Was it genuine autism?

Was it genuine autism?

Attached: 345636465654.jpg (480x270, 54K)

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Fuck's sake not every single mental disturbance is fucking autism.

That happen every time Yea Forums learn a new word.Video related youtube.com/watch?v=gftesC-Qy88
Like, Yea Forums understood some basic symptom (like being obsessed with one single subject) then "flanderize it" and nowaday apply it to every instance someone showed an interest into something.You like collecting stamps (hell you have any hobby ?) BRO THAT AUTISM! You have fond memory playing Sonic in 1995 ? DUDE JUST LIKE CHRIS CHAN LMAO! You know your favorites lines from a movie ? BET YOUR ASS THATS 'TISM! Yea Forums is full of armchair psychiatrist that thing they know everything about the spectrum because they browsed the KiwiFarms

What is this audio from? Also unironically this.

That video is gold

My fucking sides

I think it came from a thread on /qa/.The OP posted this text and people recorded their version on Vocaroo
Here's a bonus one with Spongebob to keep it Yea Forums related


this video is autism

Free shrug

I think he was a birdbrain

You can tell a zoomie-zoomberg made this audio.

Calm your tits.
>new word
Yea Forums has been throwing around autism as a general insult for years. You're trying too hard here.

He kinda sounds like Bobcat Goldthwait a little bit.

>Yea Forums is full of armchair psychiatrist that thing they know everything about the spectrum because they browsed the KiwiFarms
Sounds like Yea Forums has autism.

You re not reading my post, neckbeard. I said that Yea Forums overuse Every new funny word they learn until it become meaningless

>I shot myself in the foot, look like i owned you

Not being able to identify jokes is also a sign of autism.

Have sex

So does idiosyncratic humor, heck put everything you dislike in that ever expanding diagnosis that will probably include "disagreeing with me" in the near future
You must be 18 to post here and to do that

Cringe and bluepilled.

>that will probably include "disagreeing with me" in the near future
No that's a sign of being a faggot.

>So does idiosyncratic humor
Making up words might also be a sign of autism.

>that will probably include "disagreeing with me" in the near future
People already use the word autism in that context and have for some time.

Did you just call "idiosyncratic" a made up word?

Let's make this a Phoebe thread instead.

Attached: Phoebe-TJM.jpg (1280x1656, 269K)

All words are made up.



Attached: 1477102667826.jpg (1019x768, 78K)

Exactly , hence why Yea Forums will inevitably turn it into a "autism sign"
Told y'a
He did, hes underage

The only thing underage about me is the women I'm attracted too.

>I'm attracted too.


Being ESL is also an sign of autism.

Attached: 4DC28C9E-081E-46A6-804B-0B6D8B60A6CB.png (854x483, 1.01M)

A kind man in an unkind world.

He doesn't get angry when the boys destroy his pigeon coops. He's just sad that people have to be this way. (And using Vincent Schiavelli as his VA was an inspired way to convey his sadness. Excellent performance.)

wish i could fly away like he did honestly
>inb4 suicide