Ned's going to die

Ned's going to die

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Other urls found in this thread:

>killing off a minority

You retards.
Shocker will be the main villain.

It turns out Mysterio wasn't lying.

Uncle Ben is still alive

Hope mysterio was really a good guy, it's too obvious to make him evil

Yes but is it the best Marvel movie yet?

Mysterio is Uncle Ben from an alternate universe

wonder who that could be

He's an alternate universe Tony Stark and he just takes over as the new RDJ. Uncle Ben gets cucked out of his role twice.

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This user is onto something

That would actually be really cool desu

>"Uncle Ben? Why should I give a shit?" - Peter Parker

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We can all agree that some slumming bored celebrity like Tom Cruise, Matthew McConaughey, Ryan Gosling, etc. etc. showing up as Norman Osborn in the post credits is not some SHOCKING EPIN TWIST right?

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This makes the Gwen neck snap funnier

One reviewer said nothing dark is gonna happen in the “plot twist”

No it would not. Mysterio's whole point is that his "powers" are not real. If they fucking make him have real powers they fucking missed whole point of his character.

His powers are tech-based, but are "real" as in he's shooting actual lasers and stuff.

They're not real lasers, Mysterio simply uses amplified light

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They will kill Peter Parker to replace him with a black homosexual in the next film.

Then what threat even is he

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MCU Peter was just white Miles the whole time.

>film has "SHOCKING" ending

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>Mysterio is actually a good guy
>Mysterio is telling the truth
>Mysterio is Ben from another dimension
Are you all fucking retarded?

>avoid spoilers
Fuck off, shill.

>far from home
>chases him to ends of the earth

>Tom Cruise
He's playing Cyclops.

Too old and too based for such a lame role.

>MCU Spider-Man 3: To the Ends of the Home

>missed whole point of his character

This is the MCU, user.

Even if it turns out at this point that he's lying about coming from another universe, it's pretty clear that his powers are "real" here. All that destruction is actually being caused for real, and it's not just an illusion.

they gonna pull Captain Marvel's Skrulls on us.

Are we getting holo Stark calling Parker a faggot or not?

Tony is the new AI in Peter's suit.

It's the fucking sinister six, isn't it?

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in case you didn't notice Mysterio changed a lot in 616 too. He's no longer a scammer and in Ultimate universe he was even more complicated with his dimension travels.

>the MCU killing off best boy Not Ganke Lee

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>having to hype up 30 seconds of post-credit footage to sell a movie
>re-releasing Endgame with an extra post-credits scene to try and beat Avatar’s record



>implying the Elementals aren't like the Omnidroid
>Implying the environmental damage isn't from Mysterio staging explosive charges around the area
It would be perfect if being from another dimension is the only thing Mysterio isn't lying about.

Ultimate Mysterio was just 616 Mysterio controlling a robot body. And he's a narcissist so you KNOW he did schticky to robot him.

>he doesn't know

spiderman dies to give screentime to negro araña

the MCU is based on the ultimate universe

>negro araña

More like Brown Recluse.

he is half mexican

That would be the most bullshit thing ever. I think the real twist is that the dimension breach is real, but Mysterio lied about being from another universe. The BIG reveal is Spider Gwen coming into Peter’s world

>turns all the nigger girl was GWEN and not Mary Jane

>The BIG reveal is Spider Gwen coming into Peter’s world
They haven't introduced Gwen Stacy and now they're going to bring an alt universe version of her?
Marvel has been pretty stupid with Spider-Man in the MCU but even I doubt that they're that retarded.

>in case you didn't notice Mysterio changed a lot in 616 too
Yes and i hate it.

Brown Recluse works on so many levels. It's an actual species of spider, with a nasty bite, like how Miles has that Venom Sting haxx bullshit. Also, he's brown and doesn't have a lot of friends.

>Muh Ultimate Mysterio
Why are Ultimate fags so insufferable?

I'm enjoying Yea Forums's desperate denial about the Elementals being "real".

MCU is literaly based on fucking Ultimate universe

Buddy in case you haven’t noticed Marvel is retroactively trying to erase original Gwen from public memory. Spider-Verse had ZERO Peter/Gwen history or reference

t. casual

does he show up in his shocker buggy?

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Ultimate Mysterio is 616 Mysterio

>Spider-Verse had ZERO Peter/Gwen history or reference
I think it's safe to assume that The Night that Gwen Stacy Died happened to "616" Peter, but it was weird that they barely interacted.
But that's not the point, Gwen Stacy dying was a huge event that hasn't been retconed so far so it doesn't make sense to just completely skip it, but they already fucked up ASM #33 so what the fuck do I know?

Yeah no shit but you’re a dumbass for taking Mysterio’s word as truth. You ever stop and think the breach is real, but Beck just made up everything after stumbling on to this discovery?

That's why the MCU Gwen would be an adaptation of Earth-65 Gwen from the ground up. No need for the AU stuff that only weights down Marvel's desperate attempts to fold her into 616 in the first place. Especially if they're gonna introduce Osborn too, they can just give her Miles' origin with Norman reverse-engineering the spider or revealing that Peter got bitten on a school trip to Oscorp in the first place.

Modern Marvel is no longer interested in original Gwen. They’ve already had cartoons with Spider-Gwen meeting Peter with no prior history whatsoever. All they want is a marketable Spider-Woman, and thanks to ASM2 the Gwen Stacy name is known to casuals

>mj will get cucked out of being spinneret again by not-gwen
if insomniac does this i will shoot myself

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Is this person's opinion worth something or does he shill every Marvel film he watches? Let me rephrase. What did this guy think about Captain Marvel?

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Oh Jesus please just make MJ Spinneret in Insomniac Spider-Man 2. I can’t deal with more stealth missions

it's a spider verse tag. you hear Miles and Peter B Parker talking and weird static

Nobody was interested in the classic Gwen anyway. For decades, she was just a lost love dragged up either to angst over or dreamily reminisce about. There was no character there. If we're not escaping from her ghost, they might as well do something with her beyond that paradigm, so we get stories about something other than stalkers cloning her and Osborn fucking her over and over again.

They teased the bite in the first game and then they went for Miles anyway. I doubt she's getting powers now. And if Miles will be the secondary protagonist now, he needs some supporting characters tied primarily to him other than Rio and Ganke too. Schoolmate Gwen, here we come.

does ned seriously die

>That would be the most bullshit thing ever.

One word:


Of course not.

Who the fuck is Ned

Someone apparently.

They kill of that chubby indian dork and we get the real chad thompson

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the Hobgoblin
but not really
I think

I'll leak it for you guys.

Keanu Reeves (the guy from the matrix) is walking around a mansion and enters a room where wolverine's mask is on a table and he grabs it and leaves.

>a short mid-credits scene is marvel's best effort yet

WOW can't wait to have my mind BLOWN

Yes we know who fucking Keanu Reeves is

This shit seriously makes me want to eat a bullet. Film is dead.


Norman should be played by Tobey Maguire.

So, Miles?

Don't even remind me, Fuck

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The guy from CP 2077



But spider man never got his drivers license

^this even Stan lee thought Gwen was unimportant

A lot of people are saying Raimi trilogy is referenced. Any truth to that?

I'd guess it's wishful thinking. If they legit had real alt universes and had Tobey I would probably actually like the MCU for the first time since GotG1.

It's Venom you lunkheads

The word going around is that in one of the post-credits scene Peter gets a new suit A.I. with Tony's voice.



>it turns out spider-man is STRAIGHT and is going to date MJ

>Sinister Six
>Norman Osborn shows up
>Peter x MJ confirmed
>Mysterio really is a good guy
>Tony Stark is kept around through technology
pick one

>spider gwen in the mcu
who would play her?

He did say he wanted to play Wolverine, but this is probably fake.

Also J. K. Simmons as JJJ and Adrien Brody as Norman Osborn

>Adrien Brody as Norman Osborn

Not happening.

That would make me mad.


Stan Lee is alive!!!!!

This is the second place I've read this.


It's Carol giving birth to Peter's child.


Osborn is way too obvious for t to be "shocking", but then again they are payed to shill.

It's highly unlikely but my money is on Tom Hardy Venom now being part of the MCU, which would actually be hype.

I'll give you "fucking old", at least.

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>Not happening.

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>Anonymous 06/20/19(Thu)08:23:54 No.108
Shit guys, I just realized what's gonna happen... it all fucking fits
Foggy dies. after telling peter the with great power line

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Everyboody want Angry Rice, I'll go with Kiernan Shipka

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MJ Dies. Please let that happen so Peter can have a Gwen

That'd be really unhealthy

I want Matthew McConaughey in the MCU hamming it up like crazy but I have no idea who he should be.

Her actress from Spider-Verse would be ideal.

Wait, did he play Foggy in the Daredevil movie?

I'm fine with that. Sins Past just ruined the character forever, you can't come back from that.

>from Spider-Verse

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Favreau did

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Pizza time?

I bet JK Simmons is returning as Jameson. It's been enough time that they wouldn't worry about brands clashing and Simmons has said multiple times he'll show up for the role anywhere, any time.

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So, we needed another Electro?

If it's this, it better be. Marvel is retarded but no one can deny this casting.

Nope, the big shocker is that Tom Holland will actually be the clone Ben, and Andrew Garfield is the real Peter Parker coming back to be the true Spiderman

>Peter Parker, come with me, the future needs you
>Spider-man: Home Long Ago
would you react

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Nigga her peter was in her flash back. They’re not erasing the history they’re changing it from a young couple in love to a stronk woman over coming her beta orbiter

Now this is kino.

Being a straight, white male with feelings is offensive in 2019, sweaty.

Literally who?

That's why it's a shocking twist.

The only way it could actually be shocking is if they brought Deadpool in. Have the dimensional breach turn out to be real and Deadpool, Cable and Domino enter the MCU.

WHAT IF the fat useless kid acquires the symbiote and becomes Venom?

If they don't bring Hoffman and Elizabeth Banks back with him, then there's no point.

Have her dye it blond.

>Have her dye
that's racist in 2019

It's probably that mysterio goes back to his dimension (or if he's from the normal one, gets stuck in another) and that dimension is the tobyverse

>He is not Bruce Campbell
We failed as a species.

He lied about the elementals. He created them.

For some reason, that idea made me laugh.

The financial success of Venom probably gave Sony the position on the bargain table to pressure Disney into legitimizing the SUMC by giving Venom a cameo; hammering home the alternate universes thing could be a way around this since they could put Venom in a post-credits scene but not trigger Feige too badly by fucking with the MCU's continuity.

I really doubt Raimi's brother is showing up for non-Raimi Spidey movies

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>multiverse is real
>Pete gets sucked into it
>Meets Spider-Verse characters who are all animated but Tom Holland is real.

>Spider-Ham: You look weird!

>Mysterio is actually from Tobeyverse but he's Bruce's son. He was tired of living in his fathers shadow so he used the jump to try to prove himself as a true villain.
>He returns to his dimension and starts telling his dad about all the weird shit
>"So you're telling me Spiderman fucks a nigger in that timeline?"

>Americans are a minority

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if that other lying thread was real and Doctor Strange gets BTFO by Mysterio who is in fact a real magician I will drink six beers in the movie establishment.

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The Man In The Chair dies falling off his chair?

Nobody cares about the Boston Marathon , Boston is just starved for attention


It was hilarious how many people I saw (including the least edgy people I know like my elderly aunt) were rolling their eyes at them still milking the BOSTON STRONG shit years later.

You’re late.

Legit spoilers seemingly hit, being corroborated by several sources.

Shocking ending.
Mysterio frames Spider-Man as being a bad guy and then outs Peter's secret identity to the entire world.

Post-Credits 1
The Fury we've been following the entire movie was a Skrull with nefarious plans for Earth.

Post-Credits 2
J.K. Simmons returns as J. Jonah Jameson, now as what appears to be a talk-show hosting discussing the Spider-Man's reveal and claiming he's a menace.

>Shocking ending.

>Post-Credits 1

>Post-Credits 2
Based but they'll ruin it. Also pathetic as fuck that now they just steal characters from better movies made by better filmmakers.

>being corroborated by several sources
Which are?

Forum users with proven track records, mostly.

Also, nothing on Osborn or Oscorp. Zero. Zip. Nada.


You wish.

>Next MCU arc is Secret Invasion
Fucking hell.

Right because they're really going to do the Secret Invasion shit NOW, especially after the stuff they pulled in Captain Marvel. You had a better chance saying Chameleon. Now stop making up fanfic for attention you whore

>especially after the stuff they pulled in Captain Marvel
Captain Marvel was in the 90s. There ought to be bad Skrulls out there who over the years see earth as theirs.

They already spent there coin on a subtle Skrull invasion, and anything else after the end of Captain Marvel would be considered backpedaling. So I'm still calling bullshit. Keep in mind, I don't like Captain Marvel. I just find these "leaks" highly unlikely, and not matching up with reactions

I too actually hope that they don't do Secret Invasion. I really don't like that story.

They match up pretty well, though. Three holy shit moments, one which makes Raimi fans very happy, none of them overtly dark, all with major ramifications for the MCU going forward.

Fuck off asshole. You didn't even post the "several sources" you mentioned.

>Civil War
>Infinity War

Neither of these even vaguely resembled their comics, Secret Invasion won't either.

Forum users (reddit, twitter, superherohype, etc.) who had leaked spoilers in the past.

I want to see Super Skrull at least, now that we have F4 back on board.

You still haven't linked to any of them shithead.

Thanks captain vague. I find you "leakers" disgusting and pathetic. Imagine being this starved for attention

You're being a faggot, so look for it yourself or stay in denial for two more weeks. I don't give a fuck either way.

>google it
That's not how it works you little bitch, you provide a fucking source or fuck off.

Stay mad faggot

I posted what is being said. Nobody is asking you to believe it.

Sure you did, now fuck off.

>They already spent there coin on a subtle Skrull invasion, and anything else after the end of Captain Marvel would be considered backpedaling.

It’s not gonna be the first time. Fury said they discovered aliens in 2011 and suddenly he saw aliens in 1995. He saw the space stone and how it works, but in 2012 had no idea what does it do. Also... where was Goose? Fiege retcons and later gives vague fan theories when it fits his agenda

The big twist is that the dimensional breaches are real and when Nick Fury investigates the one Mysterio came fron in the post-credit scene he sees Reed Richards looking back from the other side of the breach. Turns out Mysterio is one of multiple convicts from an interdimensional prison ran by the FF that escaped during the dimensional confusion caused by the snaps.


>. Fury said they discovered aliens in 2011 and suddenly he saw aliens in 1995. He saw the space stone and how it works, but in 2012 had no idea what does it do.
First, Fury saw the Tesseract get eaten by a fucking flerkin. He didn't see it used for shit. Carol used her new warp speed powers to guide the Skrulls, they left the Tesseract in the Flerkin.
Ostensibly Mar-Vell's cruiser also had the superdrive.
Secondly, Fury being coy about the existence of aliens is entirely in character for MCU Fury.

would be kino tbqh

>defending one of the most bullshit retcons in the MCU
Come the fuck on.

>Elizabeth Banks
HOLY SHIT, Mrs. Brant was her?!


And Peter's identity leaking is consistent with the MCU bullshit about no one having secret identities.

Kind of curious about the ending now. But I really doubt we'll get that Skrull whiplash

So they are just gonna steal half of spiderverse' plot?

>Also pathetic as fuck that now they just steal characters from better movies made by better filmmakers.

What's wrong with that? He's literally perfect casting.

>skrulls were made the good guys who dindu nothing in cap marvel
>suddenly villains
Yeah this is fake. A secret identity being revealed isn't a big deal in the MCU either when most of them show their faces openly to other people all the time.

It made money

Weren't the Skrulls from Earth a faction that went into hiding during the Skrull and Kree War? I'm sure there are some evil Skrull out there.

>Oh, it's that dude from the really old Spider-Man movies!

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> outs Peter's secret identity to the entire world.
cool next movie will be one more day

Every Skrull in that movie, even the ones who never went to Earth until Carol was captured, was a didndunuffin good guy. The user is full of shit, and Marvel probably wont retcon this

>revealing Pete's secret identity
That's like writing yourself into a corner. What's to stop anyone from just blowing up his apartment complex?
Secret identities dont work for most MCU character since a bunch were just soldiers anyways but its integral to spidey's character desu

they will do one more day to reboot the MCU

To be fair, just because the Skrulls in general are victims of the Kree in MCU doesn't mean there can't be evil Skrulls.

OMD wasn't a universe wide reboot, why the fuck would they adapt one of, if not, the most hated Spider-Man story to reboot the MCU?

Doubtful. MCU isn't nuanced enough for that kind of grey area.

They'll psuedo adapt it in a movie where Aunt May dies and Peter has Dr. Strange wipe everyone's memories

Cue normies talking about how awesome it was that Dr. Strange made everyone forget, it will be posted in DID YOU KNOW Facebook pages forever

and keanu reeves will play mephisto

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didnt the ps4 game did that?

Holy fuck! This could work! Some reports said the MCU gems are related to Mephisto.

is either mephisto or silver surfer and i doubt he will cut his hair now that john wick is printing money

Aunt May dying? Yes
Strange mind-wiping the entire world? I don't think so.

Feige literally said that's the case.

>that's the case
That it isn't nuanced enough or that it is?

MCU Doctor Strange is a jobber, so honestly wouldn't be surprised.

>"Who the hell is Peter Parker?"

they are going to do the twist with the Skrulls to surprise normies, dipshit

I'm still a bit cynical that we'll ever get a proper version of Mephisto in the MCU considering how rabidly Disney is chasing Chinabux.

Why is MCU fury such a bitch?

you're retarded aren't you

People can say what they want about AS2&1, but that music in the second was surprisingly catchy and memorable. Much better than most generic movie scores.

>Fury being coy about the existence of aliens is entirely in character for MCU Fury.

This is the most fanfic excuse I ever seen

they adapted fucking civil war

That just because Talos and his senpai were a few skrulls looking for a safe haven doesn't mean all skrulls are innocent good guys.

Yes a few Skrulls are what makes up the whole Skrull Empire? How dumb are you? They haven't even used any of the more well known Skrulls.

Ned in the mirror spells...

oh this would be wonderful

It's time!

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revealing the identity will make peter a wanted criminal too. Fuck whats the point of having secret identities anymore?

next movie is called spiderman war at home

Or Spider-Man: Far From Civil.

Spider-man Civil liberties at home

Evil Skrulls are a foregone conclusion for CM2 at least, the film left big enough leeway for that.
Nigga, the MCU is "Backpedal: The Franchise"

>Tony gets over his PTSD in IM3
Actually no, it gets even worse and he starts building murderbots.
>Tony and Pepper break up
Actually no, they shack back up again offscreen and Tony even proposes to her
>Bucky gets put on ice because he's still brainwashed
Actually no, vibranium magic fixed him.
>Rhodey gets crippled
Actually no, exoskeleton time.
>Peter declines to join the Avengers and goes on to find his own way
Actually no, he's Iron Spider now.
>Thor isn't the God of Hammers
Actually no, he needs a godkiller weapon to take down Thanos.
>Cap realizes that he needs to move on and accepts his life as a soldier
Actually no, let's time travel back to fuck Peggy while Vietnam burns.

To be fair, the exoskeleton thing was at least in the same movie.

Yeah, you guys are kidding yourselves, just like with the coutdown you're making something interesting out of something boring and disappointing.

Here is the Twist. Most reviewers don't know shit about comic books or even early 90's cartoons. The big twist they are all hinting at is,

Mysterio is evil DUN DUN DUUUUNNN

Wow who could have seen that coming.

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they need big actors for The Eternals because nobody cares about them, so not gonna happen

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They took the talkshow thing from last year's game. And it's sad that they are using him, because that means the old movies really are dead.

Mysterio being a villain would not be a shocking twist.
The twist ending is this.

He really is from another universe. The ending will introduce more characters from his home universe. It will be Fox's X-Men.

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...They'll make Mephisto a deviant, won't they

Mysterio was Peter Parker all along. Spider-Man was in truth Mysterio.

and he was gay for Ben Reilly

>osborn and oscorp will most likely get mentioned in the movie
>maybe multiple times
>post credits scene is norman osborn doing something mildy sinister

No, Keanu is.

A-Force?! Please tell me Shulkie is in this.

Mysterio is actually PETER PARKER from another universe and a meta joke about how Gyllenhaal was almost recast as Peter in OG Spider-Man 2 because of Tobey's injury at the time.

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How did you not know this? She's the best girl from those movies.

Spider-Man 3
Amazing 2
Amazing 1
>Pretty good
Spider-Man 1 & 2
Into The Spider-Verse

Can Far From Home join the greats?