Why are large breasted female characters in cartoons always portrayed as dumb sluts who only ever think about getting...

Why are large breasted female characters in cartoons always portrayed as dumb sluts who only ever think about getting dick? What are some cartoon examples of flat chested sluts and pure innocent girls who are also well endowed?

Attached: beauty and the beast triplets.gif (731x360, 1.37M)

>Why are large breasted female characters in cartoons always portrayed as dumb sluts who only ever think about getting dick?
Art imitates life.

Attached: Dr. Cahill.png (800x684, 399K)


Attached: MsBellumAndGirls.jpg (501x501, 53K)

Jessica Rabbit is actually intelligent and is loyal to her husband

Flat chested sluts

Attached: d23jud4-357f6aef-ee0a-47f2-998a-67b4c483ac9d.gif (1000x1280, 62K)

large-breasted women who are not used as eye candy generally have the sense to cover up to not look like eye candy, unless they were dressing up for some occasion.

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because flats are jelous of us


>of us
Are you the one who keeps doing the girl with big breast problems?
Because I enjoy those threads

preferably with visual aides.

Not in the book the movie was based off of.

>Why don't you try being nice to them.
>You know, 'nice'


Have sex

Young, insecure girls, definitely. But then, most of them grow up. I've never needed my chest to attract m8s. Sex appeal boils down to attitude, and knowing how to use what you've got.

t. flatlet

inb4 L O N D O N

Wendy from GF is mentioned of having a past dating around a lot though it's not really reflected in the actual show.

It doesn't if you go outside more.

Different canon. Not many people know about the book.

Sarah Hawkins was fairly well endowed

Attached: sarah hawkins.gif (600x357, 1.17M)

Jessica Rabbit.
Only got coerced into playing patty-cake to protect her husband.

well she is a mom

funny too

we could have smart, caring, loving, etc etc females WHO ALSO happen to have huge boobs...

but the SJW and such would hate it because its positive and a REEEEEEEE FETISH mixed together. like in IRL, that huge boobs don't exist!

she can't trip as boobanon, so..........

Literally came here to post this. What a fucking shame they got rid of her.

actually a lot of feminists want a change in the culture around big boobs. it goes along with the body positive thing, rather than having busty stereotypes they want fully fleshed (pardon the pun) women who are also busty.

They did, they know what they're talking about.

nah, the latter thing in op's post is WAY more common irl
all the sweet and shy girls I've ever known had actually ridiculous bodies and all the mega sluts I've known were built like fifteen year old boys

All the girls well endowed girls i know are sluts but them again all girls are sluts in the shithole i live

why do you hate bimbos