick and Hal
Well, it should be half-fun.
i'm hoping we get more interactions between the male characters
Same, so wanna see some Barry/Hal interactions
Look man I know but Giganta domming Karen is really hot OK
>Carol bullying Clark into being Hal’s friend
God what is Doris' fucking problem?
And Lauren sure knows her audience
We know now
Ok but what about her outfit having bare thighs
You mean her debut episode?
"Ant Man ain't got nothin' on me"~
L-leave her alone
>Hal and Kyle were homeless losers
>Guy got kicked out of the police force
>Simon was involved in terrorist shit and almost ends in up in Guantanamo bay
>Jess was a PTSD induced NEET for years, and has dealed with several disorders ever since
Ok but what happened with John?
and no don't mention his skin
>Ok but what happened with John?
He never really gets to do anything by himself anymore.
>show acts like Doris is supposed to be ugly
>she's not
Also, is it really so much to ask to have her be a mad scientist for once? I'd think Faust of all people would be all for that. Fucks sake.
Somebody get on Twitter and ask Faust when we're getting a Zatanna episode.
>hey boys we brought you a new toy
mad scientist is Harley
>show acts like she is unattractive
It does?
she hates karen because she reminds her the fact she is also part of that inferior race. she has dirty blood
New comic also out
post it then
Faust will do qna for the Youtube page
Fuck it. It's Tara Strong's Harley. Who gives a shit about being nice to her.
It happens very frequently. I hate it.
she doesnt like tara trying so hard to laugh like hamill
Your fanart still sucks faggot
did she see Hal's dick or something
Why can't we debate over how someone else smells?
John caused a planet to blow up because he thought he could defuse a doomsday device.
It was painted yellow, so he could do jack shit to it.
Then he almost kills himself at the end of the story.
Cosmic Odyssey by Starlin
There's a serious lack of fanart focusing on Jessica's big ass
I don't see Carol immediately stripping naked
Carol is the kind of girl who names her dildo after her crush isn't she
a nice green vibrating dildo names Hal
>shower cap construct
It's the little things.
Wow, Tara believes her character Babragirl is "definitely the leader of the team". Is there no limit to her narcissism?
Sooner or later even Giganta has to realize why she keeps getting thwarted by a bee.
God I Wish That Were Me
DC Kids released a video about the dolls.
did they hotglue them?
Please do a fanart of this but with Hal and Carol.
I kind of want to see more DC women in this style, girls like Platinum would be great in this show.
Zatanna looks a bit better.
Ryan has patrician taste, but so does Diana.
Zee face is more reasonable, Jess look slightly better. Both Babs and Jess have tiny hips in contrast to their character design. Zee literally have Kara body, just switched the arms with Kara and it's pretty much perfect.
I'm still very disappointed with the dolls and think they are subpar. Mattel could've done way better job and instead just went lazy and cheapskate. I don't think I'll be getting any of these, I'll find other ways to support the show.
only thing i don't like is how much bigger carol is here
How could anyone think that the leader is anyone but Diana? Time after time Diana is the one that gets the other girls' asses in gear. She's also the most experienced fighter and tactician.
Be glad you're not waiting years for a version with an actual cape
>with an actual cape
The cape is a cheap plastic crap
>voice actors video
>99% Tara Strong only
>claims to be the leader
Wow, she's narcissistic bitch
>closed eyes
t. Uncultured swine
Hal was made for suffering
>Guy literally had brain damage that turned him into an asshole everyone hated
>John can't appear on panel without LOL XANSHI jokes
she's not bigger, he's just kneeling like a good boy should
New Latino short
They don’t look bad
They don't look great either
How do we incorporate Mera in the show?
she realized being a cuck is not her fetish
She resents her nerd parents but can't take it out on them so she bullies others she perceives as nerds.
SG has seen some shit
>He doesn't remember horsies
>He doesn't remember horsies and supers have the same lead
This is cute.
She's instead realized that pre-emptively cucking girls that like him is even better by, kidnapping them and forcing them to marathon each and every second of her and Hal's two day long sex tapes that Carol secretly recorded, featuring times when she snuck in and fucked Hal while he was sleeping
She likely thought that since she had the most focus in the premiere episode and she was the one who brought the team together.
Whyd Superman even hate lantern in those movies anyway?
>She's also the most experienced fighter and tactician.
Now if only the comics would remember this...
Real talk, Diana should be the leader of the Justice League, because it makes sense, dammit.
lol no
she has trouble getting along with others way to often
Movie Diana yes
a ferris wheel?
IIRC, she was. Don't know how well she did, though. Seconding this
Your art is still shit btw, stop spamming every thread with it
Imagina tener una novia asi
something is something
>Ferris wheel
>Not Star Sapphire themed
Missed opportunity
bro this is the best fking show since horses, biggest fandom in 1 year remember my words, seriously, we're the first sweeters in the fking world, never forget it, we are legends
>his balls... this big... all in proportion you guys!
Wow, the art is so good in the 13th issue.
I wonder why the rest of issues' artstyle are between good and passable and really badly looking.
>When Jess cuck you.
Apparently, the good artist is a dude and the bad artist is female diversity hire:^)
got a MEGA link?
The bad art was from Yancey Labat who’s a guy.
I want to ride Diana
God, Kara is such a fucking slob. Her room probably reeks of female BO and cum
pretty sure that isn't a drawfag from here
When will Mera appear?
>Yancey Labat
Still a diversity hire
Weird Science part 4 was drawn good as well
thanks user
What is with the 2 Anons that hate this art
previous thread
Just an autist who think everything relating to this show is mlp, also he's most likely samefagging as well. The first time Bleez was posted, there was a lot of disproportionate hate towards it, yet the poster count never went up
THIS (but the opposite)
Hal should have kept that cool asteroid hideout he used for a bit.
thought it was about wanting only official art and not fanart
Apparently there are official t-shirts out but I don't know where to buy them
anywhere young girls buy clothes
I'm not allowed back there
tell us what happened lad
Batichica sounds better in Spanish
They also left "Wonder Woman", before it was Mujer Maravilla.
worst po-er, heroine.
Post more art.
Draw Black Hand or Black Canary.
Why do you keep doing this when they're next to nothing alike?
Fucking Kara and blue horse have more in common.
Are you seriously going to look for character growth and an evolving storyline from a kids show about cookie cutter personality highschool friends that get along and overcome personal problems and supervillains by having best friends?
This is a show aimed at little girls.
You're allowed to enjoy it too, but be aware of the primary audience.
Apparently the police and I have different opinions of what "creepy" means.
To be far, bumblebee really is the worst
Marry me.
would be hilarious but the ep would have been prepared months at the least before that news came out
>no "Batichica"
>no "Superchica"
>no "Mujer Maravilla"
>no "Linterna Verde"
>no "Zafiro Estrella/Estelar"
>have "Guepardo" instead of "Chita"
Who the fuck thought of this?
That’s Babs
Kara really does have a nice body
I still don't understand why they made bumblebee the shy one when that is exactly what comic Jessica Cruz is supposed to be
Same in Brazil. I don’t get it
Bumblebee is perfect and needs protecting..
i'm disappointed at the lack of lewds
I could go for an Diana-centric episode where she's aggressively hitting on an oblivious Barry.
How about Diana not knowing anything about relationships and thinks hitting on Barry is literally Hitting Barry
Even better.
>It arouses her and she doesn't understand why or what the feelings really are
>Practically hunting him for the psuedo-sado fix
God I wish that were me
>with every punch her pantie get wetter
needs more bunny kara
imagine the smell
Fuck that's cute
>Still taking cheap shots at Twilight 7 years after the last movie
delet this, Steve is a fking trash in every universe
apparently just like the former show, it's mattel fault. they want to keep the english names for the dolls... but that's not explain guepardo
I bet Karen is into hatefucking and is extremely aggressive in bed.
honestly I think she showed more interest in Barry
she would totally be into some kind of size play
only jess, karen and zee show interest in barry. diana is pure, babs is autistic and kara is a lesbian
Kara lusts after her cousin
>Diana is pure
She’s a mythical Greek. Give it time.
no, that would be wolverine
you mean glotón o aguja dinámica
Would you fingerblast Karen
Never been around black women. It's true their hair stinks?
can't be worse than the smell Jess gives off
I think the eventual Steve episode will be exactly like that.
I know Faust said she didn't want any romance in the pony show so maybe she won't want any in this one either
I don't think it will be that prominent other than one episode and maybe some references when Diana looks at Steve with dreamy eyes when they meet in a team up.
As for no romance I support the idea.
I wan't little nods to it
I think it can work if it's more of an after thought kind of thing
I don't want anyone to steal muh waifu D:
Fuck, until now I have no interest in this show, but every day I come to thoses threads because those girls are so fucking cute, goddamnit. I can't stop coming here.
>I can't stop cumming
you and me both
It is really good
Glad you caught my drift
why is the linework on the characters so greasy and wobbly like that?
Babs needs to start wearing her hoodie with nothing underneath. It's a good look for her.
its an edit retard
All the lineart in every pic including non edits are the same thing. All the lines are anything but smooth.
Oh my fucking god!
stylistic choice?
Are there any other girl-specific movie franchises nowadays like that, or do they just ruin regular franchises with girl-bait now?
The fad went to hunger games ripoffs and other YA novels for a while. Now it feels like everyone just focuses on cape and cinematic universe crap
They do, but not like BO. There’s a very specific, yet prevalent subset of black woman that practically bathes in perfume when she leaves the house, so a gaggle of black ladies will walk by, and you’ll be hit with a mixture of several different fragrances trying to overpower each other. It’s not fun, man.
Karen’s probably not one of them because she doesn’t have friends outside her superhero pals
user that's retarded and just plain untrue; besides just being racist, that's just stupid, middle school tier, superstition and rumor
She could knock down buildings with that ass
I ship Karen and Hal
>user I want your pants off, NOW
new discord
user I’m black
I have experience with these women
Oh good lord, she THICC
>Steve is a fking trash in every universe
>y tho
Seriously, small girls domming is my greatest kink
so am I, I don't know what shit products whatever you hang around uses, but it's certainly not true anywhere else
blessed show
I demand Karen as a cutedom
>YWN have Karen shrink down to hide in he crotch of your pants and play with your cock while in class
>YWN have Karen work out her frustrations of being short on you
>YWN have Karen force you to be the Little Spoon
I want to be sexually abused by Karen
there is a /trash/ thread for this
In a goddamn edit? Are you that fucking stupid?
god these are cringey
Well shit
He was purposely calling for Billy to save him?
I think it’s a Gomer Pyle reference because he’s in military school. Which itself is a reference to Billy.
Do we have art of Karen getting hot-glued yet?
what am I looking at here?
And she's short and young enough to suit Hal's tastes
what happened to her lips? here, try this
fuck the pic says Jessica and not Karen
they all look the same to her
God I love the music of Them's Fighting Herds.
thank you, I was missing that one
I could see Carol breaking into Hal's house the very second Bumblebee sets even a single toe onto his lawn
God that’s adorable. Hope he breeds her.
would supergirl peg me if i was a teenage girl
carol made this post
Supergirl probably lusts after her cousin, like in the comics
Don't worry, Karen is going to exclusively fuck white boys.
honestly she seems like the type that would
Superman (boy) is secretly a tsundere for Kara? I like this
That's hot.
I have you covered, user.
Harsh and blasphemous
I want Livewire to cuck Superman from Supergirl
So that's what this post has been leading up to, Livewire cucking Kara from sweet and rough incest. It all makes so much sense now
So which of the heroes and villains' identities are known by the public?
Is this one of those continuities where everyone knows who Wonder Woman is? Doesn't everyone know Carol is Star Sapphire?
none of the identities are known. If Superman is still young, it's assumed that superheroes are relatively new and the fact that Lois goes to school with them and nobody reacts to them being superheroes then it's safe to think that nobody knows. Babs also didn't know WW name in the first episode, but we don't know how paranoid and planned out she is compared to Bruce.
Confirmed Superhero Veterans
>Superman, Batman, Flash (veteran or new?), GL (veteran or new?)
I mean Barry and Hal are in high school. Speaking of which, would this Hal also run away to join the Air Force when he’s 18?
sounds like a good plot point for drama
New DC Girls on the DC GNs slate
Batgirl looks like she visits Barry at Sweet Justice too much
So which girl is most likely to have a teen preganancy?
Kara or Diana. Jess smells too bad, Babs is too annoying, Bee would probably be too terrified to even risk it, and Zee most likely has magic spells preventing it
>Deadpool reminded everyone that the Green Lantern movie sucked.
If you have a low IQ I understand. Green Lantern is factually better performance wise.
C'mon man. It's obviously Jess. She may be a hippie, but she's still Hispanic.
Teen pregnant is like a right of passage to them.
daily reminder, ZEE IS MINE
doesn't look like it to me
I haven’t gotten around to watching since the pilot
How is the show overall?
the best show in the last 10 years, that's all
it's better than most of the shit cartoons we have right now
the show is actually funny and doesn't try to have some kind of "too deep" story
also the girls are really sexy
Diana would be the most open to sexual exploration.
Zee is for KARA, you pleb.
Zee is for no one, she must remain pure for the waifufags
Kara is for her cousin
Given the nature of, #SuperWho, it seems most likely that whenever Kara and Kal wold fuck, it'd devolve into fuck fighting over who gets to be on top and see them fucking pounding each other to multiple places, before crash landing and climaxing back to where they originally started.
Is this show even good?
It's good in the same way good shows are good.
suteleD suteF
dog dicks
I really love it.
Sure it has waifu appeal, but aside from that it's got good toony physics and enjoyable voice acting.
It's enjoyable past the pilot. There's enough that makes you forget it's a show to sell dolls to girls (besides the fucking stupid intro) and clearly loves the source material. Some episodes fall flat, though, like Taco Babs.
That felt like a very stock episode. Had its moments though
Heard a lot of disparaging about this episode. what's the quick rundown?
Batgirl gets a job at this fast food place and a bank robbery happens across the street.
She tries to foil the robbery and without neglecting her job/pissing off her manager.
Its kinda like a "two dates at the same time" episode.
It's not horrible. I mean the episodes are so short there's really no reason not to watch it if you're going through the series.
The episodes were released out of order?
It shouldn't be surprising at this point that companies sabotage their own products.
she has a nice ass
She has, and so has Canary and others. They seem to rotate once in awhile.
Its a shame that WB is somehow worse than Disney.
According to the video, Tara "I recycle the same 4 voices" Strong believes she can do over 1400 different voices and counting. I'm going to go with "she has explosive narcissism."
I like the intro, it's something different tempo-wise for a cartoon show.
Carol, after she rapes Hal
I don't believe that
whoops accidental bump oh noes
The biggest problem is that the concept doesn't work as a 10 minute episode. Repeating the same joke over and over gets old fast and the episode would have been much better as a youtube short.
I wonder if this was the episode where, during the series writing process, they decided to off shoot into shorts.
"Well we've already got the script written, but we might be able to condense similar ideas down to 3 minutes in the future"
Shorts are a great way to keep people interested while CN is busy fucking your show over by not airing it for weeks at a time then airing episodes out of order.
I just hate how everything is in the smallest run time.
11 minute cartoons were rare in the past.
Sometimes shows would split a 22 into 11x2 but it would still be a full episode released.
And now these piddly little 3 minute things?
Granted the shorts are delightful.
But why are good cartoons by talented people being relegated to the fringes of a channel anchored by cartoons?
Tangled the series gets 22 minute eps and periodic double length ones but Disney is completely determined to never let anyone know it exists or air it more than once per at ungodly hours
It’s all pain for us man
One of her biggest issues is that I think she tends to get hired for that specific voice AND that she's alright with that. Even here in this show, she voiced Barbi (Barbie?, IDK) and it was almost unrecognizable.
These days, I think most companies probably unironically tell her to do the "pony voice" and just pitch up or down to fit the role.
That said, she's definitely not as good as she used to be.
>when thicc thighs fail to save lives
>Zees thighs wrapped around a stripper pole while she hangs upside down with hands outstretched and breasts hanging free
>Zee making Bumblebee use her wand as a stripper pole.
>Zee making Bumblebee use Hal to practice her stripper moves on
>He didn't even need to be charmed to be help out, she just asked if he wanted a lap dance and he was there immediately.
>weird face and eyes
>no thighs to speak of
At least they gave SG some buffed up arms. Not what I usually expect from dolls for little kids.
Karen is all about not standing out, so she most likely tries to smell like wallpaper and blend in.
>batgirl is definately the leader of the group
of course is narcissism
No new episode today, just BatBucket and Cheetah
>It was a fixation on a property she really liked more than the actor himself
Karen is cute even if Kara is my waifu
Karen is for jock dick
I really want to see Guy in this show so I can ship him with Karen
Hal is more approltiate as he and Karen have already interacted. But as a substitute, see the brash renegade Guy interact and clash with drill sergent Diana would be fun.
not for a couple of weeks
The episodes are very short.
They could be longer, but the episodes provide the story they need to tell very well with the amount of time given.
>I’ll let you see my breasts, if you go back to class, Hal.
wonder how Hal would survive if the other girls found out about that
Are they throwing in an arbitrary hiatus again? What the hell is wrong with this network?
Yup, it's definitely Six Flags. Forever bringing up the rear in the theme park game.
I like the idea that Karen secretly has the largest breasts but is embarrassed and hides them
>you don't want to draw too much attention
it seems like something she would do
Giganta probably bullies her out of breast envy
And then they'd both look around them, and Metropolis would be a smoking crater. Or at least a huge chunk of it would.
Or she just saw Karen naked in the locker room and felt attracted to her.
Giganta is obviously the kind of girl that craves cock from weak nerds
Aqualad better watch out
>craves cock from weak nerds
You wish. She's hungry for tacos and challenged an Amazon to see who could eat more pie. She's the most obvious lesbian in the universe.
if there is a lesbian in this show it's obviously the electric bitch
everyone else seems straight
Then Hal will probably remain a virgin forever, any time he'd come even remotely close to penetrating Karen, in a way that would make him lose his virginity, Carol would probably appear out of nowhere, put a stop to it and start fighting Karen. Behind the bleachers? Carol. In the locker room after school? Carol. Inside his own bathroom? Carol. Inside Karen's kwn closet? Carol has been camping out there for three days.
Aw man....
Where's Doomsday at?
Aren't you supposed to be sick Kara?
Giganta is for Atom only!
>Some episodes fall flat, though, like Taco Babs.
>this fag still mad about #BurritoBucket one of the best episodes
kill yourself pal
soon user, Faust never fails
Nobody sane thinks that episode is good. It's just you Babrafags.
Not even sexting would be safe. Although it would be extremely one sided from Hal asking for nudes and Karen refusing, once the first message asking for titpics goes out, he'll be bombarded by Carol's own breasts and angry messages.
I just realized something, Karen is at near perfect titfucking height for Hal, if the large boob pics are to be believed
Karen was made for tittyfucking and headpats afterwards.
Jesus fuck, she is small.
Headpats for a welldown blowjob, taking the entire jock cock all the way to the base and swallowing
What episode?
That's just a red lantern edit from #HateTriangle
Pretty sure we are not going to see any red lanterns in this show
I love hal as a dork
lauren , calm the fuck down
So give Karen's growing courage to right social wrongs when they appear, what kinds of acts do you think Karen would be more willing to do? Like taking the lead with Hal and not being as submissive.
Would be nice to see either: Atrocitus, Bleez or Dex-Star though
I hope Karen proceeds with her exhibitionism fetish, because I know she has one.
Probably something like this
No, Lauren. Do not calm the fuck down.
Dex-Star could work for a short
from that screenshot, it looks like she's pleasuring herself.
and given her techno-savvy, she probably could build some mind-blowing sex toys for herself.
the moral of the story is to bomb middle eastern countries cause they shot down our drones. ok
I'd like to see Baygirl try brushing Dex-Star with her shitty brush.
>not posting the animated format
no episode this week?
god I want her to rape me
Doing the same
What did she do? Convince Hal to eat her out in the completely empty theater?
what's she thinking about
That wouldn't really be a teen pregnancy would it?
na they probably have some kind of sex ed class
Yeah this I just picked Diana because she’s naive and seems like she’d be addicted because she has little self control against pleasures and Kara because she seems reckless enough
would a super hero teach the sex ed class?
Sue Dibny?
Dirty girl.
I'm honestly hoping they take Doomsday and make his design as visibly haunting as they possibly can. I want him to contrast so much with the happy nature of the show that he feels like as much as a threat as he does in any other universe.
I doubt he'll show up for this very reason
HIM could get pretty bad in PPG
I'd imagine they would do it for the later season arcs like they did with colorful horse friends show, it would be a nice break from the episodic episodes later on and knowing Faust being in charge it's probably going to follow the same format
>Today I will remind them
>on Yea Forums
You don't deserve DCSHG Mara
It was the weakest episode so far but I didn't think it was bad. I think it's cute how babaabara tries really hard and fucks up anyway
Look at those sad captured citizens faces, you still think it's cute?
"Hal, I wish you were here ... seeing what I do thinking of you."
t. Babsfag
ey fuck you buddy
>Bumblebee makes modifications to add in an auto masturbation mode
>It's a pet project to teach Hal a lesson about wanting to do quickies constantly
>To enact this, she shrinks down and flies next to Hal's ear
>At seemingly random times Hal hears eroticcly cute moaning, but has no idea where it comes from
>Worst of all, the voice knows his name and whenever he gets to the point where he really needs to jack off, the voice vanishes
>Seeing that he's near the breaking point, Karen finally issues her demands, in exchange for letiing him get off. Stop asking for random quickies everyday, it's rude and it's becoming a verg bad sexual habit.
>Although reluctant, Hal relents and agrees as he's backed up and ready to burst
>And so with Hal unaware of the truth, they both start masturbating together, Karen turning Hal on more and more by: moaning, panting, and whispering things she'd bet Hal would like to do to Karen.
>Once both of them climax together, Karen tells Hal to make sure to clean up properly and not do a subpar job as usual
>Now Karen need not be subjected to Hal's random lust and fuck at more responsible times
>Although secretly turning Hal on has become a bit of a habit. Perhaps she doesn't need to uninstall her mods yet.
Wonder what the full noys team will be like,and what they'll call themselvves
Hawkman, Green Arrow, Aqualad, Steve Trevor, Hal Jordan, Barry Allen
Damn, always amazes me how like these guys are from the 40s and 50s, and are reimagined as teens in high school.
why not just fuck Carol?
more of this
oh shit that's nice
gif is too big to embed
JSA characters would be more fun as the yelling old guys who get pissed off at seeing Babs or Jessica staring into their phone. Or constantly yelling about how they were better heroes in their day.
By the Emotional Spectrum!
>that choker
how the fuck did she become a fan favorite
she's the worst girl
Thick fucking thighs.
It's shyhorse all over again... I like it
Those later season arcs -didn't- work for the show. And Faust wasn't involved anymore.
Really now? That's a shame, I still think that some actual story arcs now and then would be great for the show
imagine the smell
So how do you expect Katana to be introduced?
Foreign exchange student.
Kara and Karen meet her at the school's anime club
Kara doesn't like that nerd shit
Show her TTGL and KLK and she will
she's probably a disgusting weeb and just hides it, like she hides her love of cute things from Zee.
>having a slutty latina yandere lusting for your cock only
>how the fuck did she become the worst girl
>she's a fan favorite
Babra is worst girl
I hope this show can last more than 52 episodes.
At this point in the show, she's definetly low tier
Best girl for rape/mindbreak porn
I wanna protect her.
me too
>how the fuck did she become a fan favorite
she's the worst girl
wrong pic, user
If thats how they do Hal I wonder what they would do with Guy
>Why is Hal acting like Guy?
Simple, because Guy has the best personality out of all the green lanterns. Its just that no one like his look.
When are we getting an incel villain?
Who would it be? Zoom? Mad Hatter?
I like this.
killer moth
Dr Light
Nah Dr Light will be the creepy old guy with the van that keeps hanging out near the school, and keeps offering rides to highschool girls in the "very special episode"
Black Hand or Black Manta seem like the freaks that were inches away from being a school shooter
It was a entire solar system,tho.
John fucked up hard by ignoring J'onn warning.
season 3 fucking when
is this show good?
Sorry for kinda latching onto your thread shg friends, but it IS basically dead soon
Eh, as of right now we got this thread to reach the bump limit thanks to a combination of lewds, Karen x Hal and grit, so it's fine. Rapunzel would make a great Godiva though
thanks user, i'll check it out
What personality could she have without resorting/copy to any of the other?
>Boob size: Supergirl > Wonder Woman = Zatanna > Batgirl > Bumblebee > Green Lantern
Zee is stacked tho
its a pushup bra and a corset. she is a master of magic and illusions, after all.
Babs is way more likely a weeb.
I like Jess but her body looks weird here. She has no shoulders. It makes her body look like a hanging banana peel.