Usagi Yojimbo #1

It begins anew... again

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The colors don't do it for me bros

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Yeah, its not like we haven't seen it in this sort of coloring before.

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Every time I think Stan can't make me more hype, he does.

Shoki is still a cunt, I see.

>Usagi be going against tradition again. The absolute madman.

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Didn't we just wrap this up a few months ago?

>it's my bestie, Usagi!
Sasuke has literally never been this happy, kek.

Also his excuses are getting lamer.

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I was hoping for a storytime.

While I love how good Stan's work looks in black and white, Luth does a real fine job with colors (as he always have with Usagi's covers and promotional materials). His work makes colorised Usagi neither better nor worse in my eyes, just a tad different. And that's the best thing it could do, since any changes to Stan's style would be jarring. On the plus size, the use of color may also interest new people in the comic.

This comic is still going, dude

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Not five minutes after meeting sasuke and already rhings are getting weird.

And that's it for this month

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>as if it is slowly being wiped from my memory

>when you keep dragging your friend into horrible demon quelling situations and then you have to erase his mind after otherwise next time he probably won't hang out with you anymore

Well shit.

We gor demon puppets. Im betting everyone in the troupe is actually a puppet except left-hand guy.

I love everything about those two pages.

I think at this point it's a game for him to see when Usagi finally loses his shit after hearing those dumb wizard excuses.

Sasuke knew what he was signing for. No rest for the just.

New issues, my friend. This time in color and from a new publisher, who offered Stan more dosh and better work conditions than the infamously incompetent "three years wait time for the next trade" Dark Horse.

Aww yeah.

Sasuke lives a hard life.

Sigh. And they have matching scars and everything. I really hope Sasuke gets a big hug one day.

Oooh, that'd be cool. But 10 years without noticing anything? Hm. I bet those other "very realistic" puppets used to be people.

thanks for the read big guy

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>when you are almost out of your life force but the demon keeps on sucking.png

I'd even settle for Usagi giving him a high five or whatever the Nipponese equivalent is.

Shits getting spooky now!

Poor Usagi doesn't want to see stories about real life. It's too depressing.

Sasuke is a small step away from being an overpowered Marty Stu, but he remains a solid character by the sole fact how miserable he is. There is no glory for him, no reward, no joy of victory, nobody to cheer him on. Only more life draining work to do. He has resigned himself to his fate and keeps pushing forward because he has no other option. In this respect, he is Al Bundy of demon quelling.

Anyone know if Dharmanon is coming back ? He stopped at moomin strytime to part 8, anyone know if it has continued ?

She was a demon this whole time what a twist

>I enjoy more uplifting stories
Like the ones where father and son only tell each other the truth? Or the one where the hero does not leave the woman he loves behind, nor he keeps repeating the same mistake over the years with multiple women who care about him? Please tell us, oh wise Usagi!

Guys been hunting demons so long he’s literally a telepath by now

Hey his life may suck mostly because of a few poor choices but it’s feudal Japan everyone can’t blame him for wanting something happy

>The Al Bundy of demon quelling

That made me laugh, but it's kinda true.
Also, we've seen Sasuke almost fail last time he showed up, Usagi saved the day by getting rid of the netsuke, so Sasuke is not invincible.

Now, would Shoki save him with his god powers if Sasuke was really in trouble of dying? Who knows.

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You're absolutely right! More happy stories!

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We know he's been at it for several hunderd years now. Even the clothes he wears are outdated as fuck. Imagine someone walking around in a doublet every single day. That's Sasuke.

In the story referenced in the footnote, Usagi battles one of these fuckers alone.

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>I enjoy more uplifting stories
Tell that to half of your companions, Usagi.

Did previous colorizations have Usagi's eyes red?
Or is this a new choice. Cause I do like it. Makes me think of real white rabbits.

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Oooooh they're puppets! I thought their faces looked "wooden"

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I don't know enough about Japanese clothing to notice that, but that's a neat detail!

I imagine Sasuke is a bit like the vampires in WWDITS, without the vampire degeneracy. With just enough of a clue to survive in society and fullfill his goals, but with outdated social skills and outdated everything else.

Nope, he's always been an albino rabbit I think.

>So you think I'm a loser? Just because I have a draining job that I hate, no family to respect me, a whole underworld that curses the day I was born? Well, that may mean loser to you, but let me tell you something. Every morning when I wake up, I know it's not going to get any better until I go back to sleep again. So I get up, have my watered-down Sake and cold onigiri, get moving on my old, hurting feet squeezed into sandals two sizes to small and walk in the direction Lord Shoki points at, just for the privilege of chopping off cloven hooves of Yokai like you with my katana. I'll never have honorable duels like I thought I would. I'll never know the touch of a beautiful geisha. And I'll never again know the joy of travelling without carrying a mission from a relentless god. But I'm not a loser. 'Cause, despite it all, me and every other ronin who'll never be what he wanted to be are still out there being what we don't want to be every day 7 days a week for life. And the fact that I haven't put a wakizashi in my belly and commit seppuku, you vile Jogiku spawn, makes me a winner!

I feel like a lot of the lines and roughness of stand lines is left out but it’s not a bad change of pace

Holy kek user.

It would be perfect if you could work in his dead wife and kid.

He always had pinkish-red eyes on covers, so it's an old thing. Having an entire issue in color helps to notice that.

Figured Usagi was suspicious of the theater people if only because he's got more serious eyes every other panel with them.

Thanks for the story time. It's nice to read more Usagi.

No clue, one day his storytimes just stopped popping up. I hope he's ok.

Oh man, me too. Hope he checks in for this release.

Goddammit, Feudal Japan this is you answer to everything.

>Who wants the last donut
>Death duel
>Who's turn is it to take out the trash
>Death duel
>Mon said to let me play Nintendo now
>you can bet your lucky fundoshi that's a death duel

Thank you, OP. I read the story time here, went and bought it online through comixology.

I never buy digital comics. If I buy it through them do you get it as a file for download or is it just on the website? And is it in cbr format?

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Im not sure about the format, but you read it through their viewer on the website. There are apps that let you donwload it to a device like phone or tablet though.

So apart from the Drawn and Quarterly set of the first few volumes, do the Dark Hose omnibuses contain all previous Usagi Yojimbo material up to the IDW stuff?

Much appreciated for storytime.

Yup. Even rare one shots and stuff.

So far nukekubi are 2 for 2 when it comes to becoming a decent person and leaving your evil demon nature behind. Good for them.

That raises the question of how many rehabilitated demons are actually out there. Running respectable business, apparently.

Yeah, they were so comprehensive that literally IDW's only excuse for reprinting that work is "uh, now it's in color"

So did this series ever get rebooted or is it still in same worlds as the 80's run?

Why reboot something that doesn't take place in the present day to begin with

I was just wondering if the story was a continuous of the original run or was a new start

Continuous. It's just the numbering that is rebooted.

Mind your own business will ya

I wonder how many times Big Two rebooted their entire comic lines during all those years of continuous Usagi.

Probably a lot. Yokai are a big part of Buddhist or Shinto lore. I mean we already saw Usagi make nice with some Kappa way back

All yokai aren't necessarily evil.

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To be fair in Sasuke stories Usagi actually tries to mind his own business, but it doesn't take.

>tries to mind his own business,
Don't lie.

Sad to think about, desu.

No, he's right

Sasuke stories are the only time Usagi tries desperately not to meddle and he gets pulled in anyway

Wait, Why can’t Usagi stay for the day and watch the play? The dude literally doesn’t have a much of a life outside of wandering ronin stuff and meddling

20 years to operate a hand and a fucking leg, christ

Japan is built on the salaryman ideal

Guess shoki is erasing usagis mind if sasuke had to point it out to him, it seems like the only thing that sticks in usagis head is everytime sasuke shows up shit goes south fast

I figure it’s more that crazy supernatural shit just gets processed like a fever dream for most people, maybe it’s just their brain is just trying to process it logically and undead zombie hordes does not compute

awww yeah

Female bunraku puppets have no feet because it was a cultural thing for Japanese women not to show their feet back then.

Even in Reiwa era, this tradition stands.

I got to do some bunraku in college. Shit was boooooring.

Hey you did it and you’re completely exhausted, now go here and do it again

>Six hundred years ago that would have been cutting edge wit

He has a very strict meddling schedule and is booked the rest of the week.

There's another pineapple. I guess it wasn't just a Psyche reference while Ishida was around

Makes me think he is going to start shouting about tubes.


Poor guy

You were a feet guy, right?

I mean the second Sasuke showed up he went straight to meddling again which makes me thing he doesn’t have any other commitments right now besides wandering to the next place, I wonder what’s his weekly meddling limit

I'm alive. There's just been a lot going on and Moomin was somehow more draining than anything else. I'll probably get back to it in a few days

This thread is relevant to my interests.

>Now, would Shoki save him with his god powers if Sasuke was really in trouble of dying? Who knows.

Puzzles and Dragons has taught me, fuck no. A party in the afterlife is the best he gets.

Hey this means he and the Turtles are under one publisher again.

So this is volume 4, issue 1, number 239?

That grandma next to him has the closest clothes in the crowd, and even her shit is vastly simplified compared to his knots fucking everywhere.

Dude, blood. Red blood too.

How long does it take to get a new wardrobe or does demon hunting not full you’re pockets at all?

Cripes, given what little we know, is Sasuke doing what he does out of penance? It would explain why the job is so exhausting, thankless, and ultimately self-destructive.

Well it has something to do with his ex wife whose a demon caused their child died

Forgot to bring this up in an earlier post in the thread, but does anyone else sometimes look at any comments Stan makes on his website. I recently looked at the forums there, and the man himself stated that the Tomoe thing won't be covered for a while yet since Usagi is in a different (more northern, I think?) part of the country.

I doubt it. His wife turned into a demon after their daughter died. So unless Sasuke caused her death I don't see how it's penance. Of course he feels responsible for his demon bitch of a wife....

Kek. At least Sasuke isn't from a time where puns were in.

Don't feel obligated, my man. Glad to see you are still around.

Two words. Sewing magic.

This shit is not tenable, Shoki.

A few hundred thousand Japanese office managers and smartphone factories say you're wrong. Work, then work harder. Breaks are for Western pussies.

Wait, those teeth...

Comparably, Shoki is a chill boss. He doesn't yell and actually aknowledges Sasuke's work.

At this point I'm sure he lives almost strictly on magic. Fucking wizards, man.

I sometimes check his twitter and facebook. He's a fun person to follow.

I kinda wanna know Nukekubi innkeeper's story now.

He posts teasers too.

>Here’s a macabre watercolor, the cover for a macabre project

Well, this does not bode well.

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Unfortunatly, Sasuke has an uncanny ability to drag Usagi into whatever misadventure he's on. Usagi's meddling schedule doesnt stand a chance.

so weird this is the comic this board is so drawn to. not complaining but i find the group dynamic of this board interesting

>Black and white autists seething
Glad it's in colors just for that.

It's a relatively small group of fans, I fear.

I bet Usagi is gonna get tangled by the webs next comic.

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the most difficult job

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Realistically, on/co/ it's maybe 50 active and vocal people and 3 or 4 times as many who occasionally lurk and read storytimes tops. Despite being reasonably popular in the US and VERY popular in many European countries, Usagi does not have a big online community in general, just a few pockets here and there. Like this one.

This isn't only because Usagi isn't Batman levels of popular among comic readers in the US (but he almost is in Poland and Hungary, for example), but it's also not a comic which would constantly spark discussion on social media. Here are no new artists with cool/shitty art, new writers with good/shitty ideas, no highly promoted crossovers with dozens of other titles, no big relaunches or typical online drama here. It's just a good comic that people enjoy. And people are 10 times more likely to heavily discuss things they hate than the ones they like. When Hellboy shit the bed during it's final issues, there were more threads about the comic in a month than in the past year or two.

can't blame him. usagi has seen enough shit

Why do 13% of the yokai commit 50% of the acts of cannibalism?

I'm Finnish and I can attest that there is a sizable Usagi fanbase here too. Probably because TNMT is very popular and Usagi was often featured as a side comic in TNMT magazines and later in the animated series.

They are a little like jei's but I think other demons have them as well.

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>Cool japanese puppet episode
>Puppets are demons.
>Sasuke is on the scene.
>That means ita going to get weirdwr and Usagi will be lucky if he doesnt get soul pickled again.
>Sasuke is acting nice, someone is definitely getting soul pickled again.

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YES! I was really worried when I heard Usagi would be in color but they’re not skimping.

Sasuke and Dredd, in the shoe store.

The Dutch Usagi fandom is none existent. Such a shame because Dutch people buy and read a ton of comics. But I have never seen an Usagi book here.

I'm sure it'll be fine.
I mean when does anything tragic happen in Usagi Yojimbo.

Nothing so far! I mean, this is the first issue, right?

I can't imagine anyone else doing the colours for Usagi. Glad they got him.

Oh yeah a 100% no tragedy streak. Personal best!

What’s the story behind this?
Reboot or just re-release of older stories color?

Looks like it follows from where Stan was at Dark Horse, just with a reset on issue numbers.

IDW offered Stan more money and working with them is much less tiresome. Stan owns everything Usagi related, so new issues continue the story and will be made in color because IDW can afford Luth. All older issues will also be colorised and published by IDW. Apparently DH can still reprint "their" stories, but only in B&W. I'm not sure about Fantagraphics issues.

>It's a Sasuke issue
>It's a cultural education issue
The two best together at last

Right? Now if Stan throws in a caw-caw birb somewhere it will be perfect.

aside from some anons. pretty much.
some regular book stores carry a decent comic collection but no usagi

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I'm thinking of emailing the national Japan museum, because they don't even carry it and it's just ridiculous because it's not like they have any non-shitty books in the gift shop. They could do a mini exhibit on Usagi.

I was wondering when this was coming, no release date and all

Ok, so that's why they looked odd.

>The crew all in black

Nice detail. Did y'all know that the traditional depiction of Ninjas as being completely clad in black form fitting clothes came from the theater? Crew would wear all black when on stage, and audiences would just come to ignore them,

So imagine audiences' surprise when in certain shows, people dressed in black would suddenly step in and assassinate someone. They were characters hidden in plain sight, which would shock the audience.

It still works. It's funny how the human attention span works.

I miss tubes comics

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I wish I had been able to experience this without having been told about the gorilla before watching.

Does DH has anything good left now?

Plus can anyone tell me what's the relation between them and the authors regarding the characters and created content of the latter?

I used to believe that both had to be in before new content could be made.

They still translate Berserk I believe and a few other mangas. Dunno about western properties.

Wish you get good things in your life, any day. You're my favorite user

I love the casual time with Sasuke, I don't think we've had that before

Very very briefly, the first time they met.
I'm enjoying casual time too, but it will probably be over next issue. Oh well.

Wait, the story is renew or is a continuation?
Dark horse is death?
#1 why?

It's a continuation but now with IDW. So it's IDW Usagi nr. 1.

Yeah, colors aren't the best, but it's ok. Scrooge or donald tier of aerobrush ok— why do some people insist on using those pillow gradients when it's been proven that flats can be good even with digital is beyond me. I guess It's been tried by stan with no good result to his taste


I like the colours, but I think I prefer yellow Sasuke over brown Sasuke.

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I believe Stan has the final say in everything about Usagi, so whatever Luth does is ok with him.

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So lemme get this straight. Sakai is just publishing through IDW with a colorist on each issue now? Same ongoing story right?

Yes. And the colorist is the guy who was doing all the covers since forever.

While Usagi is indeed a chad, he’s pretty much that guy who peaked in college and is technically only a few tiers above a homeless hermit he’s too committed to Robin and samurai honor with just enough tragedy in his life so he’s probably never settle down

Is gen gonna show up anytime soon?

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They reprinted their Mask stuff recently and they put out a big hardcover collection of Alien comics, so I think they still have the rights to the Aliens/Predator/Terminator triumvirate. Beasts of Burden is still with them along with a bunch of Dorkin's other creator owned comics. The Goon's still Dark Horse. As far as manga goes their bestsellers are still Berserk, Oh! My Goddess and Blade of the Immortal. They've been doing omnibuses of Lone Wolf and Cub and Astro Boy, the most recent popular acquisition they made was Mob Psycho 100.

Fantagraphis still publishes the first eight volumes or so of Usagi, they put out a new hardcover edition just a year or two ago. Unless that was them trying to maximize their publisher profits before they lost them just like Dark Horse's editions were.

I heard he was supposed to yes

Yeah, Stan mentioned him in an interview. Issue 8 I believe, but I may be misremembering.

As a demonstration of how inhuman they are? Japan was very iffy about eating any meat that wasn't fish in that period due to Buddhism, people who dealt with meat or the flesh of dead things like undertakers, or even in an ancillary process like making leather were treated as pariahs very low down on the social totem pole due to their supposed sins in a past life. Why else would they be handling corpses for a living? So eating flesh is the ultimate taboo (more so than usual I mean), anything that does it would be considered monstrously inhuman, or an act of something not particularly concerned about its next reincarnation. Hence when you see a Yokai more often than not they're chowing down on humans.

Have no idea how to start collecting Usagi.
When I was a kid, I had all the trades but even then I had started at 8 and had to retroactively pick up the first 7 Fantagraphics books.

Now there's Omnibuses but the numbering is all fucked because of the Fantagraphics/Dark Horse split and with IDW being the new publisher I have no clue what to do.

Should I just hold out for the IDW-published color collections? Will those include even the Fantagraphics-published content?

For now, the easiest and cheapest option is to buy the Fantagraphics collection (2 big books), Dark Horse UY Saga (8 main big books + 1 for spin offs + 1 for Usagi/TMNT crossovers), Dark Horse The Hidden TPB and the current IDW ongoing. Read in that exact order. Only wait for colorised editions if you care very, VERY much for color and you don't mind waiting for a looong time.

If you want to collect everything up to date right now buy Fantagraphic's collection, then all the Dark Horse omnibuses or just the omnibuses from where your old collections ends. Fantagraphics goes from books 1 to 7, Dark Horses' Saga phone book sized collections go from volume 8 to 31, out of a total of 33 books to date. The Legends collection gathers all the miscellaneous spin-offs and one shots not included with the others, stuff like Space Usagi and the Senso graphic novel.

I'm not sure what old material IDW is publishing exactly so if you want the older stuff in color you might want to hold out for a while longer, the current collections shouldn't be hard to get for a while and they're excellent value for money if you do decide to buy them.

Yeah I don't care much for color at all. When I read it long enough in B&W it ends up in color in my head, actually. Do other people experience that?

Anyway, I actually have the first 3 UY Saga books that I got for my birthday. I was very grateful but the gift giver felt let down that they didn't know about the Fantagraphics collections.

>I was very grateful but the gift giver felt let down that they didn't know about the Fantagraphics collections.

Ah, they shouldn't. It's not that hard to get, I think, so you can always buy it later. The Saga editions are great value anyway.

>the most recent popular acquisition they made was Mob Psycho 100.

Well, they'll be rolling in dough then.

>not even 8k followers as a longstanding comic writer of a well-known series
darn, that's a shame. is it really so niche?

It's pretty niche, but on the other hand people like Stan don't rely on social media to get attention as much as the big two. I'm a fan and I own almost all his books and plan to buy the rest, and I don't follow him because I don't do social media. I only check his accounts once in a while for news and teasers.

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So how about that French Usagi cartoon Yea Forums? Any hopes?

He should just hook up with Tomoe already.

bruh his art has degraded

Why do you say that?

Just go back and check the actual first issue again, It's obvious.

Perhaps you should check it out yourself, because I have no idea what you are smoking to think that.

His art style has definitely changed and the coloring definitely changes thing but I don’t think it’s worse

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Why did IDW take over from Dark Horse?

Hellboy is still good?

Hellboy has ended, iirc.

IDW pays better, is much easier to work with and already has TMNT under it's wings.

are you blind?

Are you? Because this picture is the very first page of the very first issue, that even Stan admits is very rough. Are you saying it's better than the current or wil you move the goalpost?
>Just go back and check the actual first issue again, It's obvious.
I just did. Your turn to prove me wrong.

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The linework is more solid and the heavy blacks add good contrast

That's the most bullshit answer I have ever heard. Half of it is not true, because it took Stan years to master the art of manipulating the thickness of the lines to put the objects in the picture visually in front or in back, and the other half bases on the story being in b&w and happening at night. I could spend whole night posting examples how newer issues improve upon older, but I shall not waste my time. Please actually read the comic before you make a baboon out of yourself again.

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I've read many volumes, and I own one.
His art degraded. Not that I blame him, doing all the work yourself is stressful but pretending it didn't degrade is just willfully dense.

I mean technically yeah, but we got The Beast of Vargu this week.

I had this comic when I was little. Probably the first or second Usagi thing I read. I do believe it was in color though, since I seem to remember the monster being orange.

Then give examples. Visual ones. You can find the comic online, so it should take you about 5 minutes.

I don't need to, just look at what you posted. Look how lazily drawn those people are running. I think he spent more time drawing those dots in usagi's robes than drawing those civilians

>I don't need to support my argument!
Nothing to see here, folks!

you don't have to dick-suck artists you like

Stop responding to him m8

Dark Horse lost a lot of its solid licensed properties and a lot of its creators are starting to abandon ship

They've lost, what.

Star Wars, Buffy/Angel, Firefly, Robocop, Terminator, Conan...

thanks OP

There are colourised versions of some early/special comics, and I believe that is one of them.

Yeah but if they bought Mob Psycho that might make up for all of those.

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The Square Enix license isn't being renewed, which is a big deal for them since their localizations of those Final Fantasy artbooks sell well.

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Oooh, that's gotta hurt.

Jesus I forgot about that they really got guttered over the last decade

You make a good point. This and a handful of other comics are the only topics of discussion on Yea Forums that aren't metadiscussions (to put it generously). Everything else is "this cartoon is too sjw this writer sucks guys guys look at this tweet I am angry because the feminists"

Yeah, though I think people thought something was up even months before it was officially announced because Viz were the ones localizing that Dragon Quest Anniversary book. If Dark Horse lose the Nintendo license anytime soon, they're screwed on the artbooks front.

So how’s that tv show coming along?

No news, so likely in production.

Hopefully it’s a straightforward adaptation little iffed it’s target for little kids considering tv executives are probably incapable of understanding the melancholy tone and bittersweet endings although I guess after his tent cameo they wouldn’t be too opposed to showing his kill count

It's Gaumont though. European studios aren't usually overly vanilla just for kids. I just worry that they will try to go for the American market only, in which case the stories will probably be neutered.

>Usagi “knocks out” the bad guys every week with a sword slash through their jugular
I just hope they can fight the right VA since my default headcanon Usagi voice was his from the 2003 tmnt cartoon

Solicits for the next issues:

(W) Stan Sakai (A/CA) Stan Sakai
"Bunraku," Part 2. Strange circumstances continue to surround a travelling puppet show as Usagi becomes embroiled in one of his most eerie adventures yet! Will the aid of a supernatural ally be enough for Usagi to prevent more death? Stan Sakai's long-running epic continues its first thrilling storyline at IDW Publishing! Exciting samurai action, now in color!
In Shops: Jul 17, 2019
Final Orders Due: Jun 24, 2019
SRP: $3.99

(W) Stan Sakai (A/CA) Stan Sakai
"Bunraku", Part 3. A sinister force grows in strength, and Usagi must team up with the supernaturally powered Sasuke to defeat it. The heroic duo is in for the fight of their life as the danger becomes even more bizarre than they could imagine!

Don't miss the thrilling conclusion to Stan Sakai's first Usagi Yojimbo story at IDW Publishing!
In Shops: Aug 07, 2019
Final Orders Due: Jul 15, 2019
SRP: $3.99

(W) Stan Sakai (A/CA) Stan Sakai
In this explosive new story arc, Usagi goes back to his roots as a yojimbo (bodyguard) when he is hired by Lady Mura, a famous writer, to keep her safe on her perilous journey to her father's home. Making matters worse, Usagi is thrown into a bitter dispute between Lady Mura and her jealous ex-husband (a high ranking lord). A wild tale of action, drama, and adventure!
In Shops: Sep 04, 2019
Final Orders Due: Aug 12, 2019
SRP: $3.99

The voice acting is gonna be awkward I fear. I did not like Usagi and Jei's voices in the recent TMNT show crossover. But then it's probably impossible to get it right anyway.

>Usagi goes back to his roots as a yojimbo (bodyguard)

Someone's gonna die.

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Ten bucks says someone’s gonna want his samurai sword

~Oh my


I am shamed.


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He probably lost his sides, which are a shitposter's soul and a symbol of his status.

His father gave him those sides, and he meant to pass them down to his son.

Well that's depressing.

I thought Jei was pretty good

In the comic his voice was described as sounding like death. The TMNT voice just sounded goofy to me. There's gotta be a middle ground.

I would guess so. This was a swedish release but I assume it's the same.

i really liked this woman, she looked promising for the rabbit wanderer

She was the only girl who put Usagi above her real or percieved duties. I miss her.

she was something else

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>Shoki is still a cunt, I see

Well, he is a chinese charakter in a japanese comic...

Here is how a play with stage ninjas look in real life.

Oh please, if feudal Japs were to quit using all the things they had borrowed from China, they'd be left lying on the ground naked with only their dakimakuras to protect them from cold.

>Notto disu shitto agen

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This shit is art, user.

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So uh... What is this thing?


Some horrible gribbly fuck. Kind of reminds me of the "Sweets" monster.

So will Chizu and Tomoe finally meet this year?


it will have to stay with fanart for now

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reboot or continuing?

>mfw when I remember the actual ending

The worst is that no matter how bad it gets, no matter how much Usagi suffers, I'll always be back.
The ride never ends.

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>Using japanese terminology even though using English would be good enough.
>Usagi could literally use the "All according to keikaku"

ain't this series like the origin to weeb?

So is Dark Horse's "Saga" collections complete? or is there a couple missing and we won't get?

No, unfortunately there's not enough left for a final saga

But everything is collected, you'd just have to get the last volume and The Hidden which means that your shelf will look unbalanced unless you want to wait 8 years for the color edition

No, because there are no loli and no hypersexualised schoolgirls.

I know there is a type of monster that is basically angry demonic midgets but I don't know of any specific one that is a giant rhino or horned creature.

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I didn’t spell it COMOPOLUMISU or whatever it should be. Sudoku time.

usagi tends to bring death even when he tries to help

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Miss the b/w ver, but this is cool too

...Can you post the rest?

I kind of like the color to be honest.

Imagine having a brain this small.

She brought that on herself.

Still, it's a shame we lost a perfectly good Batfu.

I bet the puppet is possesed by actuall daughter of king of hell and she will fall in love with Sasuke. Girls want bad boys and if you are a demon, demon queller is the ultimate bad boy.

>Implying she won't fall for Usagi.

She'll want both for her puppet harem.

That's like Alucard dating a Belmont.
I would approve, but I think Sasuke is done with women altogether after his marriage ended in literally the worst possible way.

Just picked up my copy

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Is there more?