Spider-Man Far From Home reactions coming in

Spider-Man Far From Home reactions coming in

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Other urls found in this thread:


dumb MCUdrones

The usual Disney shills.

>Based Marvel gets great reviews
Thanks for the heads up OP. I look forward to your "water is wet" and "DC is shit" threads

Rent free

>FFH has dethroned Raimi's Spiderman 2

These drones would eat shit if it had the Marvel logo on it.

At least one guy put up thoughts that weren't completely wanking the movie. As if it's possible to find Twitter reviewers that don't love whatever they get early screenings to.

>seething this much

Seethe more

>twitter reactions

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that josh wilding deleted his first tweet

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>there are people that care what reviewers have to say

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>iss liek da cahmicks xdd
dumb MCUdrone

If you think is seething you're as fucking retarded as every other DCuck

>y-you're just seething...no one can dislike le based marvel

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I hate when people say this, it proves that they don't read the comics. Why do people insist on that phrase even when it's complete bullshit and they're talking to a crowd that doesn't read comics anyway

>5 cucks - 1 normie
wow, great critics

Don't you have to run Damage Control on your shitty Joker movie?

>blue checkmarks
>twitter posters who unironically use their faces for profile images
Yeah no. Least trustworthy people to judge anything.

>goyboy Wilding
seriously this people is a fucking pile of cancer

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Spiderman 2 has the marvel logo on it

>implying anyone thinks that Joker will be good

>if they dislike muh mcu they must like the dceu

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Why would anyone trust actual critics when we can just wait for Yea Forums to tell us what to think

>t. mouse shill

I'll watch the cam just to be able to know what I'm talking about but I'll be damned if I'm gonna go out and support Iron Robin.

The most negative reaction so far is "I liked it, but still liked Spider-Man: Homecoming better."

So FFH is the new worst movie ever?

This, no way the movie will come anywhere near Captain Marvel's level

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Homecoming was decent to me, but I doubt it's better than FFH. That person reeks of trying to be out the box

The one in the middle on the top looks like a fucking soiboi lmao.

The best MCU movie yet, and also the funniest.


>Tom Holland steals the show.
It's his show, you can't steal your own show.

pestilen/tv/ermin are Yea Forums's greatest scourge. No matter the cost, they must be purged.
Report each and every single live action thread on sight.
If they aren't deleted, or if you get wrongfully banned, politely appeal to the mods by using the feedback function and speak to them directly on IRC explaining why the threads should be removed (they lead to gratuitous amounts of off topic shitposting, political bullcrap, psychotically belligerent brand fanaticism & false flagging for the sake of trolling, etc.). Furthermore, you can try to convince them that by consolidating discussion of all live action movies and TV shows to Yea Forums, their jobs will be made much easier since their attention to shitposting in those threads will be more focused if they're on one board instead of two.


I don't think Vulture was the good guy, he was a compelling villlain though and that scene with him and Peter in the car is better than most of what the Raimi movies shat out, seriously.

technically you can

RDJ carried all of the Iron Man movies

If Zendaya is MJ, I'm not going. I'll pirate it like a normal person.

Id rather watch Spider-Milk.

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>implying normies don't love the idea of iconic white characters being turned brown.

I'm sick of hot redheads turning into niggers.

That Ben Pearson guy isn't getting invited by Disney to early screenings anymore

Can't wait for based DC to assrape all the MCUniggers with Joker, WW84, Birds of Prey and Black Adam.

You are the reason whites will be near extinct by 2050

Don't you have the entire DC universe getting recasted and rebooted to worry about

>Instagram thots.: The movie
>Incel : The Movie
>Black adam (Coming Never)
LOL DCucks are so delusional.

Have sex with adult men.
Have sex with adult non binary fuckers.

>implying that's not just Disney propaganda by the left-wing media

Don't forget The Kitchen, Squadians 2, Trench, Batlight, and Nu Gods

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fucking kek

>implying DC fans have ever been cucked
Sorry, what was that about your Ultron and Baron Zemo?
Squad 2 will be shit because it's being directed by a Jewish pedophile who works for Disney. The others will be masterpieces just like every other DC movie since Batman Begins.

this is funny

>Implying it isn't the deversitywashing
Looks like you have it mixed up.

I feel they are overhyping this.

>Far From Home has dethrones Spider-Man 2 and is now my favorite Spider-Man film

Into the Spider-Verse JUST came out dude holy fuck

Of course it's overhyped. Ever MCUshit is.

>implying DC fans have ever been cucked
Was anyone implying? I could have sworn we were flat out stating

Or are DCucks too dumb to know the difference?

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>>Mysterio is a great villain
>>Avoid spoilers at all costs

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>Calling it a C+ is shilling

It's the exact same as every MCU movie

Im sorry but how is that a fucking spoiler. ITS GODDAMN MYSTERIO!

>implying that interracial relationship-pushing, nigger-loving, left-wing shitfest was good
Shazam was Captain Marvel before Marvel Comics was called Marvel Comics. Fuck off revisionist shill.

>>Captain Marvel is Guardians of the Galaxy meets Winter Soldier
God, do they put crack in their drinks or something for them to praise something THAT much?

>based Marvel does it again
DC and WB wishes their brand had that level of audience goodwill, I guess Superman killing and killing Superman didn't work the way they intended. oh well.

Black Panther and GotG1 are so alike aren't they

filter 108255295 and ignore it it has no value

Wow. I hate thinly-veiled Yea Forums threads, but at least I don't act like a seething autist over it.

>bright colours
>end fight is "good guys" fighting bad guys on ground while there is an aerial battle
>magic bullshit
>lots of faggy purple
Name one (1) similarity between STEEL and The Dark Knight

no one one wants her carol fag kill yourself its the only good thing you can do


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The reactions you retarded fuck not the movies

They're both garbage.

>t. Marvellnigger from reddit

Nice one

Aw poor baby

Did the mean user hurt your feefees?

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>implying based DC chads are the ones with soft skin, not literal soiboy marvelniggers

Will it subvert my expectations?

Yes. Zendaya is Nick Fury's daughter.

>WW84 retcons the entire DCEU
seethe harder

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Fake news meme from Disney shills.

>If you loved the teen centric stuff in homecoming
I didn't, so I guess I won't like this.

Oh no now it will only make over a billion at the box office!

Quality over quantity. Shazam was better than every MCUshit but made less than any MCU movie. Box office means nothing.

>Billyfags still seething

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>Box office means nothing.
What doesn't "mean nothing" to you losers?

Opinion discarded.

Didn't even have a single good action scene lmao

Looks like Hellboy 2019 will be a masterpiece next to this. Then again, you can say that about every non-FoX-Men and Raimi Trilogy Marvelshit.

being the best DCEU movie means nothing lol

>implying Zack Snyder isn't the greatest director of this generation

>Just wait until you see the post-credits scene!

Dead on arrival every time

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>posting the worst character that literally is tMCU bowing down to politics
> thinking that somehow prove that Dc is more cucked
Also Shazam as fucking good while the captain marvel movie was mediocre at best.

have sex


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you losers inject yourselves in all Yea Forums threads you are literal subhumans all 3 of you


thanks for filter faggot yo dont get a (you)

>implying DC chads are trannies and not the faggots who worship a literal transgender pedophile.




unbased and bluepilled

Imagine being a desperate contrarian and not just accepting that the MCU is marvel at its best

Imagine thinking anything related to Marvel has ever been good.

>DCEU movie gets good reviews = Marvel is ruining DC
>Fox Movies get good reviews = Marvel is paying for the good reviews
MCU gets good reviews = (((Disney))) is buying off people to like it
I think you guys are overestimating how much money Disney has or whether or not they need to pay anybody.

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The Kitchen ? What is that ?

>MCU Spider-Man is a loser that can't fight his own villains and always resort to Stark technology to save his ass but people will praise it because it's the MCU and "makes sense" seeing Peter as an useless Iron Man fanboy that will cry for his death but is forbidden to remember his uncle Ben, all this while Disney ruined all the amazing secondary characters he has but people will praise it again because "muh black MJ"

>Mysterio is shit because all the things that he created and do are real, not illusions, but people will praise it because "muh fishbowl" and the actor is handsome, his motivation will be shit.

Movie based on a comic about housewives of the IRA and The Troubles from a normies perspective.

I know it's bait but I still hate this fucking board

>implying the FoX-Men movies weren't trashed by paid shills to kill interest in the X-Men until they appear in the MCU

>lead actor steals the show

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Where are the spoilers?

Zendaya is Nick Fury's daughter and Mysterio yeets Aunt May.

shaflop is not some arthouse movie, it a shitty blockbuster, box office means everything when its a capeshit blockbuster, literally nobody cared nor like shazam

Supposedly there's a post credits scene featuring norman osborn and captain marvel

>literally nobody cared nor like shazam
Why are Marvelniggers always wrong?

honestly i don't even know how this guy became the new face of soiboi. He doesn't even have the traditional neckbeard!

That didn't stop Logan or Days of Future Past getting fresh reviews on Rotten Tomatoes or getting cash money.

>120,000,000 domestic
>the lowest a mainstream cape movies has make at the box office in years
oh nononononono

So the big shocking post credit scene everyone is sperging over is literally the most obvious thing I can think of?

That's fake, my man.

Remember when people said that Homecoming was the best Spider-Man movie ever?

Good times.

Oh, no, mate.
Absolutely nothing can compare to the level of disaster Hellboy 2019 was. Even X-Men 3.2 had at least some quality scenes compared to that other infernal disaster.

Anything that proves Yea Forums as kinda right will be used by its most unstable shitposters to try and make them look like they were always the smartest board even though it's been proven Yea Forums and Yea Forums had the lowest IQ count with mamy users probably because Yea Forums tend to crossboard in Yea Forums, Yea Forums and /r9k/ as well

Post Credits scene has been leaked.
Peter comes back home after his trip to Europe, and gasps as he sees Aunt May strung up and covered in blood on the wall. Peter hears footsteps behind him, and it's DEADPOOL, eating a chimichanga.
Deadpool "It's a shame, cause she was SMOKING hot!"
Deadpool then shoots Peter in the gut and impales his hands to the floor with his katanas.
Deadpool "Now to give the fangirls what they REALLY want!" Deadpool proceeds to anally rape Spider-Man. "Mr. Stark, I feel SOOOO good!"
Peter screams, and the camera zooms into his mouth, as Joan Jet's "Bad Reputation" starts to play.

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One of my coworkers claimed it was the most accurate Spider-Man film ever.
I really don't get it.

People on Yea Forums say that too but as we all know people on Yea Forums don't read comics

I don't give a shit, just give me more Marisa Tomei as Aunt May.

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Right down to the radioactive sperm? Or the Spider-Totem? Or maybe even almost getting his dick sucked at 15 by Black Cat?

There is no "accurate" comic book movie, save for those that are direct adaptations of established stories.

Of course Carol would be in this. She gave strict directions to Fury to page her if her bussy ever got into trouble.

When can we expect leaks?

Yea Forums is always right and the smartest board what are you on about?

Christ, shut the fuck up


Next week. However, it has been said that, contrary to popular theories, the supposedly mindblowing mid-credits scene has nothing to do with Norman Osborn or Oscorp.

Tom Holland is a terrible Spider-man and Peter Parker. He can't do either.

I'm not even giving ya a (You), your answer was that retarded, fag.

Wait, do you think I'm trying to fight that retard? I was just stating a fact.
But sure, I'll shut up about, but only because I wanna say I'm cautious with this movie.

I don't really believe it's gonna be shit, but neither that it's gonna be DA BEST SPIDEY MOVIE SINCE RAIMIMAN 2.

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>reactions coming in
Uhhh why should I give a damn about what Steven Weintraub opinion is on spiderman or any of these mooks you shoved together in this terrible picture?

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Twitter screencaps and MCU Spider-Man trigger Yea Forums and Yea Forums. It's bait.

Wow the shocking moments sound very not surprising. Really hope they don't fucking ruin Mysterio

>Really hope they don't fucking ruin Mysterio

>shill media who are invited to premieres because they always say nice things about Disney reactions coming in

Alright cool just being sure will ignore these now.

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Sounds like another shitty movie where the villain steals the show simply by being the only decent actor around.

Why do these read more like ads?

So it's absolute dogshit propaganda they still pay people to praise?

They literally already did. Of all the things they could have done, they picked the stupidest fucking non-option available.

Mysterio is about FUCKING ILLUSIONS you should never see him coming. You should never expect him. The fact that the first thing they did was say "OH LOOK HERE IS MYSTERIO!" is telling enough they don't understand the fucking character at all and once again just grabbed some random villain and made up a random character for them.

Because they are.

>fuck raimi
I unironically agree

Shazam is literally more SJW then Captain marvel retard

>hating based Raimi

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Not the new one.

jesus, she is serious plastic look to her face. Like here is your long haired Ken doll.