Who'd she play
Who'd she play
Didn't shglee want to be Bruce again?
Idris Elba
The Russian.
Black Cat's university boyfriend.
Didn't he go to jain cause he ran a guy over, or was that just a fever dream?
Can't, it's been done. How about Bi-Beast?
That's transphobic.
Jean Gray
I had to google who that is
He literally murdered some dude with his car and got off with a small fine.
Honestly, if true, what the FUCK is Jenner even doing with their life?
>conquer the sports world 40 years ago
>fucks that one slut who used to be hot, inadvertently influences the kardashians and kanye
>so hopped up on hormones and realizing there are no more worlds to conquer as a man, chooses to conquer the world as a woman
>endorses "her" good friend donny trump for president to the trans community's shock
>now wants to be a marvel villain
Like what's the logic here
Works though, am I right?
The rich can get away with anything.
Celebs don't go to jail for things like that.
Unless they're black.
It does, lol
Has Bruce become the ultimate irl shitposter?
Ruler of Mojoworld and dedicated to making bad TV.
Couple flakes on that chin and we have a passable Skrull
>Like what's the logic here
(s)he's mentally ill. logic doesn't work here
Sure does seem that way.
The charges were dropped because of shim's bravery, not pocketbook
The Abomination.
Madam Mask
His. His life.
why do you hate taskmaster?
I think I've finally reached the point where i want off this ride. Unfortunately its also the Point of No Return
Just kidding. He'll always be a dude.
The ride never ends.
>tfw Jenner is cast as She-Hulk
It's pottery.
literally who
You can't have a trans villain
Carol Danvers
Already well-cast. It's got the arms to play Jennifer Walters though.
Loki turns to a woman a few times but thank goodness we have Hiddleston