>last survivor of the Zehoberei people
But Thanos only killed half of them?
>last survivor of the Zehoberei people
But Thanos only killed half of them?
The top half, Zehoberei have their brains in the top half and all deaded
The surviving half couldn't recover from the massive trauma of Thanos' purge and quickly died out.
Thanos murdered half of them after invading their planet, bombing the shit out of them, and gunning down however many people he felt it was necessary to round up the women and children to then execute.
If how much shit he threw at Earth is any indication he might have given the HURR DURR 50/50 CHANCE OF LIFE AND DEATH XD coin-flip to only like 20% of the population after having eradicated the other 80% in war.
Someone else killed all but two of them. Then Thanos killed half.
Still, Gamora isn’t THAT old. It’s been at most 30 years since thanks invaded and took her
There’s no reason for all of them to have died within 30 years, even if only 20% of the population was left
Thanos can't do math, as evidenced when Gamora asks "what did it cost" and he says "everything" instead of "1 soul lol"
This leading to this
Yeah but it's actually been 2x30=60 years when you count that he snapped away half her life
Gamora was 25 in GotG, and was almost 10 when Thanos took her
No way would all the remaining zehoberians die within 15 years
They were a preindustrial civilization on the verge of collapse
There were a lot of suicides.
There is if they couldn't sustain agriculture, or whatever they used to feed themselves, either because they lacked the necessary population, the human capital ("everyone who knows how to work the Zorplex Farms which take a lifetime of careful study and mental preparation, is dead!"), or the fucking physical capital in the form of land and/or tools because Thanos bombed the shit out of their planet and then razed it.
Thanos deported them to another planet
Nova corps are dumb and assumed they all must be dead
Good. Fuck greenskins. Blue skin masterrace.
Thanos yeeted all the men so he'd have a green sex slave planet. The women had artificial insemination tech, but committed suicide due to the lack of good dick
Are they all trannies?
Go away Doctor Manhattan
>"I was a child when you took me."
>"I saved you."
>"No, no, we were happy on my home planet."
>"Going to bed hungry. Scrounging for scraps. Your planet was on the brink of collapse. I was the one who stopped that. You know what’s happened since then? The children born have known nothing but full bellies and clear skies. It’s a paradise."
>"Because you murdered half the planet!"
>"A small price to pay for salvation."
>"You’re insane."
So Gamora and Thanos don’t seem to think her whole race is dead
If you watched the movies you would see Thanos killed half of the survivors, not half the beginning population. He killed untold millions in the invasion, then split the rest in half to be killed. I guess the ~20% that he left couldnt bounce back.
Based Thanos killing filthy greenskins.
>having no taste at all
Carol killed the rest.
The information in the line-up screens has been declared noncanon. That includes the reference to Lylla.
>declared noncanon
Is there an in-universe reason? Are the Nova Corps just retards who make shit up or something?
>due to the lack of good dick
Oh boy, that tiny huh?
I doubt Thanos bothered to check back in on the planet after wiping half of the population.
It's not like someone else put that shit there as a joke and now they have to uncanonize it or something, they themselves did that
What a bunch of incompetent retards, I can't believe these movies make this much money, the world is fucked
It was meant to just be cute easter eggs, but the fact it theoretically tied their hands in the future made them decide to ditch it. They didn't even bother trying to address it in-universe.
Laughed harder at this then I should have.
Get back to work, James.
There's blue people movies to direct.
Also, Is there a reason to believe thanos didn’t calculate the people killed via the invasion into how many of the half he needed to kill?
The viable answer to all things Thanos didn't completely think through: "They called me mad". Because they were right.
Thanos is basically the most reddit-tier pseudointellectual ever. No way he calculated anything after he decided "hmm yeah I'm gonna kill half of everyone."
What if Thanos trusted Maw to do all the math for how many people they should kill and Maw fudged the numbers because he thinks more dead people = more salvation.
Xandar database was untrustable
or maybe their plans just changed?
Green dick is better than blue dick.
I don’t think Maw would try and trick thanos like that.
And I don’t think thanos is dumb enough to notice they’re killing almost the planet and not just half of it
Thanos probably killed off too many that knew how to keep the economy and civilization functioning and it all fell into barbarism. Gamora being the only one off planet was the only survivor.
Based and redpilled
Didn't Thanos say everyone in her world was living well and had plenty of food?
Maybe some other murderous aliens decided to invade, or plague broke out from having half the population rot
Why do you think he gets cucked by Deadpool?
This is actually what would happen to any species of anything that gets 50% of it wiped out. It just goes into a death spiral. The whole idea is retarded. Environmentalists are idiots for thinking this stuff.
He's the mad titan for a reason.
Everything about his motivation and plan was fucking stupid.
Like how Odin had a fake Infinity Gauntlet in his vault when it wouldn't have been based on anything because the real gauntlet hadn't been designed or made yet.
I didn't even remember that one, they fucked up bad.
Maybe they discovered religion and that lead to the death of their world
Also coyote populations always bounce back unless you kill 90% or more of them.
Maybe Eitri just liked making gauntlets like that
Ah, the problem of decided arbitrarily that reducing "half" will solve problems.
Find a planet with 100,000 people, do you leave it with 50,000? What about a planet with a trillion people, leave it with 500 billion?
Half is only half if you're still counting what you take. After all, even though 5 is half of 10, you don't say that without the 10 having meaning.
So you kill half, but maybe you half 'em again? Maybe you just keep halfing? Shit gets a little out of control, but finally you've got it down 1.
Thanos is a fucking retard, who cares?
I want space /pol/ to leave.
Why does she need a spaceship? Can't she turn into a flying saucer?
It's either a retcon, an oversight, or shit went down
its a confirmed retcon
"Last surviving member of their race" is a hoary olde comic book trope, and not even necessary in Gamora's case, as she's not particularly OP racially, just super-well trained (supposedly).
Thanos is full of shit
>I only killed half, the rest are thriving
>Have you even checked? They're literally all dead
>Then that's their own fault
That's what he wants to believe.
I like it in Lobo's case since he killed the others himself
purple man lied
purple man bad
wait, this isnt /pol/
it all start with her sending you out for more chimichangas, next thing you know, you've been POOLKEKED
Her soul was everything to him. We already knew that, and we're being sarcastic for teh lolz, riiiiight?
Someone or something else killed them after the last time Thanos checked.
Shit like this is why I laugh even louder at people who both praise Marvel for the "foreshadowing" they did and try to predict future movies based on characters/places alluded to in the movies.
It's clear that Marvel just keeps throwing random references into the mix with absolutely 0 plan for what to do with them.
At least in the comics, during Infinity tricking Thanos is kind of the only thing of note Ebony Maw ever did.
Tell that to the wild hogs of america. They were only 50 or so and now they're 10s of thousands.
It's almost like culling a civilization in half will cause an irreversible damage to the economy, culture and society. Who would have thought.
>This is actually what would happen to any species
no, not really? It would fuck up developed civilizations pretty hard to have thier global infrastructure, means of production, and supply lines smashed to pieces. But the vast majority of critters that a shit in the woods would be fine.
I choose to believe that the gauntlet in the Asgard vault is a mockup of the original design, commissioned by Odin.
Think about it: Asgard had control of at least 2 infinity stones in the past. Possible more, since things like 'who built that stuff on Vormir?' is up in the air.
Odin was on a warpath to conquer the universe until he suddenly chilled the fuck out and said peace was better instead. And they have a fake infinity gauntlet in their vault of treasures.
Most tellingly: In the MCU, Thanos isn't the one to figure out that you can combine infinity stones to do wish-level stuff. Its obscure information, but the Asgardians clearly know about (its dangerous to keep infinity stones close together) and even other people sometimes know about it too.
So I think Odin worked out how to use the stones and was going to gather them up, but in his quest for them something changed his mind and he scrapped that plan. But the fake gauntlet is a holdover from that.
It also explains why the dwarves know how to make a gauntlet to command the stones in the first place, and why Thanos would go to them for it.
or another fucking race thanos hadn't gotten to showed up with an armada and blasted their asses into oblivion and took their planet.
thanos NO FUNNY!
Yeah, it's the Xandarians who are untrustworthy, not the fucking ideologue who's desperately looking for proof that his Malthusian bullshit is real.
I bet Titan was fucked up by his stupidity rather than "overpopulation".
Thanos does not lie so Xandar is untrustworthy.
Thanos also promised to spare the dwarfs if they made the gauntlet and we saw how that went.
But neither of Thanos nor Gamora probably checked up on them, otherwise she'd have told him they were all dead now thanks to reducing their population.
>Imagine unironically discussing MCU.
>Imagine unironically falling into "connected universe" meme.
They're retconning everything from characters to events almost every movie. Capeshit audience forgets MCU movie the moment they left the cinema so no one notices that. And this trash killed actual action movies. Pathetic.
Except Thanos literally tells Gamora about how her people prospered after he wiped out half of life on her home planet, and in a tone that implies she already knows this.
It's an inconsistency due to all the stories being written and directed by different people and the plot of Infinity War not having been written yet.
If you pressed you'd probably get an answer along the lines of "well you see the Zehoberei were a sect/clan/tribe/one of two species on the planet and they're all gone now" but that's the gist of it.
Remember that scene where they had half of them on one side and the other half on the other, welp, on of the guys on the -non-genocide- side accidentally butterfingered his blaster and started a chain reaction.
It was a big old whoopsie all around.
Maybe the Nova heard about Thanos visiting the planet and just assumed he genocided the whole thing. It wouldn't be a hasty assumption considering he's somehow the last Titan
Nah, only humans have developed such complicated social structures that they can't survive without half of each other. Everyone else just keeps eating and fucking as usual.