Admit it, they are not as timeless as Mike Judge is so adamant to believe.
They reach their height in the 90s and don’t adapt in modern times.
Admit it, they are not as timeless as Mike Judge is so adamant to believe.
They reach their height in the 90s and don’t adapt in modern times.
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Hey everyone.
OP was crying.
Wasn't even his best piece
Shut up, bunghole.
The streams on Netfilx/hulu don't even include the music video commentaries. I unironically have never laughed at the series but the movie is pretty good.
As someone who isn't a hardcore fan of the show (I do enjoy it,though) the movie is,in my opinion, one of the greatest films in cinema history. Not just animated but in general.
>all that serious background music
>B&B are just laughing or fucking around
It should've won the academy award.
The music video commentaries were unironically the best thing about the series. When the newest season resorted to commentating reality shows—although it was funny—it wasn’t the same.
They are definitely not timeless. The whole "poor idiot slacker" thing was cool and imitated in the 90s but that stopped being cool. Teens don't want to pretend to be broke dumb slackers anymore. No one is intentionally ripping their jeans up to look worse now.
This is what made the dvd collections suck. It was just the standard episodes with no interruption and some music videos on the last disc, but not many. I only gave a shit about their music video parts.
Beavis and Butthead are definitely not timeless. They are a relic of the early 90s, the show only works as something from the 90s and that's okay. It's still really funny and now it serves as a small time capsule of that time period.
In terms of being timeless I'd argue Daria is much more universal.
I understand your frustration. But they worked back then, they worked with the reboot, and they'd work now.
>butthole commenting on teenage mexican pregnant girls
i differ
KotH was better.
They were different shows. You don't compare Office Space to Idiocracy.
yeah the show is pretty hit or miss and the music video commentary is really what made it watchable, but holy shit the movie was (a) genius, and (b) holds up incredibly well.
>No one is intentionally ripping their jeans up to look worse now.
nowadays they just buy them that way and pay $85 for the rips to be placed strategically by art students
That was the whole point, dumbass. They're a time capsule of teenage stupidity circa 1992-1997.
Watch the Snoop Dog one. That might be the funniest shit I've ever seen on TV.
As a kid I preferred the animated segments but nowadays I don't find them as funny but fucking love the music video segments which is a bummer because they're cut out of all the recent releases. Atleast there's a big youtube playlist of them.
Good. Modern times suck. Heh heh blow.
The show is more or less the entire decade of the ‘90s animated, so naturally even if you are a fan it’ll be hit or miss. Some will like it, others not so much. But the movie was completely brilliant, as well as the music video commentary, this is a fact. I’d say the music video bits still hold pretty strong today, they just look like something that some Youtuber would make a series on getting hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of views taking the piss on them.
I think this is Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas but with airplanes!
>Where are all the prostitutes?
>You dumbass, you gotta get to San Andreas first.
>Oh, yeah, yeah! Heh. Uhh, which way to San Andreas?
Also, how's the weather in Biloxi, OP?
>placed strategically by art students
Uh no, those are underpaid Vietnamese workers
heh heh. What a weiner.
Can you watch it today and laugh it off?
It's timeless.
And a whiner.
And a boner~
Reminder to download the King Turd collection
Already done in the 90s. You think grunge fashion wasn't a thing?
Regular Show is the Beavis & Butthead of the 2010s.
That wasn't Mike Judge. That was from the guy who later did Celebrity Deathmatch.
>In terms of being timeless I'd argue Daria is much more universal.
Daria is much more a symbol of the period of late 80's into the 90s than B&B is to the early 90s.
Not even close.
>Regular Show is the Beavis & Butthead of the 2010s.
Try Unsupervised.
>Literally who?: The Show
I fucking love Beavis and Butt-head.
It's a real shame they didn't continue it, Season 8 was great and showed that it still works nowadays.
Modern times should adapt to the 90s.
The 90s is a dead and quite frankly shit era.
90s was quite literally the best time to be alive. Everything afterward objectively turns to shit. I.E. 911
Well the 21st century is alive and a quite frankly shittier era, so we gotta salvage from somewhen else.
The 2 of em in a call center had me laughing my ass off
>I understand your frustration
>don't adapt in modern times
good you little bitch
We had some nice threads while it aired.
The pc game was so good wtf
I've never heard anyone say it was timeless.
Did Mike Judge actually say that, or did he just say that the humor holds up? Because it does, and that's a totally different thing.
Found the faggot
"Snap your fingers snap your neck"?
"Yeah, I can do that check this out"
*slaps Beavis repeatedly
"Hmhmehehe, thanks I was stuck".
"Uh, no problem".
Yes, he did say it.
Still gets a chuckle out of me
Fuck you Daria was great.
Here lies OP
He never scored
Diarrhea cha-cha-cha