Why didn’t Thanos just use the infinity gauntlet to produce infinite resources?
Why didn’t Thanos just use the infinity gauntlet to produce infinite resources?
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It's magic, not MAGIC
why didn't OP just use his time to produce a better thread?
My theory is that it wouldn't change anything. If anything, the increasing population would just become greedy, succumbing to excess and try and take all the resources for themselves. Plus, Thanos isn't the type of guy to keep people something when they ask for it. If they keep asking for resources whenever they run out, they wouldn't learn anything. At some point, they would probably fight over the resources, thus killing themselves to extinction, and Thanos would be right back to square one.
Plus, the only thing Thanos was willing to infinite amounts of is ass-whoppings.
You mean it's magic, not sorcery.
Why didn’t Thanos just use the infinity gauntlet to produce infinite Thanoses with infinite infinity gauntlets and have one of them do the snap?
He didn't really want to save the universe, he wanted his way to be right.
Why didn't Thanos use the infinity gauntlet to turn The Avengers into cute girls?
He was right.
Galactus will detect a lot of life and arrive.
Same reason you didn't use your brain to think your question through
marvel knew general audiences would be to stupid to understand the desires of a titan (that being inlove with a concept) so they decided to give a stupid reason for him being the way he is
Why didn't he use the infinity gauntlet to get people to start living sustainably without killing people while giving resources to those who need it
because he's a jackass, you jackass
Infinity War's DVD extras explains it. Thanos wants to be proven right. He wants a pan on the shoulder and to be told that had his people listened to him and not basic population dynamics, they'd be alive. In the end, it's all about self-gratification.
When he snapped his fingers, he should have made two identical universes, each with one half of the population who thought the other half had died.
Imagine seeing Avengers Endgame from the other universes perspective.
>the avengers murdered an innocent war vet farmer who wanted to live the rest of his days in peace
is there something you fail to understand in the word "infinite" ?
>infinite food for Galactus
Why didn’t Thanos just use the soul stone to find out the wisest solution?
Why didn't Thanos just spawn an even smaller Ant Man inside normal Ant Man's ass?
How would "infinite resources" work out if that did happen? What would it constitute as a resource? Population could constitute as a resource.
eh, war vets never know peace because of the shit they saw and did.
Why didn't Thanos rape the Joker?
The same reason he didn't just sterilize 50% of the population insteadThe same reason he didn't realize how exponential growth works, and cutting the population in half doesn't even solve the problem, just delay it for one extra generationThe same reason he didn't [ever other more logical soution]He doesn't care one lick about the universe or anyone in it. All he cares about is proving "he was right all along" back on Titan (protip... he wasn't.)
Honestly, it's only slightly less sad than the comic book version, where his crush/senpai Lady Death wouldn't notice him, and to get him to go away gave him what she thought was an impossible task (killing half of the universe,) and when he actually managed to do it, she was like "lolstillno Incel. Have sex." Then, later, she and Deadpool develop a thing for each-other, and Thanos is so butthurt he turns Deadpool's neigh-immortality into TRUE IMMORTALITY just so they can never ever be together.
Thanos was just a stubborn asshole who wanted to prove his way could have worked to literally nobody. Atleast that's my take, as far as I recall his backstory is actually really fucking vague.
Why is he apparently the sole survivor, who the fuck was he on his planet that he could actually suppose that plan, etc.
Cause Thanos is an asshole
More or less. The DVD commentary admitted he's obsessed with being correct and doing things his way. He wants to prove himself right and firmly believes the universe will be grateful for it. No wonder past!Thanos from Endgame gets so pissed when it's revealed people are pissed following his plan's completion.
He's called the Mad Titan, not the reasonable prune.
>The same reason he didn't realize how exponential growth works, and cutting the population in half doesn't even solve the problem, just delay it for one extra generation
This bothered the piss out of me. Even in fucking ancient times a population would double in 100-200 years if it wasn't consuming more food it was producing or suffering a plague. A sudden 50% removal of a given sapient population would probably just create an active endeavor to repopulate, likely causing the doubling to be even faster. And that's assuming human birthrates and infant mortality rates, which are both unusually low and unusually high respectively compared to most animals. Thanos stalled the resource issue by a whole 200 years at most, it doesn't solve shit.
Law of conservation of mass.
You can't will stuff into existence.
You can only change the shape and order of molecules of what exists in the universe. I can turn a burger into a bird, but I can't make a billion burgers without the necessary molecules to do so. That's why.
I think.
>Thanos stalled the resource issue by a whole 200 years at most, it doesn't solve shit.
Exactly. Population dynamics would easily disprove his ideas. Thanos is possible the worst type of selfish pseudo-selflessness. He firmly believes what he wants for the world is the best to the point of disregarding anything that states otherwise. If he believed that raping a baby is the best thing to do, he would do it even if everyone in the universe was watching. It's subconsciously only seeing helping others as a vehicle for making himself feel good because it's plan that "saved" everyone.
Why didn't he just turn into a fucking
What is a fucking?
There are simply too many Frodos to Thanos' weird plan. One of Thanos' official tag line was "the mad titan", just leave it at that
Why didn't he turn the universe into cute girls?
a mafucking uuhhh
Read the comic. Thanos was only allowed to use the gauntlet to dick around with a single finite universe.
Same reason the majority of the plotlines never made sense - they badly adapted the actual good storylines from comics in order to make a quick buck.
Imagine if instead of Thanos bitcing about life and resources, he was just an evil space dude with awesome powah and the entire movie makes a lot, lot more sense. I'm not even joking, they tried to do the "oooh, he's big and scary cause um... he um, he wants to... stop people being greedy?"
How much is infinite?
>why is capeshit retarded? I paid for a teenaged movie schlock it should be logical and mature like me!
the comics are not canon to the movies
a sideways 8
More resources will just generate more population. Less people means less trouble for everybody. Thanos should have removed even more.
You already know why.
why didn't he turn himself into a fucking?
Why didn't you actually pay attention to Thanos' character?
Because he didn't want to cure cancer, he wanted to turn people into dinosaurs.
In the comics he just wanted Death-senpai to notice him.
I know and it made sense. It's a love story.
Here? Here's meant to be a kind dude trying to be logical
>It's a love story.
Not really. It's more like the story of a guy who finds out that his oneitis likes dogs, and drives a literal truckload of dogs to her house in hopes of finally winning her love. Only to discover that his oneitis only sees him as a friend at best and is really creeped out by the outrageous romantic gesture.
>it made sense
Lmao, nah.
Because he's a madman warlord who lusts for death.
Some infinites are bigger than others
The capacity for some people have for greed is more infinite than infinite.
Not to mention tribalism would happen. Even if we had infinite resources, you're proposing that would mean sharing those resources with "them".
I've seen a lot of stories involving killing retired Nazi soldiers because of past things they did in the war.
Spend a year living in Northern VA and you'll know why.
Why didn't he go back in time to save his planet?Or just ressurect his family?
The universe is way bigger than the population, with plenty of empty space and random materials. It would have been easier to convert uninhabited space into resources than it would be to dust half the population.
Why didn't the writers look up the size of the universe on Wikipedia?
You can't create new matter, but you can change it.
That's the best kind of love story.
Because the math was too hard, and he is really bad at math.
No, he wasn't.
Setting the population back to the 1950s buys you like 3 generations before you're right back into the same population levels.
Okay, then change more matter into food and remove sex organs. Ta-da
Are there stories about raping them?
I'm simply informing you as to why the issue was never present in the original plot Marvel Studios lifted the story from. MS didn't want to open the can of worms presented by showing cosmic entities, so the Living Tribunal's clearly explicit ruling on the extent of Thanos's allowed power didn't appear in the movies.
Except that assumes that all species in the universe follow the same population curve that humans do
Earth is doomed 50 years after their original doom regardless. It is a completely retarded plan.
>after their original doom
He did.
When he found out his plan to wipe out 1/2 only made the survivors wallow in grief, He wanted to restart the universe from scratch this time "teeming with life" /resources where no one even experienced the loss that the current timeline had.
Thanos truly did nothing wrong.
>kill 50% of everything
>find out survivors are sad
>be shocked
Well fuck me in the ass this Thanos guy is a real philosopher isn't he