>movie begins immediately after Endgame
>Sony/Columbia Pictures, then a quick montage of news clips covering Tony Stark's death and people returning from the snap
>People in New York City are confused and somewhat in a panic due to everyone suddenly coming back
>Peter is crying in his bedroom, Aunt May comes in and has a talk with him and manages to lift his spirits somewhat
>Peter puts on the Iron Spider suit and begins swinging around
>Stan Lee Marvel intro from Captain Marvel is back, unfortunately Stan was unable to film a cameo before his passing
>We see Mysterio in a room, with several diagrams on his wall. He seems to be trying to figure out how to get back to his dimension, he decides to contact Nick Fury
>Spider-Man is thanked for being a hero, a restaurant is then attacked by generic burglars, Peter swings into action
>Cue action sequence in the trailer that ends with Spider-Man being asked if he's going to be the next Iron Man
>Peter has decided to go on a school field trip to try and relieve his PTSD
>Aunt May asks Peter to pack his suit, he nearly breaks down at the sight of his original suit, and decides he will not be Spider-Man on the trip
>Peter leaves for the airport, there he sees that May put the suit in his suitcase
>Peter and his friends go to Venice, everything is going well until Nick Fury shows up to recruit Peter

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sounds cool, is uncle ben name dropped at all

>Nick Fury introduces Peter to Mysterio, It's explained he's been in this dimension for 5 years since the initial Thanos snap
>Despite Nick and Maria Hill practically begging Peter to join them, he tells them to get fucked and leaves
>The next day, Peter is having fun with his friends until the first elemental monster, water shows up and attacks civilians, Peter swings into action without his suit. He gets his ass kicked, Mysterio shows up to save the day and take the monster out. Peter agrees to join him and Nick Fury.
>Happy Hogan travels to Venice to investigate what's happening with Peter and Nick Fury. After a discussion with Fury and Hill, Happy decides to help.
>He has a discussion with Peter on one of Stark's jets, Peter is upset about Tony again.
>Happy says that Tony wouldn't have made the ultimate sacrifice, if Peter wasn't there to carry on his legacy
>Peter uses the tech to build his own Spider-Man suit
>Peter and his friends then travel to Prague
>Fury gives Peter the S.H.I.E.L.D. stealth suit
>That night, Prague is attacked by the second elemental, fire. Peter can't fight it and is nearly killed, Mysterio tries to take it down, but it runs away and wreaks havoc throughout the whole city

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This is just this same faggot who creates "spoilers" based on trailers and shit he's read from articles.

>The city is evacuated, Peter and his friends included.
>Next location is London. Everything goes smoothly for a day until the 3rd elemental, lava shows up and towers over the bridge Peter's friends are on. Mysterio tries to fight it, but is overpowered and knocked into the ocean. They manage to get off the bridge just before it's destroyed.
>An electrical storm begins and Peter files through it. He causes water to splash at the lava elemental and subdues it
>Mysterio disappears, leaving Peter and Fury to try and eliminate the threat alone
>Peter, Fury, and Happy are sitting in Fury's office. Goose the Cat has a quick cameo.
>Aunt May is worried sick about Peter and has tried several times to contact him and has failed. Mysterio suddenly shows up in her apartment.
>The last elemental, sand attacks New York. Peter, Fury, Happy, and Peter's friends return. >Peter gets back in the Iron Spider suit (he had left it in New York) and successfuly takes down the sand elemental

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That's an awful lot of nothing from Mysterio.

>Peter gets a phone call from Mysterio. He is told to go to the top of the former Avengers tower (vacant for now). Mysterio is holding Aunt May hostage.
>Mysterio reveals that he created the elementals and that they are all alive
>Iron-Spider and Mysterio duke it out at the top of the tower, while the sand elemental reassembles itself
>all of the other elementals enter New York. Fury, Happy, and the police are working hard to evacuate as much of the city as they can
>Fury decides it's a critical emergency and pages Carol Danvers (more on that later)
>Iron-Spider is getting his ass beaten by Mysterio, He feels that Thanos was right and released the elementals purposely to try and cause another apocalyptic disaster
>Doctor Strange enters and has a duel with Mysterio. Peter figures out that he has to take down the elementals by finding their weaknesses.

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>Doctor Strange

>While Strange and Mysterio are fighting, Iron-Spider grabs some unsused Stark grenades (that release mini seismic charges) and bombs the shit out of the sand and water elementals.
>He drops the remaining grenades in water to create a gigantic splash which takes down fire and lava
>Mysterio manages to knock out Strange and escape with Aunt May.
>Back at his underground home in upstate NY, Mysterio creates one giant elemental that combines all the abilities of the others
>Strange tells Iron-Spider to stay back, and goes to confront Mysterio by himself, the new elemental rises and attacks Strange, while Mysterio attempts to use his own quantum tunnel to open a dimensional portal. Iron-Spider goes against Strange's wishes and involves himself in the battle to rescue Aunt May.
>Strange is overpowered and knocked out
>The entire situation looks hopeless as the portal grows larger and it is revealed that Mysterio doesn't want to go home, he wants to make that universe his new home

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Okay you fucked up and are just posting fanfic. Fuck off

>Iron-Spider uses his last Stark grenades to bomb the elemental, he also saves Aunt May
>Strange goes after Mysterio, they have one last fight. Mysterio jumps into the dimensional portal and returns to his own dimension Strange then closes the portal.
>The fight has ended. While Mysterio has escaped. This dimension is now safe. Peter is determined to do whatever he can to carry on Tony Stark's legacy.
>The world is slowly but surely recovering from the Thanos effect. Peter has returned from a day out at school when he sees some trouble in paradise, he swings out in the Iron-Spider suit to fight crime
>Mid-credit scene is Adrian Toomes being pulled out of his jail cell by a mysterious man. The man asks him to be a part of his group called the Sinister six. The man reveals himself to be Norman Osborne. We also learn that the Avengers tower is becoming Oscorp tower.
>Post credit scene is Carol Danvers entering Fury's office and asking him, "What did I miss?"

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This is missing the trump joke from MuttJ

If you're going to make shit up like this at least take the time to make sure it actually makes sense

Sure the retards on Yea Forums might fall for it but they'll fall for anything

>dr strange
nah fuck off

>no Uncle Ben telling Peter to keep the white race pure
Fake and Gay

I thought Mysterio was a special effects guy? Why does he now shoot real lasers and magic?

Carols in a comedy scene and strange is only towards the very end of the movie. This isn’t improbable

Peter wouldn’t get cucked out of fight like this?

>More Stark wank
>Peter is useless, he can't even fight his own rogue gallery alone.
>More Stark wank... muh legacy!
>Elementals are alive, they aren't even robots... why is he called Mysterio if everything is real?
>Mysterio motivation is generic as fuck, just a wannabe Thanos.
>Dr Strange fighting and jobbing hard
>Oh look... some Stark grenades never used before that by coincidence serve to defeat all the elementals.
>Danvers is so bad as a character that they are using her as a joke.

Part of me want it to be true... could be rotten on RT.

> He feels that Thanos was right and released the elementals purposely to try and cause another apocalyptic disaster
you lost me

sooo why did Mysterio make the elemental? for kicks?

They said numerous times they filmed Stan lee cameos for multiple films before he died at least pretend to know that

rent free

One of the Russos said Endgame is his last cameo

So you're saying Mysterio actually WAS from another dimension and not just an illusionist conman, with the elementals as an excuse to rob Europe. Well that is kinda dumb. Just using Mysterio in name only I guess.

Also let's why even rope Peter into this? Wouldn't it make more sense to not work with SHIELD and Peter at all???

In a Russo film, you don’t say you film decades of Stan lee cameos and then decide not to use them

We want the Doctor Strange Audience. Mysterio isnt far off from being a practioner of the Mystic Arts. His outfit screams Dr Strange.

And I called that Oscorp will be the new threat on phase 4 to justify how the reputation of the new generation will erode thanks to Norman and his allies spinning narratives and situations to make him look good.

>The man asks him to be a part of his group called the Sinister six

>His outfit screams Dr Strange.
That's part of the act.

He's a wannabe Thanos

>Dr Strange
At least make this shit believable, OP. Strange was confirmed to not be showing up in FFH months before Avengers 4 even got a title.

They also said Endgame wasn't the title for A4

>builds his own suit
>immediately uses a different suit

But why?

>jobs twice to the Elementals

But why!?

OP is a fag seeking attention with fake leaks

Yeah, the Russo's lied about that shit but as far as I know Russo's have nothing to do with FFH. It's also a lot easier to change the title of a film than it is to add and cut out an entire character's role.


user, it's like 15 seconds of screentime at best.

>Posting the old fake leaks from months and months ago


>could be rotten on RT.
it will make billions and you know it.

>Carol is basically reduced to a cameo two movies in a row

Attached: carol died.png (800x1867, 1.6M)

>could be rotten on RT.
The sad pathetic state of Yea Forumstards

Half of that's not in Spider-Man
Bro you suck
You should feel sad
Man your fanfic is really bad
That's not in Spider-man

>More Carol

Can't they just use Hollywhore magic to make Stan Lee magically show up in every movie from now on?

imagine if we eventually get tech to make brand new lines from someone's voice records. VA would go bankrupt.


thats disgusting and you should feel bad

You were doing so well too user. Back to creative writing class for you

Based. I love Carol!

Everybody loves Carol!

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Sounds better than Endgame

Uh... wat?

It's fake, the water elemental attack happens before Fury introduces Peter to Mysterio.

Fairly certain that early set photos already confirmed that the final fight between Iron Lad and Mysterio takes place somewhere in Europe. Fear not though, I'm sure it'll be just as awful as this fanfic.

It happens in London.

Marvel knew he was dying so they forced him to shoot a bunch of footage before he croaked. Rumor has it that he will be portraying The Watcher in a Secret Wars movie.

So did Dark of the moon

You don't know for sure

>The man asks him to be a part of his group called the Sinister six
That sounds so terrible I believe it.

>We want the Doctor Strange Audience.

First off, who would want that? Second off, there was no audience.

Anyway this leak is fake and gay.

Lurk moar

Raimi isn't directing this one